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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1557, NRN rug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24739852 No.24739852 [Reply] [Original]

Watch what happens when you invest in a #DeFiProphets network scam.

Here are 8 threads their Telegram bots shilled here to lure newfags for this token that just rugged:


Read about their scam network here: http://defiprophets.com

They shill 2-3 new DeFi rehash tokens here every day. Watch out for words like "DeFi Finance" "DeFi Pre Sale" "DeFi Fork" "DeFi Game" "DeFi Art" "DeFi Cash" "DeFi Investments" "DeFi Liquidity", etc.

Warning: UniSwap, GeckoCoin and Dextools support this scam network and enable their token listings and even rank them #1 after they dump $1M+ in liquidity at the start. These are NOT to be trusted. They also launched their own fake authorization network called Solidity.Finance where they whitewash their scam tokens.

>> No.24739944
File: 708 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20201211-161602_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek gmak was promoting this

>> No.24740000

The only reason these retarded rugs exist is because people put enough money into them to make them worthwhile.
Fuck the nigerians but also fuck the dumbasses who make it a viable business model.

>> No.24740046

So how does this work? You buy some locked coins then you get rugged before you can sell them?

>> No.24740081
File: 2.91 MB, 2000x3296, niggerrugnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only reason these retarded rugs exist is because people put enough money into them to make them worthwhile.
They put in $1M in liquidity before every launch. Right now they're launching this coin as in right this second:


Mods let them run rampant and literally steal millions. Read pic related

>> No.24740140

Nah it's simpler than that. A bunch of fools buy, price gets pumped, dev/devs brother dumps a huge amount which tanks it and it never recovers. They don't even need to do an actual scam contract, just hold enough tokens to dump on you.

>> No.24740188
File: 50 KB, 677x449, buythebottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how does this work?
There are no "locked coins". They can lock tokens, but tokens are worthless without ETH liquidity to back up their value.

The original token creator on UniSwap can pull their ETH and instantly crash the whole thing ,making everyone unable to sell back their tokens. This is DeFi, decentralized finance. They won't be prosecuted by the feds for doing it.

>> No.24740215

Imagine falling for this obvious scam
You just financed some nigerians house

>> No.24740255

Add the phrase "parabolic soon"

>> No.24740268

Good work but come on bro. If what you say is true these nigerian or pajeets are raking in a ton of money. You know how cheap a vpn is? Forget the public vpns they can buy good rdps that will pass all smokescreens and the worst part is the same dumb ppl falling for this will feel more safe when they see American flags next to these scammers posts. At least with no flags we get to just assume they are all pajeets. I bet if you add flags you won't even see many pajeets. They will all hide under socks/vpns. The best thing we can do is spread your images (good work btw) in every one of their shill posts. I will do it I know others will too.

>> No.24740308

it feels like stealing at these prices

>> No.24740345

Why is this allowed? On the other hand, regulation would be worse.. .

>> No.24740419

But how do they sell it themselves if they pull ETH off the LPs?

t. newfag

>> No.24740476

4chan blocks VPN posts

>> No.24740644

They can use clean socks or rdps easily. They have more than enough money.

>> No.24740769

>team name: Degen E-Rapes

Straightforward and honest, I like it.

>> No.24740770

/biz/ anything that ends in .finance or contains the word defi is 99.99999% a rugpull shitcoin

>> No.24740934

>he doesn't know about paid vpns
Do you think jannies have enough money to buy all the paid vpn services to block them?

>> No.24740968

Namefag OP stop fucking handfeeding the newfaggots. Or theynwill start shitting up shit board with waste of space threads like you have been doing. You fucking newfaggot namefags.

>> No.24741002

And this faggot wants flag. He is the faggot spamming flag threads. Fucking hell, fuck off.

>> No.24741003

It's working OP. Bad day for the scammers.

>> No.24741089

Wew they're angry OP

>> No.24741095

Never invested in a scam, never scammed anyone, I am not retarded.. I just know how /biz/ works and why it works. OP is actively trying to make this place easier for newfaggots to join. Odds are he is a butthurt newfaggot who got scammed.
Newfaggots shit up boards, they add nothing and create stupid fucking threads like OP has done. Or like he has done for the past week spamming those 'biz needs dlags' threads
Fuck you for accusing me and once again fuck OPs dumb ass.

>> No.24741177
File: 74 KB, 936x328, 20201212_000734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abother 1500 ETH ($900K) were just rugged by Nigerians on a Bounce pre-sale.

Do with this information what you want.

>> No.24741253

If you are tierd of niggers, ape here

>> No.24741285

OP here. This is 100% a nigger scam.

>> No.24741401

Should have bought xBTC

>> No.24741482
File: 44 KB, 569x506, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe im totally schizo sitting on a 13000 USD loss atm (I didnt sell ) but what if xBTC really is the one?...

>> No.24741486

Going too long, liquidity locked.

>> No.24741525

Fucking great post espically the wCRES part

>> No.24741535

The team just needs to fucking step up their game it was as if they were sleeping through the whole pump.

>> No.24741544


>> No.24741587

Scammers use VPNs shills use VPNs. Only board members who want flags are faggot shills and scammers.

>> No.24741667

>liquidity locked

>> No.24741691

Doesn't matter since they aren't us VPNs. So eurofags get treated the same as third worlders anyway

>> No.24741715

So much for "Ivy league geniuses". Fucking morons.

>> No.24741746

Try be organic you tranny faggots.
Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.24741750

Yep, it was a clear scam
F for those who bought

>> No.24741756

America is literally third world. Cope mutt.

>> No.24741837

The moderation on this board is atrocious

>> No.24741903
File: 192 KB, 2220x1248, flushpooinloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flush your sorrows for a chance to win some ETH.


>> No.24741981

imagine getting scammed and dumped on by literal niggers. too many low iqs gere.

>> No.24742117

Fucking faggots.

>We need flags
>We need more
>We need Scam Alert
>More censorship!

Fucking go back to plebbit or the faggot discord you tranny cucks came luring in from. You are not wanted.

>> No.24742393

t. Scared niggers

Biz needs flags

>> No.24742513
File: 334 KB, 1080x1196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we know they're Niggerians and not jeets or chinks or whatever?

>> No.24742575
File: 819 KB, 1880x332, keepaneye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Active Nigerian scamcoin threads in the catalog now, learn to identify them.

>> No.24742607

>Fucking go back to plebbit or the faggot discord you tranny cucks came luring in from. You are not wanted.
flags are part of chan culture, cock smoker.

>> No.24743020

true kek based

>> No.24743093

anyone that touches a shitcoin deserves everything that follows.

>> No.24743532

Come gamble with your dead shit coins over here anon...


Make some real paper.