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24663822 No.24663822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is BTC dumping because everyone realizes Trump will win now that based Texas is going to usher in a Supreme Court victory?

Trump isn’t a fan of crypto so I’m guessing the regs are coming. Get into XRP XLM before it’s too late

>> No.24663951


>> No.24664187

How is that thing going? I got $100 on Trump being president by February 2021.

>> No.24664212

Trumpkins should really stop deluding themselves that everything in the world revolves around Trump.

>> No.24664229

Texas just sued the states in question for fraud and also for violating their own constitutions by ramming through mail in balloting without proper procedure

Other states have joined Texas

When a state Sues a state it goes to the Supreme Court automatically. Basically a massive breakthrough

>> No.24664240

They’re just as bad as the far left commie fucks. Different sides of the same coin

>> No.24664259
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>different sides of the same coin


>> No.24664521

So, when Civil War.

>> No.24664676

I can smell that wound from here. It's not a vagina and never will be.

>> No.24664698

No civil war

Trump has a strong legal argument without even resorting to fraud/corruption

SC will give Trump the win and then the left will riot...but this time he doesn’t have to run for re-election so it will be fed gulags for Antifa and treason trials

Gloves will come off

>> No.24664709

>Trump appointees recuse themselves
>Trump loses case
>Kills himself to avoid the shame of being a one term loser

>> No.24664719

>Trump has a strong legal argument without even resorting to fraud/corruption
Which is?

>> No.24664781
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>> No.24664793

Read an article

The states in question used executive power to permit mail in ballot rule changes without going through state legislative bodies which is a violation of the law

That would give the SC the right to toss out all mail in votes.

>> No.24664845


>> No.24664863

I just did
Doesn't seem like it'll amount to much, and the supreme court may not even hear it.

>> No.24664897

Gross go back to pol freak

>> No.24664941
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Oh cool a Jew York times article

See you in court, prepare yourself for 4 more years

>> No.24664952


it won't. the supreme court denied their Pennsylvania case today and the texas thing is an even bigger joke. the cope levels are off the charts at this point

>> No.24664965


>opinionated adjective in article headline


>> No.24664997

Guess we'll see. But realistically you don't actually expect this to come to anything do you?

>> No.24665053

Yeah the headline writers on the nytimes website are awful, I've felt this way for a while. But the articles are good.

It's weird because they don't use the shitty clickbait headlines for the actual print version. It'll probably be something like "Texas AG hopes to bring election suit to supreme court - legal experts skeptical"

>> No.24665063

Put the fucking votes in the ballots!
Also, how would they keep eyes like that?

>> No.24665089

I thought it was France that made it dip, wanting to put up extra rules.

>> No.24665097

That case was redundant which is why it was tossed. Literal nothing burger

I expect nothing less than victory and even if Trump doesn’t get it I hope he goes full Caesar mode. 99% of Congress is worthless scum. The republic is dead. The people aren’t listened to or cared for. It’s an oligarch puppet show. If Trump wants to go Caesar mode I’m cool with that. Everyone knows the Dems cheated 1000x ways fuck playing by the rules

>> No.24665327

It's all so slow.
I want my money now.

>> No.24665411

If you think the problem with this country is that it's government doesn't listen to the people then why would you want a trump coup? Is your conception of a dictatorship just "the leader will do everything I want all the time and it'll be great"? The reality is just corruption and impunity for the leader and his close friends. I don't see any dictatorships around the world that I would want to live in.

>> No.24665501

the amount of cope and seethe is hilarious
can you imagine if the demotards had tried to sue donnie in supreme court because shillary lost? at last they were man enough to admit they lost when they lost. christ you stupid fucks realize that in the entire history of the republic the will of the voters has never once been overturned post election? Why do you think the beltway neoconservative supreme court justices that trump chose ONLY because the jew controlled rhino republican party led by the walking zombie mitch and first openly gay senator lindsey graham are gonna turn around and put a guy they barely tolerated for 4 years because he says naughty words in public? Youre fucking deluded, I hope you neck yourself when you realize that, like always, the jews won again and they didnt even have to rig the election to do it.

>> No.24665559

Trump is Andrew Jackson 2.0. We need a king to kill the oligarchs to restore the Republic...he should act like Sulla from Ancient Rome

Blah blah blah kill yoursekf faggot

>> No.24665589

He is an oligarch though. Why would he do anything other than try to enrich and protect himself?

>> No.24665604


He already sacrificed half of his net worth in this late life crusade to restore American nationalism

>> No.24665610

>christ you stupid fucks realize that in the entire history of the republic the will of the voters has never once been overturned post election?

>> No.24665696
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He went from being a beloved pop culture icon to Hitler overnight and lost a shit ton of money in the process running for office...only to be badmouthed by useless faggots like you

>> No.24665820

I was hopeful when he was elected that he'd lock up Hillary. That was one thing I could really get behjnd. However, it hasn't happened so I don't really care for him.

Why do you?

>> No.24665987

Who else even cares about us. Trump isn’t perfect but the GOP doesn’t even fight or do what we tell them

>> No.24666050

What does he actually stand for that you like? I mean like real policy stuff, not just making you feel like you're on a team. I'm not really into turning a politician into my identity.

>> No.24666155

He totally slashed immigration and is building a wall. Immigrants are a financial burden, crime, worse schools, lower wages.

Tough on China which is great. Makes it easier to do business, lower taxes and regs

No new wars is huge

He needs to breakup the tech monopolies though and purge the swamp for good

>> No.24666272

This... isn’t even a dump friend

The dump hasn’t even begun yet.

>> No.24666294

>Who else even cares about us. Trump isn’t perfect but the GOP doesn’t even fight or do what we tell them

I hope he does something to fix this housing market. I hope the housing market crashes..

>> No.24666305


Just a reminder that Jesus was democratically crucified by Jewish people

Benevolent Monarchy/ strong man dictatorship tied to spiritualism is the only way.

>> No.24666343

Fuck housing market

400,000 for a shitbox with no land, a foot away from other houses and no yard

AND they have the audacity to charge 16000 in property tax for the privilege

>> No.24666353

when you stop paying your taxes like a cuck

>> No.24666392

Trump is the fuckboi of Deutsche Bank. Jackson wanted to end the banks, not suck banker cock.

>> No.24666420

sure worked out well for iran... lol

>> No.24666443

no new wars but this corona hoax is almost as bad. actually might be worse since the lockdowns are killing people. and don’t tell me trump isn’t part of it.

>> No.24666472

I agree with you about the oligarchy thing, but Trump is an oligarch too you fucking retard

Trump gives even less of a shit about you, he's nothing more than a rogue oligarch who disagrees with the other oligarchs about how to do propaganda

>> No.24666502

You think Trump was against the jews? LOL

His fucking son-in-law is a jew. Trump literally bent over backwards for Israel his entire presidency. He literally did more for Israel than America, you fucking retarded faggots

>> No.24666508

Someone gotta give some booty to JPM and WF. New American dream is to be a warm fuckhole for the oligarchs. Moving tf outta here is an option to avoid wealth confiscation. Golden Passports and dual citizenship is a thing now.

>> No.24666532
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>> No.24666546

Why is there such strong overlap between Trump cuckism and XRP shilling?

>> No.24666555

Al Gore. I’m not even American and I know this

>> No.24666573

no regs, no instituitonal money

>> No.24666650

It's the alt golden bear run during the buildup to the BTC golden bull run. The bloody culling foreseen by our oracles is at hand and it will suppress BTC price slightly while it's happening.

>> No.24666657

Trump isn't a fan of Bitcoin because it is controlled by the Communist Chinese Government.
He is a fan of Crypto but not Bitcoin.

>> No.24666822

You have to go back

>> No.24666862

It worked out fine for Iran, until the Jews decided to sic their American puppets on them

Any country getting bombed regularly enough is going to be a shitty place to live

>> No.24667761

Checked. I sold my BTC for XRP and 0.x.M.R.

>> No.24667765

Its embarrassing that these trump shills are so blinded their idol and desperate to have him win.
I supported him in 2016 but my life has barely changed with him as president, illegal and legal immigrants are still pouring into my area non stop and have done for the past 4 years.
If you still support him, you obviously arent on the southern front of this shit and probably live in white suburban towns on the east or west coast.
If you were here, and saw what I see you would never support him.
bunch of crying children that cant cope their daddy lost the election

>> No.24667804

nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
shut up

>> No.24667948
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>courts dismissing all of his cases, every single one
>Even the ones with judges HE appointed
>Prominent republican talking heads acknowledging Biden's win
>States certifying their results
>His buttbuddy attorney general flat out states they found no fraud
>His legal teams jumping ship
>Rudy literally on life support
>He himself is saying he's going to run in 2024
>Plans to announce said 2024 campaign DURING BIDEN'S INAUGURATION

But yes, guys, Trump is totally going to win reelection for 2020. This level of delusion is sad.

>> No.24668715

You will never be a woman

>> No.24669070


>> No.24669097

wait there are people who think biden has a chance?

the guy is a fucking puppet in a theater show who's exposing chinese subversion in our government willingly
the dude is literally an actor and not even the original biden

please tell me /biz/ of all places doesn't see this shit

>> No.24669158

Based and fash pilled. Youre gonna make it

>> No.24669359

new york times loses money every year.....who do you think they make that money back from....you. they make it back from you. by be in private sales and selling you their bags. enjoy your propaganda. hopefully you realize this before you lose everything.
you seem like a lefty so i'll say this, nytimes denied the holocaust and supported the nazis. and you are shilling for them. honest question... are you retarded?

>> No.24669361

Technology aside can you imagine what Jackson would think of Bitcoin?

>> No.24669434

>can you imagine if the demotards had tried to sue donnie in supreme court because shillary lost?
yes, it's called russiagate and we've had 4 years of that nonsense

>at last they were man enough to admit they lost when they lost

>> No.24669488


well at least you admit that election rigging conspiracists are equally as retarded as people who believed russiagate, both coping losers suffering from cognitive dissonance because their brain can't accept their candidate could possibly lose

>> No.24669536

lmao no. Fuse is still your best chance to make it. you just refuse to think logically.