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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24570059 No.24570059 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24570067

gawwwd, i wish i were britain

>> No.24570070

Londonfag here.
I agree with this statement

>> No.24570073


>> No.24570075
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>> No.24570150

I think britain has the best history and is the greatest but ngl lads, what the fuck does this country even do and what will we do in the future? It is getting crushed by third world immigration

What the hell even happens in most cities in this country??? Sandwich shops and bettings shops and coffee shops?

>> No.24570153

Yea that whole printing 1 5th of the entire supply of dollars in 1 year thing is going to leave you fellas in a bit of a pickle

>> No.24570191

how much of that money are you getting?

>> No.24570195

city of london finances the rest of the country or some shit

>> No.24570233

People have been declaring the death of the UK for over 60 years, but yet, it still continues to exist - and not only exist, but thrive. It remains as a top economic, diplomatic, culture and military power.

Is it the superpower it once was? Certainly not, that would be delusional.

The facts really don't match up to the beliefs. In market terms, there is still demand for the UK and until that changes, UK will still exist.

>> No.24570236

>scientific marvels, industrialisation
>export this in a domineering way, kill and enslave populations
>give up empire and move means of production to other countries
very based and smart country!!! deus vult anon!!

>> No.24570284

Not gonna lie, your queen just gibs to much gibs to those who come from africa. You should worry about it yesterday. It will become a bigger problem then it is now.

>> No.24570412

Get out then, muppet

>> No.24570537

Jeet here, this is the payback you deserve.

>> No.24570725

At least we can buy presales and use exchanges

>> No.24570756

your shithole country would still be wallowing in a middle age tier caste system if not for UK

>> No.24570764

How is the queen still alive?

>> No.24570779
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>u wot m8?

>> No.24570835

wtf are those things

>> No.24570902
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some fine, upstanding brits. cream of the crop

>> No.24570925

not anymore
it's totally fucked mate
london is the City
the City is dead now money isn't flowing via investment banks
moneys going direct to businesses

>> No.24571640

Best bodyguards in England. The one in the glasses was shot 15 times couple years back, didn't phase him at all. The bullets were just absorbed and digested.

>> No.24571757

Nope. Once old people get vaccinated and start to die in droves (lol, we didn't test the effect on bongs, sorry) the young inheritors of their monies will start spending it all, causing the economy to boom.

And then it'll crash, lol.

>> No.24571840

When you truly understand the situation you realise how fucked we are. This country produces nothing. Everything has been asset stripped and sold to the lowest asking foreign bidder.

The city only acts as a central hub for britain's overseas network of tax havens for rich people to park their cash. This is what they mean when they say brongland provides "financial services". None of the money that flows through the city is actually used to invest in bongland which is why the country looks like a shithole of rundown housing estates. What exactly is their left to invest in this country? This isn't America which has multinational tech firms like google or tesla. Our leading stock exchange is full of shit now like B&M, a discount chain store. It's a fucking embarrassment. We're FUCKED with a capital F.

>> No.24572256
File: 755 KB, 1156x779, 314110d0-0fbf-11eb-baff-7b0c95dd9d09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money was fucked without consent by a brown Asian man.

>> No.24572284

read this post in a gay anglo accent

>> No.24572468

Churchill was right about you street shitting cunts

“I hate the Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion”

>> No.24572550

When you wake the fuck up you will one day realise this is why the UK needed to get out of the control of the EU.

The EU is a piece of shit project which should hurry up and die. I can only hope in my life time we see the demise of the EU and the figure head cunts who couldn’t give a shit about nationalism and culture. All the do is force upon the more advanced countries immigration of uneducated and uncultured people who shit on every nation they enter.

>> No.24572637

um 0

>> No.24572803

STFU I got a really good bucket and mope set in B&M and it's still going strong after 4 years, although the bit the handle goes into snapped off on one side. Apart form that it works fine. Britannia rules the waves, loser.