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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25025271 No.25025271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

congress complains about anything over $600 being undeserving gibs yet they got paid 130k each by tax payers over 9 months doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.25025306

Poor people should die
I wouldn't even get out of bed for 600

>> No.25025315

>he thinks the government is his friend

>> No.25025332

>>>/pol/ stay there with the other socialists and whine about not having others pay for you losers

>> No.25025348

I'm amazed we got anything honestly but even the $1200 was shit. Not that I'm complaining bring on the free money but it's not like it's a big deal

>> No.25025407

leafs getting 2k a month. americucks getting $1800 in total. your country is either greedy or broke. get out. you will be left holding bags.

>> No.25025462

Leafs also pay what, 700 dollars for a kg of chicken thighs?

>> No.25025465

leafs don’t have the same investment bubble propping the entire world up on its shoulders, they can afford to actually eat a dip and take care of their cattle
burgers can’t or we get 2008 2: Crash Harder across the entire planet
it sucks but it’s the truth

>> No.25025491
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>pay exorbitant taxes
>suddenly are in a time of need because they’ve closed everything down
>’haha sorry can’t give you your money back, gotta prop up more billionaires’

>> No.25025505

lmao stop being a poor nigger
imagine even liking the fact you're getting 600 dollars of monopoly money.
hyperinflation has already destroyed all of its value

>> No.25025536
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if you made more than 75k in 2019 you don't even get $600 :^)

>> No.25025549

>having socialist policies in the first place
>expecting future generation to pay for the financial fuck ups of Boomers and Genx
cant help commies like you, always arguing in circles to find a legitimization to get someone else money doing worse then nothing

>> No.25025558

Who gave you blackbrain?
>Defense bill?! GIMME DAT! I wan't DAT Five thoysand dollars!!

Not like the fucking US army needs bullets or some shit.

>All dem foyoken, billenairs, fook them mayn, I wan't dayt Moonies!

Just drown yourself in a river.

>> No.25025590
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> too rich for individual gibs
> too poor for corporate subsidy gibs

>> No.25025604

niggers like you can't even write proper english so shut up lol

>> No.25025644

90% of military spending is just defending kikes in israel, retard

>> No.25025648

case closed. The US is fucked. Enjoy your falling empire communist

>> No.25025665

>Free money
>still complain

fucking americans

>> No.25025674

Shut the fuck up you corporate cuck. Imagine defending being a serf who pays taxes and gets nothing in return. Kill yourself you spineless worm.

>> No.25025687

Poors and middle class still won't leave their homes to do anything about it, they know this and that's why you're fucked.

>> No.25025725


>> No.25025726

in april coinbase saw a record amount of $1200 deposits, will it be a record of $600 EPIC orders this time?

>> No.25025762

ya it sucks the entire world has to sit on your shoulders, when it all goes down in flames don't expect anyone to allow mass immigration into our countries. they will all blame you. americucks will be the foreigners they hated in 5-10 yrs. the scum of the earth. can't wait for all the incoming hypocrisy "why won't you let us into your country?!" thats what u get for taking the usd off the gold standard and putting children in cages. no pity.

>> No.25025775


You don't have to leave your home to just start pumping money into BTC, which is exactly what I'm doing

>> No.25025793
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>> No.25025795

>tfw too rich to even get the $600

Feels bad man

>> No.25025883

>Not socialism
>Giving billions to Boeing to make more planes that rot in the desert
>Giving 1200 dollars to average person because the government shutdown fuck loads

These boots aren't going to lock themselves.

>> No.25026014

nice bait, just remember to give out your crypto to anyone that asks when you make it, coomrade,

none of this "rules for thee and not for for me" when its time to pay out.

>> No.25026020

all that cheap money is going to fuck canada in the long run. Trudeau wants to sell us to the chinese for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.25026179

Do you know what kind of retarded shit they do with the defense budget? Bootlicking faggot.
>t. engineer for a major defense company
People aren't asking for UBI. They're forcing people to stay home and/or close their businesses. The least they could do is send some checks. Why are people so against the government helping out tax payers? Brainwashed beyond belief. Go back to pol.

>> No.25026194
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>Americucks actually think this
You're not holding jack shit up. Your rich elites have imported our labor, and exported useless dollars for decades. Well now they've grown so fat and corrupt, that they can't even spare a coupe of dollars to the American people, since they KNOW every cent must be put towards global subjugation. But only this time it's not going to work, since there are better options. Americans will be put to War, not as a method to preserve their wealth, but forestall collapse while their elites finish up their escape plans.

>> No.25026228


>> No.25026235

keep believing your china fud tranny. ubi incoming.

>> No.25026267

falseflag pol shit. link me to your self-founded party's website whiny bitch

>> No.25026314

The only way out of this is accumulating more crypto.

>> No.25026319

Jesus are the dogfuckers this retarded?
you guys realize your deficit is worse than america's with only 1/10th of the population right? Although I hear trudea aims to stop that by importing 120 million niggers in the next 3 years, its hell dealing with 13% niggers in the US, I can't imagine what warzone canada will be like when its 80% islamic niggers

>> No.25026381

How much do Americans get on unemployment just normally?

>> No.25026396

this. they'll transfer into full retard blame everyone else mode then exit scam while the general public is left rotting in dead cities. its a shame really, the US had some really good things going for it like...well shit, everything they take credit for was imported from other countries. i can't really think of anything other than fastfood.

>> No.25026407

Eastern Europe: Here´s the new lockdown on Christmas. Don´t met with your family or we will fine you. I will close your business and you will get nada, none, zero gibs. Nothing personnel kiddo.

>> No.25026408

>We're just asking for more gibs dood
>We're totally not creating a dependent class by giving them cash that'll drop another 20% in value in 2021.
>Y-You're the boot licker! D: :'(

>> No.25026433

Depends on the state, but the average in 2019 was something like $375-$400 I think

>> No.25026461

Don't forget the based democrats, rather than pushing for 1200 dollars, opted to fight to ensure illegals would get 1800 dollars instead.

Fighting for the little guy, those dems.

Depends on state, but blue states are in huge debt and pay fat stacks on top of the federal unemployment boost. I live in a cuck state with a blue government but no boost to unemployment from the state government yet no jobs because lockdowns, so it's the worst of both worlds.

>> No.25026466

not even a socialist, youre just flat out retarded if you think the military needs MORE money

>> No.25026594

you realize beastiality is legal in several states right?

>> No.25026604


>> No.25026628

>creating a dependent class by giving them cash
You'll have a lot more dependent people in poverty if no one gets reasonable aid. Some useful checks could keep people in a decent spot until businesses open back up. We've had welfare since before anyone on this board was born, retard. Not just for black people either if that makes you feel better

>> No.25026642

This is actually true and frightening that civilians let it slide.

>> No.25026644
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Our issues aside, I honestly think the US will be in another war in the next 4 years. a hot one.
Its all over the fucking media. "Russia hack" and all that. The Normies are getting image trained to think Russia is out for the US.
I am NOT saying I agree with or want a war. What I'm saying is the media is forging ahead with making average TV watching Americans OK with a US & Russia conflict. So it doesn't surprise me. The shit with the "that money could have gone to Americans" thing just irritates me because the logic never ends. The Normies are fucked, everyone is already fucked. The horse is dead. $600 isn't enough, $1,200 isn't enough, $3000 isn't enough.

The point isn't to give anyone enough anyway. Anyone who can't survive off that is fucked anyway.

>> No.25026689
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Congress is filled with traitors

Trump should absolutely go full Sulla mode and purge but include big tech, media and any female or liberal in the military with any substantial position of power

>> No.25026698

Only for your dad, he was a really good lay. Totally worth it.
Also you're adopted.

>> No.25026768

Dumbass ignorance like this is what allows you Americans to stay so fucking blatantly cucked

>> No.25026820

literal retard

>> No.25026826

The problem is that the 'hacks' have done fuck all to the average Amerifat - so nobody buys Russia as a viable threat.

They will still blame China and when the 5G rollout and social credit system comes into place they will realise China is the real threat to America. Even though admittedly, China is being manipulated by a group of powerful individuals such as the WEF who have brainwashed the elite over the last 50 years.

>> No.25026850

He's smart. Our defenses are what keep the dollar valuable.

>> No.25026876

>he admits to being a faggot

literally neck yourself

>> No.25026907

>not even true, the post

>> No.25026914

You would be getting an extra $300/week and 11 more weeks of unemployment if you were unemployed. If you have a job why would you need any more help than you did last year?

>> No.25026918

Our future generations are already shelling out trillions to keep wall street running.

>> No.25026923

If you think it's bad now, wait 'till the fucking democrats take the senate and have the vp calling the shots on a tie. Fuck them all, both sides. Ron Paul for president.

>> No.25027002

>yet they got paid 130k each by tax payers over 9 months doing absolutely nothing.

Wrong. They were diligently hard at work bickering among themselves and lieing to us.

>> No.25027021

and so now you understand the desire for a poor person to lynch and kill the rich and redistribute their wealth to better more deserving hands? lol

>> No.25027025

That money doesn’t go to Defense dumbfuck. It goes to buying $150 screws and other overpriced shit to funnel money to ‘defense’ contractors.

>> No.25027030

My old man was kind enough to set me up with a college fund. I went Infantry and he gave me the cash when I started using my GI bill. My kids wont have a college fund and I hope they never waste money on an American university. It's all commie propaganda with a terrible roi. Nope, my kids will have bags of btc, guns, gold and silver. They call me crazy now, but my children will be shocked when I kick the bucket.

>> No.25027075

What about all the cucks here who were crying like faggots about "kids in gages" while we were being invaded? Will you have mercy on them at least?

>> No.25027134

Yeah, I think it was China too
So that'll be the latest set of dueling facts. One media led.
Remember when the President launched missiles at Russian airfields and the news called it "beautiful"? Got they're chomping at the bit.


>> No.25027214

Im ok with it. They didn't have to give us shit. If you're struggling right now & need govt gibs to save you, because of the fucking flu, then you can starve on the street for all I care

>> No.25027254


>> No.25027290

WTF re you talking about faggot? Every country measures their wealth in chicken thighs.

>> No.25027367

nope. enjoy being stereotyped faggot.

>> No.25027559

Welfare is an outdated way to look at it that won't survive the great reset.
In the future there will be only two classes of people. The populace and their managers. Under the guise of social programs and relief, people will be sorted down one way streets by their choices. For most of them their fates are more or less already decided. For others they're on the fence.

"I can save money by not buying a car and just renting someone else self driving car when they aren't using it"
"I can save money moving into a tiny house"
"I can use UBI to cover my groceries"
"I can afford to not work".

These are all great. Until you want to drive to a location you can't select from a smart phone before purchasing the ride.
When you try to have a child in your "tiny home"

Every time people fall for these programs, that will only grow more intricate over time, they're making choices that will forever decide their future economic class.
>"That is impossible! People will riot!"
Why then do people go to wagie stores like walmart and not fancy health food stores? Because Walmart makes them <b>comfortable<b>. Wide aisles, friendly prices, groceries far away from toys so kids don't see something they want and ask for it. 90% of people will never mind if they can't even purchase a ride with their phone to a special store that is off limit to them because they're only concerned about getting to wallyworld so they can buy HFCS filled foods with their next-to-nothing-dollar. People are fucked.

>> No.25027637
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I'm glad the bill is only $900 Billion. That means the next stimulus bill under Biden can be larger and include student loan forgiveness.

>> No.25027667
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forgot pic

>> No.25027707
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Laughs in hebrew

>> No.25027780

the law of inertia, somebody already dug the path. Lets be happy centralized redistribution systems scale worse than bitcoin and states worldwide show signs similar to the late western roman empire economically as culturally.

Weak autocracy is followed by anarchy. Shit is ripe for harvest

>> No.25027957

leafs also have free health care lmao

seems like it probably balances out in their favor faggot

>> No.25028004
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>> No.25028041

Been giving niggers reparations for many, many years it looks like

>> No.25028051

im done with the USA. im renouncing my citizenship soon.
the US govt is hell bent on fucking over its citizens any way it possibly can.

>> No.25028086
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>paid 130k each by tax payers over 9 months doing absolutely nothing

>> No.25028114

UK is only if you are lucky enough to be on furlough. Rest of us are fucked or heading out to work without bags.

>> No.25028261

>youre just flat out retarded if you think the military needs MORE money
But the military bombs brown people? That's a good thing? Don't you want less brown people anon?

>> No.25028285

There’s actually a lot of stuff in this deal if you’re collecting unemployment or own a business. +$300 a week for unemployment (so $400-600/wk total) $10k EIDL grant, huge business loans from EIDL and PPP at low rates (that you can dump into bitcoin), rent payment for those who are behind...

Biden can add a lot more if the dems win Georgia, and even if he doesnt you know they will keep giving gibs to businesses so another bullrun is right around the corner.

>> No.25028360

regular israelis dont get that money ffs. it goes straight to weapons companies.
banker jews just use poor jews as pawns, same as everyone else.

>> No.25028442

Don't worry OP, here are $3 of BAND:

>> No.25028471
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stupid people are people too anon

>> No.25028546

to pay off credit card debts that have accumulated during the time he didnt have a job. of course if he’s smart he’ll just let them go to collections and then never pay.

>> No.25028661

it depends on how much you made before you were unemployed. around 50-70% of your previous pay, depending on the state.

>> No.25028710

You could barely regurgitate that nonsense coherently kek go back to /r/conspiracy before your dad unplugs the router again

>> No.25028725
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how dare you goy. We are giving you this much and you complain. Get back to your cage slave!!!!!

>> No.25028752

i plan to give 50% of my capital gains to the homeless once i make it, while refusing to pay federal income tax. meanwhile bezos cant pay 5% of his net worth to permanently end homelessness in America.

>> No.25028826

after the inflation this year so far, $600 is still losing money. especially after the interest on credit cards after 6 months of little to no income.

>> No.25028854

Where you headed, broski? Singapore? Costa Rica?

>> No.25028973

Who built the cages ?

>> No.25029034

show bobs

>> No.25029238

I like how this is the photo that said “10 weeks”, but that was 22 weeks ago so they had to crudely update it in the wrong font.

>> No.25029314

Look man, seems like a bait, but if government forced the society to shutdown, it has an obligation to provide people with money that they could have had

>> No.25029337

Yeah because the people who agreed with and liked that kind of America are for sure the same people who would ever leave their great fath-I mean homeland.

>> No.25029388

Government shutdown the society, fine businesses, so it need to provide for them

>> No.25029424

Not really bait. The people with jobs (such as myself) I don't like the idea of having to wage 40 hours a wage to subsidize fucktards on /pols degenerate lifestyles. Come talk to us when you start making enough money to where the government is taking 40-60k out of your yearly income just "because" and then come talk to us. You opinion on these stimulus checks will immediately change.

Fuck poorfags, seriously.

>> No.25029522

You act like /pol/ supports this shit. It's all redditors working at Starbucks with 100k in student loans for their women's studies degree that push for all this welfare.

>> No.25029617

so not bait, but you a larping faggot. nobody on this board makes that much money. 90 percent of these fags are retarded, 95 percent of those retards are from Bangladesh. you are a poorfag too, just admit it, its the first step

>> No.25029627

Ok, so you mean that people who can’t operate their businesses because of government lock downs, are responsible for this?

>> No.25029654

He's just talking about pol's infatuation with NEET life.
But yeah, everyone wants to be neets. Doesn't make anyone special.
The absolute state of starbucks wagies tho is just unreal. I really fucking doubt there is any actual rehabilitation possible for these people.
Same thing for all these kids who have been playing Fortnite everyday for 8 hours a day, since they were 8. I'm not saying "useless eaters", but what the hell are these people ever going to do? I can guess but everyone would hate those, oh boy

>> No.25029759

I did that with some credit card debt from college that went from like $250 to $1800 then they garnished my wages

>> No.25029767

That's an assumption, here is the first thing I see when I open my workday account from my last company for tax purposes this year.

"CA OASDI/EE $582.32
CA Withholdng $4,115.38
WA MLI/EE $38.00
WA FLI/EE $42.22
Fed OASDI/EE $5,573.61
Fed MED/EE $1,303.51
Fed Withholdng $14,720.93
Total: $26,375.97"

Look at that, I worked there for a total of 7 months before leaving because it became pozzed and I already paid close to 27k in taxes.

>> No.25029789

Let’s not forget about government wonderful job of:
>can’t evict non paying tenants
>can’t operate your business
>can’t use the things you paid taxes for
Yet they take all the tax
You defending them doesn’t look good anon

>> No.25029816

Majority of those taxes end up in stomach of politicians, and you know damn well.

>> No.25029864

This is a strawman.I do not support the shutdowns (if that's what you're implying). None of this would be an issue if the governments would just re-open everything. I don't understand why 80% of businesses had to close but yet they still allow hundreds of people in large corporation owned stores such as walmart and albertsons every fucking day. This entire thing is stupid.

>> No.25029917

I'm also aware of that. I'm not registered to vote, I do not support our current system, I'm only forced to take part in it because I have no choice. I didn't chose to be born into this system. I didn't chose to be taxed 35% of my earnings. I was a slave from the start.

>> No.25029989

if we were to make another assumption, that this is what you paid in taxes and that you're not still larping, 27k or more precisely 26,375.97 is not 40-60k

>> No.25030128

Please re-read my post

> "I worked there for a total of 7 months before leaving because it became pozzed and I already paid close to 27k in taxes."

7 months not an entire year. I left that job and went to another company, where I am still paying taxes on my earnings. That company is attached to another payroll system, and thus, would not be included in the metric above. Following basic assumptions about wages / salaries - I left a job to another job, meaning I most likely got a raise in my salary (which I did). That means I'm going to be paying more money in taxes for the remainder of the year.

Second / Third order thinking skills are missing from this thread.

>> No.25030258
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>> No.25030286

>I'm going to be paying more money in taxes for the remainder of the year
that's an assumption

>> No.25030443

Yes.. I stated that in my post "Following basic assumptions"

Dammit I need to stop giving you retards (Yous). Enjoy this last one, I'm not responding to you anymore until I see substance from you. Anything longer than a twitter post would suffice you dumb zoomer.

>> No.25030470

Thanks for playing democracy Anon, better luck next time.

>> No.25030585

IMO the entire discussion around the "morality" of this is a strawman. We can sit here all day and REEE about how the government "is obligated to" "should" "should not" whatever. Solutions are obvious. Fixes are obvious. Everyone knows its all kabuki theater.

But what we lack is adapted language needed to address them. A "Lingua Franca". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9ZdC6wZnks
English isn't keeping up with the challenges thrown at it. Inside of this sort of lingual and cultural ambiguity new intents are folded into old meanings. Giving actors working against the "system" a place to hide out in the open. If I sound insane, then consider the challenges of calling out the Cultural Marxist Racial riots of the innocuously named "black lives matter".

Where intellectualism shrinks, cults form in the vacuum. The Morality is all an elaborate sideshow to what is being accomplished. Better to assume these things are intentional. Just like any language, the "language of morality" or the "language of what the government should do" can be poised, twisted, and framed in ways that make it impossible for casual approaches to the issue to ever really strike the issue.

>> No.25030611

>not registered to vote
You know this place is only open for 18+
I agree. My issue is with government doing this shit.
I am not a person who always side with government handout, but I support hand out this time.
Because it’s government fault

>> No.25030636

you're the one that's dumb in this situation, like I mentioned earlier, 90% of the people here are retarded. all the (You)s you game me only served to further my point. plus, you likely have daddy issues since you clearly need to prove your worth to an anonymous person on the internet machine. also as I said earlier, admitting your problems is the first step to salvation

>> No.25030888

5cU3DsvX has been added to the filter and is now offtopic. Anyway..
Interesting video, I've never heard of this term until now.

> Inside of this sort of lingual and cultural ambiguity new intents are folded into old meanings.
I think you are referring to the Weasel Word problem. Commonly weasel words can be heard / read from corporations or politicians. I believe the business acceptable term for this is called "Strategic Communications". I don't think intellectualism is shrinking, I think it's something far more sinister. I think intellectualism is being gatekeeped and kept away from the common man in America, which is leading to alot of the social / cultural problems we are seeing today.

Voting requires manual sign up or manual opt-out. I laughed though so nice one.

Also fair enough, I can get behind that viewpoint.

>> No.25030953

thx 4 thoughtful contribution

>> No.25031004

all of congress leaves a millionaire, even though they're only paid 130k/yr

>> No.25031013

Man sucks to have your NEETBUX dream shattered

>> No.25031098
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>> No.25031925

isreal is our greatest ally goy

>> No.25032943


>> No.25033195
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what the hell did you expect?
get back in line pleb, congress has very important work to do, like eroding your freedoms and rights
but go back

>> No.25033290

>having masks on will stop you from catching the virus
>put your mask on to prevent OTHERS to get sick
So, which is it?

>> No.25034018

Spain: 0€

>> No.25034026

>be the people
>get 180,000,000,000 dollars
what the fuck?

>> No.25034109

I heard that Canucks get paid $2000 leaf bucks a month by Justine Trudeau. Is this BS?

>> No.25034152
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>spends and wastes money like there’s no tommorrow
>suddenly it’s time to think about the children

>> No.25034200
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>so it’s agreed 600$ is way to much for them but if it will shut them up. Who wants chilled lobster I’m buying

>> No.25034276

>tfw german with no stimulus at all and govt is already talking about raising taxes

Consider yourself lucky you greedy bastards

>> No.25034380
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Umm thanks?

>> No.25034427

Would you allow a mexican to operate on you?
Yeah thought so

>> No.25035477

Burger here. If you were on unemployment and made over 50k before you were laid off you got 1100 a week in my state for unemployment for the first 6 months.

>> No.25035491

how do i turn the 600 into 600k reddit?

>> No.25035561

Every dollar of Israel's defense budget we cover is a dollar in Israeli taxes or Israeli healthcare. Money. Is. Fungible.

That said, this is /biz/. We are an extremely Jewish board and as long as Israel wastes towelheads, they're doing something right.

>> No.25035609

Haven't you read the thread? Lobbying. Plain and simple.

>> No.25035659


I’d kill to be able to migrate to Canada and become Canadian

>> No.25036065

Is it true that there is gonna be an economic apocalypse in the next five years? How safe is my accountant career?

>> No.25036128

It's dead

>> No.25036229
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>> No.25036284

>believing that your taxes are used for the $600 and not infinite QE
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.25036303

can we collect unemployment and eidl at the same time?

>> No.25036484

>all accounting moved to a simple public verifiable ledger
>no more things like depreciation, amortization, accounts receivable
>no more fake and gay accounting bullshit manipulation tactics
>it’s simply, how much BTC is on your books, how much is coming in, how much is going out
nothing personal goy

>> No.25036550

Spain is not Mexico you fucking retarded Jebidiah

>> No.25036592
File: 39 KB, 332x500, fdf71e891febdba212ca82ecb0b931f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your life is going to shit?
i might be going to spain

>> No.25036735

I got double that in uniswap drop, uniswap cares

>> No.25036870

Based and fentanylpilled

>> No.25036886

Imagine seething money isn't enough then demanding nancy pants for giving a fuckton to illegals. Truly you are the gayest nigger in this thread.

>> No.25036897

Dangerously based

>> No.25036944

>working as a wage slave is an honor
>man up and give your life away to your boss
>slaving is your duty
>arbeit macht frei

>> No.25036960

>an entire country cucked by its politicians for decades and nobody has decided to start killing them