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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24707356 No.24707356 [Reply] [Original]

>Be womankind
>Bitch and moan for decades to be included in the workforce
>"Men hate us because they don't let us work"
>Be included in the workforce
>"But who is gonna take care of the children?"
>Enslave low class women to take care of the children
>Destroy nuclear family in the process
>Demand being treated like a heroine because being a mom and working at the same time
>Do a halfassed job at work because constantly distracted by fellings, menstruation, pregnancy and, ironically, children
>Earn 75% of what men make because of said distractions
>Bitch and moan for decades about this
>"Men hate us because we don't earn enough"
>Equality laws passed
>Work market destroyed
>Need to work more because economy can't sustain several million menstruating, crying bitches
>Bitch and moan about this
>"Men hate us because we souldn't be working a lot and being moms at the same time"
>Communism instaurated
>Modern world destroyed
>Bitch and moan for years about
>So on and on

Why are women like this? What do I do to profit from it?

>> No.24707541

Feminism was invented by bourgeois women bored at home because they had a governess and 3 servants taking care of the kids and house.
Most lower and middle class women would want nothing more than to stay at home.
The biggest scam was convincing retarded women to replace their husband with a boss

>> No.24707586
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>> No.24707652

Lol no. Feminism was instituted because women wanted to sportfuck chad and make other men pay for it. That was always the real goal.

Anyways, when /biz/ gets rich from crypto, we should start a fund to invest in sexbots, artificial wombs and eggs, and build a society or place free of the vaginal jew.

>> No.24707730

Not reading.
Have sex or don't.
Stop getting walked on.
Be confident in yourself and your pursuits.
Enjoy nature.

>> No.24707860

Watch what you say, my mother is a woman.

>> No.24708699


>> No.24708811

>short USD
>long ILS/NIS or CNY

Thank me later.

>> No.24708864

have sex

>> No.24708907

Feminism came from the Frankfurt school. It is Jewish subversion used to undermine the nuclear family and reduce white birth rates

>> No.24708946
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feminism was invented by you know who, plain and simple, yes women would be happier as wives, incubators, homebuilders, wellsprings of joy, etc. , 60% of women are deluded into thinking they are worthy of chad's seed when they aren't, and as a consequence 60% of men get shafted, you tell me what's likely to happen

>> No.24708993

Women of the working class had always been in the workforce. You're literally just complaining about the Twitter bluechecks of their day

>> No.24709530

Feminism.... invented by woman? Riiiight. It’s just another divide and conquer scam.

>> No.24709732

Women are a pawn of the jew
As a scientist I'll interpret your infographic since i know you are doing so incorrectly. When sneezing the virus must be carried on particulates, so sneezing the virus out is impossible. However, this infographic shows, if a person has a wet hand and virus on it the virus can actually soak into the mask and get them sick. We used to get called out frequently in our virus lab for touching our masks even on the outside.

>> No.24709784

For me it's tent>loose>pocket>tight.

>> No.24709832

post a real body that looks like this naturally

>> No.24709922

Ironically the only possible way to reduce the political power of women is for Islam to dominate the Western political system. So I would long Islam and short secularism.

>> No.24710091

Cosmetic surgery stocks?

>> No.24710235

Women were given the vote in America because Protestants wanted to fuck over Catholics politically and thus cut them down demographically. Protestants at the time were crazy about banning alcohol, Catholics were largely German and Irish who congregated around saloons and beer-gardens ( also where they discussed politics and organized for it). Suffragette women were all protestants, where as Catholic women stayed at home and were not interested in politics or gaining the vote. Thus the protestant evangelicals calculated giving women the vote would help them ban alcohol, which it did. Stupid short term political victory later rolled back, but left us with retarded female voters and subversive feminism. Leftists/ liberals in America are the ideological descendants of these protestants.

>> No.24710288

btw I'm not Catholic, was just reading Murray Rothbard's awesome book on the Progressive Era

>> No.24710306
File: 155 KB, 500x687, 1526104769354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are women like this? What do I do to profit from it?
Find out what makes their mind vagina tingle and sell it to them at a ludicrous mark up. Dumb bitches won't catch on till it's too late.