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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 400x400, bullish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24905519 No.24905519 [Reply] [Original]

Fudders on full damage control after spending the past few weeks making dozens of seethe threads a day and self-bumping them.
They know they can't stop XSN. Increasingly, they're afraid and grasping at any straws they can possibly grasp. It won't work.
Nothing - I repeat - nothing, is anywhere close to having a working L2 DEX and won't for this bullmarket cycle we're entering into.

>> No.24905555

cant stop you from being down from 50cents just a few months ago to 16 lmao
stupid brown nigger

>> No.24905631
File: 118 KB, 1420x544, 1592358788681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go all in between 3-5 cents when the fudders were seething
checked for being retarded

>> No.24905729

Quads witnessed and advice heeded

>> No.24905808

this. if you bought at 50 cents you are a bad trader. Biz had 2 fucking years to buy at the lows.

>> No.24905825

>Nothing - I repeat - nothing, is anywhere close to having a working L2 DEX and won't for this bullmarket cycle we're entering into.
This vaporware "dex" won't be released in a long time though.
Also, lots of other projects with a lot more funding are gaining on Stakenet and will probably surpass them by EOY 2021

>> No.24905828

i remember. fudders seethed all the way from march into... well, theyre still seething :D

>> No.24905880

This, DEXG is going to rape it so hard

>> No.24905914
File: 91 KB, 1088x628, SPOILER_unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fudders still insist on calling software you can download and use right now to swap assets on L2 "vaporware"
robotic af

>> No.24905953

>Connext offline
>L2 offline
Isn’t the whole shilling-I mean selling point that it’s a layer 2 dex? Bad look at all the layer 2 systems are offline in that image, except for their own coin.

>> No.24905975

wow a picture
whatever happened to that
oh wait

>> No.24906067
File: 87 KB, 758x737, vintage VI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be one of the longest running fud campaigns on /biz/.
>present everything that XSN does as vaporware until it comes out
>quickly move the goalposts
>begin soon fudding the next thing on the roadmap as vaporware
First LN swaps were vaporware. Then the DEX itself. Then channel rentals. Then SSUI.
It keeps moving forward nonetheless.

>> No.24906111

I don’t see how I moved the goalposts. Every L2 option except XSN’s is offline in that picture, and XSN’s “community” has forever said that the selling point of XSN is that it’s a layer 2 dex. So it’s a bad look to showcase an image where they’re all offline.

>> No.24906183
File: 222 KB, 608x593, 1535399083837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this fud is bullish as hell. If it walks like golden a duck, quacks like a golden duck, then it's a fucking golden duck. I'm all in.

>> No.24906184

>it's vaporware
>wait it's not vaporware - i-it's offline in a teaser shot
BTC/LTC/XSN LN swaps have been demonstrated for months.

>> No.24906221

I never said it was vaporware, I said it was a bad product.
Learn to check id’s.

>> No.24906248

Why not buy DEXG though who are releasing the beta in 1 week? Like I get XSN is a good project, but during a golden bullrun you don't want your funds locked in projects with no marketing and not exchange listings because they won't pump.

>> No.24906284

Stakenet is a cool idea but the development has been molasses. Maybe in 2022 they’ll be worth picking up. But it’s clear at this point that they’re not going to be relevant for this bullrun.

>> No.24906370

Is DEXG the new blocknet fud?

>> No.24906383

>i only fully agree with a post that said it was vaporware
yet another L1 ETH-based Uniswap clone that needs to shill in XSN threads to get attention

>> No.24906440

>>i only fully agree with a post that said it was vaporware
I never did that, the only post that isn’t yours that I’ve replied to was quads at the beginning of the thread, which made no mention of vaporware but rather just made of XSN’s horrible price action since August. Your reading comprehension needs improvement.

>> No.24906511

>7/20 posts by this ID
>ironically shilling yet another ERC DEX token in-between ironic turkposting in your thinly veiled XSN FUD thread
Bullish for XSN, no lie.

>> No.24906537

>Uh oh I got called out for being an illiterate regard that can’t follow reply chains, better call him a Turk!

>> No.24906622

>t. obvious namefag deflecting away from his own dedicated seethe thread linked above
The fact that you're still here debating semantics so absolutely irrelevant to XSN only amplifies what I said. Fudders are on full damage control and getting increasingly pissed because XSN won't go away.

>> No.24906668

Michael is a common first name in the Anglosphere as is Jacob as a last time. Do you think every John Smith is the same person?

>> No.24906686

absolutely bullish :D
XSN $100 2021

>> No.24906769
File: 15 KB, 934x394, livecoin1217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current state of buy vs. sell orders on Livecoin.
Sloppy job.

>> No.24906881

it is a shame that every xsn thread immediately gets flooded with bots and angry shills from other coins that no one cares about
as an OG that's part of the reason why im in it

>> No.24907202
File: 197 KB, 960x871, 0 crJ7GkIFYZ3np5o9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've asked /biz/ to FUD XSN multiple times because it's a bit like pic related. XSN is the money in the security glass and /biz/ is Camden. For all the retards, someone on this board could very well find a major flaw with it. Seems that the best thing anyone can do is
>lie or mislead about its past
>call whatever its working on vaporware until it comes out
>point out price history
>namecall and shit-fling
All that can be done with anything. It was done with BTC itself on here all through 2018 and most of 2019.
So far, no one has been able to convince me how or why XSN isn't the most advanced project in this space right now...

>> No.24907316

same shit was done with VIDT.
>muh acronis
>muh token not needed

it gets fucking tiresome and I wish these people would just go away. XSN isn't dumping. Its not pulling back. They had 2 years to buy. Its going to moon hard. These are all facts.

The schizo xsn fudder with the reddit spacing fud posts can fuck off and die.

>> No.24907352

This type of project will inevitably succeed if the devs keep making progress like they’re doing. It’s just a better value proposition than the other wannabe DEXs out there. It’s like the Monero of DEXs. Other projects simply aren’t in the same strata of competition

>> No.24907393
File: 127 KB, 1827x763, wd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to open the channels on the DEX to make it online, dumby macdumber. This is just a screenshot showing they added ETH but didn't open any channels.

>pic related from the version which is available for anyone to download now

>> No.24907452

>The schizo xsn fudder with the reddit spacing fud posts can fuck off and die.
He got exposed as a block shill (dev?) yesterday, then stayed in a thread for 13 hours to go full reddit and start calling everyone Dunning Krugers. I think he's on the verge of a total meltdown.
Maybe these people thought they could bury XSN with a dozen angry seethe threads everyday because muh current price... So much for that.

>> No.24907727

i wonder what ever happened to some of the other privacy coins
all of them got really good pumps between early 2017 and jan 2018. havent heard much about them since

>> No.24908014
File: 43 KB, 864x523, cloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kinda bad for CLOAK.
>2013-era altcoin
>old dev team got in over their head and quit
>new dev team took it over
>pumped from pennies to >$30
>got a Binance listing
>got delisted in the middle of the bear market because of low trading volume
It's for reasons like this that I think big CEX listings aren't that important.

>> No.24908377

people serious about privacy use Monero or they use Tornado cash when on ETH.

I held CLOAK all the way up and all the way down. That Binance delisting hurt fucking bad. I hope XSN btfo of CZ it will satisfy my need for revenge.

>> No.24908459

>pennies to >$30
crazy to think that was just one alt that was rather obscure and barely mentioned on /biz/ and yet it pumped that hard because of a tiny supply and the irrational nature of the bull market
$100 XSN isn't as ridiculous as it sounds in that context

>> No.24909592

Look like all the Blockc ucks are gone. Blocknet, I know you can read this. Stakenet and connext won. We are the superior product. You will die a slow death. Arlyn Culwick, you look like a beta c uck and your probably a gay jew. The only people I hate more than black people and jews are gays. You are a disgrace to the white race. Stakenet and connext did what you could never do in 6 years. Imagine 6 years of your life wasted. You will bend the knee to Stakenet forever. How does it feel?

>> No.24909678


>> No.24909980

would have been nice if blocknet and stakenet could've teamed up, we used to have their backs before they turned the knife on ours

>> No.24910272

Agreed, but don't count on it ever happening

>> No.24910449

Fuck teaming up with Blocknet. They are back stabbers. There is no need to team up with those betas. Instead, we'll take all their customers from them. We'll leave them broke and homeless for trying to steal our name. They can't even hold Stakenet's developers jock strap anyway. Imagine working for 6 years and having nothing to show for it. Arlyn Culwick is especially a loser. In one year from now, I can tell you that there will be no blocknet. It will be like they never existed. Don't even worry about those losers.

>> No.24911315

they did pull some slimy shit
dont get the mentality, to be honest
surely when youre toiling away in obscurity on a dex, it'd be better to ally with large cryptos and offer them more utility than attack them. they put a decent chunk of time into badmouthing chainlink too. unwise

>> No.24911402

Jealously breed ugliness. They understand that their project just can't compete.

>> No.24911533

That's why I have no sympathy for Blocknet. They send their shills to tear apart Stakenet all the time. They get what they deserve. Plus, it's true that it's taken 6 years for them to accomplish nothing. At the end of the day, it's actually better for Stakenet anyway if you consider how the protocol is built. Like I said, I woudn't even worry about blocknet. Nobody will even remember their name a year from now and stakenet will be bigger than ever. They can take a seat with those other losers gayden, and watch us prosper. I hate to say it, but that's what happens. Eye for an eye and all that. Anyway, I wouldn't stress it. The team are a bunch of losers and they whine all the time. Not impressed. We're fortunate here with the best in the business.

>> No.24911561

Checked but i think raiden will still be useful in the future, since it has other functions to connext.

>> No.24911582

>Plus, it's true that it's taken 6 years for them to accomplish nothing
There’s always a bigger fish. You view the world as “it took Stakenet 3 years to do what blocknet couldn’t do in 6.” Ascended people like myself see it as “DexG and Flowchain did in 3 months what Stakenet couldn’t do in 3 years.”
Just as Stakenet made Blocknet obsolete, so will DexG to Stakenet by the end of tomorrow.

>> No.24911603

yeah, you're right, shouldn't have said that

>> No.24911613

Kys pajeet

>> No.24911806

Ignore at your own peril.

>> No.24911855

>a literal chinkcoin

It is bound to disappoint.

>> No.24912323

>jealousy breeds ugliness
sad truth
agreed that raiden is a good project with a talented dev team. maybe xsn and rdn can work together some time in the future.
>erc20 that uses eth L1 like uniswap
>obsoleting anything

>> No.24912674 [DELETED] 


>> No.24913556
File: 263 KB, 900x1508, cloak-screengrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I tried to tell /biz/ about Cloakcoin when it was still <$1 but they all knew better. Pic related

>> No.24913819

About to sell 15 MN.

>> No.24913850

About to buy 15 MN.

>> No.24913869

Forgot to change your IP.

>> No.24913876

True raiden has a good future. Also I took it too far with blocknet. Arlyn is fine.

>> No.24913910

Seethe. Shill, Fudder. Respond to yourself

>> No.24913912
File: 38 KB, 570x302, 87quantum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the quantumpill is a real trip

>> No.24913969

Imagine posting, basically an entire year late, a screenshot of an ethereum wallet. Nice guys, the dex has a closed beta ethereum wallet LOL

>> No.24914025

Uh oh anon you’re going to get the XSN satsgangsters after you!

>> No.24914046
File: 20 KB, 230x230, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24914599


>> No.24914621
File: 80 KB, 397x479, ethxsnman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24914697
File: 68 KB, 1295x414, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump and dump?

>> No.24915451

The gains it got through 2017 were something else. I sold before the Binance listing in spring 2018.

>> No.24915501

Who turned on the fud switch again? Can we keep this shit quiet until its time? I'm a 1 mn chad, but I'd like to get more before this moons you stupid faggots.

>> No.24915755

You had 3 fucking years cunt, what the fuck have you been doing this whole time? Even this year alone you could have bought 1 MN for $700 in March.

>> No.24916494

Nice, xsn should see nice gains too but shouldn't dump to much after the bull run providing they deliver a working product that keeps scaling

>> No.24916979


>> No.24917369
File: 303 KB, 1078x842, 1608236649892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and keked