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2505013 No.2505013 [Reply] [Original]

Telling everyone rn. Invest in esper. You are gonna be sad af when it hits a cent, and then 5 cents. Freal get in now. Not a shill.

Already doubled my profit. Solid team and dev. Once it hits exchanges its gonna explode

>> No.2505097

stop shilling this pajeet shitcoin, nobody knows anything about it and the devs have made 6 other coins including bunnycoin.
it has a giant premine that all the devs own
this has all the makings of a scam

>> No.2505113

cpc better than this fken pokemon looking scamcoin version 2 because u wanna fk ppl over twice

>> No.2505139

lmao are you that guy who lost 15k flipping this coin?
why did you fall for this obvious scam LMAO

>> No.2505221


Legit keeping this coin to themselves. I'm telling u guys, last time ima warn y'all lmao it's about discards.

>> No.2505237

how bout posting actual information about this coin, or nobody on this board will take it seriously.
oh wait you cant because there isnt any
I wont feel bad for any idiot that falls for this 100% verified pajeet scam

>> No.2505321


Read the bitcointalk,coins been in progress a solid two years making it stable, reliable and fast. Now it's time for things like Masternodes, the Android wallet, faster delivery, etc. If you are really into investing you'd read up on it on your own and make your decision. Developers are ACTIVE and STEADY. I'm not here to baby you into making investments lmao, you make your own decision lol. I'm just helping u guys out cause biz is where I got a 10k portfolio off of $100.

>> No.2505385
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>thinks a 600 page bct thread means the coin is worth something
pic related

>> No.2505609

The more y'all press the more I wanna buy shit

>> No.2505798
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>> No.2505891

>he bought 500k of this no development, no news, no innovation pajeet shitcoin
you deserve the upcoming loss for your stupidity

>> No.2506437

We're going to sell the news my newfriend. This is verge+ ethereum+xby all in one!

>> No.2506462

Wont that net you good returns only after you get EVERYONE talking about it? where do you even get the idea this coin is attempting to do those things?

>> No.2506465
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Bouta buy 500k more too. Your reply, cmon bro. U gotta be dumb to not see actual development. Every company starts small. Learn to invest bro. I also told u guys about siacoin before it mooned.

>> No.2506540

I'm mining this coin and own 2 mil bought at 5, 10 and 15 sat, it's got a good development plus i don't mind holding for a long time. The devs are expecting at least a 50 to 100 times profit for those who bought under 10 sat.

>> No.2506559
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It's like you people don't want free money. This has been shilled for a month. Get on the train before it's too late.

>> No.2506607

stop. STOP.

>> No.2506637

This is probably the biggest pile of shit I've come across on biz

Espers is 100% unadulterated dung. Created and shilled by feces smeared subhumans. No espers dev has ever used a toilet, I am 200% sure of this

>> No.2506686
File: 24 KB, 310x326, ESPERS BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to meet a fellow noESPer, how hard will we be laughing when this shitcoin goes back to -1 satoshi?

>> No.2506711


Too bad we'll never know when that happens. The scammers will quietly pack up shop and disappear with a bunch of poor cunts' money, and there'll never be another mention of this turd on biz.

Of course it'll be immediately replaced with another coin as soon as Gurdeep belches a logo out on mspaint

>> No.2506732

Threw in 0.177 btc at 5btc expecting nothing and tried to forget about it.

Come across it again and I've tripled my investment. Pretty good. I got over 3 million and i'm just gonna continue forgetting I have it

>> No.2507521
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>> No.2508184

Where to buy the real ESP?

>> No.2508190

LMAO you want to buy this shit?
well if you want to ACTUALLY buy it i will direct you to yobit.net, the only place its trading on.

>> No.2508234


The person who responded to you means for you to lose money. Buy from Novaexchange

>> No.2508235
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Yeah i just bought some, so cheap compared to nova and coinexchange.io, I'll just flip it over and sell it for my 17x profit... hehehehehe. gonna be rich. ;)

>> No.2508248


i prefer coinexchange

>> No.2508256

You call it a scam, you call it shit but you're actually scamming people sending them to Yobit. You're a piece of shit.

>> No.2508258


don't listen to these faggots, yobit is the only exchange with the right chain, the others refused to swap. he just wants you to take his bags after he realized he fucked up. i wouldnt recommend buying this pajeet coin though.

>> No.2508262

Thats why its not listed on CoinMarketCap right?

>> No.2508271

correct. its one big scam, the only real chain isnt even listed on coinmarketcap LMAO

>> No.2508277
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>> No.2508297

buy it from novaexchange or coinexchange

>> No.2508309


>> No.2508315
File: 284 KB, 951x652, 6 fucking coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these scam developers have made 6 other coins (bunnycoin isnt in the list) and each of them have been a pnd. this is obviously another pnd. its so sad seeing people like you wanting to give these rupee lovin' fucks more of your money.

see? everyone wants you to their shitty chain so they can unload their bags. dont fall for it and buy from the legit exchange yobit.net

>> No.2508334

going all in on all 6

>> No.2508336

The yobit one is the old esp which isnt used anymore, you want esp2.

Are you fucking retarded or just trolling?

>> No.2508352
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You must love losing your money.
pic related

>> No.2508359

>it's so sad

You claim to feel sorry for people but you're sending them to Yobit to throw their money away on an old worthless chain. Fuck off you dirtbag. You're the scam artist.

>> No.2508371

Lmao you're just a dumbass who didn't read anything and went all in on the old worthless chain on Yobit. You fucked yourself now you're pissed off and trying to get people to buy your bags. That's why you're so butt hurt

>> No.2508391
File: 57 KB, 1471x646, cryptocoderz the scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who told you that? It's quite blatantly the opposite.
they move from website to website trying to get people to buy their shitcoins, then they get de-listed for maliciousness. the newest scamcoin theyve made is espers, and the only legit chain that you can actually sell is on yobit. the coinexchange and novaexchange have artificial prices because everyone bought their bags and now wants to sell at what everyone else is selling at to get rid of them. stop scamming everyone that wants to buy your shitcoin.

lmao i bought this pajeet shit at 1 sat but got out when it hit 20. this coin is going nowhere because its complete shit with nothing to go for it. your bags will be getting heavier by the day while i'll be driving lambos out in beverly hills because of you retards buying my bags

>> No.2508426

The coin on Yobit is old and worthless, just admit it you fucked yourself over buying it.

ESP2 is the real Espers and it's on coinexchange and Novaexchange.

The only reason you would be up in these threads was if you were emotionally invested. Which means you fucked up and bought the old chain. I don't go to Dogecoin or Bitbean threads complaining about them telling people not to buy, even though they're nothing but memes. If you wanna buy them it's your choice. If you don't like it don't buy it.

Nice going dumbass.

>> No.2508444

yeah bro, stand up to the fudders i just dropped 0.5 btc on the legit yobit coin

>> No.2508453
File: 3.30 MB, 1600x1422, just give up pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is you
i just said i bought your pajeet shit on nova and sold it at 20. i made 20x profits off you braindead idiots who think the devs are actually working on it and not their next pnd scamcoin

>> No.2508482

Why are you sending people to Yobit if you're concerned with people being scammed?

>> No.2508486
File: 22 KB, 1167x201, umadboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pathetic FUD attempt convince me that you are ESP hodler and want cheap ESP by FUDDing this shit on /biz/.

I'm just stocking up 1.3 BTC worth at 17-18 sat just to prove your weak FUD isn't working.

Don't stop bumping the thread though, it helps spreading awareness of this hidden gem.

>> No.2508495
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because its the only place to actually get the proper chain. ive said i dont recommend the purchase, but if they want to get their money sucked away, they at least need accurate information

look at this shit, so professional they use a gmail account

>> No.2508519

you're cooked cunt,did you not coinexchange this before hands??? could of probs picked up 250k extra coins https://www.coinexchange.io/market/esp/BTC

>> No.2508534

Why should I give a fuck? I have 500+ BTC at the moment, this ain't shit son.

Not everyone on /biz/ is a poor NEET like you.

>> No.2508557

because you dont have 500+ btc you fucking larper

>> No.2508590

Here's a tip. Keep saying that, convince yourself that no one on /biz/ doesn't have 500+ BTC, write it on a piece of paper, make an audio saying "No one on /biz/ have 500 BTC" and play it on repeat.

Do all of the ting above.

Your puny brain might believe it someday and you'll feel better at your poor condition.

This is a mindset of every poor people like you.

>> No.2508592

I know a shit ton of people who have a million, you just dont you larper lol

>> No.2508875
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>> No.2509026
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>> No.2509029

shit i need to buy more

>> No.2509176


>> No.2509453
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>> No.2509481

nice, +50mil bros

>> No.2510027

I am going to register a node as soon as they announce you can

>> No.2510046

Was it 25mil each?

>> No.2510058

Btw, dat 20sat sell wall at nova got destoryed lol

>> No.2510078

I own 8 million of Esper.

This coin literally can't lose.

>> No.2510244

Yup, all the FUD'ders that have tried to bring the price down now on suicide watch.

Last week youre going to see espers near 15 sats.

Nobody wans to drop this coin, everyone are holding.

>> No.2510358

Once node registration takes coins out of circulation, the value will spike

>> No.2511581

History on these coins? Coinmarketcap only has insane coin. What about the others?