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File: 77 KB, 1125x868, Dec 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25304895 No.25304895 [Reply] [Original]

sup /biz/itzens it is me from the earlier thread saying I have 20k to invest

Take a quick look at my portfolio and let me know what you think.. I plan on investing once a month and will prob stick with the btc, eth and link split

I am really hoping for a 2k XRP after they get cleared by the SEC is this possible ?

Am I going to make it?

>> No.25304951

Put the XRP in LINK.

>> No.25304955


Get rid of XRP and trade it for a defi blue chip like SNX or AAVE and you've got yourself a solid portfolio

>> No.25304996

I am really conflicted on this advice because if it hits 2k I will have 24 mil

>> No.25305001

Why do you think that XRP would go to $2000 USD? Do you realize how stupid you sound, and that you're falling into the same old scam that an entire cult of bagholders is finally waking up to?

>> No.25305046

oh my god, the average intelligence of an investor

>> No.25305063

I have been doing a ton of research on it and it sounds like a real player even my literal boomer father asked if I bought "ripples" when I just texted him that I finally got into crypto

>> No.25305077

Get the fuck outta XRP brother.
All the rest are good holds

>> No.25305083
File: 158 KB, 958x670, sellXRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25305086

I've already taken enough of your bait, ashamed with myself frankly.

>> No.25305116


Enjoy losing 10% of your portfolio in 2 months I suppose

>> No.25305118


Sell everything except XRP

Then put all those gains in XRP

You'll make it for sure!

Thank me later my fellow /biz/itzen!

>> No.25305122

So would eth link and aave make for a decent folio?

>> No.25305137

Turn some btc into litecoin

>> No.25305299

This is not bait hand to god I am asking for advice because I am sick of being a fucking no coiner... XRP is the most exciting to me bc I feel like an early adapter in btc with a chance to make millions if it hits even 1k

With that said I would like your best advise as what to do with XRP hold the current bag or trade it and if a trade for what I have seen AAVE and SNX any other ideas?

>> No.25305355

Lmfao get rid of all your XRP asap anon. Any person with over 100 IQ points knows its impossible for it to ever get to even triple digits.

>> No.25305392

Have you considered not buying the giant green dildo, but instead buying before it does that, and then selling the giant green dildo? I know, it's not very intuitive.

>> No.25305420

HAHAHHHHAHAHAHHA $1000 would a 45 Quintillion market cap HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAH

>> No.25305464

no larp. sell the XRP and buy BTC, ETH, or LTC. Same for the LINK.

>> No.25305479

you are a fucking moron. if I made a $0.00000001 would you buy because you could literally 1000000000x your money once it reaches $1? no because that's stupid.
sell your xrpee right now for BTC and ETH faggot

>> No.25305505

you're missing DIA and hold whale bags of 100x's - 1,000x+ and think you're gonna do well? yikes.

>> No.25305555

Alright so sell the XRP for some more ETH is what I am hearing here I am not autistic and I just have a lot of faith in you guys so if youre telling me thats the move I will do it IDK why I just felt like it was smart but put it in ETH is the final answer?

>> No.25305577

Same for LINK? you are suggesting to get rid of the link bag as well as the XRP ? in the previous thread everyone was saying BTC/ETH/LINK split with the 20k I did get a bit cheeky and bought the XRP on my own will

>> No.25305638

I have two suggestions for you.
1. Sell all your XRP for ETH
2. Stop getting your financial advice from people on this board

>> No.25305680

The people in the other thread are probably right. With a BTC/ETH/LINK split you’ll be able to get $100k atleast by the end of the bull run. Also it’s low risk

>> No.25305752

We all know OP's type, he won't be satisfied without a bag of some dogshit he thinks will 10000x. Just hang around /biz/ long enough and pay your tuition to find a real one. It's not XRP. Only use single digit %s of your portfolio to go after such dumb things.

>> No.25305785

Holding btc and eth is redundant, pick one
Link is a good idea
Ripple is a fat gamble

>> No.25305793

xrp is old af bad troll

>> No.25305870

>he unironically bought XRP.

>> No.25306079

move the btc, the eth, and the link into xrp and then buy more flare when the network guys live plus you buy avax and you will have made it

>> No.25306091


>> No.25306196

jeesus you guys saved his ass
this bullrun will not go well for everyone

>> No.25306302
File: 184 KB, 1125x2436, dec 29th vol. 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros I have moved the XRP to ETH this is my new portfolio I truly value your input to this thread moving forward I plan on investing 2-4 k a month should I just stick with these 3 ? I really liked XRP for the fact I had 12,000 ripples is there any other coin out there I should add to this portfolio ?

>> No.25306401
File: 184 KB, 1125x2436, dec 29th vol 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY bad the ETH di not transfer yet in the last screen shot so it looks like I have 12 ETH .25 btc and 350 LINKS
Please advise my next 3 mo of investing

>> No.25306542

Chink and Pajeet shills FUD XRP every day on biz. If you’re a western white man, hold XRP with a death grip.

>> No.25306699

For the love of god dont listen to them!!!! Trade half of it into whatever but KEEP HALF. XRP will deliver you just have to BELIEVE

>> No.25306709

The SEC doesn't bring lawsuits it doesn't think it can win and the facts are in their favor; XRP and ripple labs are a profit seeking endeavor (and hence a security). They are going to lose and are going to zero. Get rid of that stuff.

>> No.25306808

>I did get a bit cheeky and bought the XRP on my own will
That explains it. Sell it immediately.

>> No.25306844
File: 36 KB, 263x192, Bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is going to zero
Link is overvalued and probably going to get taken out with XRP by the SEC
Ethereum remains risky in terms of its origin and its fate

Right now your allocations reflect a risk-appetite posture with btc at 33% of NAV

>> No.25306885

Mind boggling to think there is still $9 billion of market cap to bleed out. I remember when it was way under fractions of a penny.

>> No.25306938

It is a centralized scam token the size of this con has not even been realized yet. Garlic bread dumped 600 mil USD worth of the shit. With Jews you lose

>> No.25306943

I cannot believe you got rid of all your XRP. You're gonna be kicking yourself within a few months man. After Ripple comes out on top of the lawsuit XRP is going to explode. By the time they relist it it will be Triple digits minimum. At least keep 1k XRP my man dont do yourself like this

>> No.25306956

> sell the XRP and put it in ETH is the final answer?
Checked and yes.

>> No.25306977



Change it to something else.

>> No.25306981

Hears a quick rule of thumb to go by. When it comes to altcoins NEVER LISTEN TO BIZ. They will keep you from gaining money and talk you into losing money. Invest in BTC and ETH and when it comes to altcoins use your own common sense and hold for dear life. Dont ever take bizs advice on shitcoins

>> No.25307061

You have a great base there. For the next 3 months, keep putting into these three, but do so according to your own gut and research, you will need to get a clue for yourself to last through the bullrun and there's no better way of getting that than by trying to place down a bit of money to match your predictions, you get very strong feedback that way - you really feel when you are right and wrong. Good luck!

>> No.25307084

Listen. GRT is going to be the easiest money you ever make in crypto. I'm not going to shill you the project, because the truth is I know nothing about it. But ive been in crypto long enough to see patterns in the way things work. Let me explain
>coin gets shilled/fudded on death
>coin doesnt move much
>any slightest upward movement fills the catalog with hopium and shills
>any slightest downwards movement fills the catalog with wojaks and fud
All you need to do is buy a bag, forget about it, and BE FUCKING PATIENT. Don't expect it moon in a day. Be prepared to hold through losses. This is exactly what happened with LINK a few years ago. Buy a bag, set alerts for 10x and dont sell a second sooner. This is unironically the easiest 10x you can get in crypto right now as long as you don't have paper hands (which most people do, and is the reason why most niggers buy high and sell low)

>> No.25307104

This OP. You're a poorfag and the best way to make it is not to diversify and to go all in on the best coin. XRP is best coin.

>> No.25307139

Desperate bag holder or troll?

>> No.25307175

Put xrp into dot
Put link into dot too

>> No.25307216

Holy fucking shit. Between you and OP I cannot tell who is the bigger retard.

>> No.25307293

dont listen to everyone here telling you to not go in xrp
you need to go all in xrp the reason why you are receiving these posts to sell is because there are whales who want to be able to buy up all the xrp. They are scaring people by using bots to respond to posts just like yours that xrp is a scam etc. etc. HOLD STRONG BROTHER

>> No.25307316

unironically this too. whoever doesn't see the obvious exit pump incoming before coinbase halting trading is an idiot who deserves to lose money

>> No.25307358

Yes and if Bitcoin hits 10 billion you will have 2.5 billion.

>> No.25307365


>> No.25307387

>I am really hoping for a 2k XRP after they get cleared by the SEC is this possible ?
no. maybe 60 cents or $2 if you are a mega bull.
just sell it. honestly bet off gambling on graph, more upside.

>> No.25307429

>Bankers love XRP
lol. another bag holder is born. maybe XRP is the standard, if even the SEC can't scare normies away from this coin.

>> No.25307434

Unfortunately it's probably not bait. One of my normie friends also told me that he bought Ripple because he read an analysis that Ripple is going to be big in 2021. He bought some right before the crash. It's fucking disgusting how they manipulate the market. The same financial advisors probably stocked up on futures too and profited of the drop

>> No.25307442

it isn't going to hit 2k senpai

>> No.25307449

sell xrp for litecoin

>> No.25307491

It has to be bait. I refuse to believe anyone can be this retarded:
>I am really conflicted on this advice because if it hits 2k I will have 24 mil
if he is in fact this retarded, I would love nothing more than to fucking enslave him in a cotton field

>> No.25307501

I sold my litecoin for ETH last week. sell me on litecoin. My understanding was it was just to diversify incase of a 51% attack, which is no longer needed given the more useful tokens that exist today.

>> No.25307552

Incredibly true. Read this OP >>25304895
If you are new here do NOT stray from BTC, ETH and LINK...the shitcoins shilled are mostly all terrible. However the anons who told you buy to SNX and AAVE are alright. Those are good. Take some time, do your research, learn about crypto and try out different protocols then maybe you can buy some altcoins you like. But for the love of God keep most of your money in solid bets like Bitcoin or the others you have here. (XRP is trash, it's good you sold)

>> No.25307682

Put yourself in the shoes of a nocoiner. They have no idea how any of this works. They only know Bitcoin and that Bitcoin went from a few cents to 28k.
They are jealous of that but think it's too late for Bitcoin. Now they read on serious mainstream media about this other smaller coin that only costs a few cents right now but is on its way of bank adoption and has partnerships here and there and actually read serious projections that it might go to 2k because the people writing these articles also have no idea or because they are fucking scammers. Of course normies believe Ripple makes them rich and you can't talk them out of it. They just think you want to prevent them from doing what you did because you're scared they also might get rich or something. Normies are fucking dumb and that's why they'll always stay poor.

>> No.25307705

Pretty much this. Just get rid of the XRP

>> No.25307777


>> No.25307804

Can these mouthbreathers not understand the concept of supply and market cap? Like I said, I would love for nothing more than to physically enslave them

>> No.25307837

buy some core infrastructure coins like GRT and Parsiq
Don't believe the retards here - crypto's infrastructure is severely underdeveloped and these companies are building the crypto equivalent of IPV4/V6

>> No.25307854

> buy BTC
> Sell when it starts to drop
> Buy ETH with profits
> Sell when ETH dumps
> Use profits to buy BTC
> Repeat cycle

>> No.25307862

>Can these mouthbreathers not understand the concept of supply and market cap?

They literally do not. 99% of people don't even understand that the supply of Bitcoin is capped which is why it's so mind-boggling to them that a single Bitcoin reaches these prices.

>> No.25307875

they would let you if you marketed it right.

>> No.25307880

no you arent going to make it because you failed the iq test by buying ripple

>> No.25307892

he did sell though. so there is hope.

>> No.25307990

The SEC loses cases all the time retard, they sue companies hoping for a quick settlement. Why do you think ripple turned down two settlements?

>> No.25308008

Put the XRP in DOT

>> No.25308032

Buy High Sell Low, never change BIZ

>> No.25308054


>> No.25308059

This. Link is down a ton atm.

>> No.25308070

>if it hits 2k
You're such a fucking retard

>> No.25308089

link will follow xrps path
you will seethe at what i said, but so did xrp fags just few weeks ago
join the elite, buy parsiq, hold till 50$
im not replying to any retards, enjoy bagholding if you wont listen

>> No.25308094
File: 67 KB, 576x386, bubblechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt realize the meme chart is a self fulfilling prophecy
you're unironically about to enter the despair phase. 10-15k sats while BTC continues its glorious pump to 40k

>> No.25308120

And why won't the SEC go after PRQ too?

>> No.25308294

stop helping this faggot biz jesus christ

>> No.25308322

>Please advise my next 3 mo of investing
rajesh how can you afford internet

>> No.25308404

Put the xrp in btc and or eth

>> No.25308421

We are in the despair phase

>> No.25309071

>even my literal boomer father asked if I bought "ripples"

thats not a good thing bro

>> No.25309887
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309936

you call this despair? 7000% is despair?

>> No.25310009

get rid of btc, eth and link, these are stablecoins with no interest rate
move the allocated funds into XRP and hold for the next 1 month, dont bother watching graphs, XRP will x100 in a month, screencap this post and thank me later sir

>> No.25310143


>Lõ 0009 released de nūmbers
>dump eeet!

>> No.25310160

Kek you almost got me until the last line