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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 580 KB, 1917x2160, IMG_20200708_144907_101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25106744 No.25106744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hahaha fuck stinkers

>> No.25106769

good decision to cover your face and tits

>> No.25106772

put foot in mouth, now!

>> No.25106798


>> No.25106802
File: 324 KB, 937x881, Free boyfriend coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25106825

Strip for Daddy.

>> No.25106831

What a plain looking woman.
Ill buy way better hookers than you after I've made it

>> No.25106870

thats a man

>> No.25106882

That's actually a man.

>> No.25106915

Reject the nature of your mother and return to your father. Stop being homosexual it is evil and wrong. Your ancestors fought a hundred wars to preserve your genes and life and you want to throw it away by living a non-reproductive lifestyle? Why? Your gay genes will get flushed out anyway so I don't care what you do but for your own good you should stop being a massive disgusting faggot, trust me bro.

>> No.25106981

sirgay is your gay daddy
no faggots
you stupid poor poojeets cant aford me

>> No.25107047
File: 57 KB, 595x507, 1582442129474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is your PNK stack?

>> No.25107095

can we rangeban the entire country this slag is from?

>> No.25107103

stupid coin

>> No.25107134

Its that polish ugly whore
At least she dont look like a horseface with half her face covered up

>> No.25107168
File: 572 KB, 1245x714, 1606863419149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basterd bitch bloody motherchod i sentence u to 20 years of sex slavery on the streets of mumbai benchod

>> No.25107174

post hamburger stomach

>> No.25107271
File: 19 KB, 533x497, 1607997561582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25107272

can she do more posts posing in pantyhose!

>> No.25107353

buy at 6$

>> No.25107421
File: 142 KB, 1264x622, IMG_20201015_090417_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid poojeet
lick my feet linker
i slap ur little dick

>> No.25107437

Seethe more

>> No.25107501

God I hope she has a penis.

>> No.25107545

show inside of cunt hole.

>> No.25107553
File: 176 KB, 1080x1350, FB2E014B-1D0E-4D2C-A61E-75D52DC9EE24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is your Daddy. Open your mouth for the big bull cock.

>> No.25107556

will you be my gf? I can choke you, play rough and everything
I also hold no link :)

>> No.25107599

You'll never be a woman

>> No.25107609
File: 7 KB, 201x250, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25107614

GBR confirmedb WAGMI

>> No.25107642

Take those socks off

>> No.25107665

stupid whore, do something of value, get some class and start a family

>> No.25107692

Hello newfriend

>> No.25107961
File: 35 KB, 594x565, SNIFFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25108226

Hello whore princess, how many BTC do you have?

>> No.25108298
File: 1.06 MB, 956x965, 1608127211787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice feet

>> No.25108397

how can she slap?

>> No.25108427

show benis

>> No.25108440

timestamp bitch

>> No.25108531

I love this girl, her cake video is legit

>> No.25108587

show skidmark pajeet

>> No.25108677


>> No.25108833
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1080, 26E5E9AF-7EC3-47A0-BA41-01C58DC5257B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wesołych Świąt Queen

God bless your stinky feet

>> No.25108851

silence, whore.
you are exhausting.
your makeup looks like dogshit

>> No.25108992

nah because some pols are based

>> No.25109096

I'm really starting to like her and I would consider contacting her but then the skeptical part of my brain says theres no way to make a genuine connection with her because all of this is only part of her marketing process for getting guys into her sales funnel, getting guys to catch feelings for her so she can take advantage of those feelings by making guys into paying customers in her online business.

>> No.25109126

Take off pantyhose now!

>> No.25109215
File: 133 KB, 2475x1846, 20201223_034259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek bitch
not like you stupid linker
you not give orders to me you receive orders fags

>> No.25109219

most women even sex workers will fuck you if you're confident and take charge.

>> No.25109341

What you holding?

>> No.25109344

What coins do you hold?

>> No.25109348


>> No.25109356
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you gay vampire.

>> No.25109385

this cunt is actually pretty based.

>> No.25109396

fags cant love a woman

>> No.25109399

How do you know she isn't a trap?

>> No.25109407

Is this the horse faced polish bitch again?

Get out of here, shoo, you're ugly!

>> No.25109413

Not an incel. I'm not even talking about fucking sex workers. If I wanted to just fuck I can do that. Check your reading comprehension I'm talking about a genuine connection with a person out there that seems interesting. Also something to think about this more deeply, go onto the forums around the internet where ladies talk about running these kinds of online businesses and you can see that they dont see guys the same, instead they see them only as customers or even pigs, I guess its somewhat related to like how a woman doctor generally speaking wouldnt allow or let any feelings develop between her and per patients because they would consider that crossing a professional boundary.

>> No.25109432

I thought she looked good until I saw her face. Honestly, he face looks like something out of a horror film. It doesn’t even look real, that’s how hideous it is.

>> No.25109434

she is vulgar and obnoxious. To be honest i think she is a disgrace to the 4chan community (/biz/ in particular).

>> No.25109488

Feet pics are your only worth.

>> No.25109538

Well you are a based protagonist.

>> No.25109554

>genuine connection
>talking about a cyber whore
>the words you use just scream neckbeard/basedcuck

wtf your more delusional then i originally thought. why the fuck would you want a genuine connection with a whore on here? she's clearly mentally unstable. go back to plebbit where women actually pretend to like you. Women never say what they actually want if you think sex workers don't have relationships then your just an idiot.

>> No.25109656

Not a fag.
I've seen the forums where young ladies talk about how they develop their online businesses making money in several ways like streaming and getting guys to simp for them. I see how they talk about them and have absolutely no respect for them. I'm only skeptical because 4chan is the asshole of the internet where a measure of skepticism is definitely warranted by itself but to make it worse this is biz where people go to get people to buy their bags so to speak

>> No.25109746
File: 493 KB, 2160x2755, A43BAA25-FAFD-4E01-A39C-1A6E254993DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute feet
>nice ass
>great body
>likes metal
>posts on 4chan

We should all chip in and buy her braces. Then she will stop being so angry

>> No.25109792

no don't fall for it she has std and butter face

>> No.25109866

you faggots are too busy simping to notice my id. pathetic.

>> No.25109879

nigga it sounds like you just want a boyfriend

>> No.25109892

buy kleros sir

>> No.25109914


>> No.25109921

stop calling them >young ladies
for a start just comes of as creepy i imagine some old guy saying this maybe go to the gym, have a shower get off 4chan and get some hobbies. pretty sure you can date chicks from only fans but you need to meet them outside business hours. idk why you'd want to but its definately possible but you need to act like a boyfriend not a simp that wants attention. you know its working if she messages first after an encounter and she's not expecting money just wants attention company. luckily a lot of camwhore types are lonely and crave male attention. i've got girls to do private shows for free just because they liked me. so yeah it works.

>> No.25109933

bro y do i keep seeing this beat-ass bitch on biz

>> No.25109947

You will never be a woman.

>> No.25110065

you will never fuck a woman

>> No.25110096

basado y rojopastillado

>> No.25110110

bitch how you got bigger feet than me?

>> No.25110122

that is chinese moot

>> No.25110134

Learn how to put on eyeliner you ugly fucking bitch kek

>> No.25110179

post ass you know the drill

>> No.25110191

now timestamp with tits

>> No.25110206

>tfw I'd rather fuck her gaping stomach wound than that yuck mouth

>> No.25110215

Post your eth address I will send you 2 eth.

>> No.25110231

anyone got a pic of her face?

>> No.25110267

show penis

>> No.25110270

newfaggot simp

>> No.25110272

oh gosh i wanna fuck you
come to moscow ;)

>> No.25110283


>> No.25110285

holy fuck based polish chick i take it back at least you put simps and incels in there place

>> No.25110298
File: 29 KB, 570x380, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking retard tourists. Find a better meme.
There was nothing wrong with "Tits or GTFO", and it's even more true now. Either some woman shows tits or some dude shows his mantits in a bra; either way, everyone wins. Except the woman, but who cares about her?

>> No.25110319

trust us you don't want to see it

>> No.25110325

he posts it all around for fags like you, hope you both get b& for begging and supporting

>> No.25110339

Pls post closeup of butthole, and do u hold any LGCY?

>> No.25110350

Gotta love /biz, important questions first.

>> No.25110359
File: 129 KB, 1241x729, casrsre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid fuck i've been here longer thanmost you here.

>> No.25110376

she holds ether, she'll run a "noda"

>> No.25110379

Shut up retard I want to see what coins he is holding.

>> No.25110418

We indeed will witness the Golden Bull Run in our lifetime. Buckle your belts gentleman, intellectuals and rich man of New Age. Bog will fall as new generation of degenerates is born before our eyes.

>> No.25110427

Even the whores are better on /biz/ nice

>> No.25110460

You’ll never be a women

>> No.25110486

I’ll start having my wife post on here and you’ll see what a real woman looks like. Probably make some money from y’all simps while we’re at it.

>> No.25110488

Go away whore, go spend Christmas holidays with your family. Oh wait. Get rekted

>> No.25110560

you will never be a woman.

>> No.25110561

avax is for big brain
link is for stupid

>> No.25110613

jannies are fags they banning tits

>> No.25110623

so please tell me.. how big is your butthole?

>> No.25110854

How many cocks do you suck each day?

>> No.25110873

what do you wear a size 9?

>> No.25110915


>> No.25110946

Can I live under your chair and smell your feet all day?

>> No.25111039

Even a tranny with daddy issues is disgusted by LINK, it really makes you think.

>> No.25111040

IMagine mocking the most aesthetically pleasing foot proportion around. There's a reason display models are all sized 9 or 10.
-t. 9.5 Chad

>> No.25111056

i prefer suck pussy
my shit more beautiful than ur mommy
i kick ur balls
i small butthole not like you faggot

>> No.25111064
File: 104 KB, 617x771, IMG_5902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25111101

I can't wait until your pimp walks in on a john fucking your lifeless throat.

>> No.25111139

I'm not old or not-showered or whatever. But other than that, the rest of your posts you seem to be trying to be genuinely constructive so thanks.

>> No.25111155

Thread’s boring with no new pics. Step it up, you filthy whore.

>> No.25111174
File: 606 KB, 2544x1898, 42 all the hoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25111196

That's what I'm saying, this worthless cooze needs more ppotographic eveidence of her debasing herself for the attention she never received growing up.

>> No.25111201

6.5 kids actually

>> No.25111241

Start a family with me

>> No.25111268


>> No.25111290

is penty it is wow nice ur cock

>> No.25111313
File: 52 KB, 574x598, bobba'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25111318

Why would you want your kids raised by a future corpse on the side of the road

>> No.25111381

Baaed I am too

>> No.25111401
File: 92 KB, 593x959, ToxicParents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you planning to make it with /biz/?
Why do you come here?
Did you try to read this book?

>> No.25111434

We'll have a nice happy family and raise smart kids

>> No.25111463

look at her fingernails

>> No.25111472
File: 419 KB, 1092x1041, 5BD9C1E6-B20D-45FC-941F-9BE7DD4F4AD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Jesus loves you and you will find a husband who loves you and will make you happy

>> No.25111518

stupid linkers to entertain me
books is for nerds incels

>> No.25111555

not took same day retard

>> No.25111785

I have actually read this book unironically.
It was extremely helpful to hear that you don't HAVE to forgive your abusers in order to move forward with your life. Every other book I'd read on the subject peddled me some horseshit about how forgiveness is an essential step. Would recommend.

>> No.25111811

when are you going to take a cock in your dirty fucking snatch

>> No.25111881

when you stop take cock in ur ass
so never

>> No.25111903

how much XRP for u? only if u have a penis btw if u dont that shit is gay

>> No.25112002

Didn't think I'd encounter this whore in the wild. Doesn't she have nudes somewhere?

>> No.25112158
File: 97 KB, 720x576, 7EF1D84E-379C-4449-9107-C4FB8A35ABCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop swearing
Stop cooming
Start praying
Start cooking
Stay cute

>> No.25112320

It's certainly entertaining.
But you can also learn something new while having fun!
I still recommend you to take a look at this book even if it's just to make fun of nerd incels.

This book changed my life.
It's hard to understand how someone can tell you to forgive an abuser when it means ignoring your emotions and making you regress in your therapy. Only by accepting the truth and letting your anger express itself can you heal.

>> No.25112390

Regression towards the mean is a real thing, anon

>> No.25112427

Cover more of your face, man
Let people live in the fantasy world where you're a woman for another hour at least

>> No.25112901

Femanon, I think I love you.
Tits or get the fuck out please.

>> No.25112987

There is no way that the peak is 30.5 cents.
if it were to recover half of it's loss in the last 2 days it would be 38 cents. It's likely to reach that then dip again.

>> No.25113007


>> No.25113054
File: 1.21 MB, 1796x1578, fckstinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek u stupid newfag
janjan is gay like sirgay he ban tits

>> No.25113076

f u

>> No.25113111
File: 2.72 MB, 360x270, 1608011639396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality bait thread.
You faggots do realize you are arguing with someone paying an egirl to write these messages, right?

>> No.25113112
File: 231 KB, 711x623, 1605567104749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25113120

not bad

>> No.25113179

why are you faggots still giving this hoe attention

>> No.25113214

I would tell the jannies to clean this shit up; but after today, we could all use a little good old fashion whoring.

>> No.25113244

Found the uncensored version lads

>> No.25113270
File: 27 KB, 137x165, 57B3C96F-8C2B-4292-9F5F-49BBC7D55E29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your clothes back on and stop embarrassing your ancestors. Earn praise through virtue.

>> No.25113320

Seven hundred k
sergay takes a big fat dump
my stinky linkies...

>> No.25113485

post another one

>> No.25113576

Butthole pic now?

>> No.25113628

how does this thread have 153 replies

>> No.25113642
File: 193 KB, 563x1000, linkies too stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for u fags
u stinkers incel always virgin
u like butthole because u nasty fag

>> No.25113643

Post a pic of your hands folded with rosary beads and a mantilla on your head fully clothed no cleavage

>> No.25113656

Lel it's a man after all. Surprise.

>> No.25113657

fucking based