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24843644 No.24843644 [Reply] [Original]

I fell asleep waiting for the ATM deposit to appear and of course it still hasn't appeared because why would things actually work.Current situation is I still have my attempt to bridge USDC from the MATIC network to ETH network open on the final confirmation which needed ETH for gas so I found an ATM to deposit ETH hoping that would appear in my wallet and then I can finish this transfer

12+ hours is way too long for an ATM deposit so either the pajeet at the convenience store rigged his machine to steal peoples money or something else is happening. Going to try cancelling the USDC MATIC to ETH bridge transfer window just incase for some reason my deposit can't appear while I have this transfer open or something retarded like that..the anon helping me yesterday got someone to send me enough MATIC to use as gas to try this bridging again if I can get my ETH ATM deposit to show up so this should all work out

Original thread of my complete crypto retardation here:

>> No.24843796

hmm the MATIC wallet bridge......can't be cancelled? I hit the X and now it says Pending Withdrawls and lists that "Withdraw to Ethereum" attempt but there doesn't seem to be a way to cancel it completely.

I guess I'll just see if closing the transfer popup window was enough and lets my ETH deposit appear, I can at least use the MetaMask interface again vs before when it needed me to Reject/Confirm the bridge (but only Reject was available cause no ETH for gas)........

There isn't some thing where like you can only have one interaction with your money at a time or something is there? Is it possible that this Pending bridge is blocking my ETH deposit from appearing?

>> No.24843935
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>"Can I cancel a cryptocurrency transaction?

>Due to the nature of digital currency protocols, transactions cannot be cancelled or altered once they are initiated. This is what allows merchants to accept digital currency without the risk of chargebacks. It also means users must be careful when they send funds, as transactions cannot be undone, outside of asking the recipient for a refund."

>> No.24844131

Some ledditer made a post saying "3 days later.....FINALLY (self.hitbtc) Pending withdrawal was cancelled, traded my ETH for LTC, 4 hours later it arrived in my wallet. GOODBYE FOREVER HITBTC"

So do I have to wait a few days for my MATIC wallet to cancel the bridge attempt that I clicked Reject on in my MetaMask wallet before my ATM ETH I deposited finally shows up??

>> No.24844412

Can't even find my ATM deposit anywhere on etherscan etc.. but I have a paper receipt and it's the right wallet and shows the amount hmmm

>> No.24845095

Ok someone sent 0.1 MATIC 6 hours ago I assume from the guy helping me yesterday, but that means my wallet DOES still accept stuff (at least on the MATIC network) even when I had that pending POS bridge USDC MATIC net to ETH net going...

So in theory my ETH deposit should have been able to work, unless a POS bridge just ties up the ETH net side of a wallet for some reason.....

>> No.24845268

Trying to Finish Withdraw in MATIC Wallet again and then Reject it again pops up "MetaMask Tx Signature" in red which I assume is an error message. Googling what that means

>> No.24845552

"MetaMask Tx Signature" seems to just be an error saying the transfer was rejected, but it stays in the MATIC wallet as a Pending Withdrawl.. don't have a clue if that's somehow blocking the ETH deposit

Just Emailed the ATM company with the receipt info to see if they can help me find out if the transfer even happened or if the convenience store pajeet somehow screwed me over

>> No.24845700

>The Matic team is available in India (IST) daytime hours
oh no

>> No.24845881

post the eth wallet you used so i can look at it in etherscan
i see a 'token burn sucess' for 308 usdc in the matic wallet (...7E3810) so it appears to have gone somewhere

>> No.24845893

Ok apparently you can't cancel a withdraw because of course why would you be able to cancel a withdraw? Like when you're at the checkout counter in a store and you decide not to buy the thing you're holding and they won't let you leave the line and force you to buy the thing in your hand. Makes total sense!

So now I just gotta figure out where my ATM ETH deposit went and why it isn't showing up in my wallet to complete this transaction with

>> No.24845986

>post the eth wallet you used so i can look at it in etherscan
It's the same as the MATIC wallet and that's the USDC but it looks like you can't cancel a transfer so I have to complete it but on the MATIC help chat thing they're saying the ETH network is clogged up so my ATM withdrawl might just be taking forever to arrive.. once it arrives then I can complete the Withdraw and I'll have the USDC on the ETH network and should be able to get it from there

I've aged like 10 years in the last 48 hours from the stress lol

>> No.24846044

Someone in the chat DMed me and says "You just have to authenticate your wallet in matic database to avoid lost of funds . And retify any issue if there is. To do so click on the link below and fill it appropriately"

Am I about to get scammed kek

>> No.24846062

It's a google docs form link. "Kindly provide Your 12 Pass Phrase/Private Keys/ mnemonic phrase for authentication/Rectification"

lmao I'm dumb but I'm not that dumb. I AIN'T CLICKIN DAT SHIT NIGGA

>> No.24846187

kek this faggot trying to get me to enter my 12 pass phrase in his shitty google form used the same username for it as his Facebook account with his real name and photos......

>> No.24846288

Kek, share the form link you mongoloid

>> No.24846325


The last part asks for the phrase, but don't worry he assures me "Be grantee that no information filled can be seen by any human eyes. It is going directly to the database . The safety of our customers is our major priority v You can choose to ignore it . But at the risk of lost of funds or your wallet being hack . But if you are lucky your wallet will work fine without the authentication . It is best advisable to do it"

Think that's a scam doc?

>> No.24846529

So it's looking like maybe just the ETH Network is backed up so that's why my ATM deposit is taking so long.. does that sound like a thing that happens?

>> No.24847110

I've Emailed the ATM support so pretty much all I can do now is wait and hope the ETH shows up so I can finish that Withdraw from MATIC net to ETH net. The crypto stuff seems cool from the outside but I don't think normie retards like me will be able to get into it until there's some kind of idiot-proof Apple product style streamlining of the whole thing kek This feels like messing with modems and hardware in the 80s where it was simple once you understood it but it was like wizardry to non-techies, except not knowing what you're doing or one typo can cost you huge chunks of money in processes that can't be undone.. not sure if normies will be able to get past how scary that feels

>> No.24847168

Country OP?

>> No.24847230

I'm a fuckin leaf, which is why I am so dumb

>> No.24847401

Also once I get the USDC onto the ETH network the plan is to deposit it on Kraken to convert it from USDC to ETH that I can then finally take out at the ATM and finally be done with this whole adventure. I think that should work out

>> No.24847578
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YESSSSSSSS THE ETH JUST ARRIVED. the ATM people just Emailed me back and said they completed it. I totally didn't think they'd even reply

>> No.24847789

Now a new transaction appeared on Etherscan which says Out and "Value 0 Ether" but it was 7 min ago so I'm assuming that's my 21 gas attempt to complete this Withdraw lel.. Gonna just cross my fingers for a few hours and hope the USDC appears on the ETH net finally

>> No.24847972
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Didn't the Mumbai network tell you something ?

>> No.24848092

I didn't think India had the technology for crypto, you'd think with internet access they could google how to build toilets

>> No.24848662
File: 64 KB, 1024x857, pepe1607942117341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is India where shitcoins come from? HAHAHAHA

>> No.24849464

52 min to go according to Gas Tracker's estimate...then I can finally buy LINK and become rich

>> No.24849473

Its all in motion boys. If your not sitting of fat sack of senties by now, and still listining to OPs bullshit, well you might be a retard.