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25363349 No.25363349 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried switching from bottled to tap water? Is the saved money worth the hassle?

Also, share other frugality tips.

>> No.25363382

Just get a brita filter pitcher or one that goes on the tap, it's saved me a lot of money compared to buying bottled water.

>> No.25363385

I wash my clothes at the laundromat instead of just buying new clothes every time. I’ve been saving a fortune.

>> No.25363413

use glass, anything plastic will fuck you

>> No.25363440


>> No.25363446

Tap water has fluoride and chlorine in it, many bottled brands don’t.

>> No.25363458

those fuckers introduce more bacteria than shit they filter. jfi. stands to reason.

>> No.25363468

>drinks tap water

>> No.25363478

I recently switched to tap water because of all the plastic 2.5 gallon jugs that end up as waste. It's only an environmental concern in that I am a lazy man who's environment is basically a couch and a sea of plastic jugs

>> No.25363505

I was being dead serious too by the way

>> No.25363552

Don't bother with filters, get a distiller. Depending on the brand and your bottled water consumption, it will pay for itself in a few months and you'll have years of much better tasting chemical free water.

>> No.25363583
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Did you use to throw your dirty clothes in the garbage can? Is this a thing?

>> No.25363632

tap water is disgusting. tastes terrible and is full of lead and other nasty shit. I buy those big 2.5 gallon water jugs and stick it in the fridge. A weeks worth of good tasting drinking water for like $3. don't be a fucking pleb. being frugal doesn't mean you have to do things like drink water that's poisoned and tastes like sewer runoff

>> No.25363653

Always drinking tap water, its better than bottle and no fluoride or chlorine either here unlike in burgerland

>> No.25363666
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>> No.25363679

I drink tap water since I am a newborn
I have more beard than my friends
I'm 6 ft tall
no major health issue
i live in western europe

>> No.25363684

Get a reusable bottle, and a reverse osmosis water purifier. I've had my counter top unit for 6 months now and it's great. On amazon look for "rkin reverse osmosis"

>> No.25363708

>don't be a fucking pleb

he drinks 0,5 liter of water per day
kys stupid mutt your pee is probably darker than your presidents

>> No.25363717

tap water bro here too. I am 183 cm tall, dense beard and muscle body. Prone to being obese but diet solves it.

>> No.25363741

be careful, the body needs some electrolytic content in drinking water. making a steady diet of distilled &or ro drinking water will fuck you up.

>> No.25363751

I drink tap water as well. Americans maybe just have really shitty pipe systems and disgusting reservoirs that they dump rubbish into.

>> No.25363755

tap water here is downright dangerous to drink

>> No.25363765

>from bottled to tap water

why tf would you buy bottled if you have perfectly fine tap water

>> No.25363811

No my maid throws them away

>> No.25363843
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>be careful, the body needs some electrolytic content
Don't worry, I drink a bottle of Brawndo every day.

>> No.25363866
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Are those expensive upscale brands actually good or just a meme?

>> No.25363876

Bottled water is for chicks and fags.

>> No.25363884

What kind of first world problem shit is this?

Yeah, it’s worth the switch, dumbass. Most bottled water is literally just heavily marketed tap water from somewhere else, do you think they have some fucking crystal spring they’re sending blessed virgins anointed in oils to collect it with buckets???

Unless you’re buying it for being a certain ph or having tons of minerals in it, you’re literally pissing money away.

>> No.25363899

I don't like the taste of tap water but I just put stuff in it to flavor it like lemon and lime juice. I have no idea what you mean by saying it's a "hassle".

>> No.25363905

In 1998 in Sydney Australia there was a "contamination" of the drinking water supply. State premier said no drinking tap water for 6 months. Mind you this was a time when everyone drank tap water, bottled water was barely a thing and was only sold as like a last resort for people that need water.
So bottled water took off like crazy. From nothing to several million dollar companies.
And the best part? Some of those bottle water companies were busted filling up their tanks from the fucking council taps!

>> No.25363925
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Alex says tap water makes you gay.

>> No.25363941

I feel like most of the time you're paying for the bottle packaging, but maybe it's distilled and filtered better. Dasani is fucking garbage though.

>> No.25363942

plastic contains plasticizers like bisphenolA

>> No.25363950


>> No.25363963

>when I type "country with highest tap water quality" into google my country is listed right on top

>> No.25363997

In yurop (((they))) replaced the fluoride in tap water with fluoride in the salt. More discreet, but in the end all the goyim are getting their daily fluoride dose.

>> No.25364059

Your country is the best in the world, only the Netherlands come close
And I'm from italy

>> No.25364062
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All of that shit is a meme.

>mfw my New Zealand tap water is literally pure artesian water.

stay poor, dirty waters

>> No.25364065

>its got electrolytes & shit
smart anon
seriously though guys, ro & distilled water are not good for the body & di water will actively fuck you up.

>> No.25364102

Witnessed. After watching fight club the new clothes I wear once and then take the laundry mat I take to the thrift store and sell. And then buy new clothes.

>> No.25364135


>> No.25364151

I've seen some people bring heavy glass screw glass jars to work. They're heavy for the amount of water they hold. The irony is that they're still using the water cooler to replenish their water, and the water cooler and the water jug sitting on top of it is full of plastic.

>> No.25364170

You got us beat in the cuisine department though, that's for sure.

>> No.25364229
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Synthetic Hormones in water.

Scientists believe that ethinyl estradiol (EE2) a chemical found in the contraceptive pill (a potent form of the female sex hormone oestrogen) is getting into drinking water supplies, though links to reduced male fertility rates have yet to be proven.

One study, carried out by the Environment Agency, showed that estrogenically active substances discharged into the environment had led to the feminization of male fish, causing them to effectively switch genders.

Sound familiar?

>> No.25364244

I only buy glass bottled water from good quality brands.

I spend way too much on water but I’m not a poorfag so I can afford it.

What I can’t afford is weird chemicals in my water fucking up my hormones

>> No.25364257

People who are obsessed with fashion do this because washing would fade the colors.

>> No.25364305

Imagine even drinking water, KEK.
Just drink milk OP, it's all you need
Pros: gives you nutrition + water + fat & energy
Cons: Nothing unless you're too weak to digest it

>> No.25364307
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jesus christ, they're still fixing that shit 6 years later?

It's strange - whenever I travel to the US for work/holidays I always cringe when I first try the water. I tend not to drink it and I can sort of understand why people buy bottled water.

With that being said, wouldn't it be a smart decision to install a water filtration system at the mains level to your home? so all your water is nicely filtered?

>t. pure tap water nz anon who cannot understand

>> No.25364340

yes thats stupid. anyway some plastic probably wont harm you, just dont use it regulary

>> No.25364345
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I have one of those rkin countertop units. I use it every day. The handle is kind of fucky though and if it's not lined up correctly then water leaks everywhere. Before I got it I'd fill up jugs using the water machine at the grocery store. 40 cents a gallon.

>> No.25364346

Not in finland, i dont know anyone who would actually drink bottled water here.

>> No.25364382

I only buy bottled water so I don't buy drinks at work

>> No.25364476
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>imagine living in a third world shithole were you can't even drink the tap water

>> No.25364517

do people really? (drink bottled water)

>> No.25364545

I'm from Norway and I can confirm that VOSS water is just a luxury brand scam.
I can also confirm that the majority of bottled water brands are in fact just tap water.
If you live in a city with clean tap water, then drink the tap water.
There is no difference between tap water and bottle water as long as it has not been contaminated.
America has a huge FUD campaign going on to sell more bottled water.

>> No.25364634

Do they not fluoridate the water in Europe?

>> No.25364646


would you drink london water?

>> No.25364661

I've been re-using the same four plastic bottles for the past four years. Fill it up with tap water and drink each at least twice daily.

>> No.25364721

Buy a filtration unit, just one that’s a few gallons to put in your fridge.
If you live alone (or just have a larger fridge than you need) you should fill up used milk bottles with drinking water and store them in the fridge. This does several helpful things:
>lowers your energy bill
>better prepares you for emergencies in which water is unavailable
>makes your food last longer if electricity is unavailable

>> No.25364733

lol of course not, they don't even chlorinate it here, only ozone treated that is dosed so it evaporates just before reaching the tap

>> No.25364787

>buy a VPN for media
>stop buying full-priced foods, instead calorie count, buy in bulk, and check out short-dated food companies based in your city (most deliver)
>if possible, give up your car and take public transport/bike
>switch internet/phone companies at the end of every contract, quoting your previous bill
>look into government-backed saving schemes if you're on low income

>> No.25364911

No, at least not in my country (Switzerland). They used to after the world war 2 in some parts, but not anymore. It's often put into salt, but you can buy both variants with or without.

>> No.25364950
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point 1 and 2 are fucking extremely relevant if you live in london

thanks anon. i've already done point 1, will look into point 2 tonight.

rest don't apply other than internet. I pay 31.50 Queen Shekels each month for 75mb/sec

It's either that, or 15mb for 20 Queens Shekels with cuck providers.

>> No.25365212

No, most of Europe does not fluoridate the water.

Not regularly no, but once in a while wouldn't hurt.
Big cities are generally scarier when it comes to tap water, especially the really old ones.

>> No.25365804

>government-backed saving schemes

>> No.25365878

how fucking dumb are you ngmi

>> No.25366060

Bong here, i buy Evian bottled water, i know the plastic has probably given me gyno and other issues but it tastes way better than tap water.

>> No.25366976

>how fucking dumb are you ngmi
Dumb? I could piss in my distiller and get clean water out it. Try that with a filter. Dumb was people loading shopping carts up with toilet paper and bottled water earlier this year.

>> No.25367018
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Satanic check

>> No.25367146

Yeah britas are gross especially if you dont clean them often. Won't kill u tho

>> No.25367571

>living in a place where tap water is not the norm and perfectly safe

>> No.25367817

how the fuck is tap water not the standard? America is cursed

>> No.25367832

I cum in the same plastic bag every day vs getting a new one.

>> No.25367926

Better buy a fluoride filter

>> No.25367995

i live in switzerland where the tap water is the cleanest in the world. drinking bottled water makes absolutely no sense here

>> No.25368032

American here, and I'm tap pilled as well. I always use ice so it's nice and cold. Tastes fine and I'm smarter than all my Britafag friends.

>> No.25368084
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>drinking birth control estrogen to save $3 per month

>> No.25368098

I haven't had a leak with mine yet, sometimes I have to try a couple times to get the bin to sit flush in, but it takes a few seconds to get it in right before hitting the button

>> No.25368108

Enjoy your xenoestrogens

>> No.25368168

in usa i wouldn't trust the local authorities with their tests though.

>> No.25368191

based dairy poster

>> No.25368232

Implying you don't get that anyways from PLASTIC water bottles!

>> No.25368247

Been drinking tap water my whole life, only drink bottled if I'm traveling somewhere that doesn't have potable tap water. No clue how much money it saves, but one frugal measure I've taken recently is to stop drinking. I never thought I drank much before but holy shit I've saved a lot of money on not buying drinks at bars or bottles of liquor to make drinks at home. I do often have people over so I suppose it's not surprising that my home bar had to be replenished somewhat frequently.

>> No.25368458

All bottled brands do because they are literally just municipal water packaged

>> No.25368548

just clean them

>> No.25368562

cook all your own food

a gf will also cost a lot so.... budget for that

>> No.25368591

Again, isn't this the norm?

No wonder murricans consider 50k/yr a bad salary

>> No.25368774
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I recently discovered that I don't have to buy my rice from the Wuhan restaurant, you can actually get something called a "rice cooker" as they say, and make it yourself. I've been saving a fortune!

>> No.25368925


>> No.25369188

I sign up for Ralphs and Vons clubs
Then every Wednesday I check the new weekly advertisement and digital coupons.
I stock up on things I use when they are on sale.
I often end up saving as much as I spend.

>> No.25369217

glass isn't exactly convenient though when it comes to portability. I use an aluminum bottle.

>> No.25369521

What third world country do you live in where tap water isn't drinkable?

>> No.25369528

Aluminum poisoning is not good, anon.

>> No.25369560

well then what the fuck am I supposed to use that's not going to shatter?

>> No.25369659

IDK, if you're hiking of something, wrap a gloss bottle in foam or bubble wrap. It's not like glass is going to shatter if you're going to work and back. And if it does, who cares? Buy a new bottle.

>> No.25369805

>buy groceries in bulk and freeze meals
>use reward apps for any fast food restaurants I go to
>make all purchases on credit card and pay in full before each statement, then use the cash back to buy stuff I need from amazon
>when my bar soap gets thin I press it to the new bar so it doesn’t go to waste
>keep leftover napkins from fast food restaurants
>keep a/c at 78F

I can go on forever

>> No.25369846

I bought a glass VOSS bottle 2 years ago and have been using it everyday. I bought a bottle cleaner brush and wash it like every other day. Also I hold chainlink.

>> No.25369896
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>> No.25369927

Charge my phone at work using free electricity. Doesn't apply to most but I have a high electric bill from mining ETH.

>> No.25369951

>turn freezer on super cold
>scrape ice out and melt it in the sun
>free unfluoridated natural alchemist water
Why doesnt everyone do this?

>> No.25370124

Interesting. This could help keep your drinking containers clean. Definitely don't fall for the copper cookware meme though. Very toxic. Visions corning glassware is the only cookware that won't leach toxins and heavy metals into your food.

>> No.25370203

They say the same shit in denmark, meanwhile no way to filter out female hormones that they are pissing because of birth control and other drug waste you will be gay soon.

>> No.25370337

no fucking way. I tried to use a humidifier and my local water wasn't even acceptable for the thing. It actually would not work.

>> No.25370407

they've been ozonated and filtered, but usually don't put chlorine or fluoride because of the plastic

>> No.25370431

Get an ro system install yourself. All you need is a hole saw and the tools it comes with. Don't be a retard bottle water gives u cancer and is shit.

>> No.25370441

I only flush once per week. Sometimes I have feces from four different sessions in my toilet. You kind just get used to it

>> No.25370479
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I've wanted copper counter-top, bottles, sinks and shower, but it corrodes
idk if there's a perfect material (shatter-proof, no leakage, corrosion-resistant, antimicrobial) for water storage

>> No.25370482
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They just don't have the brains unlike us.

>> No.25370802

yes its called clay or better yet glass

>> No.25370924


>> No.25370964
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>tap water
Fuck no, are you a retarded ass nigger?

>> No.25370971

be gentle in your home, anon

>> No.25370986

You can just filter or distill tap water for cheaper than bottled water, which contains micro-plastics.

>> No.25371020

Haha but I knew a guy who would buy 2 dollar clothes from the thrift store instead of doing laundry and he was no joke top 5 richest people in that town.

>> No.25371051

You cannot filter the HRT out of your tap water.

>> No.25371095

You can distill it though. Also a lot of bottled water is filtered using the same methods as a home filter PLUS is contains microplastics. Way cheaper, too.

>> No.25371120

nigger I'm 31 and I have never drunk bottled water in my life what is this even people buying water why

>> No.25371145

Why not?

>> No.25371169

Dangerous as the plastics degrade and leak chemicals into the water. Get a high quality reusable bottle instead.

>> No.25371185

Because it's often just tap water run through a cheap filter and put in a plastic container containing BPA.

>> No.25371187

I have my own wellwater you schizo

>> No.25371194

just be sure to wash or swap your bottle regularly. well water is what makes ruralfags stronger.

>> No.25371210

Where in Bongland do you live? We generally have decent tap water and I have incredible tap water.

t. Yorkshireman

>> No.25371323

White people shit. Coomsumers have been brainwashed into paying 100,000% markup on something that's already some of the best quality water on the planet

>> No.25371338

How do I get this?

>> No.25371379

Worrying about frivolities like this only tell s me you won't make it.

The cold hard truth is unless you reach 10k USD/ mo, your time is best spent reaching salary level to at least this level.

Investing your25k won't get you anywhere unless you are a miracle. I'm sorry

>> No.25371452

>piss in the toilet tank
>flush your shits with the stored urine

Who else is #fruggal here?

>> No.25371488

considering decreasing monthly costs especially food and rent by killing myself.
thoughts? anyone else doing this?

>> No.25371803

You should do it!

>> No.25372039
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Pro Pur filters are actually worth it. Best tasting water I've ever had. I've had multiple normies and family members agree.

>> No.25372057

My tap water literally makes my kidneys hurt.

>> No.25372404

>.t nestle ceo

>> No.25372770
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This. Also orange juice. Cows and trees are the best water filters.

>> No.25372983

Wouldn't silver be best? Does anyone make those? Increases your PM stack and functional.

>> No.25373701

learn how to properly fast and save lots of money on food + good for health