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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25285089 No.25285089 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all need to stop crying and/or gloating about the SEC lawsuit against Ripple. The SEC sues fucking everyone.

The SEC has sued Tesla: https://www.npr.org/2018/09/27/652315858/sec-sues-tesla-ceo-elon-musk
The SEC has sued Amazon: https://www.mhpbooks.com/amazon-settles-huge-securities-lawsuit-still-faces-more/
The SEC has sued JP Morgan: https://www.sec.gov/news/press/2011/2011-131.htm
The SEC has sued Microsoft: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/microsoft-settles-with-sec/
The SEC has sued Walmart: https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2019-102
The SEC has sued Dell: https://www.sec.gov/news/press/2010/2010-131.htm
The SEC has sued Verizon: https://www.verizon.com/about/news/mci-and-sec-reach-final-settlement

Seriously, Google "SEC sues" and pick a random major corporation. More often than not you'll find they've been sued by the SEC at some point. Many of them multiple times. It's all bullshit government shakedown money. None of these companies went under. Neither will Ripple. At worst they'll pay a fine like all these other corporations did.

If your hands are weak, sell and move on. If you're relishing in Ripple's impending doom, you're a moron. If you're smart, just shut the fuck up and enjoy the discount.

Inb4 "hurr durr cope!!!1"

>> No.25285190

b-but if i fud xrp my linkies will get better!

>> No.25285232
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>> No.25285234

Can someone please explain to me what makes this token valuable? I honestly can't find an answer. I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.25285256
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>> No.25285291


survivor bias.

>> No.25285307

Bought at 0.18.
Already up 15%+
Thanks, /biz/, for fudding!

>> No.25285312

>None of these companies went under. Neither will Ripple

Major Cope

>> No.25285318

No one will be able to without saying some extremely obtuse roundabout way that doesn’t even really answer the question, watch

>> No.25285325
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>> No.25285352

Bridge currency dumbass

>> No.25285354

i dont understand this type of thinking..like literally are you fucking dense? This is terrible for XRP. This isnt fucking bullish, this isnt about being smart and holding or buying more. Its about swallowing your fucking pride. I just dont understand you morons. This is down 60% in a week and you think you are edgy and cool and smarter than everyone (you're not) because you are buying a coin that is being DUMPED. Good fucking god... Ok my rant is over

>> No.25285356

Lmao, enjoy your lunch money gains that while people who bought Bitcoin, a higher market cap coin, are up 300+% this year. The absolute state

>> No.25285361

You're not a retard, you can't find an answer because it legitimately does not exist. It's a shitcoin with no usage.

>> No.25285391

A two word general phrase doesn’t answer anything you fucking retard, holy shit kek

>> No.25285407

will be below LTC today

>> No.25285414

Today I have truly seen that all of biz is truly a bunch of weeaboo defi zoomers with the memories of goldfish and no trading sense. Buy xrp you fucking chimpanzees DO YOU NOT SEE BLOOD IN THE STREETS

>> No.25285422

big difference on what the get sued for

>> No.25285445

"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."

>> No.25285452

Try to imagine what it is like having a conversation with an abused dog and demanding coherent English. Now imagine that there is a group of people that are less likely to give you coherent English than an abused dog. These are the xrp fans.

>> No.25285493
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They are the qtards of crypto

>> No.25285559

>reddit formatting
Go back faggot

>> No.25285607

Just sold all my XRP and converted to BTC. I'M DONE. Fuck this shitcoin it's ruined my life and my relationship and cost me thousands of £££

>> No.25285627


Irrelevant. The US government does not sue to destroy. They sue for compliance and milk money.

>> No.25285713

XRP is being delisted on all major exchanges by next month. Trading is already limit order only on coinbase...

>> No.25285720

getting sued by the SEC is such a big achievement for xrp, never been so bullish

>> No.25285773

The SEC has a 80%+ win rate in lawsuits but I guess there's a future for you in the cherry picking business.

>> No.25285789

hurr durr cope

>> No.25285843

So say more about bridge currency please. Why would this make the token valuable? I really want to understand what people see in the project and why they think its a good investment.

>> No.25285844

they're not being delisted, trading is being paused and even that is only happening for US customers. chill out.

>> No.25286010

You assume that I am not well diversified. I saw an opportunity for quick gains buying the bottom of the XRP panic sell, and I made money within hours. That's what Chads do, Bobby.

>> No.25286014


Where did I say it's an "achievement", brainlet? I said it's commonplace. Learn2engrish.

>> No.25286052
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Keep coping anon, if you believe your own delusions then you might just feel a little bit better for a short period of time until reality sets in

>> No.25286111

I dont understand why the xrp token is needed as a bridge currency? Is this to be used like eth in that you spend the tokens to power the network to process the transaction or conversion? For the love of fuck please give me a direct simple answer!

>> No.25286226


So many NPCs in this board.

>> No.25286379


Can you read? It literally says "in the US". 95% of XRP's volume comes from OUTSIDE the US. You'd know this if you did 3 seconds of research outside of a mongolian basket weaving board.

>> No.25286466

To bridge assets and CBDCS, you send XRP and it gets converted from origin to destination. The XRP transactions are practically instantaneous and the fees are ridiculously cheap

>> No.25286513

>he invests on pride and anger
>not gains and profits
Never gonna make it bro. You buy shit to make a profit, not feels.

>> No.25286555

So trade with a house outside the US......

>> No.25286838

So go into more detail on this. Are you saying bank A has 200k in xUSD and Bank C is asking for payment. Bank A can send them the 200k of xUSD on ripple net and it will automatically convert to say xEURO or something like that? I still don't get why the token in necessary to do a transaction like that and what makes the token valuable? Do you have to pay fees to use the network in XRP? More detail please.

>> No.25286899

riiiiiight Anon. You're certainly right. It is only made to look like a scam, so we all don't buy. Definitely. I believe you.

>> No.25286921

xrp holder calling people npcs dear god stupid faggot

>> No.25286941

Holy fuck at the level of cope from you guys, lmfao

>> No.25286972

The money from XRP is going to DOT.

>> No.25287105
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>not waiting for obvious rebound
the lack of discipline and patience for delayed gratification will be the downfall of zoomers

>> No.25287115

>The SEC has sued Enron
>The SEC has sued Healthsouth
>The SEC has sued Bernie Madoff

youre right OP that was easy!

>> No.25287539


Healthsouth still exists and does $4 billion/year in revenue. Their CEO was acquitted on every single charge. The SEC didn't investigate Enron or Madoff until AFTER they imploded.

I mean, do you even know what Google is you fucking retard?

>> No.25288158

So the SEC won't let me be or let me be me, so let me see

>> No.25288219

>The SEC didn't investigate Enron or Madoff until AFTER they imploded.
>ripple hasnt imploded yet so must be legit

>healthsouth had to rebrand and its CEO is still in jail
real people with real assets dont disappear like crypto scams do you dipshit
you must be a XRP holder to be that fucking stupid

>> No.25288475
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>CEO still in jail

Thanks for affirming that you literally cannot use a fucking search engine. Retard.

>> No.25288630

Lol XRP bag holders you are done toast see ya later it’s over

>> No.25288799

>you almost had me till i pointed out the ceo is actually out of jail
>goalposts moved..hehe..checkmate kid

>> No.25288854

this bounce is fucking annoying

>> No.25288862
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>To bridge assets and CBDCS, you send XRP and it gets converted from origin to destination. The XRP transactions are practically instantaneous and the fees are ridiculously cheap

You are now describing XLM.

Which has USDC, ARST, and BRLT.

XLM is literally doing right now, what XRP promised to do. XRP is garbage.