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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24728061 No.24728061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're like me and you rode the LINK ICO... you've gone into every single Oracle project there is. Tellor, Band, etc.... they've all been very kind to my wallet.

It's been a while though since I've found another... but today that's changed. Here's the elevator pitch

if someone wants to take or issue a loan, the protocol will determine their credit rating to determine risk factors, collateral requirements, etc. These factors will determine the loan conditions for the person, which means the oracle is a much more "active" implementation rather than "passive". It's both broadcasting and sourcing information from on- and off-chain, and compared it across a variety of oracle providers + the bird one to reach a consensus.

The same oracle can also be applied to a variety of other use-cases, but from what we understand, the first focus is on lending. In the future, other use-cases can be integrated or built on top (financial or otherwise).

This looks interesting no matter how you swing it. Very rarely does a new good Oracle project, let alone one that integrates its own lending protocol.

Now.... here's the Oracle projects ranked by MCAP

$LINK - $4.7 Billion
$BAND- $145 Million
$AE - $50 Million
$TRB - $37 Million
$DIA - $36 Million
$DOS - $10 Million

$BIRD - $1.6 Million

Audit: https://solidity.finance/audits/BIRD/

>> No.24728100

Lol imagine jumping into this after it’s done. 6x expecting not to get dumped on. Dumb idiots

>> No.24728115

It's a microcap, wtf are you on about

>> No.24728174

It's probably angryanon he was mad it started pumping before he got his money on the 15th. He posts in every bird thread trying to delay the inevitable

>> No.24728202
File: 2.91 MB, 2000x3296, niggerrugnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$Bird is a NRN scam. These are NRN (Nigger Rug Network) telegram scams. The Bird "developer team" is anonymous and when you call their numbers on Linkedin no one picks up and they're actually free SMS services. This scam network calls themselves "Defi Prophets", you can see their website defiprophets.com

Do not be impressed by Solidity Audits (it's their own website - notice how they say their other scamtokens area "audited" here - https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/24727890)), Coingecko, uni and dex listings, they put $1M behind each "launch" and it stays there because it gets shut down.

They launch at least 2-3 new coins daily, put $1m liquidity and mass-shill them on /biz/. Before we caught on to them they would post 5-10 threads at once but now do 1 thread and bump it to high heaven.

All of them use a variation of DeFi, some do "DeFi Finance" "DeFi Games" DeFi Art" "DeFi Liquidity" "DeFi Staking" and idiots ALWAYS get roped in even with warnings.

Their telegram groups are anime avatars and they fake online presence, yesterday their new Rbase scam had 6000 online users but it was only the admins talking to each other.

Read pic related to get educated on who is ITT.

>> No.24728215

Kek you have been telling this since $14

>> No.24728249


>> No.24728308

The Nigerian bbc dev isnt a good look for the project he should have stayed anon.

>> No.24728469

The Nigerian is the art creator

Low effort fud that is easily verifiable in 60 seconds

>> No.24728616

you will never be a "girl"