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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 1116x400, Chainlink_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24547897 No.24547897 [Reply] [Original]

You know, I used to believe news could come on literally any day.
For the first time in three years, it now hit me like a brick that no news is coming, ever.

>> No.24548043

It's not too late to kill yourself.

>> No.24548097

You sold at the top at least right? Even if you bought back at the bottom?

>> No.24548328

please.. just one more pump

>> No.24548434

This is the realest post in all of biz right now.
Honestly, I came to the same realization today.

>> No.24548466

Yeah this project has stalled, never going anywhere. Sold it all at $20 and never looking back, there's no way LINK hits ath in the next 3 months.

>> No.24548496

Came across the DuckDAO hunters game, does anyone take part in it?

Looks like this crypto incubator can provide convenient tools for investments. Please, share your opinion about it

>> No.24548505

lots of fud daily about chainlink moreso than any other coin, thats how i know itll hit $100 soon

>> No.24548538

My opinion about it, Duckfucker, is that you should get into the oven right NOW.

>> No.24548581

>They don't remember the radio silence of 2018
Newfags will not make it.

>> No.24548683

Their latest partnership is CREAM. Crypto rules everything around me. They teamed up with methodman to promote it

These are the projects that chainlink works with. Can’t believe how delusional we were believing all those crumbs

>> No.24548699

Arbitrums about to go mainnet quick fucking crying

>> No.24548762

not even fudding, but i came to the same realization today. I'm tired of it chainlink dumping. it was above BCH just yesterday but what do you know, it's below BHC again but it likes to dump harder than any other crypto. I'm just tired of it crabbing. I get angry every time i think about it not doing ANYTHING, when it was just at $20 a couple of months ago. I'm an OG link marine but i've never been more demoralized and broken. weird how you're feeling the exact same thing i am

>> No.24548803

i see a lot of syntax and grammatical errors kek. I rarely use my pc for biz

>> No.24548825

LIke nobody "needs" an oracle solution.
It's a cool trendy little price alarm clock and all, but totally worthless and just one tier above a scam.
So glad i sold.
Can't believe i fell for it in the first place.

>> No.24548869
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>> No.24548949

All this artificial enforced FUD makes me bullish as fuck. What the fuck is going on?


>> No.24548964

It'll happen when you least expect it.

>> No.24549165

Poor logic. There are a lot of Chainlink hate threads because even when it’s dumping or crabbing there are constantly threads about nothingburger rumors or “news”. I still haven’t sold but holy shit it’s fucking not doing anything lately

>> No.24549214

Looks like I'm going be buying some link this weekend.

>> No.24549219

This is FUD, if you follow the pivotal tracker you’d see the updates as they build. Did you not see the integration pull they did the other day for ramifi? Next AMPL powered by LINK

>> No.24549237

>artificial enforced FUD
After 3 years, no staking, no swift, no salesforce, no docusign, no Oracle, no T-sig, dumping tokens for working capitol..... Please tell me which part is FUD. Fight me you nufag

>> No.24549263
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It was always too good to be true

>> No.24549273

Sell and go eat bugs then, bitch.
The world economic forum supports chainlink, so those that have patience and hold will be rewarded.
The impatient like you will be bug eaters.

>> No.24549335

I just sold my link to buy api3 fuck this crap

>> No.24549395
File: 41 KB, 1280x560, photo_2020-10-14_12-48-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you in it for the tech and great 4IR or in it for the $? Do you enjoy getting dumped on all the time or sometimes. WEF don't mean shit.

>> No.24549489
File: 14 KB, 702x606, bearish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a good look at these two charts

>> No.24550529

I'm in it for both the money and the tech.
WEF gave chainlink a technology pioneer reward and is supporting chainlink.

You're an impatient brainlet, so sell and become a bug eater. Not everyone that knows about Chainlink deserves to make it and you clearly don't.

>> No.24550739

Who fucking cares about some no name intergrations



>> No.24550830
File: 80 KB, 1593x547, Screenshot (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WEF gave chainlink a technology pioneer reward
You do know that it wasn't "Given". Any company can apply to be considered. Sergey just sucked klaus dick and promised him heavy bags of future cash.

>> No.24551005

Cope, bug eater.

>> No.24551075

Link/Btc trendline pierced, Link/Eth trendline pierced, Link/USD 20 week ema pierced. Who's one coping here? I gave you fact after fact.... all you come up with if "Look at my shiny WEF award".... so who's coping?

>> No.24551078

Exactly this. Someone needs to approach those faggots about arbitrum in November what in the absolute fuck. Hold these bastards to what they say

>> No.24551193

Jardeep we're not discussing street diarrhea but thanks.

>> No.24551254

remember when things were simple and we waited for the next nothing burger conference content to buy more regardless?
Now it's nonstop nothing burger customer integrations and the wait for adoption.
Why the fuck hasn't Serger spoken about their work with the WEF?

>> No.24551377


Where is swift?
Where the Q3 Oracle?
Defi shit coin integration don't mean jack.

>> No.24551382

is too late to get in? i was in at ~4$ but got out because I was tired of crypto generally, it hurts.

>> No.24551453
File: 253 KB, 1080x1080, 20201013_164220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Big companies are just as shitty as startups and twice as slow.

>> No.24551485

Link is in free fall. Buy in at $6-7 it will depend on btc

>> No.24551519

what do you think "radio silent" meant? fucking newfag

>> No.24552443

If you offered me $10k to swing my link to a stablecoin for a week and then back, I wouldn't accept the offer. When Link starts moving, it could, and probably will be upon a fundamental, like staking. It simply isn't worth the risk. People with any decent amount are going to be very wealthy from it anyway, so what's the point? Like in Pulp Fiction when he says "that's pride fuckin with ya" except in this case it's greed fuckin with ya.
Also, and this will be lost on many anons; there's a pride in not swinging. I've never sold any Link, only ever added more, and I'll be proud of it in the years to come. If you know, you know.

>> No.24552878
File: 123 KB, 1296x666, NewStandard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course its not going anywhere, Flare network will supersede it and insiders and smart money are moving their money out accordingly.

>> No.24552978

anon, everyone in here is larping. No point in trying to explain to them. For some reason they still think FUDing is effective. Everyone knows how good of an investment chainlink is. I highly doubt that there is anyone so stupid to post these threads with any honest intent. These threads are the opposite of definitive truth.

>> No.24553003
File: 531 KB, 936x671, sergey contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24553063

10.40 then moon

>> No.24553142


>> No.24553391

Q1 tho. We still have at least one month plummeting.

>> No.24553430

>beard: none
seems reliable

>> No.24553436

it's certainly possible. I'm trying to decide where I want to open my long. 10.40? It's possible it drops below 10. If we could get back to that 7$ range, we'd be sitting pretty.

>> No.24553460
File: 95 KB, 651x816, 1603064558272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kekd.

>> No.24553494

It's all ogre

>> No.24554331

>even the delusional bulls are calling for a dump to $7

imagine the chart when it dumps to $7 and then thinking it can recover from that

>> No.24554415

When did you realize that /biz/ is a front for pump and dump niggers who deserve to be thrown in a woodchipper?

>> No.24554417
File: 534 KB, 867x711, schwabmarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose to shill for the Cabal and now you pay.

>> No.24554511

Sure it is. Has been saying that for fucking months and guess what let’s say surprise they say fuck you to link and don’t even give them the time of day that’ll be it for link.

>> No.24554557


>> No.24554803

Yes it is.

>> No.24554817
File: 497 KB, 828x635, 1603182324442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If BTC goes to 14k, it could wick down. Be reasonable anon. No one is trying to attack your internet ego :).

If you don't understand the fundamentals right now, that's fine. You'll figure it out eventually.