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25248382 No.25248382 [Reply] [Original]

I tethered everything up last night, Portfolio hit a landmark total value and i got sweaty. Did I do the right thing? Is the market gonna correct? I'm nervous I'm gonna get left behind.

>> No.25248404


>> No.25248486

The risk of it going higher is greater than the risk if it going lower. The chance of significant low movement is very unlikely now that the entire market shifted mindset. We passed 20k, you can stop acting like its a bear market.

Never make a all encompassing move like that. Move 15%, 40%, dont dump your whole stack on a whim. Youl regret that more often than not.

>> No.25248517

You fucked up big-time.

>> No.25248562

This, nothing wrong with keeping a stable 10% cash reserve to buy the dip but its way too soon to be cashing out a large portion

>> No.25248734

oh no no no

>> No.25248796

>landmark total value
lol not anymore. once the taxman gets his share youll no longer have your milestone number

>> No.25248839

how tf is the irs gonna know what my metamask wallet is

>> No.25248840

You can always sell just a portion of your portfolio to lock in profit. We may get a small correction before the blow off top but the blow off top hasn't happened yet.

>> No.25248913


you sold m8 its gonna pump more now. Thanks for your sacrifice.

>> No.25249131

A few months back LTC was looking pretty weak, maybe a year or more. At one point it was like #12 and I kept buying, but I was actually a bit worried. Obviously not anymore, now that was a great play. What Im getting at is that BCH was doing very well for a while, passing LTC, giving it competition. I like the tech, Im not hostile to BCH, but I wanted to get in at a good ratio. I waited and waited and it just got worse and worse, eventually I got in around what it was the whole time until recently, about 5-1 ratio of ltc to 1 BCH. It makes up about 15% of my portfolio now, and it has performed not as well as LTC, but its still a good hold and I have no intention of getting rid of it.

I just wish I staggered a bit more, waited a bit longer, got more of it for cheaper. At the time, it was paying to reduce the risk of LTC being totally wiped out by BCH, a slim chance but who wants to chance it. So I bought some BCH, to protect my LTC.

Just be careful and think like that, you will make it. Its about less than 3-1 last I looked, about 2.5 LTC to 1 BCH - and so that was a losing trade I made, and Im fine with that. If it went the other way, and I didnt buy in like that, Itd be seething.

>> No.25249474

I like the way you think. It was impulsive and I hit a target that I had been aiming for for a long time. I just saw huge green daily candles in literally everything I held and figured I'd have to be able to at least swing down a few percent and buy back. Ultimately now that I'm liquid I can rethink my strategy but in the back of my mind i'm seeing everything continue to pump and it's fucking me up.

Basically, If I can buy back eth under 725, and btc under 27000, I made a good play. All my alt coin positions were heavily in profit and ultimately now I can look for new alt positions without feeling too shitty.

>> No.25249670

Cutting emotions out isnt easy but its probably the best advice people give. Use your head, not your heart. Sometimes cutting losses is the better idea, sometimes you should stick with your gut. Chasing losses for example, where youre down so you buy more lower - also not recommended by professionals. Sometimes you make a mistake, best it be a small mistake. Sometimes if you wait it turns out. Nobody has a crystal ball, reducing risk is the best play and recognizing what constitutes a strong positive chance, instead of taking big risk for little reward.

Personally, given the ultimate value of crypto in coming years that we can reasonably predict, losing even small amounts in day-trading can lead to big consequences. I dont see what youre doing as playing with 700$, youre playing with 70k in the future.

>> No.25249747

And yea I lost a lot of things on shitty trades in 2018 that turned out to be very bad mistakes, and I have not added up the losses post-future runs but its at least in the tens of thousands. Thats the price I paid to learn, and I never got liquidated so I think I did okay. Most of it was on stupid alts with no real future, I unironically bought Dentacoin twice, chased losses a year later when it was like 99% down. It kept going.

>> No.25249777

I'm going to assume yes, but the overall trend is still up. We're in the golden bull run, but even when that happens, there are still plenty of retraces along the way up. And the issue is you don't know precisely at what time or at what price point a retrace will happen. IMO trying to swing during a GBR is too risky.

Also keep in mind that not all upward swings retrace. For example, back in March it was over the course of like a week or so that BTC went up from 5k to 10k. It never came back down, just crabbing between 9-10k for a couple months. Who knows, that could happen here as well.

>> No.25249813

Thinking about taking profits too man, but muh alt season got me fomoing

>> No.25249850

In a bear market its safe to short assuming it will probably go down.

In a bull market its safe to long, assuming it will probably go up. It is not safe however to long a bear or short a bull, for the same reasons. Longing a bear at 9k leads to liquidation when it spikes down to 3, shorting at 25k or whatever does the same in reverse - what happens when you wake up and its 32k the next day. Stop loss orders help, but youre still only stopping losses at that point. I wouldnt short this market, I wouldnt long the bear.

>> No.25249876

Zoom out. If you held Bitcoin from the beginning, and never let go...would you ever be disappointed?

>> No.25249904

Precisely my point. It's far too risky to try to time the retraces when the market macrotrend is upward.

>> No.25249906

>IRS chooses random Metamask wallet.
How are you going to prove to them thats not your wallet?

>> No.25249937

I really do hope BTC holds in the mid 20s and we get another alt season. It's great seeing my BTC stack gain and my overall crypto net value is at ATH now, but I'd still like to see my alts pick back up as well.

>> No.25249957

their randomly chosen wallet has more funds than 0$.

>> No.25249981

So I started watching some Jew who made millions on stocks for tips, because Jews know about money. The main thing I picked up is that in his strategy he refuses to get more than 1% losses on a single trade, not sure if that meant he puts 30% of his stack in and loses 3$, that its 1%, or if its 1% of every trade.. but the point is when you win, you win big. When you lose, you lose small.

>> No.25250004

Your emotional response should tell you enough

>> No.25250024

(and this was the strategy of the small firm in The Big Short btw, the nobodies who couldnt be taken seriously that were investing out of a garage)

>> No.25250040

>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade

>> No.25250071

Youre making shitty trades. Gapping up is when hed get in, big movements.

>> No.25250227

>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade
>enter trade

>> No.25250256

no losses!

>> No.25250313

Im not posting his name because hes a Jew who shills a side program because thats what Jews do, but he went from 10k to millions and that was part of what he learned after making all his mistakes. Those are the best people to learn from, who recognize their mistakes and what works better.

>> No.25250417

Not bad selling high most people sell when theyre on the way down

>> No.25250437

he could've also just put 10k into bitcoin and slept on it for 5 years and had millions. zero effort.

>> No.25250482

if you hit your number, it's time to rethink your strategy and reconsider your risk profile and what that means for your investment portfolio.

with that in mind, if you take a little time off to make some decisions that's perfectly fine. chasing gains is fun but securing your wealth and managing your portfolio strategically is more important.

>> No.25250740
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thanks guys, I think that's what I needed to hear.

>> No.25250848

He could have, but people who refuse to accept the decline in exponential growth of Bitcoin each cycle will be oblivious that you would need 100k in Bitcoin to make a million, if you wait 2 cycles from now. Its not going to 100x again, unless you got in at 3k and waited until 3 million. 3 million Bitcoin is a fantasy, the infrastructure simply cant handle that much usage and muh side chains are an excuse, not a promise. BCH and LTC etc are obviously in a much better position to replace Bitcoin in the long term, while onboarding the majority of its market value. Im not saying Bitcoin to zero, Im saying itl stabilize at a low level and not be #1. It will be used for nostalgia and such, hipsters will probably use it.

>> No.25250878

300k. I have insomnia nobully.

>> No.25251074

screencapping this for 100k 2021.

>> No.25251255

Make sure you get the part underneath at least where I point out why my brain cant do simple math.

>> No.25251297

Also when it hits 100k you still need to have been in at 1k, which you werent. 3500x100, you need 350k for me to be wrong. I can see that never occurring.

>> No.25251378

we're hitting 400k in 2030 so it doesnt matter, it will 100x.

>> No.25251423

next week it will

>> No.25251456

you broke the first and only rule of making it - NEVER SELL

>> No.25251501

You will rope if you dont put all in btc

>> No.25251894
File: 402 KB, 1554x1197, 4L_tPjwf3Jy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't all you hotshot swing traders read this

>> No.25251985


>> No.25252012

If you hit your target then you made the right move. The only problem is that you put it in Tether. That shit is a ticking time bomb.

>> No.25252035

Eth is currently $745 anon

>> No.25252130

I think another big crash is coming but I’m too scared to move my stash into tether

>> No.25252200

What if he instead wrote this in January 2018 and was crying about having to buy ETH at over 1000?

>> No.25252224

>thanks for telling me the thing i'm already thinking and wanted to hear

>> No.25253119

Lol fucking loser. Swingies get the rope.

>> No.25253197 [DELETED] 

don't worry, the market always dumps in january

>> No.25253412

>bull market
-seek yield
>bear market
-buy like crazy
-seek yield

Nothing in the winner’s formula says anything about selling EVER

>> No.25254436

Did you use a KYC exchange?

>> No.25255279

>Move 15%, 40%
You trade like a woman. Always move at least 50% or it is a waste of time.

>> No.25255502
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I have been doing this for almost as I can remember not knowing it is one of them jewish tricks. Am I partly jew? Should I kill myself?

>> No.25255553

Women don't trade

>> No.25255719

metaphorically speaking of course

>> No.25255940

Is it even worth declaring crypto on taxes if you made under 1k in gains?

>> No.25255973


>> No.25256315

Sounds like an emotional decision, you need to reconcile while you think you aren't deserving of higher gains. The market doesn't know you're a participant in it.

>> No.25256343


eth is nearing 725 and btc is under 27k, your call op, good luck

>> No.25256416

I mean yeah, it's good risk management if you have a large wad of cash and want to be conservative.

Most people are poor and want to x10, so.

>> No.25256684

Linda Raschke would like a word

>> No.25256967

>tethers up when BTC finally started a bullrun after 3 years of bear market
yeah you did the right thing

>> No.25257323

absolutely retarded take
no one cares about the tech, ltc and bch almost completely illiquid and just absorb some of the marketshare because of their position on coinmarketcap from retail, btc's value comes from being the discovery of scarcity as a legacy chain and its adoption as a liquid asset class/ settlement standard,its lack of development is a feature, ltc and btc will not ever replace bitcoin at this point. core has already got the institutional portfolios. Gavin Andreessen even said that bitcoin will probably be scaled on eth. only needs a 1.7% global hedge to get to 3 million which is more probably than not not at this point.

>> No.25257615

more probable than not at this point*

>> No.25258255

100% or bust

>> No.25258862
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>You fucked up big-time
Bigly, many such cases

>> No.25258944

You are panicky beta. No matter what happens you are not destined to truly make it