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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25036950 No.25036950 [Reply] [Original]

due to the ever inflating supply (3% per year compounded) as well as billions more unlocked to be dumped on the market.
It will forever be an XRP-tier crabbing shitcoin because of these things.

Protip: Invest in good technologies with decentralized low supplies and staking mechanisms.

>> No.25036980

nice try gilles

>> No.25037092
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>> No.25037120

iRefuse to iNvest in anything name iExec, what kind of iDumbass iName is iThat.

>> No.25037121

>we are gonna be oil barons
Barons of fucking sand.

>> No.25037157

Runs on lots of chinks shilling lol. Tron is better than RLC garbage

>> No.25037178


>> No.25037236

biz normies are here
go back

>> No.25037246

If iExec rebranded like Nano did from RaiBlocks, it’d prolly add 50 million more to its market cap. Just rename to “GRID” for grid computing and you pajeets would probably be taken more seriously in the crypto space

>> No.25037402

iExec stands for "I Execute" which is in itself what it does. Your tiny brain is incapable of understanding real names. iExec also sounds hyper futuristic when said out loud.

"iExec, turn my car on"

>> No.25037451
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>digital car

>> No.25037498

Monosyllabic names/tickers are where it’s at. Sorry your shitcoin is stuck mimicking 2007 Apple iNomenclature. Pathetic really, Gilles

>> No.25037536

"goo gle"
"app le"
"mic ro soft"
"am ah zon"
"tes lah"
Absolutely assblasted
try harder sweatie

>> No.25037607

You're spot on, and the project already has a crazy high market cap.
I think the money to be made in GRT is participating in the ecosystem for incentives, not buying the token and hoping it goes higher.
That said, I'm not doing that, and I'm not buying RLC either, I got into HEX at the right time and I'm gonna ride that one.

>> No.25037665

>I'm not buying RLC
>I got into HEX
You might as well just kill yourself now, Richard is a scammer

>> No.25037730

You must be too dense to realize I was implying the crypto space since your multisyllabic shitcoin has been crabbing for 4 years. RLC wants to pull a LINK or a GRAPH or an ETH so bad but it will never do so with such a shit name and an even shittier, completely unrelated ticker

>> No.25037781

man, that hit's me right in the 35x I'm sitting on already XD
oh dude, I got one, HEX.

>> No.25037807

"bit coin"
"eth eer ee umm"
"chain link"
"nahn- oh"
"ex arr pee"
"mohn air ohh"
"the graph"
"lite coin"

KEK you are so dumb it is actually entertaining

>> No.25037835

but for real, it's fucking low IQ pussies that are still thinking about their altcoin positions rn
You missed the pre bull buy, now you have to wait for the post-bitcoin-bubble surge

>> No.25037889

You can 35x off of scams, ahem, bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect

Enjoy your short term scam gains, might want to realize them before they evaporate while solid long term projects go 10000x in the next 4 years

>> No.25038020

>"bit coin"
>"eth eer ee umm"
>"chain link"
>"nahn- oh"
>"ex arr pee"
>"mohn air ohh"
>"the graph"
>"lite coin"
“i ex ec”
See how fucking stupid that name looks and sounds relative to your examples? Lmao RLC is just not household name material. Gilles better fill that marketing position and get them to work quick if they want any chance of seeing adoption in 2021

>> No.25038042

you throw the word scam around like I care, I'm surprised you're not shilling Cardano or some i fucking love science coin
I realized a decent amount of gains before the BPD, most of my portfolio is BTC
and this is what it's about, GAINS, not tying my identity to some shitcoin because of muh solid project, and I'm sorry but your gains are pathetic and you will keep losing

>> No.25038046

It doesn't look any more stupid than "eeth eer ee umm" or "ex arr pee"

>> No.25038064

also you're a schizo for letting these people drag you into the weeds on the fucking name

>> No.25038065

Trying to shill your coin as "digital oil" is pretty fucking dumb you know that right? Oil has been a completely shit investment for years. Literally only newfags and retards invest in oil.

>> No.25038067

Cringe, enjoy your actual scam while RLC becomes one of the most used blockchain technologies in the world next year

>> No.25038099

At some point you'll realize that 'use' does not equal gains

>> No.25038102

It's supposed to stand for Individual Executor. It's kind of autistic.

>> No.25038128

Where do all of you discord fudders come from?
Oh the telegram, that's right. I'm keeping an eye on you faggots.

>> No.25038159

At some point you'll realize that having a dick doesn't make you a woman

>> No.25038337
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I think its unfair to compare GRT to XRP. XRP is a steaming pile of shit and deserves to fail, along with the reddit-tier normies who support it out of pure greed and have no respect for what Satoshi started. I get a feeling of comfort knowing XRP is doomed to fail. GRT, on the other hand, might actually be useful and potentially complimentary to RLC. Anyone who has researched both iExec RLC and GRT would realize the two technologies are complementary.

Currently, it costs over 10K USD a month to RENT a server with the capacity to run a single Indexer Node for GRT. RLC has the [THEORETICAL] capability of bringing this cost down by a significant margin, maybe even 50%.

I'm 75% in RLC. But a lot is dependent on the team delivering as promised, and the tasks pending in the roadmap for Q1 2021. A lot is about to be decided in the next 3 months about the future validity of RLC.

>> No.25038507
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>reddit-tier normies who support it out of pure greed and have no respect for what Satoshi started
Based beyond my words

>> No.25038521

I know they are complimentary, however those gains will not be complimentary. RLC will outgain GRT exponentially.

>> No.25038522

>due to the ever inflating supply (3% per year compounded) as well as billions more unlocked to be dumped on the market.

Also, I think it's worth pointing out that this statement is misleading to some extent. The amount of GRT tokens that have been burned was so high at the start that GRT temporarily became deflationary.

I've always considered RLC holders to be the OG "real autists" on this board. Let's not make threads associating RLC with technical incompetence based on mistruths.

This board has become too normie as it is. I think I only post here out of habit now, but don't get much real value from here anymore.

>> No.25038544

Ohh, I misunderstood.

>> No.25038545

>GRT temporarily became deflationary
Yea but it isn't anymore and will never be in the future as more GRT is unlocked and more gets printed.

>> No.25038619

Basically RLC is hyper-deflationary (tiny supply, infinite use cases, infinite staking potential due to increase in technology use as time goes on) and GRT is semi-inflationary (more printed every year, half of supply is staked, unlocked coins introduced into supply)

>> No.25038678

I know. I meant I misunderstood that you were basically saying "Buy RLC, not GRT, if you want significant gains" since it's obvious to anyone who looks at the total supply of RLC vs GRT that overall, a single RLC will be worth thousands of GRT.

>> No.25038706

Ah okay I was just clarifying. Yea, basically GRT has no chance in hell to outperform RLC over the next 4 years.

>> No.25038730 [DELETED] 

invest in Parsiq (PRQ) if you actually gonna get in on the next LINK. just dont fucking make threads about it

>> No.25038779

Shit anon, you must be tired of spoonfeeding everyone. What you wrote about XRP and RLC is true
And most of all that in 3 months we will know the fate of this coin.

>> No.25038793

Gilles is firing everyone on the team after the winter trip to Jakarta was canceled
lead dev just got fired and the business lead got canned

>> No.25038798

>due to the ever inflating supply (3% per year compounded)
rofl you can't this right now on ESD, except you get 3% every 8 hours

>> No.25038801



>> No.25038829

they didnt burn shit you dummy

>> No.25038914
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Okay, but you're wrong.

>> No.25039002

Doesn't seem like a lot.

>> No.25039033
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>> No.25039048

Anyone remember seeing a post about the Jakarta Q1 trip and a member of the dev team left because of Gilles and He being degenerates. I’m starting to think it wasn’t a larp

>> No.25039078

It's significant compared to the total current lifespan of GRT. In ten years, when this space has matured to "Facebook is the internet for normies" levels of utility and usability, the total supply won't seem that large if GRT manages to hold the niche it has carved out for itself.

At that point, the token burn will seem a lot more significant.

>> No.25039382

whats the point of stressing the burning when they have an extra pool of 2B tokens to mint from?


Gilles is trimming the fat since people caught on to the planned p&ds
that extra $200k will go along way during the next trip

>> No.25039466

I hope he will have the delicay to send some invitations to his best holders

>> No.25039476
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What's the point of answering the questions of someone who had to be corrected about a simple fact?

>> No.25039668

just don't get sued by the SEC

>> No.25040532

>XRP-tier crabbing shitcoin
xrp is the fucking worst isn't it

>> No.25041174

because all you see is complaining about having to spoonfeed, never any spoonfeeding

>> No.25041346

Already approved by the French SEC which is basically the same thing as the US one.
RLC is digital oil and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it

>> No.25041367

GRT is bollocks.

>> No.25041632

I'm quite certain my 5 year old could use scratch to code better than you. It seems you don't understand the utility in the graph and how it saves developers a metric shit ton of money. If you had an IQ above room temperature and didn't buy at the top, you would see that it's an economic way for teams to index data that would otherwise be hired out or done internally with considerable risk and cost. Go back to red it where your Axe wound is considered a vagina. You will never be a woman.

>> No.25041651


>> No.25041750

>fudder making up nonsense about planned pump and dumps and mysterious trips
>being backed up by another fudder shilling his scamcoin
kys discord trannies

>> No.25041776

Yeah, indexing blockchains and laying the foundation for Web3 is complete bollocks. Nobody would pay for that or see any value in it unless you were a developer and they would much rather hire an outside team and set up an expensive server than use a token to access that data.

>> No.25041795

>didn't understand the post

>> No.25042453

Just buyed more

God coin sirs moon guaranteed