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24916736 No.24916736 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone actually explain how GRT is special without lying and shilling?

>> No.24916755

People are mistaking it for the graph

>> No.24916767
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>> No.24916779
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Oh kek didn't read the OP image
Fake GRT poomping too

>> No.24916795

If every shitdapp on the planet uses graph already and it's only a 200m marketcap that means the token is fucking garbage and useless.

>> No.24916855

or undervalued

>> No.24916871

The true high IQ play would have been to pick this up a week ago then dump your gains into the actual thing.

>> No.24916885

No you fucking retard you don't get it, if it's ALREADY ADOPTED ON A MASSIVE SCALE

>> No.24916893

I would have but kraken was being a cunt, and I couldn't figure out where else to buy it.

>> No.24916927


The mechanics of the network is changing as graph moves to main net. It is decentralising and from now on, indexers and curators will need to buy GRT and stake it in order to do what they’ve been doing, and the likes of uniswap will need to buy GRT to pay.

>> No.24917045

you clearly don't understand what the token is actually going to be used for lol

>> No.24917087

He's fudding because he wants a better entry. You can tell by how retarded his statement is.

>> No.24917092

i am just genuinely confused by what he's saying because it's so off base

>> No.24917109

Genuinely curious, who bought GRT because they believe in it and who just wants a quick buck because it's shiny and [relatively] new?

>> No.24917139

>quick buck gang
normies might really like this shit though it is being used heavily and will gain value as the network grows

>> No.24917185

Market is late to value fundementals many times. Graph is just incredibly off the chart undervalued, probably because it's not another meme eth killer.

>> No.24917203
File: 69 KB, 350x493, too late.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw people on twitter pissing and moaning about GRT since it got on Coinbase instead of other currencies but twitter is an absolute cesspool of stupidity.

>> No.24917208

Nope. Been talked about here for 2 months already, we all knew it's massive (Although the market still doesn't reflect on that, soon)

>> No.24917219

lurk more

>> No.24917259

If it's not on robinhood normies aren't buying it lol wtf are you even talking about? Normies will love some random shit for dapps being shilled on 4chan? No dude, these people talking about crypto on CNBC or at coffee shops or "billionaire institutional investors" don't even know wtf ETH is much less GRT. They're buying bitcoin and bots are buying the alts. But bots don't buy this shit because it's not on a single decent exchange

>> No.24917277

Do you use ethereum apps? If so, then you already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whatever it is, chances are it uses the Graph in some way or another. Graph is essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink and Ethereum itself.

In july they were processing 60 MILLION queries a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, I'm guessing 100 million plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph for their data.

Now here's the best part. Graph is in the process of decentralising, which was the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and curators (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap) will now need to buy GRT and stake it. Projects like Uniswap will now need to buy GRT to pay for queries. And people who do neither of the above can delegate their GRT, staking it with an indexer and earning passive income.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, this has pumped already. I am too late. This is unironically the only project that has come close to link, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $0.11 to $0.4

>> No.24917287

I mean you are somewhat accurate but coinbase is filled with normies dont forget.
so much shilling going on right now on $grt twitter. ppl just now got in and are shilling.

>> No.24917319

Do you use ethereum apps? If so, then you already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whatever it is, chances are it uses the Graph in some way or another. Graph is essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink and Ethereum itself.

In july they were processing 60 MILLION queries a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, I'm guessing 100 million plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph for their data.

Now here's the best part. Graph is in the process of decentralising, which was the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and curators (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap) will now need to buy GRT and stake it. Projects like Uniswap will now need to buy GRT to pay for queries. And people who do neither of the above can delegate their GRT, staking it with an indexer and earning passive income.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, this has pumped already. I am too late. This is unironically the only project that has come close to link, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $0.11 to $0.4

>> No.24917741

called moving towards decentralization.

>> No.24917757


Which brings me to my next question

Does The Graph need to be decentralized? Like what is the benefit of this and why not use a centralized option?

>> No.24917827
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It actually doesn't. It's just GraphQL's blockchain port lol.

>> No.24919105

So every Ethereum Dapp has to use Graph?
And what about the other DLTs?
What about Radix? Do they have to use Graph as well?