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24940643 No.24940643 [Reply] [Original]

Are they literally retarded? This is the biggest sell signal I’ve ever seen.

>> No.24940669
File: 300 KB, 1125x902, D9FA7CBF-923F-4078-AD54-F55D4D7BFBFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just sold 1MM what the fuck. This can’t be real??

>> No.24940703
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>> No.24941283

Lol idgaf how stupid they are. They know how to build normie hype on a crypto project and have 5x the daily users of all but 2 dapps.

>> No.24941331

So where’s the lie?

>> No.24941866

They are shitting on themselves lmao

>> No.24942100

Buy RSR. Lose your money and your principles.

>> No.24942182

You just want the price to go down because you somehow, and very stupidly, missed the largest bullrun in recent BTC history.

Were going to the moon, kiddo. Buy now or you WILL regret it.

>> No.24942825

they're not wrong, buying more

>> No.24942923

Is there even a team? Bevin takes 2 years to deliver Arbitrage? I dipped out of the lodge for a year and you negros are saying the same shit. Move on frens

>> No.24943020

rsr is barely 1 year old and the app is less than 9 months old. you really need to work on your fud game faggots

>> No.24943850

second lieutenant reporting for duty
this weak fud only makes me more bullish

>> No.24944936

Im provoding liquidity on alpha homora at 2.5x leverage and making like 75 bucks a day while my crypto moons....
I'm get 30% ap a month on DEV protocol.
Im getting 400% apy on badger...

But let me sit around and wait a year during a bull market for some tier 2 save Africa coin to moon. Peter peter peter theil This coin is Peter Thiels "I give to charity, what you talkin about" project...

>> No.24945004
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>> No.24945026
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Never, ever, ever let someone else reserve your rights for you.

>> No.24945176

Fuck YES. I’m the one who made all the fartless bean memes and discovered they actually sell the beans at Big Moose Deli in the original insomniac anon’s fud thread about the Moose Lodge... this is the same tier of fud. Brilliant. Such a pajeet tier project. Kek.

>> No.24945342

Smooth brain here. But seriously does this mean they are against the idea of profiting off of the pricenof rsr going up? If so I'm scared lads, this is literally my biggest hold..