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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 945x2048, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25250023 No.25250023 [Reply] [Original]

Post your folio. Poorfags only

>> No.25250141

pro tip from a richfag: you're ngmi with these high caps
diversify in some solid low caps (gems), DYOR to find them

>> No.25250206

42k ADA, 100 Dot, 1 Eth

>> No.25250222

Good advice. What would you recommend?

>> No.25250229

Im both poor and dumb to find those gems, also kinda scared since I could lose my little money with those shitcoins

>> No.25250273

good job bro u might 5x in a year, im gonna see if i can achieve that next few days with shitcoins lol

>> No.25250397

Please guide a retard poorfag, I cant afford much so I cant take big risks. Also Im dumb so I only use Coinbase, so im kinda limited when it comes to trading with shitcoins

>> No.25250504

Honestly man nobody is gonna hold your hand and give you free advice. My suggestion is to just lurk threads and take note of what coins everyone is talking about and also looking at the screen shots of their bags. And taking interest in the ones they are holding alot of.

>> No.25250546

this is bad advice

Stop gambling with shitcoins if you have limited funds. Shit coins are the day trading of crypto.

>MUH 100x
yes 1 in 1000 shitcoins will do a 100x and guess what, by the time YOUR DUMB MONEY gets in to the shitcoin it will already be over. There are co-ordinated pnd discord groups, co-ordinated whales, OG holders that know the devs , the devs themselves all working against you.


EVEN if the token has good fundamentals and you know your shit wiht crypto it doesnt mean your coin is going anywhere. Chase the long term pumps and bubbles, not this cheap get rich quick pump and dump garbage.

>> No.25250585

60% BTC
30% ETH
10% XMR

is all you need as far as portfolio allocation is concerned

>> No.25250607
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Is dmg one of them?

>> No.25250672


No one really knows, if they did they'd max out the bank but they don't. You looking for long term safety or short term high risk high reward. Do you believe blockchain tech is the future? Pick a coin research it and ask yourself does this have a place in the real world.

>> No.25250686


You want to stick with Coinbase. Go for BTC, ETH and Tezos. Stake your Tezos immediately. Stake your ETH at the first opportunity.

>> No.25250708
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Whoops, here's the good screenshot

>> No.25250733

Firstly use binance or kraken. Sign up for them now. Sign up for coinbase pro if you want to cash out. Regular coinbase is incredibly expensive.

>> No.25250751
File: 31 KB, 914x259, Screen Shot 2020-12-28 at 12.53.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goal is to own a bitcoin and my hope is that my linkies will be worth that much when altseason peaks.

>> No.25250793

Your linkies may be worth around 50k by end of Q1. So yeah, you're probably going to get 1 BTC out of it. 2 if you're lucky.

>> No.25250804

Why Tezos? I look at the chart and it looks like a coin that went through a P&D and now is struggling to stay alive

Oh I use Pro, also Im signed for Binance but I dont feel like splitting my coins, even though I know its a good idea, but mostly because im lazy

>> No.25250860


PRQ is the best bet rn

>> No.25250888

ok get a metamask wallet and use uniswap if you want to gamble on shitcoins. You dont need to sign up to uniswap, just connect your wallet.

Be prepared for extortionate gas fees and despair though.

>> No.25250917
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>> No.25251326
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Make it

>> No.25251431
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>> No.25251468
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I know I'm not making it this cycle but will in the next one.

>> No.25251480 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 680x780, chad_schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too based

>> No.25251520

coinbase fucking sucks, but if you must stick to that SNX n GRT seem somewhat promising, of course there is inevitably going to be risk involved, although i feel pretty safe abt SNX going to 15$ by end of january. suggest linking uniswap to a wallet of ur choosing and go from there if u want more options

also everyone hate it but I believe XRP will moon not too long

>> No.25251527

convert all the xrp to link what are you doing

>> No.25251546

This worked in 2017 because of the ICO craze and literally everything did a 20x at minimum, also fewer coins. But now with 3000 coins it is literally impossible to find coins that will pump unless you're an insider or in a whale group who know what they're doing. You will lose all your money. If youé poor its better to stick to somethig guaranteed to pump even if the gains will be pathetic.
Sure if you can afford it throw some $50-$100 on the /biz/ flavour of the month but expct to get rekt a few times Tons of people got rekt in the defi bubble. There was a thread a while ago with a guy claming he went from 40 Eth to 0.4 ETH. Fucking nightmare fuel right there. Even I got rekt in 2017 on shitcoins. Honestly anybody who bets on shitcoins will get rekt sooner or later and that is very demoralizing.

>> No.25251559
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>> No.25251568
File: 9 KB, 291x173, 20200810_023029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$NEAR 10k $
$ROCKS (social rocket) 2k $
$mahaDAO 10k $

>> No.25251575

This basically. Most people are just trying to milk you, so don't fall for their shitcoin bait

>> No.25251591

Am I doin' it right?

>> No.25251599

ya great advice bro. all biz talks about is the coin that most recently pumped 30% listening to people on biz a surefire way to get wrecked instantly

>> No.25251645

i'm a schizo

>> No.25251646
File: 239 KB, 1080x1793, IMG_20201228_202346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys remember me with the negative portfolio. It's working out great

>> No.25251702

So you borrowed money from an exchange?

>> No.25251704

You are free to give him advice if mine is so bad.

>> No.25251744

I borrowed money on Aave

>> No.25251792

checked and literally illiterate

>> No.25252034
File: 61 KB, 1014x462, muh-crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little all...

>> No.25252075

This is shit advice.

>> No.25252179
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>> No.25252187
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Thoughts on mine?

>> No.25252439
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It depends on what OP's goal is. If he's fine with 50k and is able to sell without getting greedy, I agree that he should not gamble with shitcoins.
But when he's going for 1mm net worth, he's not going to make it.
I had to ride DGB, eth, neo and finally chainlink to make it to 300k and I was starting with 2k in May 2017.
So now I'm 66% in chainlink and 33% btc to play it safe.
So there is no way around researching 1000s of hours over years if you really plan to make it with 2k starting.

>> No.25252492
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>> No.25252511

good advice, ngmis will tell you to hold btc and eth with 2k usd lol?? you cant be this stupid....

>> No.25252523

This thread is for poorfags only, leave the premises this instant.

>> No.25252535
File: 30 KB, 750x330, DA64714E-D91F-4868-AE9F-77DFBDF98A28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, not gonna be poor for long, just bought more xdb today and friend I’m telling u, 2021 is my year
Fucking Forbes even knows it,

Can u imagine this alt actually fucking made it to Forbes

>> No.25252552
File: 427 KB, 828x1792, 9B0EF6B7-66A3-4B8A-A034-377561D4F868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ngmi this cycle...

>> No.25252577

also you will not be able to take losses of 200k in a few weeks, if you don't know what you are invested in. Because you will either sell or kill yourself

>> No.25252606
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>> No.25252609

I only have 2.5 ETH. Am I safe leaving it in Binance?

I actually had £5k at one point and I'm incredibly lucky I still have what I have, so the last thing I want to do is gamble with shitcoins anymore.

>> No.25252610

80% of my portfolio is low cap coins, ORO is like 50% of my portfolio and then link and ocean make up the other 30%

I’m not posting a pick here
Who know what u fags can do
Url might find a way to hack into my account
Fuck no
I’m not stupid

>> No.25252678
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>> No.25252682

take a snapshot, run that image through a few different photo filter apps, and then MSPaint, and it'll be squeaky clean. takes like a minute or too, and that's only if you're scared of releasing PII.

>> No.25252686
File: 193 KB, 1124x2232, 5D878EBB-6F76-4CD0-A265-176D0F0413A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mildly conservative here

>> No.25252707

Checked mother fucker

Good advice, these idiots have no advice, they spend their life on 4chan
Go for chainlink and xdb, these ones have some solid partnerships planned for next year, they always boasting about how great 2021 is gonna be for them, so don’t miss out on the fun

>> No.25252733

[an unknown amount] of xmr

>> No.25252751
File: 363 KB, 2654x916, Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 19.57.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do y'all think of my folio???

>> No.25252757

No pain no gain, take risks or give up. I was similar to you, started with $2000 and now have $72k, only way I did it was to gamble on shitcoins. I was lucky however as I rode a lot of pumps back when Idex was a thing and every week a new "Idex gem" was getting shilled here. Uniswap and rugging makes it a lot riskier but I did make decent gains on that shitcoin Statera

>> No.25252784

similar to me except im not brainlet enough to touch xrp

>> No.25252787

you've made money from literally nothing so I applaud you on that. Are you going to keep investing or just hope this all takes off?

>> No.25252814
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 6A973476-2F8A-4C17-BC05-B7F1000AB90E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s like saying tron is the best bet right now hahahahhaha

I would say oro, front, and ether are the hot topics right now, Elrond is also joining the party with oro, Altseason is going to be blissful unlike this lockdown Christmas

>> No.25252835

I'm a poorfag so I have no more money to put into crypto

>> No.25252847

Keep DCAing.. Nice ratios and picks, it's just that you don't have much as of now... Maybe add LINK or ADA.

>> No.25252870

Thanks I will do that now and come back here

>> No.25252918
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 4D17D16F-7BBC-4CE9-A2B8-575E775A4FC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me why u still have XRP
Do u like losing money or something

I sold my XRP the moment I heard about that dumb lawsuit, pumped it all into oro
And that was a good decision
This one and Elrond are together gonna make me some good money

>> No.25252959
File: 123 KB, 1498x684, Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 20.04.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my updates portfolio, how do I buy ADA? It isnt on coinbase :(

>> No.25252990

Use Kraken, Binance, or Coinbase Pro

>> No.25252999

Not him but I still have like 100 XRP on Exodus just in case the 2k EOY meme magically happens. Plus I still have a flare airdrop to claim later on

>> No.25253036

I tried to use binance but it never lets me withdraw, I'm going to give kraken a go and what is Coinbase pro and how do I get it? Can I use my current coinbase account for coinbase pro?

>> No.25253040
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Poor bong here

>> No.25253078
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>> No.25253106

absolutely based.
don't let SEETHING shitcoiners tell you otherwise.

>> No.25253145
File: 29 KB, 452x678, 7F9B65D8-2D17-4521-9AAC-F409030F66EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add some xdb to ur list, those founders were saying they got some fucking great stuff planned for next year, apparently there’s some major partnership, I wonder who the fuck that is gonna be with, anyways I don’t care cause my money is gonna go up anyways

>> No.25253160

If you have cuckbase and are signed in then all you gotta do is go to cuckbase pro and it will auto log in. Just search for coinbase pro

>> No.25253228
File: 42 KB, 680x780, chad_schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people really want us to sell our xrp for some reason

>> No.25253257
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>> No.25253309
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anon it hurts

>> No.25253337
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>that was a good decision

If you don’t have at least 500xrp you’ll be roping soon

>> No.25253383
File: 20 KB, 426x240, Screen Shot 2020-12-28 at 12.10.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont day trade, this is half of what i couldve had.

>> No.25253440

4000 Tether, what do I buy?

>> No.25253559

My current:
0.4 BTC
5.2 ETH
10k XLM
1k wCres
100k AMP
100k BOND

>> No.25253830
File: 242 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201228-142704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to move all XLM into either BTC or ETH, I guess I'm sitting on XRP in case a miracle happens. Every month going to buy $1-2k of BTC/ETH, maybe Link

Does this sound reasonable anons?

>> No.25253842
File: 268 KB, 1080x2264, 3543213566574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought GRT at the absolute top.

>> No.25253967

Honestly mirin those link gains. Do you think its a good idea for a poorfag to buy some now?

>> No.25254018
File: 233 KB, 640x1136, 17DE68F7-0095-43E2-AA80-4CA88A6DF66F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl im pretty happy with my current portfolio.

>> No.25254117
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Better late than never, I guess.

>> No.25254240
File: 279 KB, 1080x1638, Screenshot_20201228-214207__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recovered from a 5k loss. Any advice on how I should adjust my portfolio? I'm trying to reduce the number of alts.

>> No.25254293
File: 47 KB, 461x850, FOLIO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I own a bitcoin and some ETC? Yes. Will I? Only if these risks pay off. I got Parsiq at 40 and GRT at 17 so I feel pretty good though.

>> No.25254367

*ETH not ETC

>> No.25254531
File: 304 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-12-28-22-52-37-722_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need 1 million and im never comin back to this pajeetforum.

>> No.25254627

kek, nice, see you at the brap buffet anon.

>> No.25254816

From an actual richfag, that is terrible advice.

>> No.25254875

does coinbase pro cost money?

>> No.25254903

no, it has smaller fees that coinbase blue too

>> No.25255003

so why does anyone use coinbase blue? Any advantages at all?

>> No.25255071
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Damn i remember i had a portfolio like this a couple of years ago. Im no rich anon but im still humbled by my experience as a crypto investor. It was definitely a bumpy road, considering I was holding a crypto most people didn't think would turn into something worthwhile. Here's to the Golden bullrun. Cheers anons, we're all gonna make it

>> No.25255143

Only advantage to cuckbase blue is that it's convenient.. That's it. Use Coinbase Pro desu.

>> No.25255164

ADA isnt on coinbase pro

>> No.25255212

Oh my bad, thought it was. Try Kraken.

>> No.25255232
File: 242 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20201228-211459~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag/poorfag reporting in, I'm just going to sit on this for a little while, and see what happens.

>> No.25255268

thanks so much for helping me with all this

>> No.25255376
File: 336 KB, 750x1334, 84599FED-690D-4C86-9B23-D946542AE174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you should have bought more

>> No.25255384

I got ~0.0012 BTC on one place
0.065 BCH
0.0014 BTC somewhere else
And I'm staking a coin


>> No.25255463
File: 94 KB, 777x555, Chosen_coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only invest in chosen coins, if you know what i mean...

>> No.25255515

You'll make it on that dexg stack alone

>> No.25255527

Forgot to post my poorfolio

0.13 btc
1.66 eth
70 link
2000 ada
220 algo
and negligible amounts of xlm and rsr

No problem man, this shit is one big learning experience.

>> No.25255594
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Faggots, I'm hoping and praying, kek.

>> No.25255657

Horrible newfag question... Coinbase user here, I downloaded blockfolio to invest in some shitcoins. How do I transfer this to USD when i'm ready to sell? Why isn't this app like coinbase where you enter your bank acct information?

>> No.25255705

it's just a portfolio app for now, they're coming out with trading sometime in the near future

>> No.25255715

It's not an exchange? It's like coingecko.

>> No.25255743

Hey mate quick newfag question
By ADA you mean this one?

Is it the same as this one?

Weird looking chart on coinbase, looks like a dying P&D but looks like a completely new coin on binance, which one is it?

>> No.25255774

It's just for boasting infront of shallow bitches in order to get your shallow superficial ass laid. That's the only purpose of this app. Enter random numbers, show numbers to bitch, have fun.

>> No.25255799
File: 88 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20201228-233915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will try to swing for bigger GRT stack.

>> No.25255827 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 225x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after the organised discord pump and dump on saturday, next saturday again, i will be fucking rich and finally leave this pajeet board forever
discord döt gg släsh 5Tq7qxkkRv

>> No.25255848

This is a pair showing how much 1 token of ADA is in Euros. The other chart is in US dollars.
ADA is a great project and all, but please dyor on all assets before you buy. This is not a friendly place.

>> No.25255856
File: 355 KB, 828x1792, 48CF5905-DC53-4E6B-802B-A9DF41095FA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it brahs?

>> No.25255859 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 309x670, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here the screencap after the pump

>> No.25255944

So i'm going to be able to cash out eventually, just not right now? man i still don't get it at all. so if i just enter a random gigantic cash amount, even if i don't have it in USD right now, i'll be able to pick up my profits later?

>> No.25255949

I mean yes I know the currency is different but according to binance (?) it released in november 2020 but by looking at coinbase ot shows its started in 2017? Thats what Im asking about.

>> No.25256010

you don't actually have any coins on blockfolio, you just connect your wallets or manually input what you have to consolidate your numbers into one place

>> No.25256044

oh so it's a completely different purpose than coinbase

>> No.25256206

I hope you're right, I am cautiously optimistic.

>> No.25256207

>not even 1 ETH

>> No.25256331

Blockfolio doesnt hold anything for you. Its just a tracking tool. If you want to go from coinbase to trading shit coins start by moving your stuff from CB to a wallet. You can even use coinbase wallet if you want. Then find what you want to trade on etherscan or coingecko and copy the contract ID. Goto uniswap and put in the contract ID and it will pop up the coin. You select what you want to trade for it and it auto calculates the rest. Wheb you initiate it will make the trade and use up a gas fee from your ETH in the wallet.

>> No.25256454

>OG Oldfag detected

>> No.25256491

fellas, how do you feel about GLITCH?

>> No.25256555

For Binance, that may be the month it was listed? I'm not sure to be honest. Hopefully another anon can help.

>> No.25256604
File: 638 KB, 1440x3168, Screenshot_20201228-170751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going heavy on defi. Probably gonna scoop up another $20k in coins in the next month or so.

>> No.25256617

FFS, no one's going to be able to "hack" you because of a Blockfolio screenshot.

>> No.25256642

You're ngmi. Because you can't fucking read, poorfags only unless you're trying to do a sick reddit flex faggot

>> No.25256762

between this and my stock account browsing /biz/ has made me a few thousand,
my only regret is not putting more into PRQ when I bought in August

>> No.25256800
File: 524 KB, 1170x1925, DC46C2B8-1D15-46C4-8719-EF4442214440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25256834

Best I can tell, Coinbase is there to give a warm, friendly, Web 4.0 interface with cartoon images of women and minorities, all to soothe normies that are already wary of crypto.
Coinbase Pro is the grittier brokerage-like interface where you're immediately confronted with volume charts and terms like limit orders. It's still pretty bare bones (it's a joke compared to, say, ThinkOrSwim or TradingView) but it's enough to scare off the normies.

>> No.25257125
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>> No.25257210


Drop XMR for LTC

Add 1% CKB

Then perfect.

>> No.25257569
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any thoughts?

>> No.25257685
File: 498 KB, 1302x2079, 52B2B083-B13E-4005-86A8-AE33DA01DFB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red pill me on my portfolio lads how do I make it this year

>> No.25257728

I foresee comfy gainz.

>> No.25257843

Good goy

>> No.25258528

Is UUUU really a better investment for uranium miners other than the easy and friendly ticker?

>> No.25258785
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>> No.25259047
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1600208625007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have 0.005 LTC to my name

>> No.25259102

what constitutes a poorfag? I got about 17k

>> No.25259210

dont listen to this moron

>> No.25259244
File: 164 KB, 1080x1498, Screenshot_20201228-231957_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold off everything but £50 worth of GRT (in case the shilling is real).

Initial stake was £70. Might get back in to it in the new year, just really checking how it works.

>> No.25259268

ha rich nigger leave

>> No.25259293

the how *cycle bullshit may be a thing of the past, it could just constantly go up from here, so you'll make it after all :D

>> No.25259352

They're claiming to supply 50% of rare earth elements in the American market by something like 2025. Mega if true. It's done well for me so far, don't really know when to sell or just keep holding.

>> No.25259419

I hope you don't sell because I like seeing smug shitheads like you go bankrupt
makes my penis hard

>> No.25259453
File: 127 KB, 750x575, 4EA1C6DA-7585-4C9A-9190-726F24A85858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me frens

>> No.25259520
File: 572 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20201229-002635_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know basically nothing about crypto or trading
>browse /biz/ one day a couple of months ago and decide fuck it and buy a bunch of meme coins
>haven't touched them since
>somehow still in green
You guys are alright.

>> No.25259541

I am a literal minimum wage poor bitch and I just threw $400 into a project with a $14m market cap.
Will your life change at all if you lost every dime, or will you be just as financially fucked?

Your downside is just the same as doing nothing right now. Maybe when we have more it will matter, but we don’t yet.

>> No.25259582

>diversify into low caps
>diversify into crypto
best way to lose all your money
ffs, its not hard:
>Vanguard S&P 500 index fund.
>Put 50%+ of your monthly salary in that fund.
>Budget wisely

>> No.25259824

get rid of bottom 3 and get LTC and there is still hope

>> No.25259867

pretty based.

>> No.25259964

Yeah, well even most chads only ever got half the amount of pussy they coulda had. learn to cope

>> No.25260100

This is a shit fucking advice. Stick to BTC and Ethereum

Literally every shitcoin from 2018 boom is worth fractions of cents today - they never recovered.
Do not buy more shitcoins!

>> No.25260138

In 2017 I turned 0.07 BTC in 1.5 BTC.
You have no excuses.

>> No.25260272
File: 22 KB, 1813x247, Screenshot_327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put in 1k eurobucks earlier this year.
Paying off well.

>> No.25260471

ditch the XRP, or just watch it for shits and giggles. LIT probably isn't going anywhere after alt season is over. I would try and allocate more funds into LINK or ETH, LINK probably has a better return rate this season. welcome newfren

>> No.25260747
File: 398 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201229-130503_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260927
File: 15 KB, 598x248, Screenshot_328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your old wallets if you traded back in 2017.
Found some leftover BTC in Binance that I completely forgot. Not much but worth something today kek