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File: 157 KB, 1420x916, CSW-1420-916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24998619 No.24998619 [Reply] [Original]

Is Craig wright satoshi?

>> No.24998670

they will be reborn

>> No.24998692

no one cares craig, go play outside with your satoshi vision

>> No.24998701


>> No.24998749

if he was, you'd know

>> No.24998942

(yes), it was him+Dave Kleiman.

Ask Gavin Andresen or Ian Grigg

>> No.24999023

but why does gavin andresen like vitalik and anton antonopolous so much then?

>> No.24999274

gavin is a technologist he likes tech and eth has innovated more than bitcoin, while the bitcoin community has ousted him as soon as he proclaimed craig to be satoshi and took control away from him. Now every time he talks about bitcoin he gets insulted by floods of brainwashed btc people.
He's a guy who likes tech and cant stand that social arguing bullshit so thats why you see him talking more about eth these days and less about btc.

I actually know Gaving from the days of IRC in 2009, and people were already arguing with him about the block size limit. He's a good guy and tech enthusiast but never had the balls to be a true leader in a controversial project like bitcoin. If he did, btc would have increased in block size long ago and we would never have had all the mess and forks we have now.

>> No.24999336

this idiot looks like the virgin in a meme where james rolfe is the chad
the only thing he could have invented is dorito salad

>> No.24999367


Natashi is the only Faketoshi worth a shit.

>> No.24999387


>> No.24999402

is your dad your mother?

there you have your answer.

>> No.24999507

if he was we would know about it

>> No.24999554

i used to like gavin but he made many many serious mistakes. and he still talks nonsense to this day occasionally.

>> No.24999592

wasn't gavin the one who didn't even understand btc in early bitcointalk?

>> No.24999605
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knowing gavin then you should know he walked back on his claim of craig being satoshi and believes he was fooled

>> No.24999707
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>> No.24999722

of course not

>> No.24999731

yea, i havent spoken to him in a while and dont really follow him anymore.
He's a nice and has a decent understanding of bitcoin, I cant really fault him, but his position of relevance somewhat just fell onto him. He happened to be one of the first close collaborators of satoshi, so this position of power fell onto his lap, but i feel like it was partly kind of random. Kinda happened to me at the last company i worked at, I was one of the first employees so ended up becoming the CTO but mostly cause i was there early, not cause my leadership skills are particularly amazing.

Still, Gavin is miles better than some of the crazy people who joined Core after him like Greg or Luke... Bitcoin did attract a lot of lunatics...

>> No.24999798
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>being so desperate you have to lie this blatantly

>> No.24999862

maybe, lot of that was going around. but he did a solid on p2sh and multisig wallets. we will never forget that. but he almost fatally messed that up as well. so yeah he was a liability that needed supervision. but his heart was at the right place back then.

>> No.24999885

gavin was the one satoshi left bitcoin to when he left

>> No.24999902

>all proof of creg satoy: xyz believes he is

>> No.24999919

nobody is perfect.

>> No.24999931
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He didn't. Still to this day he swore under oath in court he believes it's more likely than not that he was not bamboozled that day, and that Craig Wright is indeed Satoshi, see >>24999707
If you read the court transcript of his recent deposition it is very clear.
What he said that he was fooled about, was that Craig told him he would then post the proof publicly, but then backed down. But he repeated multiple times he still believe it's more likely than not that Craig Wright is satoshi. You have probably been fooled by btc propaganda misquoting gavin

>> No.24999972
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craig is the only person in the world other people have attested have signed satoshi keys

>> No.25000012

and yet all those guys still support btc and their followers. what gives? is it all a facade? whats the end game?

>> No.25000022

actually i did too. i have signed with the genesis wallet address to show people how trivial it is to pull this off.

>> No.25000136
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I think Gavin cant support CSW now. They would kill him for it.

Gavin post is still on his blog

>> No.25000193

nobody would kill him for it, but it's a constant reminder of the shame he made a fool of himself at one part, and also craig removed gavins greatest addition to bitcoin protocol one could say his lives work in bitcoin and tossed it aside like garbage.

>> No.25000208
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in clownworld everything is possible.

>> No.25000217

non sequiter. There is more evidence craig wright is satoshi than anyone else alive or dead

anonymous 4chaner says he signed the address vs some of the biggest names in cryptography and bitcoin say they witnessed craig wright sign in person.

>> No.25000236

Creg is a pathological liar, the real question is what HASN'T he lied about.

If he is satoshi, why was he calling Bitcoin Bit Coin? Why can't he provide proper proof? Why has he been caught lying / forging evidence & proofs etc? Backdating blog posts and so on.

If he was Satoshi, he wouldn't have to run from the Australian tax authority lol.

>> No.25000253

>anonymous 4chaner says he signed the address vs some of the biggest names in cryptography and bitcoin say they witnessed craig wright sign in person.
well consider this: since i know exactly how craig cheated as i was able to pull the same slight of hand i'm pretty well qualified to call him a fucking fraud.

btw the post is on warosu maybe you can find it.

>> No.25000279
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>> No.25000322

this is your answer: >>25000136
Blockstream and btc brainwashed cultists will go to great ways to ruin someone's life if they are in a position of power in crypto and talk against btc or pro bsv.
The single thing that threatens btc the most is people finding out that craig is satoshi so they are extremely vicious towards that point of view. Someone like gavin made good money and they can still make more money from btc number go up, even if btc is unusable. It's not worth it for them to expose themselves too much just to get death threats and get reported and banned on every social media

>> No.25000338

>the real question is what HASN'T he lied about
that's not a question i don't think there is such a thing. remember his rant about how he got the face scar as a war injury? turns out he was biking into a car as a kid. there is not a single thing he told anyone the truth about. that should be your base assumption.

>> No.25000371

>The single thing that threatens btc the most is people finding out that craig is satoshi
i thought it was the chink communist party but ok. keep on being retarded curry cashies!

>> No.25000402

Based and PSO-pilled

>> No.25000437 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25000482
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wrong graph

>> No.25000490

Trust the plan. Sealed indictments. Two more weeks.

>> No.25000569

yeah cashies are entirely btfo by empirical evidence on their strategy about fees supporting the network. apparently on bitcoin fees are substantial part of block reward and on the cash forks fees don't actually amount to anything.
this is a trap the cashies so carefully and adamantly set for themselves.

>> No.25000575

>If he was Satoshi, he wouldn't have to run from the Australian tax authority lol.
do you even think when you type? This would prove quite the opposite if anything. And you need to look more into things rather than just take what bitcoin core and gmaxwell say at face value:

- Australia is a commonwealth country with extradition treaties with the uk, you cannot run away from the australian tax office by moving to the uk, plus the dates do not coincede at all
- Craig was in talk with the ATO for several years BECAUSE he was one of the first people holding huge amounts of bitcoin and there were big questions on the tax side (he put all his bitcoins in a foreign trust, then got loans from the trust to his company for R&D so it would show up as a liability and he could use it for tax writeoff, but the ATO was unclear on the whole operation and how to classify bitcoin and there was a lot of back and forth with lawyers)
- Partly because of this litigation with the ATO, more and more people in Australia started to know that this guy no one knew about in bitcoin apparently had huge bitcoin holdings since 2009, so some people started realizing he's probably satoshi, he got hacked and blackmailed, a lot of the docs from his litigation with the ATO where sent to newspapers as blackmail, his house was swatted, and thats when he decided to come out on his terms. The hackers were blackmailing him they would expose him as satoshi if he didnt pay up, he decided to leave australia and come out as satoshi as the only solution to the hackers blackmail (which at the same time released some of the hacked info to gizmodo and other newspapers)

>> No.25000633

>If he is satoshi, why was he calling Bitcoin Bit Coin
Bitcoin name was created in late 2008. So he could use other names for it.

>Why can't he provide proper proof
Proof to Gavin and others top people

>Why has he been caught lying / forging evidence & proofs etc?

to leave him alone so he could work. He wasnt ready for being Satoshi in 2015

>he wouldn't have to run from the Australian tax authority lol.

He won all tax cases in the Australia

>> No.25000634

if you want to troll, at least learn the difference between bitcoin cash and bitcoin sv. You just sound dumb if you refer to bsv as cashies.

>> No.25000652
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>> No.25000659
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he can't keep getting away with it

>> No.25000661
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>> No.25000671

it's the same bcash and sv are totally the same.
on bitcoin fees are 10% of block reward. that's tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.25000696

see the fee in reward part for sv? me neither...

>> No.25000715


It takes years of wrangling to extradite someone, and simply by not being in the country it makes it incredibly difficult for them to continue the investigation into his shady tax schemes.

>The hackers were blackmailing him they would expose him as satoshi if he didnt pay up

Lmao it all makes sense. He came out as Satoshi by giving the most retarded proof possible, making it impossible to blackmail him or reveal he is satoshi - because now nobody would believe it.

Did you see the post about him stealing bits of a phd thesis he did? He borrowed a graph and poorly relabelled one of the axis and title in a different font, but left one axis in the original font.

>> No.25000743

>bsv fee in reward and btc fee in reward have exactly the same relationship but bsv fees are 0
you are a brainlet commie

>> No.25000792

Different context.
Andresen only ever said he regretted saying CSW was Satoshi, because it earned him a ton of backlash at the time. Not because he didn't believe it. Andresen literally got kicked out of the BTC github the day after he said Creg was Satoj, supposedly because other BTC devs thought "he must've gotten hacked." Yeah right. They were just scared.

>> No.25000794

do you understand the english language? What is your screenshot supposed to prove?

It his clear from the deposition he says "more likely than not". He believes craig is more likely than not satoshi, but he never says he's 100% certain of it, even in his original blog post he just said "beyond reasonable doubt". You will never have 100% certainty of anything, but painting that as gavin saying craig fooled him or craig is not satoshi would be very disingenuous

>> No.25000848

nah he's a broke ass fag crybaby

>> No.25000863

Ronald McDonald is Satoshi.

>> No.25000904

>"beyond reasonable doubt"


The cunt always has some excuse. Here look I signed with Satoshi's keys and convinced everyone. Oh well it was just an old transaction in 2009 done by Satoshi but I couldn't sign it for reals because something trust something something.

Why doesn't he just log in to his old account and post under Satoshi saying "I AM CRAIG WRIGHT NIGGERS GET FUCKED"

>> No.25000944

Grigg is a massive faglord and on nchain payroll
Gavin is just dumb and got conned by Calvin

>> No.25000979
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Are you sure??

>> No.25001031

can you read dipshit? "more likely than not" could be im 51% sure or more. then he comments on how his memory is fallible, truth is elusive, and doesnt really know what happened.

he unironically backed out of his original belief of thinking craig was "probably" satoshi to not sure either way. even calvin ayre says he wont take a position.

>> No.25001043

>Did you see the post about him stealing bits of a phd thesis he did? He borrowed a graph and poorly relabelled one of the axis and title in a different font, but left one axis in the original font.
That's really common in thesis, most people do that, i dont see how that would be relevant to bitcoin in any way

>It takes years of wrangling to extradite someone, and simply by not being in the country it makes it incredibly difficult for them to continue the investigation into his shady tax schemes.
So you're saying he's also protected from the Ira lawsuit since he's in the uk and Ira is in the Us? That's not how it works. And there have been years of wrangling with the ATO, his saga with the ATO dates as early as 2009 when he first tried to report his bitcoin holdings, it was two cases as far as i remember, and i believe they are both closed (craig ended up losing the first and winning the second).

>> No.25001076

>appeal to authority
oh how the mighty have fallen
this is gold coming from this "fight the system" retard, literally bent the knee to a billionaire ( Ayre)

>> No.25001089

i'm sure i wold love to talk about that letter with ian ahahah

>> No.25001148
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>> No.25001167

nobody cares about whoever the fuck says what you double nigger
if you want to move the coins, get the private key to the UTXOs
not by making sca ontier send a literal letter BEGGING to blockstream for a manual address fork to move coins LOL

>> No.25001188

only 10 hours too lat with his larp poor greggie slept it thorough

>> No.25001227


>> No.25001259

nah i remember it very well. we were laughing our ass off about it.

>> No.25001398

ccp loves btc

>> No.25001429

okay i'm out that's all the schizo retard i can read one day. have fun curry niggers!

>> No.25001453

he is a liar, but no not satoshi

>> No.25001455

Give me a job
>t. Big tech europoor wagie

>> No.25001488

i bet it is https://youtu.be/zt1pAjGbvDY

>> No.25001547

sorry breh,id help you but that company is now closing down, im currently just living off of my investments in stocks and crypto

>> No.25001680

most likely he is, but it doesn't seem to matter, yet

>> No.25001692

best and most concise answer, yet

>> No.25001993

for the newfags
this cryptographer is telling craig that his signature is inconsequential because you can get recover a private key from any signed transaction.
to which craig flips of course