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File: 48 KB, 870x334, Screenshot from 2020-12-07 06-52-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24610536 No.24610536 [Reply] [Original]

are you staking ETH? you should

>> No.24610580

I would if I could but I just started out.

>> No.24610624


Whats the timeframe on this?

Is that 598$ daily or is it for as long as its been running?

>> No.24610663

It's been running since Dec 1 12PM UTC, so less than 6 days.

>> No.24610818

>sets computer to do not sleep mode
Ok should be good to go

>> No.24610871

you do realise in 2 years when you cash out 10k other whales will do the exact same thing and crash the price like UNI crashed from $8-$1.50, right? it's a short term hold to sell next year, not a long term hold retard. what is supply inflation? how can you have so much money but not understand basic economics

>> No.24610918

Oh wow, whole 0.3% return. Sick gains bro.

>> No.24610933

so a 15% return?

>> No.24610964

who says I'm cashing out? I'm going just to keep staking.

what is EIP-1559? how can you talk so much and not even know what Ethereum is going for.

>> No.24610967

>Oh wow, whole 0.3% return.
In under 6 days lol

>> No.24610979

>are you staking ETH? you should
I'm staking 1 node's worth. My total stack is ~220 ETH and figure I'll never sell my last 32 (at least).

>> No.24611000

This, POW and POS inflation, ETH is going down.

>> No.24611099

i was going to write all the things how wrong you are, but you are just so fucking stupid i won't
but please know that you're by far the most retarded poster i've encountered today. no pajeet or shill has come even close to the level of stupidity you've shown with this post. i wonder how is it that you know how to type given to how many extra chromosomes you clearly have
short term hold, jesus fuck. please just drown yourself

>> No.24611116

oh boy

>> No.24611120

Based, fuck niggers and pajeets

>> No.24611138


>> No.24611141

why aren't you staking yfdfi? 7.2% fixed APW

>> No.24611146

>in 6 days

>> No.24611159

How did you get the nice display?

>> No.24611164

oh boy

>> No.24611182


Monitoring part

>> No.24611183

Yessir. Already made over 3 ETH

>> No.24611195

I make 0.29% in one sitting

>> No.24611224

brainet here,
Are you running your own node? Should I convert half my portfolio to eth for the 32 required to stake (rn its ~25%), or are the partial options almost as good?

>> No.24611227

hello retard, all you need to read is >>24611183 you can't just keep magically creating shitcoins for everyone and sustain a price, nevermind increase it, it's NOT a long term hold you gelatinous troglodyte. Anyone who reads this and still decides to stake for 2 years, thinking you're smart, is going to be financially ruined when the whales cash out their "free money" and I have zero pity for any of you

>> No.24611245

Works out at 17%p.a. and that's not compounded, so taking the interest out. That's a pretty good return, anon.
Can you tell us what machine you use, did you buy one of the preconfigured ones that Chico Crypto was on about? Does it come with software? How easy is it to link it to a wallet and get running?

>> No.24611259

Are you a tard? PoS has less inflation than PoW.

>> No.24611262

LMAO alright that's even worse than I thought, jesus christ why is anyone holding or buying ETH at this point? you're out of your mind if you think that rate of inflation is sustainable, holy shit

>> No.24611264

I'm running my own node yeah, check the guide above and you should be good.

>32 ETH
Yes, that's the golden ticket. If you don't have faith in ETH maybe wait for rocketpool. You can also stake with Kraken.
Rocket pool just allows you to withdraw whenever.

>> No.24611279

What is POW, god damn, you have no idea what you're saying xd

>> No.24611290

what happens when your node goes down? Financial devastation?

>> No.24611297

Someone missed the rocketship. Come on frens let's give this tard a hug

>> No.24611300

Follow the guide I posted above and you should be good. Or search for SomerEsat guides aswell.

>> No.24611315

yeah that's right, all your magic buzz word catch-phrases will allow a significant portion of ETH holders to create magic money forever which they can then dump on other holders for magically zero price impact and number go up to 10-15k xd absolute philistine cretin enjoy your financial anal implosion

>> No.24611320

I have a UPS where I connected my server and router.

If you go down however, for every hour you are offline you must need the equivalent being online to break even.

>> No.24611326


Lmao. He doesn't think the world's future computer can handle a tiny staking inflation rate while most of the supply is effectively locked up. Even shitty ass Link can handle massive team dumps every week. Neck yourself loser. Ether will be scarce asf in the near future.

>> No.24611328

What would your preferred rate of interest be? And at what point would you be arfuing that the rate is too low to make it worthwhile? There's no pleasing some folks.

>> No.24611345

Wow. It's all over your head huh? Stay tiny brain fren

>> No.24611359

>tiny staking inflation
170% APY is tiny?

>> No.24611361

Even at 5%/year is good enough combined that ETH price increases.

This is steady, block by block increases, not put it into the stock market and hope it pays 5%.

>> No.24611369

thanks, I might actually just do this. I had 32 before, but the consensus failure gave me cold feet and I swapped half for other alts.
it does kinda feel like I might rope in 10 years if ETH becomes huge and I missed my chance to be a validator.

>> No.24611389

170%? Wtf

Check SomerEsat guides for visual context on what to do.

>> No.24611414
File: 74 KB, 867x639, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't know about EIP-1559
Clearly a sign he holds no kleros as well....


>> No.24611436

yearly just 18% return, same as investing in a bank

>> No.24611461

there are pools out there that literally yield 1 million percent apy.

>> No.24611487

Imagine holding ETH over DIA. Imajun!

>> No.24611490

>170% APY is tiny?
118% apy

>> No.24611519

this is the 110iq dunning-kruger reply
stop thinking in binary terms. the current market is propped up by tether fraud, which will inevitably implode. as printing has gone exponential the likelihood is months rather than years
you can bet on timing the top (improbable)
you can hedge your bets by selling on the way up (missing some of the upside)
you can stake to increase your stack and weather the crash, betting the crash will purge all shitcoins and perhaps even btc, while leaving true value (!= dollar) like ethereum with monetary value (= dollar) after a recovery

>> No.24611522

I know about that old proposal that was never accepted yes, what's your point? the fucking mad inflation is happening NOW, and the proposal uhhh "might happen one day i hope maybe" lmao

ok so your answer to the imminent insane sell pressure is a quixotic dream that ETH will be "the world's future computer" nice one retard

the rocket ship will go in reverse

>> No.24611551

sounds like your tinfoil hat is strapped on a bit too tight

>> No.24611571

What makes you think so strongly that everyone would sell? I'm going to happily stake my eth and grow my stack for years. Sure. I'll diversify. No way I'm cashing out on my residuals.

>> No.24611625

>tinfoil hat
if you believe in bitcoin and sound economics so much, why do you get irrationally angry whenever tether is mentioned? but ok champ, you hold tight to that copium and that 3.8 BTC stack. no doubt it'll be worth $3.8MM one day and then you finally might lose your virginity to a thai whore

>> No.24611651

what's the apy? looks awful desu, you better be lending tether at 8-14% lmao

>> No.24611683
File: 15 KB, 235x235, 12523435235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tinfoil hats don't have straps
additionally, tinfoil itself is very weak and couldn't apply sufficient pressure to a human skull that it would impair cognitive ability.

>> No.24611691
File: 130 KB, 1080x1212, 20201207_083230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking 18% you ape. Read the thread.

>> No.24611715

based and i stand corrected

>> No.24611737

17% why bother. Lend it on Compound then farm the stables for 40%+ using Curve/Harvest

>> No.24611751

yeah, 18% apy in eth, which will be worth 100$ in a year, lmao

>> No.24611772

Can I do this with 15 eth or do I need 32?

>> No.24611784 [DELETED] 

.29%?????? fantom gives more

>> No.24611796

that's for a little more than one million ETH staked you retard

>> No.24611797

but fuck me this is better returns than stocks

>> No.24611837 [DELETED] 

For less than? 2 you'll need to wait for rocketpool.

Post your ETH wallet, I'll send you some.

>> No.24611914

>Post your ETH wallet, I'll send you some.
lmao no thanks, i have standards and i don't want your overpriced shitcoin

i'm allin ampl btw

>> No.24611941

17% annual return is a pretty good rate of return, and that's without compounding it or indeed assuming any increase in the value of ETH itself,which is very likely, let's face it.
I think it's a pretty solid idea, i'm just a bit worried i'm not tech savvy enough to set it all up. I watched a chico crypto video on running it on testnet and it was a bit scary. Would be good if OP could tell us more about his experience of setting up and running this..

>> No.24611944
File: 65 KB, 768x768, 332346ggs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op makes helpful thread on how to be a part of the future of the #2 crypto at the start of the golden bull run
>gets shit on by brainlets and shills
why do I even come here?

>> No.24612025 [DELETED] 

>Post your ETH wallet, I'll send you some.

>> No.24612062
File: 136 KB, 750x733, 1603493913472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the difference between a validator keystore password and the text document you create locally? Are they supposed to match?

>> No.24612076

can i do this to pay rent?

>> No.24612089

I have 38 ETH so no I don't think so. Gonna keep swinging it on coinbase pro for that sweet 1% a day.
>new wallet
>extreme shitcoins
Another newfag fell to the pajeets.

>> No.24612097
File: 20 KB, 590x217, MOOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARE YOU GOING TO LET OUR BOY Moot LOSE? He only needs like 15 votes to win. Well I personally would not feel bad about losing to that sexy astronaut, but here's the thing. The Astronaut and the golden sparkledog OC are the only worthy art meme submissions, the others are utter trash. If Sparkledog OC beats his rival the astronaut then it's smooth sailing to NR.1

Plus you receive your own NFT copy if you voted for the winning NFT. Yes those memes are going to be turned into NFTs. 10 NFTs to be precise, 1 goes to the artist, 1 to SealZe(creator of BONK), 1 to Jason Berlin(creator of UniLayer). Copy and paste this. Make /biz/ great again.


>> No.24612126

manual swining for 1% a day? how is that possible? you just watch it all day?

>> No.24612184
File: 102 KB, 862x992, RealVitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24612196

There's this thing called limit orders. Just in the last 10 hours ETH fluctuated 2%. fees on coinbase pro are 0.2% if you're trading even somewhat regularly.

>> No.24612207

oh damn that sounds pretty cool. you just set a stop loss and limit order and have it automatically buy and sell every time theres a change?

>> No.24612288

Mnemonic is what you need to save with your life to be able to withdraw in Phase 2.

Wallet password is just a password you use to make sure no one can get your public keys if they hack your computer.

It's pretty easy. Follow the guides I've already posted here. You'll need a good internet connection though, unlimited data, you're downloading 24GB/day with geth. You'll also need a UPS.

sent ;)

Yes. Wait for rocketpool.

>> No.24612322

you need rocketpool if you dont have a shit load of eth? when it says 75 peers is that like you pool of you with 74 people? are you running the node and shit or just joined it?

>> No.24612361

You need rocketpool if you have less than 32. The cool thing about rocketpool is that they will let you withdraw at any time.

I don't know much about what peers are but I'm assuming it's the people you connect to to make sure you have the same data as them.

>> No.24612376

ah im staking fantom now hoping that coin takes off at least a little bit but the rewards are really fucking low

>> No.24612390

Which bank gives you 18%?

>> No.24612603


>> No.24612680
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>> No.24612803


You can stake ETH on Kraken now, less than 32 is ok

>> No.24613253

>the current market is propped up by tether fraud
could you explain the implications of this to a retard such as myself

>> No.24613312

this. Been raided by defi rugpull faggots n pajeets

>> No.24614374

Anyone of you staking your ETH on Binance?