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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 1080x2115, 1609769879419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25506979 No.25506979 [Reply] [Original]

This shit costs 10K in my muslim shit country

>> No.25507031

hahaha fuck turks

>> No.25507069

Price isn't in GBP though?

>> No.25507129


>> No.25507549
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what year model is that? 1990?

>> No.25507562

what year is this car?

>> No.25507594

this is what you get for not eating pork

>> No.25507605

why is it so expensive?

>> No.25507641

... how?

I live in Denmark and cars are fucking expensive here but they're not THAT expensive

>> No.25507645

188,000 kilometers on jt? What year? That car would literally be like $1k in burgerland

>> No.25507700

90s Corolla...
could stay around longer than crypto

>> No.25507710

1995, im 26 and never had a car. Not selling 1k LINK for this trash.

>> No.25507720


>> No.25507741
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>Mesaj Gönder

>> No.25507782


>> No.25507794

I've lived all over the world, ironically, my home country of Bongland has the cheapest cars. That Toyota would be about £500.

>> No.25507810

it would be $3781 in Poland ( imported from Germany or Italy )

Your is 10k probably because you are in the country without Winter (snow) and the car is not corroded by Winter times.

>> No.25507846

it is from desert sand country, the car is not corroded by being exposed to 40 Winters.

>> No.25507850

do me a favour and stay in your muslim country. thank you

>> No.25507894

yep it would be, because it would be corroded by your shitty weather.

That's why in Poland we are getting cars only from Germany or Italy.

>> No.25507911
File: 403 KB, 828x1211, A0437C2B-3D0E-463F-A250-567DA904A487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can go buy a 2021 brand new Corolla for like 19k lol

>> No.25507916

But do the cars get sand in their vagene?

>> No.25507949

in japan you can buy a new one for like 14k

or get some micro shitbox for 8k new

>> No.25507979

yeah... it is 100% not one of these cars who got flooded or something... there is a reason for such price.

>> No.25507996

>yep it would be, because it would be corroded by your shitty weather
How very dare you!

>> No.25508024

no, they don't

>> No.25508053

No that’s the price in usa

>> No.25508058

I just came to Europe from Yemen 3 months ago. Seethe more whitoid

>> No.25508100

Just buz a Seat Ibiya for 10k. Prettz stable cars, don't need lots of repair.

>> No.25508110

Didn't you like it at home?

>> No.25508109

I would buy one-but the so needs the bmw

>> No.25508142


>> No.25508192

Are you doing financially better than you were in Yemen?
Caucasoids hate to see non caucasoids doing well, just let them seethe.

Wish you the best!

>> No.25508271


>> No.25508293

kek I starved in 2018 to accumulate 115k linkies.
I sold 10k link at 60c in 2019 to buy a 6k$ shitbox to wagecuck in a snowy town.
That 10k link was worth 200k$ this summer.
Still have 95k link and will make it to 10m$ this bullrun, but still I still lose sleep over buying that shitbox.

>> No.25508302

Never thought about it but calculated it now.

If I would live like a hobo for 6 years I could afford a brand new car.Totally worth it I think.It is like a vigin pussy.

>> No.25508450
File: 41 KB, 634x423, 6532262-6419593-image-a-107_1542921099349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you risk so much investing in virtual things.

Why don't you invest it safely in the bank?

>> No.25508561

You hardly ever see rusted cars in Britain, meanwhile I've seen shitloads of rustbuckets in Lithuania and Poland.
You don't buy British cars because the steering wheel is on the other side, moron.

>> No.25508722

Lol now your kids are gonna be gay and trans

>> No.25508747

It's not. A new one costs 20k over here as well (Europe)

>> No.25508800
File: 337 KB, 750x751, 7D75F460-D3CC-40B2-920F-6F7AA6BF30F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this sweet ride.

>> No.25508810

kill yourself shitskin

>> No.25508832

Anyone ever drove a brand new car? How it is?

I've only had 25+ year olds Mercsedesses and Toyotas

>> No.25508875
File: 396 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20210104_163026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuroqueers and burgerfats seethe at used car prices on inbred island

>> No.25508880


>> No.25508900

because of the memes, plus I only graduated in 2017 and started wagecucking then, so never done any real investing, was a fitizen and pol/ack for a decade and came to biz in dec 2017 and found link, so I took a 2nd job and stopped going out and only ate pasta and rice and eggs etc to buy more, now my stack is worth >1m$ because of the memes.
funny world

>> No.25508937

It's a nice car desu. It costs like 3.5k in my spic shithole roachbro.

>> No.25509014

I'd have to pay $1500 extra to get the steering wheel on the correct side. Not worth it.

>> No.25509105


My story is similar. I see a lot of ex/pol/acks are getting into /biz/

>> No.25509130

I don't have a car since there's nowhere to park in my city. Unless I want to park at my local supermarket and have the car dented and scratched by seething boomers.

>> No.25509183

It will sip fuel and last forever.

>> No.25509226

stay strong turk bro. My wife is german-turkish, she is a wonderful person and she suffers because Turkey is ruined by these corrupt politicians. Wish you the best.

>> No.25509254

kardeşim. kebab land is secular. r you forgetting big man Atatürk. just tell RTE to fuck off innit

>> No.25509272
File: 38 KB, 576x399, 1609561889952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek meanwhile I'm 19 and have a pickup truck I bought with my own paychecks at minimum wage. 2008 Ford Ranger for $3500

>> No.25509294

Just change the oil often and you'll have no problems.

>> No.25509300

too bad you didnt die from saudi bombs

>> No.25509354

you can't get a gf without a car

>> No.25509361

>2008 Ford Ranger
The last of the affordable American pickup trucks.

>> No.25509394

Good, fuck islam and your false prophet

>> No.25509412

Please stay out of germoney, we dont want you turkroaches here. All the flamethrower fuel needed to kill you all is expensive, please think about the enviroment and leave. I fucking hate turks.

>> No.25509420

I have a gf. Don't need a car for that.

>> No.25509430


>> No.25509453

Donkeys and goats dont count.

>> No.25509478

to all the people calling this fake lmao. turkey is growing GDP wise but not per capita (export trade is growing). the issue is the AVG Joe doesn't see the benefits. also TL is worthless thanks to RTE not wanting higher interest rates. seems he has changed his tune a bit though recently. I think the PS5 is like 8000TL it's about 800 quid cos taxes and FX.

anyway OP. you should have purchased bitcoin innit. you had 8 years

>> No.25509509

The msrp is 20k

>> No.25509527


>> No.25509546

Yeah i am, thanks. My families doing a lot better. >>25508110
I did culturally, but its a shithole

rather them be that then dead


More of my family is coming too. Seethe and cope, your glowniggers and CIAness led to our world being more connected than it ever was before and the current situation. Globalism is an Anglo-Jewish racket, you brought it on yourselves. Thanks to globalism I became an autistic internet addict in a shithole country, based

>> No.25509547

Dude. Every car in Poland is a fucking heap which has been in about 15 accidents in Germany. We're the junk yard of Pooreurope when it comes to cars AND THEY ARE STILL FUCKING EXPENSIVE.

>> No.25509584

lan no way are you from Konya. lmao I'm from Aksaray.

>> No.25509607

fuck this is why i'm moving out of this shithole when i make it.

>> No.25509649

I hope all you sandniggers will where explosive shock collars soon, I want to send you all into some stupid meatgrinder just to laugh about it all.

>> No.25509652

every fucking rubber pipe or rubber seal is probably cooked and cracked and stuff like body throttle is full of sand and other shit, fuel pump fucked up and so on

>> No.25509656
File: 532 KB, 1616x2313, my son your son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rather them be that then dead

based and transpilled

>> No.25509669

Imagine the person behind this post. Imagine actually typing this out and thinking you sound badass or based kek

>> No.25509679

sabret kardeşim linki HODLla 1 linke alacaksın bu arabayı burası kekistan cumhuriyeti unutma

>> No.25509703

well it's true but I think most of them are fixed pretty nicely

>> No.25509706

Are you offering to buy the car? lol biz just became turkish craigslist.

>> No.25509735
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 6AB15475-92EE-4C6D-B86E-9EF5ADA3B80F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao chill bro, don’t get too worked up now i don’t want your spergout to hurt others around you

>> No.25509761

well yea, but Winter is way worse, it is easier to replace rubber then deal with corrosion

>> No.25509769

Our mechanics are extremely skilled as a result of this you are correct!

>> No.25509806

Offer them $1,100 and a brand new Quran for it, and say that is as high as you will go.

>> No.25509808

Nah, I need to become an politican first to make my dream come true.

>> No.25509879

Hey man good luck with that bro, it’s good for someone like you to have goals.

>> No.25509926


>> No.25509934

Tell your goverment to stop with the tariffs

>> No.25509987

which country are you in?

>> No.25510067

nah dude I was just saying that anon should HODL his linkies in order to get this car

>> No.25510070

amına koduğum çıldır ben londrada yasıyom

>> No.25510123

Already made it bro- looking for 2nds now

>> No.25510139

>I did culturally, but its a shithole
How would people in Yemen feel if a few million Europeans migrated there?

>> No.25510325

I don't even had brownies but arrogant shitskins like you really deserve to be gassed

>> No.25510339

It would be an upgrade for them after all, just look how Israel is doing surrounded by dirty muslims. They are more or less alone in a dessert filled with shit and they are still developing a good country. Muslims on the other hand dance around a cube and explode spontainously about stupid shit some pedo wrote hundreds of years ago.

>> No.25510469

They did in the past, we hated it - the difference is that now we will be your underclass in your country and reap more of the benefits of your empire. Deal with it faggot. We are all men, your people made this bed, you will now lie in it. I do not take into account European nationalism or romanticism into matters which concern the wellbeing of my family. Seethe and cope, I do not care - if a day comes where you’ll gain enough political and social power to enact what you want (that isnt watered down into basic right wing populism) then I will deal with the consequences, for now I will do whats best for me and my loved ones.

>> No.25510646

Good. I hope you roaches die.

>> No.25510726

Correction. You ran like a little pussy from Yemen to Europe. Too bad you didn't die from monoxide poisoning crossing the border under some bus. Now we get to genocide you in a couple of years, yay, you fucking piece of muzzie shit.

>> No.25510793
File: 193 KB, 750x930, Dii5jJIXUAAzVmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/'e gir
>anonu gör
>"amına koduğum çıldır ben londrada yasıyom"
>muhtemelen kıbrıslı bir faggot
>test et
bunu görünce ne hissediyorsun anon? yoksa kıbrıslı değil misin?

>> No.25510794

Words from a man and from a people who have not seen war or destruction in generations. Looking forward to the genocide in a few years, good luck with your mission.

>> No.25510924

I can't blame you. At least you realize that despite what our politicians say, you are not really welcome. And neither is Islam.

>> No.25510933
File: 14 KB, 200x150, PaulHeyManHah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I bought two working SUV as my first vehicle for $1000

>> No.25510993

And they will probably break down in 1 month hahah

>> No.25511035

That was several years ago. One was already at 225k miles and went for another 25k before I sold it. I still own the other one and it runs just fine although rusty as fuck.

>> No.25511038

GBP? Good boy points?

>> No.25511084

It doesn’t concern me, I’m going to make more money and be more successful than most of the working class that hate me. I don’t care about rejection, I’m not a woman

>> No.25511354

You are a Jewish pawn, nothing more. You think you are doing what’s best for yourself but you are too short sighted to see that you are helping the Jews bring about their new world order which means that your future descendants will be slaves forever. The white man beating the Jew is what’s best for all races for this earth. You are tempted by short term material gain like the nigger you are. Easily bought by the jews to do their bidding. Pathetic sand nigger. The orcs in Lord Of The Rings is an allegory for your wretched kind. Corrupted beings under the influence of (((Sauron))).

>> No.25511415
File: 96 KB, 1200x717, D784EF2A-B4F5-4304-B60B-6D8DD5E31187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25511699

I am german you pathetic polcel vermin larper. Whiter, richer and smarter than you.

>> No.25511717

It isn't about hate you see? Why would I hate you when you are at home in Yemen, having a good time, and making your religion your law? I wouldn't. It is about the fact that every country usually gets to make their own rules about immigration. We had them too. What happened, is that our government made a huge mistake. Thinking 'helping' and 'consuming' and 'taking in' these cheap people will help in any way. It won't. It will only make things worse for everyone. Look at that crime rate too, since it all started.

>> No.25511814

if only God would actually exist and eradicate all you little polcel niggers

>> No.25511896

Your people never cared about the interests of our people despite what your revisionist history tells you, I don’t care about your people, I care about my blood and family like any man should. Don’t pretend to be ‘ok’ with us if we stayed in our country for globohomo multinationals can exploit - it was you, not jews, that started a global integrated world empire. Have a good day, bye now

>> No.25511911

Seethe harder sand nigger. You will never be a human

>> No.25511955

>Your people never cared about the interests of our people
Why would we? Are you somehow confused?

>> No.25512061

Cars are cheap in bongland, but what they don't tell you is that insurance is a lot higher than most european countries so it evens out. Also, this island is complete shit in all other aspects besides buying cars.

>> No.25512206

This sand nigger can’t suck their jewish masters cock any harder. You and your desecendants will be eternal slaves, you will always be unevolved savages that serve a higher power until you are genocided by the Jewish masters you love so much when you no longer serve a purpose to them. That is the future you are working towards.

>> No.25512737

Thats a great deal. These shits last really well if you use the proper coolant and maintain regularly.

>> No.25513531

Sorry senpai. I've driven shitboxes since I started driving, so I know the pain. I've been trying to convince myself to at least get a certified preowned(basically new) car for cheap but my cheapass mind won't let me.

>> No.25513578

They look like they are fixed nicely but if there are any frame repairs it will never crash safely again.

>> No.25513696

I feel you I sold $2000 worth of link in dec. 2017 to buy a shitbox as well. Don't sweat it man. Its like being mad you didn't buy amazon when your were a toddler. You couldn't have known better so why fret.

>> No.25513747

this. any fwd gm with an iron block v6 will go forever if you just maintain them.

>> No.25513799

or until they rust in half

>> No.25513910

It's called import duties and being an authoritarian muslim shithole.

>> No.25513973
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>More of my family is coming too.

Are you in Germany or UK? Why do you come here despite our terrible govs and a nation of natives who despise you?

>> No.25514266

have you guys even any idea where this country lies on a map. probably burgertards anyways, most of turkey has extremely sharp seasonal differences due to mountain ranges extending around the coastlines hindering warm airflow landwards. its probably significantly colder than where you live
uk purchasing power in general is quite good if you disregard housing costs, which are quite stupidly high especially in the big cities