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25336753 No.25336753 [Reply] [Original]

Lets take a break from crypto for a second to discuss another potentially good investment. With psychedelic research and decriminalization ramping around the world and especially in North America, do you bizraelis think that these would be a good buy? I remember when weed was starting to be legalized most of the cannabis companies eventually went to the moon. I'm currently all in on crypto but I'm considering getting into this. Thoughts?

>> No.25336800

drugs are bad

>> No.25336807

bad idea, barely a market

>> No.25336860

Too early, your money will just decay in the near term

>> No.25336909

what signs should we look for to get a possible entry point?

>> No.25336927



Might be true

>> No.25336947

>I remember when weed was starting to be legalized most of the cannabis companies eventually went to the moon
And then what happened?

>> No.25336948

I've invested a lot into MindMed (MMEDF) when it was 60cents. Now up to $3. Should be getting listed on the Nasdaq Late January.

>> No.25337038

bubble and crash, whats your fucking point you brainlet? Its gonna be same with any rising industry

>> No.25337052

They're going to fuck it up my dude, it's too good to be true.

>> No.25337063

Just have to vet the companies properly is all. Of course there will be a shit ton that pop up to try and get a quick cash grab.

>> No.25337152

you can make possible memegains if you time the momentum right, but if you are asking are they good buy and hold stocks, the answer is no. people don't consume psychedelics like they do other drugs. its infrequent. mushrooms are also trivially easy to grow so the prices would have to reflect that.

>> No.25337198

Some of these businesses are more focused on the biomed/therapy approach. Not for the everyday consumer. It appears hardly anyone in this thread knows what they are talking about.

>> No.25337208

I fully believe in psychedelic drugs as some of the most important pursuits known to man.
I also would never invest money in them. Like all the bad parts of commodity investing cranked up even more. Government regulation determining extreme changes in what is or isn't viable overnight and the way it's already largely prohibited and therefore considered sketchy / dangerous means it attracts all the wrong kinds of people looking to scam or otherwise take advantage of would be customers.

>> No.25337302

>it's already largely prohibited and therefore considered sketchy / dangerous means it attracts all the wrong kinds of people looking to scam or otherwise take advantage of would be customers.

Hmmm sounds like a boomer line about crypto

>> No.25337303

>I fully believe in psychedelic drugs as some of the most important pursuits known to man.
we can definitely agree there
>therefore considered sketchy / dangerous
that mentality is slowly being ditched though. lots of famous people are open about their psychedelic and the benefits

>> No.25337385

yeah but how do you monetize that?

>> No.25337428
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Exactly. You have some big players jumping into it. Not to mention celebs openly talking about the benefits from their "trips"

>> No.25337445

What platform do you use? Euro here

>> No.25337492

Better alternatives to depression/anxiety/ADHD meds. Helps with alcohol and opioid addiction...etc. These businesses aren't focused on the "oh look at cool colors while listening to Pink Floyd" approach.

>> No.25337510

Any other companies you're looking at? Im gonna DMOR but since you got into mindmed pretty early you seem to have a decent knowledge of the space

>> No.25337554

yeah but the treatment is going to be X amount of Y psychedelic in Z setting. easy to replicate.

>> No.25337569

Compass Pathways (CMPS) you can purchase on any broker account I believe. All others are still OTC so I buy them on my Etrade account.

>> No.25337685

godspeed anon

>> No.25337687

Champignon Brands (SHRMF), Compass Pathways (CMPS), and Minerco (MINE) are the only other ones I'm currently invested it. Minerco seems sorta sketch though. I just bought in because it's super cheap.

Perhaps, but they are working on quite a bit of patents. I believe MindMed is patenting a drug that instantly stops bad trips.

>> No.25337737

>patenting a drug that instantly stops bad trips


>> No.25337767


>> No.25337770
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What are you doing anon? Why didn't you sell the top. I entered lower than you and sold 10% from the top. I will re enter when the price is right. Like mushrooms, these things work in waves. Sell and buy back in. Long hold will work but you could make many many many more times the gains selling the peak and buying the dip. Watch the rsi for indicators.

You realize there are companies around the world working with their government health agencies to test and study various psychedelic substances? You may be to young to have remembered the pot boom but this was the same step that was taken before legalization was announced. Feb 1st mushrooms (psilocybin) will be legal in Oregon (the birthplace of legal cannabis). If you can't see the writing on the wall I can't help ya


just off the top of my head.

>> No.25337830

Anyone who has serious tripping under their belt knows Benzodiazepines is enough to kill it. No need to bring additional drugs into the mix.

>> No.25337845

fair enough. i would never partake. i think i learn more from the bad trips than the good ones. and desu I've never had a trip go 100% great the entire time, its a journey.

i guess that would appeal to normies though.

>> No.25337888

Just not a day/swing trader. But you are right. Could have been a nice bit of cash that way. I'll probably dump it all if it hits high once on the Nasdaq. Perhaps a "pipe dream" but it would be nice to see them reach CMPS prices.

>> No.25337937

which of these would you consider to be the best buy rn? again im gonna dmor but it doesn't hurt to take suggestions from people that seem to know what they're talking about
>i think i learn more from the bad trips than the good ones
agreed but think of it from a perspective of someone who's never done psychs and doesn't understand their power. this is definitely going to be something normies that want to try shrooms will have on hand in case things go south

>> No.25337938

Bought MMED on a Canadian exchange and got fucked on the timing. -29%.

Bought a smaller amount of FTRP I'm down 40% on.

Its been two weeks and it burns. I believe in MMED's 18-MC drug and I've seen how beneficial ketamine therapy for depression can be.

Holding until Q2 2021 at least

>> No.25337953

What are the possible health risks using Benzos though? They're providing a safer alternative.

> i learn more from the bad trips

Hahaha I completely agree. Perhaps this is more beneficial in a therapeutic setting.

>> No.25338015

one time benzo use to kill trip is harmless. but again mebbe a normie sees xanax and has visions of a nigger looting their neighbourhood store

>> No.25338051

>Hmmm sounds like a boomer line about crypto
Just because one thing turns out to succeed in spite of risks far beyond what most were imagining doesn't mean everything else with risks and legal problems is going to do the same thing.
Bitcoin was an extremely special case.

>> No.25338093

Ouch yeah my buddy bought at the top too (MMEDF). They have a lot of promise for a business though. And again, when it hits the Nasdaq, you'll get far more retail investors piling in. CMPS IPOed in September at like teens-twenties and it's not at $50ish

>> No.25338118

>one time benzo use to kill trip is harmless
I disagree. Benzo's are highly addictive. I've literally seen niggers get addicted to xanax after popping one 2mg pill

>> No.25338159

Liking something isn’t an addiction, retard.

>> No.25338185

No, you're right. I just see the similarities in the stigma. You also have the Joe Rogan-esque atmosphere pumping up interest. Hell, Mike Tyson just gobbled a handful of mushrooms on Logan Paul's podcast earlier.

>> No.25338250
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Bought into SHRM a while ago and it has been stuck in regulatory limbo for a few months. This is definitely a speculative hold. Made a bunch off WEED back in the day but I think this is different in that all Canadian normies love weed but maybe 1 in 10 knows about the awesomeness that is zoomies

>> No.25338262

Spoken like a true addict. Your pill popping ass can't stop even if you tried faggot
>Hell, Mike Tyson just gobbled a handful of mushrooms on Logan Paul's podcast earlier.
i was just watching that, its what inspired this post

>> No.25338321

My perception of this based on nothing substantial at all is I remember RC market getting very popular 10 years ago and then it seemed to get a lot less popular after that.
Methoxetamine era is what I'm thinking of. Plus DMT the Spirit Molecule had a documentary / film adaptation with Joe Rogan speaking of him.

>> No.25338399
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I wouldnt consider myself a day trader either but when something runs up quickly like it did a few weeks ago take profits because it doesnt continue to pump like that forever before cooling off. In regards to CMPS it is a pipe dream indeed. If they reached CMPS prices their market cap would be 20x that of CMPS, hate to say it but that isn't going to happen.

NUMI is pretty positive in that they are the first company in canada to grow and extract psilocybin legally from their harvest. They have acquired a business that is brick and mortar that allows the treatment of patients. That is a plus because alot of these other companies have zero revenue at the moment. NUMI will probably dip under a dollar and thats when I would start looking to re enter myself.

SHRM is a close second for me. It is a hidden gem and alot of investors are scared off because of the halt on the canadian side. I called the SEC and inquired about the halt because people were saying they are scaming investors but the lady told me they are working with the SEC, have filed all the necessary paper work things are just taking longer because of covid. She mentioned companies that are not legit usually do not respond positive to the SEC fillings. I say it is a hidden gem because they own the CRTCE which is one of the only health clinics set up administering mushrooms and ketamine to patients. They posted over 1 million in revenue from its first full year of operations. They had over 300 patients. It is the only randomized controlled trial for psilocybin. They already have the license from Health Canada.

CMPS is a solid choice as well. You won't have to worry about drastic swings that can wipe you out financially and they are the big dog in the space.

The others I mentioned all have their own benefits, ENBI stands out as it is focused more on ayahuasca(DMT)

>providing a safer alternative
How do you know it is safer? Are you an insider?

>> No.25338444

I don’t take any prescription medications whatsoever. I don’t drink alcohol or even caffiene.

You are a degenerate who needs to feel better by labeling people as “bigger” degenerates.

>> No.25338506
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journal your shares to the american side so you can average down or sell when you need to.

benzos arent the only way to kill a trip, and that was my point. They are creating a drug that kills the trip. Users already have multiple options. Benzos, trazodone or seroquel. There are many out there. It's not unique.

>> No.25338540

>I don’t take any prescription medications whatsoever
well then don't talk about something you have zero idea about you absolute fucking brainlet. benzos are known to be some of the most addictive and dangerous substances on the planet, at the same level as opioids.
Do you mean "SHRMF" Champignon brands? thats the closest I see on yahoo finance

>> No.25338568

SHRMF is american
SHRM is canadian

SHRM is halted (probably why it doesn't show up on yahoo)

>> No.25338620

Any of you fags tried THC delta 8 ?

Holy crap it’s better than weed.

>> No.25338654
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Thank you, one last question. As a canadian how do I go about getting these? I've never purchased any stocks, only crypto. Would I be able to hold them in a TFSA? thanks in advance

>> No.25338657

Ya, it's gonna be a megahuge market

>> No.25338796

Just because of the way I live my life now is no indication of my entire life experience.
You are a retarded degenerate and now you are in a cope spiral.
Also, you have the attitude of someone who will spend their entire life becoming poorer.

>> No.25338835

You can purchase in a TFSA sure. I use both wealthsimple and questrade. Wealthsimple charges you for the conversion to american dollars on the purchase and sale of the stock, so if you are buying anything american get on Questrade. As I mentioned before, SHRM is still halted, so if you wanted to take a position you would have to buy SHRMF.

Good luck anon.

>> No.25338887
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>entire post is rambling cope
thanks for bumping my thread. now be gone you useless halfwit

>> No.25338899

What ever you do stay away from the Canadian one Red Light Holland
The CEO is a rapist and will be me too’d eventually kek

>> No.25338905

Did I hurt your girlfriends feelings so bad you had to stand up for xir?

>> No.25338933

That's the only weed-like legal substance I can get here in NY and I've been fucking with it.

>> No.25338966

>doesn't understand changing IP address'
>calls other people retarded

>> No.25339153
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Ah so your response to
Very well played, perhaps I underestimated you

>> No.25340386

I think psychedelics are short circuiting your own meaning generator mechanism creating a masturbatory illusion of wonderment and cosmic awe which you should find in the world outside you, not within you. Psychonautics is just a demonic way to twist an individuals essence inward instead of remaining balanced with a connection to the outside world. It's not a true revelation, it just connects parts of your brain together that you are supposed to connect yourself through your life's journey, causing you to feel content with your undeveloped high potential low self realization state. This is why shrooms and LSD are being pushed as therapeutic for depression and anxiety

>> No.25341270

I'm sorry but you must be confusing street drugs with prescription drugs. It is well known that benzos are cut with fentanyl. Yes it is addictive and dangerous but not at the same rate as strong opioids are.

>> No.25341449

literally nobody gives a fuck about your opinion

>> No.25341605

If you're white you'll be fine, I've taken hundreds of them in the past and I have not even thought about them in years until I saw your post

>> No.25341773

Epic schizo response. Either way, it shows that this is a market with potential.

>> No.25341919

The ramblings of a ripple holder. Can't you just stay in the /XSG/ threads?

>> No.25342718


Health Canada licence to distribute psychs.

Team that seems to care & be playing the long game.

~100M market cap

>> No.25342763

Fuck the outside world

>> No.25343243

sounds cool but the chart looks like its bubbled and going on a downward trend for now

>> No.25343428

Too high. SHRMF is better.

>> No.25343609

Only good response itt

>> No.25343635

ah yes, i forgot we have an anon here, with his phd, ready to speak on the matter, totally not out of his ass, totally not spewing some biased halftruths
im glad you're finally here anon!!!!
give us more!

>> No.25343761


>> No.25343811

> sketchy
You just don’t know the psychedelic scene, maan, no scams just good vibes maaan
Btw would you like to buy these stamps for $50 each? I promise there’s some acid on them. No? How about these mushrooms, they’re magical!

>> No.25343897

OTC isn't allowed to be purchased in a TFSA. Just open a margin account anon

>> No.25343949

what makes a stock OTC vs not?

>> No.25343974

This is truth right here.
t. degree in pshychotherapy
Only thing i might add is that the illusion of wonderment and cosmic awe is something that most of us need to feel, because that's how we find out that we CAN fell it. Otherwise it's just forgotten and that leads to a bleak existence.
So psychedelics allow you to KNOW that you can actually have such feelings, then with that knowledge you can pursue them on your real life journey. But most of the users don't undestand/aren't told that so they think they're on some kind of magical path to knowledge when they're just checking out the map, not actually engaging in the adventure.

>> No.25343991
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>> No.25344052
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>> No.25344072
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All in Nutritional High International

>> No.25344160

>it attracts all the wrong kinds of people looking to scam

No, that's what psys being illegal does. Someone looking to sell fake shit will be outed quickly, because giving his product a one-star review attached to your transaction history will no longer get you raided by the DEA.

>> No.25344281

Very insightful! There are a lot of bullshit psychotherapists and psychologists out there but you are one of the few who know what's going on. I think another word for the sensation of "wonderment and cosmic awe" is meaning and normally we find meaning, purpose, and a place in life, but in the modern world almost all people have an inhibited power process. They can't fulfill the will to power which leads to anxiety and depression, as it should. Just because you feel bad doesn't mean that you are defective, there is a reason built into you for that feeling.
Now in some cases I think psychedelics may actually be useful for rehabilitation, such as cases of abuse, rape, neglect, torture, etc. because psychedelics can help to overcome the trauma which is telling them that they are nothing and are worthless especially when the individual hasn't recovered after a considerable period of time. It can kickstart the path to a life-giving meaning seeking mindset instead of being focused on the pain and trauma and not letting it heal. At the same time, it's still healthier to heal yourself in a natural way without psychedelics because I believe yourself as you are is basically the best chance you have of fixing yourself and self improvement. Problem is that people nowadays are fucked from the time they're born so they're perpetually being traumatized and they can't tell where the injuries are coming from; it just seems like reality as it is is falling down on top of them and crushing them. It's just all vectors of attack onslaught after onslaught non stop psychological operations, degeneracy, toxic food and water on and on. All of this is a war on the mind and isn't just a war of ideas; your brain needs a toxin free (mostly fluoride and also iodine deficiency) environment during pregnancy to develop correctly and a huge portion of the population doesn't have that and has low trace mineral food from soil depletion and they don't breastfeed and milk is pasteurized.

>> No.25344579

As a burger where is the best place to buy most of these cheap shroom stocks? SHRM and Numi looked interesting.

t. robinhood scrub

>> No.25344639

Didn't read lmao

>> No.25344642

You retard stock pickers are never going to beat the market

>> No.25344789

> you don't need drugs to be nuts!
>t. degree in pshychotherapy
Why am I not surprised

>> No.25345086


>> No.25345091

Psychotherapy is a Big meme. Try again.

>> No.25345484

Ive made over 800% on mindmed

>> No.25345697

bump I love drugs, this thread makes me want to order some tabs of LSD from the darkweb