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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 118 KB, 500x522, the-washington-times-washtimes-transgender-wrestler-mack-beggs-wins-second-31554392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25352115 No.25352115 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC will be illegal in 2021
The XRP was a test, they're coming for BTC next. Screencap this

>INB4 hurr durr your retarded
no, I'm not, consider this: negative interest rates and free helicopter money is designed for forcing people to invest or consoom. having the possibility to buy crypto defeats the whole purpose

>> No.25352242

>no, I'm not, consider this: negative interest rates and free helicopter money is designed for forcing people to invest or consoom. having the possibility to buy crypto defeats the whole purpose
Where do you think your money goes when you buy crypto?

>> No.25352568



BTC delisting is bulish as hell , p2p markets are bigger than ever and with delisting bobos will get rekt due to not having liquidity to short.
We will be able to cash out and in tax free and without kyc , what a time to be alive.

>> No.25352710

hope there's more tranny athletes competing in the future. I love the liberal mental gymnastics:

>transexuals.. have more muscle and bone density.. so they should not compete.. but women are as strong as men.. but transexuals aren't men they are women.. but they all have more muscle/bone density so..
etc etc

>> No.25352807

how the fuck did the mentally ill sjw trannies get a foothold, holy fuck take me back bros.

>> No.25352911

you have to think real economy. printing money works because you're basically transferring wealth from people who hold cash to those who don't. if people realize this and stop holding and accepting cash, the dollar will be just as worthless as the Zimbabwe dollar

>> No.25353011

I didnt think you cant do neck cranks in wrestling

>> No.25353060

Look at the hips on this chick, I'd turn trans to wrestle her into submission too

>> No.25353124
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1607271438991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These trannies are literal cash cows. There's no way these testosterone infested trannies will ever be beaten by a woman, so bet on them, bet on them hard with all your money, sell your house, wife and kids AND PUT IT ALL ON THE TRANNY WRESTLER!!!

>> No.25353252

Sounds about right. Today my farmer brother in-law told me his friends have started buying into bitcoin and the banks limit them at 1000eur/day so they're buying every day