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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24555600 No.24555600 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC made ETH possible
>ETH made RLC possible
Imagine not understanding this.

>> No.24555638

This but with Chainlink

>> No.24555679

LINK has inferior oracles to iExec. iExec oracles have SGX, TEE, and staking already. LINK is JUST an oracle. iExec HAS oracles but is also a world computer/decentralized marketplace for cloud.

>> No.24555706

This. The only edge of Chainlink is their focus on the only thing they can do.

>> No.24555757

Cool meme token

>> No.24555766

Let's see which one will succeed then

>> No.24555806

Imagine trying this hard to be "the next Chainlink" but failing this miserably

>> No.24555844

Youre going to die

>> No.24556216

You are going to die

>> No.24557214
File: 434 KB, 680x383, fear_iexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to die

>> No.24557280

RLC will be Link but on steroids with Intel's support.

>> No.24557303

Don't need to they have both been around roughly the same time, while iexec dumps link pumps lmfao

>> No.24557335

Samefag ranjeet

>> No.24557543

I thought iExec didn't have staking?

>> No.24557563
File: 111 KB, 600x400, DOGSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog pisses at iExec and he said it's a pile of shit. You heard it from the source.

>> No.24557606

You could say the same thing about any erc20

>> No.24557613
File: 341 KB, 340x255, smug_rlc_pepe_chased.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because iExec does soo much stuff you can't handle everything at once. You have much to learn young padawan

>> No.24557658

And their marketing

>> No.24557692

Bros, I found a post about duckdao.io, the first crypto incubator. Does anyone take part in this platform?
Seems like their DDIM tokenomic shows good results

>> No.24557927
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Amazon is making their own super computer with Marc Runyan. We will never have partnership with AWS RLChads

>> No.24557948

They can just connect it to iExec free of charge

>> No.24558915
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I'll just leave this here for IGNORANT FOOLS

>> No.24559316
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>> No.24559318
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>> No.24559339

Ok, but how do I acquire RLC if I can't buy it from any of the biggest exchanges?

>> No.24559355

fuck off newfag, we don't want your kind here

>> No.24559379

I've been on /biz/ since 2015 dipshit

>> No.24559380

Newfags and normies will die

>> No.24559398

>Newfags and normies will die
You're not immortal

>> No.24559404

Both RLC AND ChainLink aren't even >realcoins yet, so STFU and don't jump to conclusions.

>> No.24559410

then you shouldn't have a problem figuring out how to buy it

>> No.24559413
File: 157 KB, 741x674, fno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been here since 2015
>didn't even get a free ps5 this year
even summerfags got it

>> No.24559415

I have over 8700 RLC so I will just upload myself to the iExec cloud, noiler

>> No.24559447

coinbase and binance us don't allow me to buy RLC. And I don't want to trade crypto for it.
I've mostly been on LINK and XRP.
Nice copium

>> No.24559450

RLC faggots always act smug but every time I check the coin dumped more. Heavy bags?

>> No.24559463

no wonder
how do you not know what uniswap is though?
you do know what USDC/USDT is right?

>> No.24559467

RLC made digital dogshit possible

>> No.24559476

>how do you not know what uniswap is though?
>you do know what USDC/USDT is right?

>> No.24559668

We're accumulating faggot