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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25083595 No.25083595 [Reply] [Original]

How do you gay cunts still have energy to fud? Just stop fudding link and xsn please, it's really annoying, I am not demoralized and am never selling.

>> No.25083668

Xsn and link fud themselves nigga
Just look at the chart nigga
There is no conspiracy

>> No.25083674

Unironically neck yourself faggot.

>> No.25083719

nobody cares about your stupid fucking shitcoin you psychotic shitskin retard
you keep making the same thread over and over again complaining about 'fudders', but nobody has even heard about your dumbass garbage

braindead, low IQ subhuman retard
you were probably molested by your dad or something, which is the only way to explain your irrational faggot brain behavior

>> No.25083733

Why cuz I'm up on my bitcoin?
Nigga u jealous, there is only one king

>> No.25083760

>Both are 3 year old projects
>Both have made tremendous progress
>Both get fudded relentlessly by homosexual on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Bitcoin will get flipped by LINK within 5 years.

>> No.25084211

>Both get fudded relentlessly
nobody has ever made a single fucking thread about your garbage except for you
NOBODY cares, only you
nobody ever comes to /biz/ for the express purpose of "fudding" your shitcoin
you are actually, no-joking, no-exaggeration, actually insane
literally, actually, real life crazy
your fucking brain is malfunctioning and you don't even know it
you just make this stupid fucking "stop fudding my shitcoin :((((" threads over and over and over, then deleting them when you get insulted for spamming, and then you go do it again 15 minutes later
thats all you do, every day

you will delete this thread very soon and start another one, compaining about "fudders" all over again, because you are fucking insane and you cant help yourself

>> No.25084224


>> No.25084392

Alright you little fuckup you got me to look at your shitcoin.
Listed on 3 bucket shop scam exchanges, and only one of them has any actual volume and its entirely wash traded by bots.

THIS is the shit you are complaining about? This totally irrelevant shitcoin that nobody is trading, uses, or has heard about? you ACTUALLY believe that anybody comes onto to /biz/ to attack your pet shitcoin that nobody holds, trades, or uses for anything, that isn't even available on legitimate exchanges, not even fucking uniswap.

What the fuck is wrong with you buddy? Take a hard look at your behavior and try to rationalize it.

You should probably consider going back to your street-shitter telegram and never coming back. Your behavior isn't just insane, it's disgusting and shameful. You should feel embarassed for spamming every day about this nothing shitcoin and your imaginary "fud".

Literally nobody cares, you fucking maniac.

>> No.25084753
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says a seething faggot who wrote a 500 word essay on so called shit coin, why waste so much time on something that you're not interested in. There are hundreds of other threads for you to care about.

>> No.25084858
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you're projecting a little bit there pal

>> No.25084917

Go back.

>> No.25084947

>called in reinforcements from his shitnigger telegram channel
you're like apes screeching and throwing shit out of a cage

>> No.25084961

>every post is projection
Not looking good for you ranjeet.

>> No.25084982

Just unironically KYS outside of minecraft, please.

>> No.25085174 [DELETED] 

I am not the shitnigger that comes onto /biz/ to complain about imaginary "fud" for my unknown no volume shitcoin.

I know this is the most legitimate human interaction you have had in awhile and that you cherish it, but allow me to once again remind you that you belong either in:

a) an institution for the mentally insane, locked away from society so they cannot hurt themselves or anybody else

b) dead in a gutter with a bullet hole in your skull

the fact that such a fucking psycho can even access a keyboard and the internet and communicate with functional or semi-functional human beings is a travesty

shut the fuck up, leave, and never come back

you aren't wanted, nobody cares about your shitcoin, and nobody ever will

you are non-white, and your rage amuses me in the same way somebody at a zoo appreciates the animals running about aimlessly

>> No.25085214

The 2 projects that literally FUD themselves and you want it to stop?? Kek

>> No.25085262
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Reported for racism. Enjoy your ban.