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File: 372 KB, 986x952, Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 12.19.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25447868 No.25447868 [Reply] [Original]

>people on social media going nuts, asking if they should take a loan against their 401ks and buy BTC and ETH
>random people asking whether they should buy BTC or ETH
> news outlets blab about BTC non-stop
> legit youtubers like Elliotrades, etc release videos on how to buy crypto and teach people what market cap means

I think the end of the bull is near guys. Correct me if I am wrong.

>> No.25447887
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Mania stage?

>> No.25447888

100k in 3 seconds.

>> No.25447938

Probably another week, week and a half before we top

>> No.25447944

I agree.

>> No.25447966

this will align perfectly with what happened in January 2018.

>> No.25448010

Possibly but it just barely started. Not even really media attention yet
>but I saw it on cnbc
You see it on cnbc all the time. When it starts popping into mainshit media about dog shelters and dead iraqis you should consider that media attention. That's how the normies even get the idea to start buying this shit. And they haven't arrived in numbers yet. Google trends isn't popping for bitcoin. Wikipedia page hits for bitcoin aren't popping. Not like they did in the late mania stage in 2017. We are going to clear $100k by the time it's said and done. And last time I thought it would hit $10k, which was crazy, but it went to $20k. Don't think I see $200k this time. But not going to fall out my chair if it happens

>> No.25448046

I doubt this, because not one person I know has asked me about it and I'm a retard who made the mistake of telling a lot of people about it.

>> No.25448057

All through my city there are bus-stop advertisements.
>If you are seeing bitcoin on a sign, its time to buy
Makes absolutely zero sense. Though to be fair they started popping up late november.

>> No.25448075

yeah either greed or delusion

>> No.25448096

It really doesn't because you're missing the macro trend of this coin. You can zoom into any timeframes and see a pattern resembling OP's pic. But they're not really bubbles. Bubbles require a huge influx of new market participation. That is actually what causes the movement. Volumes are higher now, they are not bubble high. You want to see what bubble volume looks like you have examples in 2017 and 2013.

>> No.25448130
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>> No.25448163

let me check those out. good point about volumes

>> No.25448213

I've seen this floating around and I'm interested by these points. Both for the reason that experienced investors entering a market en masse kills the volatility in it, and for the reason that their positions are so large and growing already. They cannot possibly unwind their positions without destroying the price and they know that. It applies to all other markets. Which means they actually can't liquidate like retail can when they get scared. There is actually not enough volume at nearby price levels to do it. I'm not sure if we actually see a >33% dump this time.

>> No.25448222

interesting. how much of a correction do you see then? I think everyone is missing the picture what almost every green candle is suppored by tether printing. Microstrategy is a midget.
fidelity haven't. touched yet.
grayscare are a legit ponzi lol. I am not buying that anything could go up that much that fast.

>> No.25448293

Blackrock, hedge funds world wide (look it up)

>> No.25448315

Tether printing doesn't really matter
It's not different from what the fed has done this past year and for decades. What are you really seeing when you see bitcoin's price change? You're seeing the dollar depreciate against it. ₿1 = ₿1
Tutes bought more than $1B of btc on just coinbase on saturday.

>> No.25448317

what sauce for this? I've been looking at hedge funds 13F reportings, but nothing

>> No.25448349

>Tutes bought more than $1B of btc on just coinbase on saturday.
Whta is Tutes? And how can you check who buys that volume on coinbase?

>> No.25448509

It was here a few days ago on /biz/ legit OG poster with a link to blackrock recruitment... they have a new position... VP of BTC and Blockchain strategy. A position previously non-existent with Blackrock.

>> No.25448533


Just an example. It is all over the place. Read some news.

>> No.25448535

nice! Do you have the thread number?

>> No.25448558

no TA works on BTC, it's too undervalued. you think the end is near after a 3 year bear market? see you at 200k. the socio-political recipe couldnt be more in bitcoins favour

>> No.25448570

to make

>> No.25448757
File: 300 KB, 686x599, 1EEC1CBF-EF99-46B6-A3F6-71242E95A413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Correct me if I am wrong.
With pleasure

>> No.25448938

Based and fact pilled
The one non retarded poster on biz

>> No.25449011

Nocoiner cope.

>> No.25449127

>see you at 200k
When is BTC going to hit that?

Is 4chan really your only source of information?

>> No.25449146

Apparently market cycles of BTC work around the halving. Supposedly according to the meme research the top for this run should come in around the last 2 weeks of September, I forget the date exactly but we're starting to get some media attention so we are still early

>> No.25449193

sydney cunt huh. yeah i saw these too. immediate sell flag. i shorted today at 33k. ridin from 6k.

>> No.25449333
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jesus christ anon

>> No.25449424

Yea first saw them in the city and today saw them all around bondi junction.
Good luck anon, I never short btc but Im keeping an eye on eth and ltc to short.

>> No.25449492
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>Volumes are higher now, they are not bubble high.
we're getting close though arent we

>> No.25449593

looks like we're halfway there

>> No.25449595

stop being a scared bear, no we're not getting close, things are a lot different now and the tech is less nascent, it has become necessary due to fiat collapsing

>> No.25449624

no it doesn't look like we're halfway there, the volume is half of what it was, it doesnt mean we're in or headed to a bubble, look at stocks, they go up forever

>> No.25449654

btc's function as a money generating inflation hedge has been realized, before people were just betting on it to go higher with no real insight or higher understanding. this time is different.

>> No.25449656

Nah, between media attention and enthusiasm. The first waves of normies will buy, makes some gains, and they're the real spreaders. One normie tells 5 normies about the easy money, and they in turn tell 5 more, etc. That said the movement from enthusiasm to greed / delusion is swift. I'm thinking 2-3 weeks tops, with a new ATH of just over 50k to make them think it's gonna keep moving up when...boom

>> No.25449674

that is what i said, it is half

>> No.25449703

Nope, we are at the Takeoff stage

>> No.25449733

personally i think we're in investor, institution, and corporation territory now. normies have been priced out, you realize the average person has less than $2000 in savings, most are in debt and broke? Normies aren't buying shit.

>> No.25449750
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does this indicate that the top is still some distance away? It very much seems so

>> No.25449764
File: 373 KB, 1964x1025, bitcoin trend 2 jan 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i retarded if i think that the real peak will be in august/september?

>> No.25449893

This for sure. Those who went through previous cycles know

>> No.25450120

>Google trends isn't popping for bitcoin
it's literally #2 on google trends right now

>> No.25450171
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nice fud

>> No.25450257

This is my inclination

RHODL is real shit

>> No.25450574
File: 51 KB, 1002x843, 1605285258198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest bois..... Is it too late to buy?

I feel like this is a game of hot potato and i don't want to lose be stuck holding the potato for 2 years.

>> No.25450775

>It's real

>> No.25450815

im waiting until what happens after tether scam news on jan 15. might dip a bit then.

btc is still gonna moon until september when it hits the local peak

>> No.25450907

Only thing that's in a bubble is fiat.
>YouTubers are making YouTube videos
Ok and?
>news outlets blab about bitcoin nonstop
Do they though?
>people going nuts talking about BTC and ETH
I am the only person on my social media I see posting about BTC or anything financial. I never see anyone talking about BTC except here.
We are definitely do for a pullback after a massive run up like this but if you think it's "the top" you seriously need to do more research because this thing is just getting started.

>> No.25451161
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I'll never forget 17

>> No.25451236

The YouTube channel I follow did analysis that came to September 21st as the top.
The cross on the pi cycle seems to be the best micro indicator of the top though.
So in essence, no you're not retarded at all

t. retard

>> No.25451449
File: 476 KB, 602x465, 1522742849052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not at the end of 2017.. early or middle at the latest..

So think about $1,163 as the previous ATH, so we kind of got stuck between $2k and $3k at around the times of the fork wars and some of the uncertainties around that in the summer.. which would be 2x to 3x the previous ATH.. so we are not even really at 2x of our previous ATH, yet... even though we are getting close...

Anyhow, there could be some corrections here or even getting stuck in a kind of battle in the 1.5x to 4x range.. and to figure out if there is going to be more UPpity from that point..

For sure, nothing is guaranteed, so it not like we should be banking on any kinds of results..

And, I am not even saying that we might not crash from here and all bitcoin go to hell from here, but that is an outlier scenario rather than a variety of more likely scenarios that seem to put us in mid 2017 rather than late 2017 (or alternatively we could say early 2013 rather than late 2013 - pick your poison.. that ends up leading to UPpity in either case (and still not guaranteed, either).

>> No.25451590
File: 110 KB, 1217x666, IMG_20210103_051405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down to $20k would be about a 42% plunge given our current local top - as I type - of $34,719.

>> No.25451657

Previous market cycles have historically been 30% pullbacks however the biggest in this one was like what, 16.5%? (excluding the black swan event in March)
It's still too early to tell but it's not crazy to think we won't see more than a 20% pullback this cycle.

>> No.25452130

I've still got grey hairs from it man, it broke me for near enough three years

>> No.25452138

I see no reason to think that these institutional investors would care if their ATH purchases were in the red for a few months, the price tanking would let them accumulate even more too.

Imo 37-39 is the top and then we head down to 26ish before resuming the run. Thinking there wont be a pullback is way too optimistic.

>> No.25452313

I'm not saying there won't be pullbacks, there already have been. I'm saying that the magnitude is less than previous cycles and I'm wondering if that trend will continue or if we will get those ~30% pullbacks.
I would love a pullback to 26k, I would jump all over it.
I only have one open order right now and it's for $27,510 I believe

>> No.25453115

Yep we are not even a quarter of the way yet.
Imagine when Justin Bieber tweets about BTC. The next James bond will have him chasing BTC. I'm still buying in, but my contributions are turning into fucking drops in the sea. How should I proceed? Stop DCAiing and just let it ride?