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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 286 KB, 3312x1239, 1_snVJOH5YE5W3MStwDkO8Wg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25286840 No.25286840 [Reply] [Original]

While you guys got rugged, scammed, traded yourself rekt, had weak hands, watched charts 24/7 i went all into Hex.

I invested 2 btcs into hex back in January.

I'm now a hex maximalist, got all of my friends and family into it. Some cashed out, some bought more.

Can't help you guys, but if you are trader then you will end up being rekt. We told you about hex while it made his 164x. I mean if you missed now you continue to miss the 1000x too, it's okay anon.

Now good luck with BTC or the other shit coins you fomod in.

>> No.25286936

If you want to shill it, copy pasting everything richard says isn't going to help you.
It only makes you sound like an ignorant follower, that got lucky he didn't follow the wrong dude.
You gotta change the arguments, or maybe make your own, wouldn't that be crazy?

>> No.25286994

jfc...imagine holding hex past this initial pumps. the time to sell this shitcoin was right before esh started to run. from hex to esh to uniswap season. millionaires were made this year

>> No.25286999
File: 521 KB, 823x1050, HEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a decent amount of HEX and staked it for several years. I don't see myself becoming a HEXimalist, though.

>> No.25287014

not sure under what category to report your thread
well i hop ip a few time

>> No.25287182

Missed hex

Missed hex

That's nice anon. It's pumping like hell.
Weak hands adios.

Missed hex

Guys, so far 3 idiot who didn't made it and one decent guys. Traders are really toxic keyboard warriors.

>> No.25287262

Poor guy. Why the fuck do you care what’s said if it’s all true? You fucking retarded faggot. Sounds like you missed the HEX boat. Luckily I’m stacked gonna be living off this shit for the rest of my life. All you need is BTC ETH and HEX

>> No.25287292

looks like yet another day in the green for hex, one of the most amazing financial inventions of our lifetime. biz hates money remember that

>> No.25287344

you literally can't speak english. pls go back to whatever poo poo country you are from. this thread is for high iq hex people. not people that wipe their ass with their hand

>> No.25287388

you hexicans are so easy to trigger. hahahaha

>> No.25287426

What's your problem, mate? Those XRP bags have gotten really heavy, lately, haven't they?

>> No.25287448

Pretty baste that its pumping so hard now, I can't wait for it to get listed on bigger exchanges.

Wish I hadn't listen to all the stupid fudding niggers and gotten in far earlier.

How high do you reckon we will be going?

>> No.25287476

I'm on 14 months of a 167 month sentence for committing armed robbery, grand larceny, and domestic assault. When I get out I'm gonna have prison tats, huge biceps, and 16 million hex from stakes. Thanks RH

>> No.25287570
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>> No.25287603

the actual moon

>> No.25287617

would not be surprised to see 1 HEX = $1 within a couple of years. that might even be a cautious estimate

>> No.25287754

Kek hex will go the same way as xrp they are just waiting to rug

>> No.25287770

HEX is not a security, faggot.

>> No.25288008

There are many material differences between xrp and hex. If the SEC goes after HEX, it may more likely be indirectly, by way of the ethereum foundation, and has implications for every smart contract on any blockchain. Since the user is interacting with their own assets with the contract, there is no intermediary and thus no common enterprise. It would require a significant redefinition of terms in the Howey Test to logically apply. There is of course a non-zero chance they do this, given the recent establishment of smart contracts in general and the lack of clarity there.

>> No.25288146

HEX bag holder here.

I've been surprised how much it's held up while the other coins are in a slight dump these past few days.

I'm keeping mine staked and will hold for the next year.

I'm really curious to see how much it pumps when the alts moon hopefully sometime next year. If it even gets close to $1 i'll be well on my way to making it along with my other alts i'm holding.

>> No.25288372
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Buy Hex.
Even Donald Trump recommends it

>> No.25288389
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Congratulations OP, u get it.
best thread on biz in a long long while

>> No.25288419

Using Donald Trump for shilling isn't en vogue anymore. We had our fun, now it's time to move on.

>> No.25288484

Im staked out for the next 10 years. I’m either going to be rich as fuck from Hex or have nothing from Hex it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

>> No.25288640
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>> No.25288649

>Im staked out for the next 10 years

Dang, long time but good luck anon. I have that same though. My steak ends soon but idk if I want to re-steak it again for 1+yrs since if it moons I don't want to have to deal with ER un-staking and dealing with the penalties.

How large of a bag do you have? I'm holding 1mil and don't plan on buying more. I did get a boot for the BPD back in Nov.

>> No.25288708
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Already in the top 10 again. Ahead of chainlink marketcap

>> No.25288725

You are witnessing History in the making; the Absolute economic object, the store of "Value In Itself" to reflect all other value against itself, as it unravels itself and gains universal recognition and total market dominance.
Nobody, not even the founder, understands the full implications of the system that is HEX. Only I, Hegel-anon, discoverer and keeper of Absolute Knowledge have come here to tell you that economics as we know it has ended.
The Absolute economic object, existing as math, written in cryptographically secure code, made into immutable law to game-theoretically align economic attitudes toward value in itself for all time, has been formed.
Having been formed it will now transform everything it encounters in its own image. Financial incentives shall finally be aligned in their proper place to fit the demands imposed by this system.
(((Legacy banking))) is dead, and (((The Federal Reserve))) has been canceled. They are but walking corpses running on inertia, waiting to be crushed as they come into contact with HEX.
We are living in the post-HEX society. As the Absolute economic object at the end of History, HEX will keep unfolding in time, negating all it encounters to sate its infinite hunger and fulfill itself as "Value In Itself".
HEX will keep absorbing all the worlds economic energy, mooning in the process like nothing has ever done before. Now it is up to us to come to terms with the magnitude of this realization or perish as a consequence of our ignorance and vanity.

>> No.25288827

I don't give a shit about Biden, either.

>> No.25288943

This. Literally same thread posted every day. As soon as it is created all his buddies join and "secretly" shill it in their "audited, 100% uptime, 100x+" conversation.

It being a ponzi is crystal clear, supply is being minted in huge amounts and by advertisements all over internet they're looking for demand for that supply. In the end no one will be left alive as people who bought into it have less than 40 IQ and instead of ever cashing out they will restake hoping they turn 100$ into 10m$ within next few years. So, the only reason price isn't at 0 is because only retards or kids bought into it (actually pretty obvious why).

To all you twitter fucktard cult hex shillers, yes im not buying hex, yes i will stay poor, and yes my life is miserable because i didn't buy the most legit crypto product in the space.

>> No.25289007

retard alert retard alert retard alert. lmao. explain how supply is being minted in huge amounts? do you even understand the supply mechanism in hex? once again you have absolutely nothing of substance other than buzzwords like 'ponzi' and 'shill'. try harder bud you have nothing

>> No.25289069


Try forming more constructive sentences with some kind of arguments instead of pouring your tears into a reply.

>> No.25289091

lol stay mad faggot. I've made some great gains this year.

And yes, stay poor. You will never make gains while you just shit on others and their good fortunes.

>> No.25289114

nothing again. not surprised. just sad at this point. at least you wrote a lot of words, but yea nothing of substance

>> No.25289167


>> No.25289212

look at him. he's panicking! not even posting replies anymore, tears and sweat pouring down his face. just a sad little guy.

>> No.25289225

Cope harder. You shilltards all say you made "10000x past month" but have nothing to show for it.

>> No.25289272

Sounds like you got triggered after you realized you cant form a constructive sentence and give any kind of argument. Cope harder.

>> No.25289278
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>I invested 2 btcs into hex back in January.
No you didn't. post proof of this transaction or gtfo you larping faggot. You bought up some pumped up shitcoin a week ago and now your shilling your garbage here, hoping it pumps again.

>> No.25289318

Damn, Richard has to have fucked your mother really hard. There's no other way to explain that amount of obsession you have with us liking HEX.

>> No.25289334

But then again, what can you expect from a guy whose life rotates around pink hexagon and ref links spammed on every twitter post related to crypto

>> No.25289372

lol, stop it. get some help. come into hex threads with something of value next time

>> No.25289430
File: 108 KB, 828x801, IMG_20201225_163539_498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you.
I'm all in in LTO network and im gonna make it

LTO network
- Top 10 tx blockchain (http://coinstats.network)
- No spam tx, all real paid by users
- 8% staking APY, all paid by fees, no supply inflation
- Partnered with IBM, United Nations, European Government bodies
- Under 30 mill market cap - legitimate 100x potential

>> No.25289438

>It being a ponzi is crystal clear
There's little argument possible when you make uncontextualised claims as if they were fact. If you can provide for instance an analysis where you compare HEX to BTC for instance, which is often done by HEX holders, and explain the differences in how and why one, the other, both or neither is or isn't a ponzi, and why that is or isn't bad, then that's a discussion. Without the "compared to what" which can be BTC any other coin, this is just mindless yelling over each other, about how great or shit a coin is. This is not useful in any way other than generating noise to bump the thread to the top.

>> No.25289464

Those are the same 5-7 guys running those threads and comments. None of them will ever send a screen of transaction because that would be "doxing themselves". All they can do is repeat same 5 lines over and over again and cant use their brains to make arguments themselves or even come up with an original argument/s. But well, that's expected from people who focus their whole life around shilling hex on forums and twitter and making someones wallet (richard's) fatter while getting pennies in return.

>> No.25289514
File: 97 KB, 626x960, 8_213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hex is the next crypto that will do a 100x and people here are too stupid to realize it.

>> No.25289550

retard alert! why are we the ones that have to make arguments? you are the one coming in with FUD but nothing at all to back it up. i can feel your anger through the screen. its pathetic and clearly you are poor and stupid and i almost feel bad for dunking all over you all day. hey btw how is that hex price chart looking this year HAHAHAHAHAHAH i'm rich as FUCK NIGGGGAAA LETSSSS GOOOOO

>> No.25289582

All you have done in the past 4 comments was cope and give nothing worth reading. You're just denying anything bad said about HEX, but don't have any arguments to prove what i said was wrong. Come back in few years when you realized "retard " at the start and the end of sentence is not an actual argument.

>> No.25289631

poor retard says what?

>> No.25289652

Too bad no one is willing to debate RH anymore after he destroyed every single opponent and their arguments. It's pretty amusing how those same people now ignore him and try to pretend that HEX is not a top 10 coin. Can't wait to see what happens when it's top 3.

>> No.25289667
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>> No.25289668

>You shilltards all say you made "10000x past month" but have nothing to show for it.

wtf kind of argument is that? LMAO. I don't have to show you shit, if your low IQ braintard would understand you'd go ahead and buy some, steak it for a few months and see how it goes. But no, here you are complaining like a little bitch all the while every day i'm making gains.

This. My bags are primed and ready, next year if this moons it will prolly be the highest alt gains i'll make.

>> No.25289693

/biz/ told me hex was a scam.
Anyone have that clip of that girl singing “hex is not a scam.”

>> No.25289696

Woah, fucking based!

>> No.25289713

literally the only argument you made was that 'supply was being minted in huge amounts' you don't even understand how hex supply works and its the laziest and lowest iq argument you can make. you are a brainless shill and like i said come back with something of substance next time before you come in here crying like a baby

>> No.25289720

Yeah your cult twitter accounts are shitting on btc and glorifying hex through memes. Also, bitcoin has fixed supply unlike hyperinflated HEX

>> No.25289738

All-in into HEX.

Feels so fucking good to be a hexican.
No need to be a nazi obsessed with jews and black cocks, like it happens in the Link club.
No need to be a religious zealot who hides its despair with hope, like it happens in the XRP horde.
HEX is the choice for your 4th coin, a unique CD with unique characteristics, which renders it as the DE FACTO proof of stake. All the others are fake PoS, specially Cardano with its stake simulator.

>> No.25289742

actually so funny how nobody will even debate Richard anymore because he just completely destroys them. hex just passed chainlink and its only been 1 year.

>> No.25289783

now thats what i call based. just absolutely DUNKING on the hex haters in here. i mean that's literally a flawless victory coming in here posting like $300k in hex and i assume that isn't your only wallet

>> No.25289804


Ultimate coping hahaha. Backfiring by saying what i just told you.

>> No.25289816

You have that clip where the girl sings about being a hexican

>> No.25289817

>No need to be a nazi obsessed with jews and black cocks, like it happens in the Link club.

HUGE HEX holder here, the jews do control the media and finance and yes, hitler was right.

Stop projecting about your BBC fetish.

>> No.25289839

Wont be buying your bags lol. If you cant back your own argument it means its invalid

>> No.25289841

Based and hexpilled.

Seethe more, haters. Biz hates money, thats why it hates HEX.

>> No.25289846
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There are trillions in traditional bank cds. hex is the first decentralized version of this. How can the retards on biz cant see the true potential of hex. Bitcoin inflation is paid to miners that dump to pay electric bills while hex inflation goes to stakers that hold.

>> No.25289853

I don't buy pajeet tokens that's only purpose is to enrich itself, but congrats on getting in early!

>> No.25289875

Are you obsessed with them? Linkies are.

>> No.25289911

just seething i can feel it. it feels good to know i got under your skin. hey anon tell me 1 reason why hex is a ponzi or scam just one. i'll give you one more chance since you seem to be pretty adamant. go ahead little guy the floor is yours

>> No.25289968

Also, best indicator of this thread being ran by the same jews that run HEX cult on twitter is that when you attack one, whole army comes and joins spamming with replies.

>> No.25290036

Psychologically proven that you saying "keep crying, i destoroyed you" after you been exposed of doing exactly that is coping mechanism

>> No.25290054

we're still waiting for your argument bud. tick tock tick tock. what u got? i can shill hex all day because its made me rich af and i retired. you sit on biz all day because you have no job or life. we are not the same nigga

>> No.25290069

I wouldn't mind Hex if half the tokens weren't owned by Richard. That alone is what will kill this in the end. Also, Richard built this before Bitcoin is now being espoused by institutions and making its bull run with an easy 25x from here to match gold. Oops.

>> No.25290087

so you have nothing of substance about the hex project? is this capitulation?

>> No.25290299


What a beautiful life you have, sitting on tiwtter and forums shilling hex all day filling richards wallet. What argument do you need? In your small mind any argument against hex can be disputed by simply replying "retard" without even providing a logical sentence in between. Im done wasting time for braindeads like you. Will come back later to see how many replies with same copy pasta you made took you to realize you're a fucking idiot who cant bring anything valuable to the table.

>> No.25290431

well you had your chance and you failed at providing an argument. very sad and obviously a low iq poor person. i feel bad now. its like i just won a spelling contest vs a retard or something i don't even feel like i won

>> No.25290543


I was willing to discuss and see what you dumbasses have to say , but now im just done after being proven right that you retards are too sensitive to that topic and cant expand your basic vocabulary to other words than "retard" , "nigga" or "poor retard".

>> No.25290595

this guy comes in all guns blazing shitting on hex and now he's like 'i was willing to discuss' what an absolute beta male

>> No.25290665
File: 990 KB, 1000x715, 1608574644857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about AXN? Is it the same developers? Why does you get a free AXN for every HEX you own?

>> No.25290711


I bought yesterday. Please tell me I didn't buy at the peak yet again. Every fucking time, I can never fucking find anything that nets me a good profit, I always fucking find everything THE FUCKING FINAL DAY of it's rise. Fucking tell me I made an okay investment.

>> No.25290811

Also what the fuck is with all the haters in this thread?

>> No.25290822


We can keep discussing it over twitter.
Just PM'd you on @Franklin_SaintHEX. Make sure to check your PMs, will be waiting. Until then, take care.
(For legal reasons: This isn't a dox)

>> No.25290910

how about you suck my dick from the back? and franklin saint hex is a hexican. you are clearly not a hexican. get fucked poor pussy beta. i originally thought you were indian american or asian american but now since you are trying to dox with obv some threat of violence i think you may actually be black which explains your iq

>> No.25290995

Round about 90$mio to hit 1$.

>> No.25291090

Ty anon. We will definitely.

>> No.25291145

Yeah, its quite obvious your iq is below average,Franklin. Just give up already, Franklin.

>> No.25291183

Thanks for the good post!

>> No.25291226

It's not to late bro.

>> No.25291255

stop bumping, just let this thread die. And yeah, nice copy pasta

>> No.25291449

>Post prove

Are you to stupid to look at charts?
Check the top 150 accounts.

>> No.25291530

'i got bent over in front of everybody' just let this thread die. my palms are sweating i'm so nervous. you think we are gonna let you lie about hex without us dominating you in broad daylight? how about you just stay out of comfy hex threads and you won't get embarrassed

>> No.25291554

>Shills shitcoin in hex thread.

>> No.25291591

IDK why they don't accept the truth.

>> No.25291623

cope harder, Franklin. Cope harder.

>> No.25291642


>> No.25291688

right know i just trade the btc 1h and 1m on binance

should i into uniswap

>> No.25291706

Richard Heart is white. Have fun being poor.

>> No.25291717

Thank you sir. And please stop entertaining this imbecile >>25288943 HEX is all about freedom, making money, self improvement and good vibes. And this guy clearly isn't cut out for the good life.

>> No.25291737

Bitcoin? Eth? You have no idea what you are talking about and it shows.

>> No.25291766

You sound like that bcc nigger

>> No.25291818
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1million hex for the make it bag

>> No.25291828
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>> No.25291832

If anyone here is skeptical about hex, like you should be, go spend 10+ hours watching Richard Heart live stream. All questions will be answered and it will become apparent how great Hex really is.

>> No.25291860


"self improvement and good vibes" - Is it, Franklin?

>> No.25291940

Good decision! You will be alright. Join the Hex Tg and download the staker app.

>> No.25292003
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I remember people saying similar things about ethereum when it launched. Bullish

>> No.25292026
File: 892 KB, 820x993, Based pepe cigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the great thing about hex. Don't worry about peaks and valleys. Stake and forget then sell your interest or coin when it's done. It's just the beginning.

>> No.25292042

AXN is a scam. I got scammed when trying to claim a finished stake in their site. They asked for a fee higher than the money staked there.

>> No.25292063

Why does it bother you? Does your shitcoin thread don't get the attention it would need to pump?

Thanks for comparing me with RH.

>> No.25292082

>bought right before BPD
>staked half for 1 year
>sold the rest at a 70% loss after BPD

Damn I'm ngmi. I should have know this isn't just another shitcoin that will disappear into nothing with RH on board.

>> No.25292131

That's the gas fee, you fucking nigger. None of it goes into Axion. It all goes to Ethereum miners. Wait for gas prices to come down. I can't believe I share this board with faggots like you.

>> No.25292172
File: 108 KB, 1024x576, Never let evil take root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should have know this isn't just another shitcoin that will disappear into nothing with RH on board.

>Nothing but profit for 1+ year
>Creator streams on youtube for 4+ hours a time answering all questions for a year now
>Independent audit by 3 different companies
>Complete product with amazing community


>> No.25292242

In the same day I claimed a stake on HEX, and it asked a 3 dollars fee.
In the same day.

AXN is a scam.

>> No.25292243

First hex business tried to copy hex, now axion. Both are rug pulling.

AXN got "hacked". Lol

I got my unitokens (1200) because of hex. Double win for RH.

>> No.25292248

I cant even wrap my head around why people are still calling hex a scam. They are either attempting to fud to buy in cheaper or just plain retarded

>> No.25292299

You have no idea how any of this works. You're lucky we're entering a bull market, or you'd lose everything. Fuck you.

>> No.25292350

axn is what you buy if you missed hex

>> No.25292381

I checked now and they are asking for a 25 dollar fee to withdraw.
Luckily for me I put a very small amount in their site, just for testing their platform. But the fee is higher than this amount.
Reminder that I claimed HEX in the same day and the fee was only 3 dollars.

Seethe more, ranjeet.
HEX is the only true crypto CD. ALL THE OTHERS ARE SCAMS.

>> No.25292400

They missed hex, simple answer.

Imagine you would have listened to all those trolls on youtube and /biz/ calling hex this n that. A shame bro, what happened in reality is that most of these fudders and shills ended up staking hex.

So hexilicious.

>> No.25292504

AXN just continues bleeding even in a bull market, while HEX is almost back at one cent again. How low does it need to go for you to admit that you were wrong about everything and that having 50 weak handed AXN whales hold as much as HEX's OA is worse for price performance in every way?

>> No.25292618

AXN is bleeding because the devs are dumping the coins, plain and simple. At the same time they are imposing high fees, so that others dont withdraw their funds. This dont have anything to do with the Ethereum network, as such high fees dont happen with HEX.
HEX is a finished product, while AXN got "hacked" once. They are the usual /biz/ pajeet rugpull. From now on I only stake into HEX. Richard Heart is a good guy.

>> No.25292770
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I remember that as well. To be honest I might have writting few ETH=SCAM posts myself.

>> No.25293110

You especially want to make sure you're getting HEX2T, cause thats the best. I have almost 2 million of it.

>> No.25293204

The only thing that will matter in the end is shares. People who wrote this off will literally nec in a few years. It's not a meme that this will replace bitcoin as premiere crypto SOV.

>> No.25293231

>let me convince you to join my ponzi by telling you you're too late to join my ponzi
didn't really think that through did you

>> No.25293308

explain how hex is a ponzi. you sound pretty confident so i'm assuming you can articulate it pretty well

>> No.25293506

He can't. Probably parroting bullshit he heard from his favorite crypto youtuber who is parroting bullshit from a crypto "news source" who took all of 2 minutes to look at hex and decide it's a "ponzi"...bb..b..bbecause OA bad!

>> No.25293523

Gamma males. Usually failed by their fathers. They were probably fans of RH at some point. Then he started HEX and bitcoin gammas felt betrayed and will never forgive.

>> No.25293626

ponzi on a blockchain. literally useless for anything else and yes bitcoin in its current state is a ponzi as well. at least you are in an early ponzi so the upside is pretty good

>> No.25293732

It's useful for growing wealth which is the reason 100% of people are buying crypto. Only instead of bullshit promises and roadmaps and weak ass tokenomics that don't make any sense, HEX is designed to be pure concentrated game theory that everyone in crypto likes to take part in. Whether they consciously admit to or not . Thats the reason why everyone is here.

>> No.25293932

Indeed, I'm telling all my buddy's to have at least 1 t-share stake for a period of 5555 days.

>> No.25293943
File: 55 KB, 498x573, 1598981558344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigger is gonna blow past fuck you money when hex hits 1$

>> No.25293989

>growing wealth
yeah, someone has to put money in for the other dude to sell + the 40 apy. literally useless when no new idiots will come in. you care for hex or the $ amount the hex represents? blockchain tech is valuable, getting people to buy into something where early adopters dump on new adopters is just, well useless. if you have to shill your shit like this, its probably not worth getting into

>> No.25294067

richard owns 90% of the supply you idiot, doesnt matter how hard he tries to avoid that fact. the OA is in his possession, so screw anyone making this fat fucking scammer wealthy. and no, he didnt mine btc or eth at 50ct. he literally got into crypto in 2017 like most of the tards, he was a scammer before and is a scammer now.

>> No.25294112

People miss the moon but not saturn.

Hex would be more of a bubble scheme but okay, stop listening bro youtube shills. I'm not here to watch out for the next 10x. My mission is to bring more attention towards hex.

As I posted, they miss alot but not everything. Right time to jump in.

>> No.25294238

We're getting to the bottom of the issue here. You don't want other people being wealthy even if you are getting wealthy yourself in the process. It makes you feel inferior that they're more wealthy than you. That's a psychological issue you have to work through friend. Once you do you will realize that it's in OAs best interest to see Hex prosper precisely because it owns so much of it. Go look at who was dumping hex everytime there's a dip. It wasnt the OA, it was the get rich quick plebs. HEX is a game for a long term mindset.

>> No.25294249

Google tshares pls.

Literally cope cause, people buy everyday. Your post make no sense. U sound like the guy who missed btc, eth, link, yfi and hex.

Yeah bla bla bla, you still missed. Fud harder.

>> No.25294288

>he literally got into crypto in 2017 like most of the tards, he was a scammer before and is a scammer now.

He mined BTC you retard, he is a BTC OG.
You think he invested just 10k in developing Hex?

>> No.25294336
File: 285 KB, 1280x774, 5taxis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the website
>see this
are you guys for real?

>> No.25294350

Literally everything requires external economic energy to increase in price. Be it bitcoin, shitcoin, stocks, real estate, whatever. Value is perception. Why would people ever completely sell if they can just restake? If the system is designed intelligently there's never a need to sell everything. Why won't everyone just sell out of the stock market at once or take everything out of the bank and hide it under their matress?

>> No.25294393

I think it's retarded also but Richard is a marketing guy and it's not wrong. Go look at the price charts.

>> No.25294418

man bought it last year, dumped it after the bpd, im longer in the game than you are and already made it, but can spot bs by 100 miles away and hex is just a pure ponzi. the fact that richard doesnt want to tell that he owns the OA tells you all. the fact that hex/the contract is useless without more people buying in tells you all. will hex be around in 10 years? maybe. are there way better coins which brings humanity further? hell yeah. development doesnt nor shouldnt stop in this space. hex will become obsolete the moment a better contract/ponzi gets deployed which promises even higher gains and ponzinomics

>> No.25294432

>It wasnt the OA, it was the get rich quick plebs. HEX is a game for a long term mindset.

Get rich plebs are now rekt plebs.
>Selling after a year

They don't understand the more people are staking the higher the price goes, and the more people are selling the more hex you are getting because of the t-shares.

All these fudders brought a knife to a gunfight.

>> No.25294530

Yes Hex is real buddy. You still can afford some t shares and cheap hex.

>Richard is a scammer, he don't tells who owns the OA.
Are you familiar with the Howey test?
Also how does it feel to sell at all time low after BPD, you literally missed the 3x retard.

>> No.25294547

If you think BPD price was the top for hex you are in for a rude awakening. I already said everything you needed to hear and it's quite evident you are either mentally dull or willfully ignorant. You are even using the word ponzi incorrectly. Have fun fomoing in at 30 cents

>> No.25294548
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will HEX also cure my male pattern baldness, eczema, erectile dysfunction, and make me a hit at parties?

>> No.25294573

>dead shitcoin pumps 2x
>after -99%
>oh boy time to shill
yeah nah, buddy

>> No.25294614


This is a shitcoin that does nothing. Their selling point is “heehee line go up”

>> No.25294629

Yes, if you live long enough to see phase two.

>> No.25294634

You're bad at math

>> No.25294638
File: 23 KB, 588x738, 523411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it , why is this shitcoin Pumping ?? who is buying ??

>> No.25294649

>hex will become obsolete the moment a better contract/ponzi gets deployed which promises even higher gains and ponzinomics

>I promise
>I promise that I made a promise

Promise my ass, promises are for idiots, that's why you are here.

I'm here to tell you take a look at it, deeply.
Let me guess your favorite youtubers are trevon james and Ivan.

>> No.25294659


You need to go back

>> No.25294675

>listing price was like 10c or some shit
>current is 0.009
>you're bad at math
ok, retard, show me your wallet

>> No.25294709

They have massive disincentives for selling kek
They told people to 'stake' it for 'interest', effectively buying and locking up the supply

This new campaign happened coincidentally when the founder and team's coins fully vested last year, to the very day.

>> No.25294729

Still missed hex

People who understand it. Obviously not people who think the only purpose of hex is to pump and dump.

>> No.25294736
File: 58 KB, 991x388, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have three (3) seconds to explain how this is not a ponzi.

>> No.25294759

Smart money is buying. The idea that no one buys this is laughable. The volume can't be faked. There are new 5555 stakes daily which you can see hex.live/feed Pretending that it isn't happening is just silly at this point.

>> No.25294767

You barely made a 2x after failing to sell the 4x top on one of the most obvious ponzi schemes around.
>jan 2020 CEL price = $0.17
>current price = $5
Imagine thinking locking your tokens actually accomplishes anything. As if removing tokens from the supply for years means there's suddenly demand and liquidity for your worthless token.

>> No.25294782

Wtf are you talking about?

The price on January was like 0.00005 and will be a 0.01 soon.

>> No.25294821

>i timed the market perfectly
ok, show me your wallet

>> No.25294850

10 cents??? Lololo you're absolutely clueless. It was around 1 or 2 satoshis last year around this time

>> No.25294852

Staked almost a quarter million today for 6 years.
Have a bunch of smaller stakes in the 1year range but prob going to just sell interest then restake again.

>> No.25294894

everyone buying during presale/first listing was rekt so hard they were laughed out of /biz/ for months
leave and never come back

>> No.25294915

Show me your dick.

Sounds retarded huh?

>> No.25294924

>not on coinbase
i sleep

>> No.25294942

What is uniswap? What is dex? How does liquidity pool function? What is supply and demand? What is decentralized time deposit? You have so much to learn. I hope you get it all straightened out soon.

>> No.25294979

>shills this trash
>claims to make 200x
>refuses to show wallet
ah, the usual

>> No.25295017

>Not your keys

>> No.25295063

>Missed hex
>Owns shitcoins
>Highly toxic
Ah, the usual /biz/tard

>> No.25295087

I hate using DEXs to buy shitcoins because I have to pay thousands of shitcoins worth just in gas fees. Fuck that.

>> No.25295161

>Owns shitcoins
if only you knew
>Highly toxic
you don't belong
>Ah, the usual /biz/tard
Well, go back to гeddit if you don't like it here! Oh wait, I think hex is banned from r/CC, isn't it?

>> No.25295327

hex posts get deleted from cryptocurrency reddit. coinmarketcap doesnt show the real ranking of hex. So much gatekeeping just makes me more bullish since.people are afraid od hex overtaking their favorite coin.

>> No.25295339

You still missed hex.

This thread is about retiring early, not about me. Hex is still pumping, any words left?

>> No.25295343

I uniswap a magic source of future demand? If you leave a worthless token in a "decentralized time deposit" for 10 years does it magically become valuable?

>> No.25295362

You're the one who missed hex.
You not showing you wallet only proves my point.

>> No.25295415

I'm pretty sure coinmarketcap is just another paid bitchnof Wall St., Banks and china, let's see the reactions when hex hits .1.

>> No.25295426

It's a favor to Richard. As long as his ponzi is small enough he may get away with all the obfuscation because it's not worth the hassle for regulators to untangle it all.

>> No.25295536

This is my last response to you, pajeet.
Thanks for your statement that "hex mooned and fudders gonna fud cause they missed it.''

Secondly, stop that aggressive flirt hun. I'm not gonna hate fucking you later.

>> No.25295618

I have 2 million. I have 100k ending on my daughters birthday and 100k ending on my birthday every year for the next 10 years. I have around 250 T-shares so I’m making about 1,500 Hex/day just from interest/penalties. I’m sitting pretty. I’m going to drop some more longs into it. Very solid project, nothing like it. (in crypto, every major institution in the world has CDs).

>> No.25295641

Cam i make it with 200k?

>> No.25295651
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Looks like we are going to 1 cent before 300 replies in this thread.

>> No.25295665

all you have to do to btfo me is post your wallet but instead you're squirming like a eel trying to find your way out of the shit you started yourself
not posting your wallet means your either bought the top like a retard you are or have less than 1k usd total, you calling me a pajeet to avert my point makes me believe you're the second type, but also you can be both at the same time looking at how fucking retarded you actually are
also the only thing you're gonna hatefuck ever in your life is your own hand

>> No.25295710

Poor guy, you are so fucked. At least you are content staying poor. It’s also pumping rn stupid

>> No.25295845

1c Lets go boys.

>> No.25295859

HEX has no utility and can ONLY be a P&D because it simply uses Ethereum to exist, and that's it.

No fundamental difference between this token and the generic Useless Ethereum Token.

+ It's security = Ethereum. Betting on HEX long term is betting on Ethereum. As always with these types of bullshit exponential tokens.

gg to the riders though

>> No.25295916

Ethereum is a scam also huh? LOL

>> No.25295987
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>> No.25296019


No because it has utility as a platform for smart contracts, as opposed to HEX being a collaborative pyramid "virtual" money printer that does nothing but promote itself to continue to accelerate. Because if it doesn't accelerate, then it does absolutely nothing at all.

You absolute retard

>> No.25296079

Traders btfo

>> No.25296099


it feel awkward to even write it, it's absolutely as "useful" as Bitconnect, it's the same usecase. Hope a maximum of you retards lose everything when it collapses

>> No.25296102

Wow. This is incredibly fucking cringe.
I'm filtering all HEX threads from now on.

>> No.25296162

523.8 Million locked for average of 4.8+ years.

Don't worry bro it's a pump and dump scam.

>> No.25296173

A product where you lend your money for a certain time period. HEX staking doesn't lend, it does nothing. You lock it up as a promise to not sell to keep the ponzi going.

>> No.25296217

Best thing on business m************ Doge

>> No.25296226

It lends price appreciation to those who are liquid (via supply burn) in return for interest to stakers.

>> No.25296228

>Don't worry bro it's a pump and dump scam.

Nothing is locked, real money just flows between hands in this shiny infinite money grower until the unsustainable stops.
It's a textbook pyramid scheme you fucking absolute useless piece of garbage nigger, please all in and never sell.

>> No.25296234

Man if you can't even do the most basic of research you are never going to make it.

>> No.25296253

Defeating Linkies is all I really care about now

>> No.25296296

You're understanding of crypto and value is very cringe.

>> No.25296381

That's not lending. That's promising not to sell to fuel a ponzi. There's no counter party. I can't leverage myself using hex to fund my purchase of new farming equipment which will 100x my output. I guess I'll starve instead while waiting for a ponzi to pop.

>> No.25296384


Even AMPL is infinitely more useful than this HEX shit.

Go back to your shitty village and die there you retard

>> No.25296412

I looked at the website for this and the dollar signs lit up in my eyes after reading through it.
This has always been a bad sign for me, every time it happens I lose money to a scam that is too good to be true.
This time I'm not falling for it, it really does sound like a ponzi scheme...
1. Is there any real proof for or against it being a long term ponzi?
2. What happens to it if this Richard guy suddenly dies?

The chart also shows this mooned and dumped in November, and has similar patterns earlier. Right now it's in the middle of a moon so now would be a bad time to buy in.

>> No.25296450


>> No.25296530


Also, the haters in this thread shows we are in the right path. Keep going, lads.

>> No.25296574

Can HEX be bought on binance?

>> No.25296619
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1609186765727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 250k staked, waiting for the next dip and ill start buying and staking weekly, once the shares are out of the trillions and the interest goes down and theres less tokens being awarded alot of people are gonna be fucking rich

>> No.25296685

It's not on any major exchange despite being around #10 market cap. Just buy eth then go to the website and swap eth to hex then stake if you want or sell for profit. Personally, I think hex is made for a long term investment despite the great short term profits. Richard Heart also has 100+ hours of him streaming on his youtube.

>> No.25296756

1. The is soooo much content on youtube buddy.
2. It continues to exist.

Sidenote for you, low risk low return, high risk high return. So I was willing to take a higher risk and got an even higher return.

Invest 5% of wallet at first and stake it, DYOR. Join the telegram chat if you got questions, people are very welcoming to answer all of your questions. Go to YouTube and watch some of those hex streams and richard talking about it.

If you like drama take a look on debates where richard destroyed everyone arguing with him.

>> No.25296763

Our cult is growing little noHEXie. Soon you will be outnumbered.

>> No.25296821

Fuck outta here go back to Pakistan nigger

>> No.25296852

>the haters in this thread shows we are in the right path
We need a bingo card with phrases coping brainlets use. This is one that's almost trademarked by XRP fags by now.

>> No.25296885

>1. Is there any real proof for or against it being a long term ponzi?
There's more proof in BTC being a ponzi, but even that's a stretch. Ultimately it's the wrong question. The whole ponzi term is meaningless in crypto, since crypto by its nature acts as a ponzi sustained by greed of people who think it'll go up more than the price they bought at, until it gains enough value that certain emergent properties, network effects and utilities arise from it.
>2. What happens to it if this Richard guy suddenly dies?
The same thing that happens to Bitcoin if Satoshi dies. Nothing. Richard is non-essential to the code. The code exists forever and is immutable.

>> No.25296894
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 90696927_10157326114133299_7054886986619813888_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck outta here go back to Pakistan nigger
Struck a nerve, kikel?

>> No.25296924

You don't need a counterparty brainlet. This is defi. This is new. Settle all your shit on a DEX without cucking to anyone. If you really want to leverage hex to be a degen there will be way to do that too.

>> No.25296954

> Up 70% in a week
> Coping

Yeah someone's coping alright lmfao

>> No.25296961

Can you link me to something that irrefutably proves that it's not a ponzi scheme?

Ponzi's are great for those who manage to exit them before it pulls or gets busted.
I'm not really willing to trust this unless there's some proof.
I really want to make the money, but god damn it's hard to trust it.
Also right now it's pretty close to a top and will probably dump a little by or on January 2nd, correct?

What percentage of the nodes are official or run by partners who are paid?

>> No.25297084

>Up 70% in a week
Is what these things do. The people in charge create cycles of hype and despair.
CEL, a legitimate project where the people in charge buy back tokens every week is up 100% this week.
I'm up 400% this week on DSD.

>> No.25297117

>Can you link me to something that irrefutably proves that it's not a ponzi scheme?

Huge market cap + 523+Mil staked for 4.8 year average. If you are actually interested you need to put in the DD. Richard Heart has hours of streams where he answers questions. Go watch 10+ hours of stream and make your own mind up.

>> No.25297188

>What percentage of the nodes are official or run by partners who are paid?
There's no nodes in HEX unless you mean ETH nodes. HEX is simply a smart contract running on ETH.

>> No.25297200

You're spot on except the "amazing community"
You shills all sound the same; and the dlive streams look like a pack of turbo-virgins. FFS the telegram is a fucking echo chamber masterbating over hex play-on-words.
Congratulations, you have a crypto project that looks decently good, can your "community" stop looking like paid pajeets?

>> No.25297253

why do you give a fuck about the community are you gay or something do you like money

>> No.25297263

thanks bro, I'll do that, just a tiny amount so I can watch it

>> No.25297274

Can you link me to something that irrefutably proves that it's not a ponzi scheme?
>Go watch 10+ hours of stream and make your own mind up.
This. If you don't have 10+ hours to DYOR on a thing you're thinking of putting money into, what are you even doing here?

>> No.25297298

I don't watch anything outside of Richard Heart streams / interviews. I also don't use twatter dlive etc. I guess the community to is the Discord / Youtube. The discord is incredibly helpful with answering all kinds of questions and just has a generally positive vibe.

>> No.25297438

Hexologist is pretty chill.

>> No.25297469

All I care about is whether the smart contract is sound, if the tokenomics are sustainable and if it's a viable long term investment. Hex checks all those boxes. Community is nice for some people but irrelevant to me. I have enough people to deal with IRL

>> No.25297490

I asked for irrefutable proof, not 10 hours of cult brainwashing.
Nothing you mentioned is proof of any kind.
People have run billion dollar ponzi schemes before.
A guy that seems likeable talking a hole in your ear isn't proof it's not a ponzi scheme.

You really got to do way better than this if you want real people to trust this shit.
I'm serious about wanting to invest in it for the 40% APY alone, but not without irrefutable proof.

Cult leaders can spend hundreds of hours talking about all kinds of shit to make them seem intelligent and like a person you can trust, you don't even realize you joined a cult until it's too late.
Cult leaders have very charming likeable personalities too, and you will have cult members swearing by them even after they are caught.
Seriously, this guy just talking about stuff is not any fucking proof!

>> No.25297644

>not 10 hours of cult brainwashing.
If you can't put in 10 hours of DD then I don't know what to say. If it's 10 hours of cult brainwashing or bullshit then that is 10 hours well spent to avoid a bad investment. Richard Heart answers questions from chat / interviews for hours on end.

>> No.25297701

It's not a ponzi because it's not exclusively paying early investors with funds from later investors while pretending to do some kind of work.

Depending on how much and how long you staked you can potentially get more ROI than someone that staked earlier.

Every transaction is out in the open and public. Because trades take place on uniswap. You can see which addresses are staking, which are selling and which are buying. Nothing is hidden. Smart contract cannot be altered. No admin keys and has been audited 3 times.

It's all up to individual choice. Interest rate is dynamic and changes based on how many people are staked. Everytime someone stakes their coins get burned until they unstake. If alot of people are staked then interest rate is low but price per coin goes up due to the supply burn. If few people are staked there will be more supply but very high interest rate per staker. So it's a balance at the end.

>> No.25297745
File: 110 KB, 1451x431, my_hex_stakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at your level but I'm grinding...:)

>> No.25297786

>You really got to do way better than this if you want real people to trust this shit.

I don't have to do anything lol. I did not create this thread I just happen to love Hex and think it's future is going to be bright. I have 50% of my net worth in Stocks and 30% Eth/20% Hex. I might start increasing my crypto a little I am kind of sketch on USD atm.

>> No.25297845

A smart contract being audited and safe doesn't mean it's not a ponzi scheme, especially if it's true that he holds the majority of the liquidity.
Can anyone prove he doesn't hold the majority of the liquidity?

>> No.25297940

He does own a chunk of the liquidity, just like Satoshi and BTC etc....

>> No.25297946

You should be beyond sketchy my friend.

>> No.25298020

I am not sketched at all because I have a good fundamental understanding of Crypto and Blockchains and why I am investing in this. Like I said earlier, I have a diversified portfolio so I am not all in HEX.

>> No.25298051

Think I misunderstood what you were saying. Sketchy about USD? Yeh.

>> No.25298065

Seriously, something does not add up about this.
1. It's too good to be true.
2. It's advertising it self exactly like a ponzi scheme does.
3. Everything on the website makes it look like a ponzi scheme.
4. My gut feeling tells me it's a scam after having been scammed several times before.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck?

What percentage does he "own"?
And what percentage of the liquidity keeps getting recycled back to hex?
What is raising the price?
Where does the massive 40% ROI/APY money come from?

>> No.25298067


>> No.25298101

LMAO go back to boomer rocks faggot

234 posts and counting. COPE MORE

>> No.25298103

Then don't fucking buy it. Go to the xrp schizo threads and huddle fuck around the campfire jeeesh.

>> No.25298162

You should come ask these questions to the creator yourself next time he streams on youtube. You would have to be an idiot to not put in a good amount of research before you invest into something.

>> No.25298198

you can't prove a negative nigger. innocent until proven guilty in white civilization. now go spend the rest of time building a case to prove HEX is a "ponzi" while we make 40% APY.

>> No.25298220

>If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck?

wrong. Richard explains all this if you'd take the time to listen. He deliberately uses the similar sort of marketing tactics scams use because they are effective. Using marketing that works doesn't make something a scam.

what's raising the price? More people buying than selling. Where does the interest come from? There's 3% annual inflation baked in that's paid out to stakers. The higher % of HEX staked, the less interest new stakes receive. Staking rewards incentivize people not to sell. What % of HEX does RH own? Who knows. Why does it matter?

>> No.25298250
File: 130 KB, 1817x877, dfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't prove a negative

That's a myth, you can prove a negative...


>> No.25298332

didn't read still staked

>> No.25298363

I'm not into XRP, never have been never will. Being paranoid about suspicious coins is healthy and a good thing.
What's your problem?

All you guys can talk about is Richard this and Richard that, you all sound completely brainwashed...
None of you can provide any proof for or against, nothing at fucking all!
You just keep repeating watch Richard talk.

>More people buying than selling.
Can you prove it's not Richard artificially raising the price by buying it him self and turning it into liquidity again?

>What % of HEX does RH own? Who knows. Why does it matter?

>> No.25298481

How Richard pump up the price if he staked most of his shares before the BPD? If the BPD was a rug pull how come it keeps pumping? Take a look at hex.live/feed and see for yourself the amount of money being put in to this project. If you don't want it, fine.

As always, DYOR and fuck off. :)

>> No.25298571

we keep bringing up RH because he's provided detailed answers to all of your criticisms over and over, but instead of listening you just trot out the same tired bullshit. Watch some of his videos and decide for yourself, but just screeching "scam! ponzi!" without listening to the counterpoints just makes you a retard.

Here's an interview by Richard with a guy who sounds just like you

Can you prove it is RH pumping up the price? Everything is on chain so do your chain analysis and show us why you think it's Richard who's making it pump. How does RH owning a large stack of HEX hurt HEX? does Elon Musk owning a huge stack of TSLA hurt TSLA? I asked *why* it matters but you can't answer

>> No.25298572

>As always, DYOR and fuck off. :)

Really the main theme of this thread.

>> No.25298573

>All you guys can talk about is Richard this and Richard that, you all sound completely brainwashed...
I can relate to him as a recovering power addict. He likes stuff like "NLP" and isn't the worst at it. I bet he has enough money but does this more to serve his addiction to manipulation.

>> No.25299142


>> No.25299835

You're either a troll or very low IQ. Please reread my post it answers your question directly. Not just the part about the contract being audited. If you still don't get it then Im not sure crypto or investing in general is for you

>> No.25300043
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Anon the time is now. Hex is still under a penny. You can buy now and still make it.

>> No.25300222
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>> No.25300303

Im starting to feel like im wasting my time buying into this coin now
Everyone bought in at like .000005 and now i bought at fucking .008 and so I have like a few hundred thousand to stake and it nets what, a few thousand more... meanwhile for the same price people bought and staked fucking millions...
Its a waste for me now right? I missed my chance?

>> No.25300403

Thats like being upset for buying bitcoin at $10 when people bought it for 10 cents

>> No.25300469

I guess thats a good way of looking at it. Ah well.. i have my stack, im staking, will see where it takes me...
But seriously 10-15 years? How does anyone have the patience?

>> No.25300653

you don't have to stake your whole stack for that long. I have stakes ending every few months for the next 10 years. as the stakes expire I'll either take some profits or restake depending on my situation at the time. right now I'm restaking everything. staking will prevent you from panic selling and be less concerned about short term price movements

>> No.25300698

Yea that is a good plus about staking.. i do tend to panic sell, im excited to just stake and forget.
Thats a good idea, ill do that, unfortunately though again each stake wont net a ton because I can’t afford 4Million Hex because the price has gone up 1000% since you bought :(

>> No.25300765

HEX now really is Bitcoin at 10 dollars. I mean just look at the numbers. The project has only been around for 400 days. There's maybe 25k stakers at the moment, so the upside is truly insane. Plus most people don't like buying cheap (see BTC before and after 20k). The truly big money will buy only when it becomes expensive enough.
>But seriously 10-15 years? How does anyone have the patience?
This is the thing. It looks insane, but people actually do believe enough for the current average stake length to be 4.83 years. Nothing in economic history has ever inspired such confidence for people to lock up their money for that long. As you keep looking into the way it works it's truly incredible what can happen. And again, I can't emphasize this enough, this is the beginning of year 2 on a project where 15 year time-locks exist and are utilized daily. This is just the beginning.

>> No.25300819
File: 53 KB, 982x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get something like 40% APY right now. That's likely to keep going down over time so I'd get my stakes in sooner than later if I were you. There's still big gains to be made. A 10 year stake will get you triple your HEX, not including USD price appreciation. A small stake now could have you living like a king in 10 years.

I still think there's much upside potential in HEX. Don't act like it's over just because it's already gone up so much. Bitcoin went up 1000X in its first couple of years and now it's up over 2 Million X. HEX could go up even faster. Another 100X or more from here in the next couple of years does not seem improbable

>> No.25300888
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If someone staked $1000 in Dec 19 how much would they be walking away with in Dec 20?

I can't find an answer to that example online.

>> No.25300891

Alright, thanks, thats reassuring.
I do plan to add to my stack ASAP, and just let it ride. There is a really interesting enthusiasm for this coin... watched a random ass live podcast on youtube about it last night at like midnight... seems popular

>> No.25300922

>Yea that is a good plus about staking.. i do tend to panic sell, im excited to just stake and forget.


Overall playing the long game tends to pay off rather than trying to time the market, for the majority of people.

Very few people swing or day trade and do better than picking a good investment and HODling.