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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25215926 No.25215926 [Reply] [Original]

>12% of every transaction (buy, sell, or move) redistributed to every holder
>Developer working with LRC dev to add layer 2 functionality
>Developer adding cold storage capabilities so you can earn tokens even while your tokens are offlin
>Developer burned the entirety of the dev fund
>Progressive burn that scales with the burn wallet
>Burn wallet at 1.6 million tokens out of the 12 million total
>Top whale only has 3.7% of the tokens
>Dashboard is out
Get in or stay poor faggots

>> No.25216182

>-50% in a week while everything else pumps

>> No.25216238
File: 19 KB, 868x935, 1601436471786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You little shits are all going to have to appear in court for funding this massive case of fraud and stolen IP. Once morpheus gives the green light this entire project will go down. It cant be listed on any exchange without the proprietary creator of the code's say so, and Emily is not having any of it. You little basterds bought into a scammers wet dream. The dev wont relock liquidity once he gets subpoenaed by the US federal supreme court. You lot better have an exit strategy when that time comes. You wont be able to report this project on your taxes without paying massive fines for IP theft and embezzlement. Fuck you all burn in hell forever sacks of shit. Morpheus will have the last laugh you IP thieves

>> No.25216327
File: 103 KB, 1024x731, 1597624542619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeFi pumps after alts duder. That's why you buy now instead of when it's pumping unless you like buying high and selling low

>> No.25216442
File: 53 KB, 283x288, 1603734069271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the rebase code that Morpheus copied? Kek can't wait to flip your shitty 1% token in 2 weeks
>pic related
>it's you after

>> No.25217135
File: 223 KB, 750x761, 1607783244826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would never do something so massively fraudulent. All it takes is one phone call to coingecko and this project gets pulled from the site. Then. Subpoenas, FBI cointel investigations, asset forfeiture, jail time. Have a look at the stature for conspiracy to commit fraud, tax theft, embezzlement and money laundering. You little stinkbombs will have to answer for everything when Emily decides she's had enough of your shit and makes the call to her friends in Washington or Guantanamo (where you're going). Gonna be a long 20 years in federal penitentiary. Get out now before it's too late.

>> No.25217424

Holy fuck I'm laughing my ass off; I hope you move over to Reflector before it's too late. I want you to make it since you'll need the money for the mental ward.

>> No.25217903

RFI whining because they see what is happening

RFCTR is the better coin & they are scared

If you own RFI better APE quick to RFCTR

>> No.25218788

Show me a frictionless yield coin with more based tokenomics. Not only do we get 12% FOT but our burn address is the largest address taking out 13% of that 12% which ultimately compounds creating scarcity. Now you may be thinking this isn't healthy and here's the best bit! The second largest account which takes the 2nd largest % of FOT is out uniswap liquidity which counters the burn and self stabilises. This shit is honestly gonna fly, I'm sure this will flip rfi.

>> No.25218975

Hahah what a joker. Take to court for copying a copied code. All aboard

>> No.25218997

ksjkljsghdfjkh asdjkfuklashfjklhasf akusghiuaghsdgukh asdfgjh asdfk;jhasdfgk asdg;khasgk;jyhweiofyh sdl;kgask;hg asdfg l;jhsdfgkjh asdfgl;kj l;asdjfgk;asg ;lijdfg' ldfgu wefgliigijhdfg l;dfgk;jag;ldjkafg


>> No.25219068

RFI folks don't even have a good response they are just like
1) "oh you copied us"
Nope. But it was improved vs previous browsers

2) 12%!? That's too high. Nobody will trade that

- Guess what, they do. We have over 1,000 HODLrs

- WE DON'T WANT swing traders and pump and dumpers. We do not want bots and algos manipulating prices. 12% redistribution tax on transactions combats this, and ENCOURAGES HODLing long term!

>> No.25219323

Held this support level well. Time for a push to new ATHs. Lets get em

>> No.25219485

12 is the cosmic number, it has dictated our lives since the dawn of time. Just look up the prominence of 12 in ancient history. 12% is the ideal number it is the chosen and based number

>> No.25219515

Those who are in RFCTR know that this project is something big.

We are getting fees every transaction and we are creating a very strong community of believers.

People who don't sell RFCTR even if this goes down, cause know that fees are comming, regardless the price is now.

And this belief is going to bring more and more holders.

Our black hole address is burning more RFCTR each day, deflationating, making the token rarer

>> No.25219740

it has it's first sell of 7 days ago generating burn and massive rewards to holders, are you planning on buying when the cycle repeats and it's hitting a new ath?

>> No.25219755

This, few have looked into the technicals and the fact that the uniswap LP is the second largest is honestly so strong. Volatility will reduce so much in the future!

>> No.25220102

RFI just scared because their 1% Yield is pitiful next to RFCTR 12% Yield

>> No.25220214
File: 519 KB, 640x384, y6m2jgu6ar151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be laughing when the FBI investigators triangulate the location your wallet was accessed to participate in embezzlement and copyright infringement. Guantanamo bay is where you'll be spending next christmas, right next to that ugly chang retard if morpheus doesn't deal with him personally...your days are numbered. Write to us from Cuba!

>> No.25220242

Checked. Can you explain? Brainlet here.

>> No.25220533

He means you should reconsider your choices and the future. This is unsanctioned, stolen code punishable under several statutes and with regard to any forthcoming crypto regulations - any RFCTR holdings are open to seizure and holders will be tried in a RICO case for conspiracy to commit fraud and embezzlement. Funds are not safu

>> No.25220735

what the fuck are you talking about lmao take your meds

>> No.25220945

Dylan is a fucking creep

>> No.25221016

$RFI fanboys are going hard today lol fuckin losers

>> No.25221149

The liquidity account takes 11% of every 12% FOT meaning we are all automatically adding liquidity on every transaction. Increased liquidity helps to reduce the price impact on buys and sells meaning the large dumps that will inevitably happen at a later date due to us early holders having large stacks won't destroy the price action.

another thing that might be happening is that the liq account has to keep a 50/50 split of rfctr and eth, since the FOT only provides rfctr the pool would have to sell rfctr for eth. There would obviously be a 12% FOT on this subsequent transaction, which would then add liquidity which would then result in a rfctr sell for eth which repeats the cycle...... I'm not 100% sure this is happening but it should be right??? It's such a face melter if it is.

>> No.25221439

That's impressive how people can't keep your envy inside yourself...

I eat fees and fud

>> No.25221515

I'll be watching for your red RFI wojaks next week so I can repost this cap kek

>> No.25221553

Trip dubs mean you'll make it fren

>> No.25222228

Lmfao this cuck sucker said guantanamo bay...what a monkey ass retard...crypto is open source dipshit

>> No.25222274

Funds are 100% safu you monkey...crypto is open source and what are you going to do? Guess everyone's private keys?

>> No.25222746

this level of fud, bullish

>> No.25222828

Literally the second time in two days I see someone threatening legal action over a DEFI project.
Americans are going to ruin this shit like they ruined taking an elevator with a woman, uh...