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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25170434 No.25170434 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to XMR General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading privacy-coin!

Because Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, people can easily send money despite corrupt and broken governments or banks. This provides economic empowerment of individuals in oppressive countries or depressed economies.

Private financial history protects consumers and companies from price manipulation, supply chain exploitation, economic discrimination, or the like. Monero is the only cryptocurrency that has the features to serve as completely fungible, decentralized, electronic cash.

If you're new, feel free to ask any questions you like and a Monero Chad will be with you shortly.


< Full GUI wallet, for your PC
< A simple, phone friendly wallet

<Trade Bitcoin for Monero completely anonymously over Tor, decentralized. Slow but completely private!
<Trade Bitcoin for Monero through a centralized exchange built into the wallet!
<(Always look for vendors with lots of good reviews)
<Crypto ATM locations
<Exchanges and services with no KYC requirements
<A brief introduction to PoW Mining.

< Monero Daily Transactions

>> No.25170491

how does 1 million sound

>> No.25170558

Pretty lit, but for today I'm happy as hell being above 160

>> No.25170571


>> No.25170620
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>> No.25170842
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>> No.25171732
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>> No.25171914

Just blew some of my XMR gains on nice dnm produce as a Christmas gift to myself. Feels bad spending Monero but it is meant to be used as a currency after all.

>> No.25171938

As a retard eth wallet person - I guess it defeats monero's purpose to transact its ETH equivalent?

Also if its 100% private, its harder to get taxed on it, right?

>> No.25172482

There is no equivalent- monero's privacy is unrivaled.

If you wanted to avoid taxes in minecraft, monero could help you with that.

>> No.25172522

Monero can be tracked, use 0- x- . M.onero

>> No.25172591

Comfy af brossss plus im drunk fuck yeah

>> No.25172893
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nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
shut up

>> No.25173036

can we please stop responding to obvious bait

>> No.25173049

You fags post this in every single thread.

>> No.25173069
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>> No.25173088

Do any of u mine this? I have like 750MW free month

>> No.25173116

i've got my eye on a ryzen 3950 if they come down

>> No.25173121

It looks like her shirt is the only thing holding that grotesque botch job together.

>> No.25173234

was directed here for learning on how to buy on bisq.

why le fug is this app so slow - "add new account" is greyed out too

>> No.25173257

PirateChain is better

>> No.25173333

i respond to a scam when i see it
the sooner the scammer gets it through his skull that it's not going to work and that he needs to fuck off, the better

>> No.25173473
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where are all my xmr chads at?

>> No.25173523

It's slow because it is routing all connections, both inbound and outbound, through Tor for anonymity.

As for "Add new account" being grayed out, are you going to Account -> Altcoin Accounts to input your XMR address?

>> No.25173651

I am 0 for bitcoin experience. I don't know what an XMR address is - I was just told I could buy bitcoin without a phone number using bisq

>> No.25173738

Bisq requires you to already have some BTC in order to pay for fees and deposit on trade to prevent scamming.

>> No.25173918


>>25173738 is correct.

>> No.25173949

whats the easiest way to into bitcoining. I'm starting at level 0
>no wallet
>no btcs
>have money to buy
>can't verify with id or phone
where do I go from here

>> No.25173987
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Set up wallet
Buy from local btc

>> No.25174005

Easiest way would be to use a multi-platform & multi-currency wallet like https://guarda.com/.. If you want to avoid doing any verification and don't already have any crypto, your best option will be a website like https://localmonero.co/ or https://agoradesk.com/nojs/

Make sure to write down your mnemonic seed (the list of words given when creating a wallet), they can be used to recover your funds as long as you don't get hacked.

>> No.25174054

>easiest way is https://guarda.com/
>but no verification way is https://localmonero.co/ or https://agoradesk.com/nojs/
so don't use guarda if I want to avoid verification?

>> No.25174111

Guarda is a wallet for storing multiple different coins, for example Cake Wallet and Monerujo are XMR specific ones (you are asking about BTC, but you are in a Monero thread so I'm going to give Monero answers)
Localmonero is a site for people to publish ads for buying and selling Monero on their own terms, usually just a CashApp or bank transfer. Agoradesk is the same company but with Bitcoin. Where as Bisq uses a deposit to secure the transaction, Localmonero uses user reputation and escrow to secure its transactions (weaker, but doesn't require you to already have btc)

So the first is for storage, second for buying. While you can keep your cryptocurrency on the same place you buy it, this usually ins't recommendable because it makes it easy to get hacked all around. Also security and traceability concerns.

>> No.25174228

>Guarda is a wallet for storing multiple different coins
oh okay
>So the first is for storage, second for buying

>> No.25175101

Thank you blessed monero bird

>> No.25175113


>> No.25175486


What is your problem?

>> No.25175497

I meant reporting in man lol sorry for the confusion

>> No.25175553


newfags everyone

>> No.25175853

Realisticly, no fucking memes. How much will XMR be worth in USD within the year?

>> No.25175868

How much can I transfer to Monero using Cake wallet brehs?

>> No.25175903

USD is dying imho
there was a chart saying it will hit 400$ again
and 200$ EOY?

>> No.25176054

bought at 0.006410
it basically can't go much lower than that WRT bitcoin

>> No.25176253
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terrifyingly plausible
If you mean within the year 2020 nobody knows and it doesn't matter unless you're trading with high leverage. If you mean in the next 365 days, in the last bull run it took about a year and half after halving, and about a year after breaking the 1.2k ATH for btc to reach 20k. So if this plays out similarly and the top is in about a year, I am guessing the top for btc will be ~300k and the top for xmr could be ~0.08 on the ratio, so ~24k. That would still put it at a lower market cap than btc's currently.

>> No.25176345

How much disk space does the PC GUI wallet require for the blockchain download?
I don't want any fucking 100gb shit wasting space.

Also what's the best way to buy Monero without it being possible to track it back to me that I own any or have ever purchased any?

>> No.25176462
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Tomochain is a better privacy coin + spec investment.

>> No.25176489

i think if you use a remote node then you don't need to download the chain. paper wallets and web wallets will work too as long as you're not on one of the scamsites.

>> No.25176765

BISQ or local monero would be the best bet
remember to use subaddresses
and I run a node but it's a pruned one, storage can be a bummer

>> No.25177218
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>xmr thread

>> No.25177235


>> No.25177736

Reporting for duty

>> No.25177991

bitconnect has unrivaled privacy features.

>> No.25178017

why is 0.08btc the top for xmr? we hit 0.082 btc last week...

>> No.25178024

Hey anons: the network is still being ddos attacked. If you run a node, please turn it on with the latest IP address block list so we can continue fighting against this attack.

>> No.25178065

I'm using a block list from a month ago, is there an update?

>> No.25178072

i'm thinking about getting a raspberry pi and running a node on that. Do you know if you have to keep updating the ban list while the node is live?

>> No.25178166

Yeah there’s a new list. The attacker is now attacking tor exit nodes as well. Here’s the updated txt: https://gui.xmr.pm/files/block_tor.txt
The ban list is only temporary. The attacks have been going on since early November.

>> No.25178185

monero has never been 8.2 million satos, not yet

>> No.25178205


>> No.25178222 [DELETED] 

> All I follow this year is mtlx

Check this one and forget about cheap shit tokens. Not yet on binance, but has featured on binance Christmas Special Event today!


>> No.25178310

it was actually 0.008224 on 12/14/2020 9AM est 1h candle

>> No.25178314

aw man i wish i bought at 147 :(

>> No.25178327

oh fuck i'm retarded. ignore everything i said about 0.08 i was literally thinking he said 0.008 is the top.

>> No.25178336

0.008 =/= 0.08

>> No.25178350

it's early lol... >>25178327

>> No.25178432
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>> No.25178746

wtf? that shit looks like some scam lottery app. Quite fitting.

>> No.25179212

What is you honest opinion on ERC20 tokens?

>> No.25179527

sounds like the feds

>> No.25179720
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Xmrlads help me out here
I don’t really understand rpc-pay. I know that it’s made to motivate users to run their own node. But how is a node owner supposed to use the earned hashes?
No explanation whatsoever on the web. Only that it’s cool and new and amazing.

>> No.25179774

Where do I learn web3, solidity, block chain without taking me years?
Are there any cheap quickways like WordPress elementor?

How much would you guys like to be paid to teach me web3+solidity per month? I don't even know how to fork projects.

>> No.25179786

hope you all loaded up some more at the bottom there

>> No.25179802

Pajeet bootcamp probably

>> No.25179851
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im losing hope monero bros, please send positive energy

>> No.25179864

why the fuck are you losing hope?

>> No.25179899

bottom of the btc pair for like 3 months now

>> No.25179904

We're getting steady gains, what's your problem?

>> No.25179935

Got my doubts whether Monero will even get back to 0.01

Going to be hard for any alts to be anywhere close to the ratio they were back in 2017

>> No.25179949

it's a hard bottom which you should be buying the fuck out of
guaranteed rise

>> No.25179960

Pajeet tokens doing a 500% and Monero (an actually useful project) doing a 20%

>> No.25180019
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Just sold my BCH and got XMR, now i hold 50% of ETH and 50 of XMR

See next year.

>> No.25180026
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My deposit was pending for 4 days, then it cleared on Christmas, and now I have to wait till Monday. I've been watching the chart dip into 140s twice now, and I'm pretty sure I missed the bottom.

>> No.25180043


My condolences.

>> No.25180068

eth is a terrible hold mate, i say it friendly as a monero bro.
They print like crazy and cant scale, which is what they are supposed to do.
rethink your position please

>> No.25180093
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50% eth

>> No.25180097
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Is there any point to the fear and greed index at all? When BTC goes up they just put it to >90%, it's been almost at max for 2 months.

>> No.25180103


we're holding the bottom at the xmr/btc chart currently - we had a really nice breakout two weeks ago. Meaning that it is a strong as fuck support, so you should 100% be looking to load up at these prices.

>> No.25180126

my deposit is not going through, fuck

>> No.25180137

This, go for btc/xmr and a cheap coin like grt or prq. Or don't i'm not your mom. But i'm kind of bearish on the eth rn.

>> No.25180331

when 4 figures

>> No.25180518

Longed 10x XMR/BTC @ 0.0064
Wish me luck bros

>> No.25180571

>I don't even know how to fork projects
are you that new?
I'd suggest learning Git and JavaScript
when you're a little proficient, start learning from the docs they're really thorough

>> No.25180598

XMR needs you to be strong