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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 388x256, American-psycho-patrick-bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25472054 No.25472054 [Reply] [Original]

i dont get nervous from having lots of money. am i psychopath? shouldnt i be feeling something?

>> No.25472084

this is a good sign, we are in agreement

>> No.25472121

i don't know i only ever lost money on crypto because of my paper hands selling at a loss whenever it dips 1% and missing on all the gains one if moons 2 hours later

>> No.25472130

emotions are for women and faggots

>> No.25472172

were you here during the bear market? personally i got desensitized after watching my bags dump. now i'm over $100k and i don't feel much at all. i won't feel vindicated until i have millions of dollars.

>> No.25472228


Because you are young. Wait until you get older and realize its time to produce or die homeless.

>> No.25472328

I forget how much money I have because it’s all in separate accounts/wallets/metals

I’m not rich, but a year ago I could barely afford to eat and this much should feel way scarier to just sit on and not utilize. Am I becoming un-poor?

>> No.25472355

T. Privallged upper class white male.

You don’t have any disorder, you just can afford it.

>> No.25472450

Emotions cloud the mind
Just be truthfull, benevolent and enduring

>> No.25472473

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.25472518

I have $450,000 in the bank and im only 26 years old, I spend my weekends fucking my girlfriend and weekdays working on my Amazon webstore - literally 0 worries.

life is easy when your smart

>> No.25472524


>> No.25472559


"whiteness" does not correlate strongly with income in the United States dumbass

>> No.25472567

So white people are superior in your eyes but they don’t have systemic privilege?

>> No.25472576


that sounds really comfy anon

>> No.25472584

i just dont want to wagecuck anymore
don't give a fuck about the lambo or mcmansion, all i want is autonomy over my time.
and im close enough to taste it

>> No.25472591

holy shit just hodl retard
t. hodling 3 years and counting

>> No.25472611

is being born naturally intelligent a privilege?

>> No.25472622

There’s no moon without pain, there will drops even in the bull market that’ll make you wanna neck . Learn to control your emotions anon

>> No.25472702

I wouldn’t say that white people are naturally born intelligent. The fact of the matter is that white “people” have done a great job of robbing BIPoC and are able to enjoy great luxuries in life while BIPoC has been set back centuries. That is what white provable he looks like.

It’s not all about income. It’s about generational wealth and the institutionalized power that white “people” get from having white skin.

>> No.25472738

never open your mouth again nigger

>> No.25472747

Can confirm. Spend the weekdays fucking anon's girlfriend and the weekends working on my Amazon webstore.

>> No.25472816

I never get nervous from having a lot of money. I get nervous when I have a low amount of money as it means if it drops then I lose everything.

The more I have invested, the less I feel and care about it besides occasional euphoria.

>> No.25472975


>> No.25472996



>> No.25473007



>> No.25473055

Facts don’t care about your feelings. If you think that white people are superior why do you get so mad when the superiority is pointed out?

>> No.25473183
File: 24 KB, 400x400, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel OP, I watch my lines on the portfolio go up and down and it's just like playing a video game. Then again I'm intelligent and attractive so even if I became bankrupt I could just start all over again, so why worry?

>> No.25473215

are you aware that blacks are still enslaved in parts of africa? why is the white man blamed for anything when he is the one who who first abolished slavery and worked to free the black man across the globe? shouldn't you be directing your anger towards the arabs in mauritania who still have your black brothers enslaved to this day?

>> No.25473221

Nice Narcissism fren'd, you'll definitely make it. I'd fuck you just for that confidence.

>> No.25473244

>set back centuries.

Kek where were these bipoc people before europeans? Mud huts in sub sahara africa. Not saying this world is great or something. Maybe they should never have given africa technology and just allowed them to live as they were.

Although you are probably baiting

>> No.25473278
File: 496 KB, 380x378, bateman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh I wouldn't call it narcissism when I have an objectively 8/10 face and a verified IQ of 164. Just being honest with myself.

>> No.25473299
File: 20 KB, 300x225, 043b7977b6410d78007bc232cbeafc95e05f1c95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think he's listening to, /biz?

>> No.25473355

You are a slave. Better donate your money to offset the "negative karma" or something retarded like that.

>> No.25473377

Huey Lewis and the news

>> No.25473400

I thought the point was that it was like the fake phone calls he made when he pretended to talk to someone, he's not listening to anything.

>> No.25473442

>shouldn’t I be feeling something
Smug perhaps but not euphoric.
I’ve made more money holding bitcoin from like October/November until now than my yearly salary. I feel nothing .
Welcome to being dead on the inside

>> No.25473470


>> No.25473528
File: 321 KB, 782x788, 92825108-A50F-4BD6-979D-E5CF0D35B732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites aren’t born intelligent
>looks at IQ by race

>> No.25473540

trany never be woman hur durr

>> No.25473557

Anyone can walk down the street with 1 bitcoin on thier phone try walking downtown with 32k cash on right now dare you

>> No.25473583

Are you retarded?

>> No.25473595
File: 28 KB, 1128x480, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People of European, Ashkenazi, and East Asian stock have the highest AVERAGE IQs, but that doesn't mean that every white, jew, and chink/jap is smarter than the other races. You still have an average distribution within each race, so there are loads of retarded white people.

>> No.25473604

What a retarded analogy

>> No.25473633

no you're probably just extremely depressed and thus your emotions are too

>> No.25473639
File: 164 KB, 800x936, 559F13F6-033D-4859-A1DF-B3B7A5DCC7C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to whatever board u came from youll never make it here faggot

>> No.25473641

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.25473649

Cash is easier to protect than BTC. You can just kill someone if they try to rob you...

>> No.25473661
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 1433078225707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel worse with a lot of money than with less money. putting $100 into crypto feels with $100000 on my bankaccount than putting $1000 into crypto while having $20000 in my bank account

what am I?

>> No.25473683

No shit.
Ashkenazis are just Europeans with small amounts of semetic DNA. Don’t fall for the meme

>> No.25473688

I wish I was you. The moment I have some big profit, my anxiety makes me sweat.

>> No.25473696

Diversity is strength. The tards make the nerds more efficient, the nerds indirectly cull the tards in weak times.

>> No.25473697

none of you retards are psychopaths just autistic

>> No.25473699

Don’t give yourself so much credit. If you were born starting from the start of America till now there are more odds that you would be born a slave. This past century is the first time where whites have admitted that they have done some terrible things and are trying to make up for it. There is still a long way to go. (More BIPoC inclusion, reperations, free homes and utilities for BIPoC)

>> No.25473801
File: 614 KB, 950x514, huey lewis and the news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ashkenazis are just Europeans with small amounts of semetic DNA
Ashkenazis are mostly just inbred Frenchmen with a hint of mystery meat. They're more capable and intelligent on average than the western europeans and germanics since they tend to have more psychopathic traits bred into them.

>> No.25473819
File: 85 KB, 551x964, 7EB40703-1CE3-44B9-9CE7-5D1AF88A9885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t give yourself so much credit. If you were born starting from the start of America till now there are more odds that you would be born a slave
Nigger what

>> No.25473837

Completely false. We still don’t know the extent of how well BIPoC could have developed because they were completely decimated by colonialism. In fact I given how well BIPoC have rebounded in the past decade there is chance that they could do ever better.

>> No.25473878

i love equality of oppertunity is not enough anymore because BIPoC cant compete in the market place. they need more gibs and affirmative action to even exist. embarrassing

>> No.25473899

Plz be bait

>> No.25473953

>We still don’t know the extent of how well BIPoC could have developed because they were completely decimated by colonialism

no we do know how they could have developed. they didnt. colonists outsmarted them and enslaved them. BIPoC are subpar and the natural order of things is for them to be under whites

>> No.25473963
File: 831 KB, 976x1141, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you live in America and your net worth is below 8 figures you are literally a slave, regardless of your race. Just a slave with shiny toys.

>> No.25473989

No, You are just an autist now stfu

>> No.25474034
File: 100 KB, 862x1149, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I can tell you're not too bright so I'm going to explain this very simply for you. Brown people lived in environments that were very easy to survive in. You don't have to innovate or build large societies in the tropics when your food is easily available. Brown people simply never had to evolve, that's why they're dumber. Simple as.

>> No.25474090

whats in the bag

>> No.25474123

Alcohol, Biden is nearly senile now because he drank too much in his youth. Don't make the same mistake!

>> No.25474216

>life is easy when your smart
You should get this tattood on your forearm, misspelling and all

>> No.25474314

His skin is obviously black, he'd have to get a white tattoo for people to be able to read it...

>> No.25474391

Yeah totally, dude. Twisted fucking psychopath

>> No.25474464

>More BIPoC inclusion, reperations, free homes and utilities for BIPoC
I refuse to believe that someone could actually be retarded enough to believe this. You’re just trolling

>> No.25474625

>what am I?

>> No.25475059


>> No.25475410

yes free homes and utilities for all minorities, that should fix everything as evidenced by the decades of gibs through democrat policy in the inner cities

>> No.25475991

You're imagining things. Nobody said anything of that sort in this thread. You're the one blaming all your failures on whypepo and "mental illness". You will never, ever make it.

>> No.25476083

Lol barely half a mil, you're not smart faggot.

>> No.25476261
File: 115 KB, 1256x756, 1607226037544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek even with spell check on, niggers fuck up spelling. seethe and SNEED you dirty shit skin monkey.