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File: 37 KB, 400x400, Offch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24552261 No.24552261 [Reply] [Original]

You faggots are going to rope once you know whats coming in January.

>> No.24552961

How do you even invest in this?

>> No.24552987

>she doesn't know

>> No.24553011


>> No.24553027
File: 702 KB, 649x511, 1shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to believe there are people still FUDing link on this board. It's sad really.

Good on you for seeing the light OP.

>> No.24553048


>> No.24553066

name of the coin?

>> No.24553080

Defi sphere is growing fast but still difficult to run into good platform.
Has anyone participated in baseprotocol.org? Came across blockchain experts reviews about it, looks interesting. What do you think?

>> No.24553095

Odlid Labs

>> No.24553166

Get out

>> No.24553174

Good god. I can smell your fucking curry breath right through my computer screen

>> No.24553204

Can't findd it on coingecko..

>> No.24553216
File: 28 KB, 383x549, arbiswap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens to sushiswap and uniswap when arbiswap goes live on mainnet?

>> No.24553263
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 1600806245048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you newfags from?

>> No.24553397

Stop shitting on the street.

>> No.24553444

Why does this look like the chainlink logo. What shitcoin is it

>> No.24553463


>> No.24553483
File: 511 KB, 828x534, 1603561321167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh, I hate spoonfeeding, but this is the logo for offchain labs.

It's not a token you can buy. Everyone can stop asking lol.

>> No.24553514

>1 post by this ID

>> No.24553515

some of the most bullish news for link of 2020. some ogs even started buying again due to this

>> No.24553526

This >>24553263, seriously where have you come from? How long have you been coming here?

>> No.24553545

why jan this shit was supposed to be out months ago Ed wtf
don't believe him. I just bought it on uniswap

>> No.24553557

Stop bullying the nufags assholes. It's base protocol

>> No.24553579


What does offchain do and why is it important

>> No.24553605

Kek nvm my bad
This is offchain labs. Its not tradable

>> No.24553678
File: 41 KB, 647x266, arbitrum cucks eth out of gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been waiting a long time. cultivating my patience.

>> No.24553704

what the fuck is this? Rainbow LINK?

>> No.24553710

All the “4chan og’s” people thinking it’s Chainlink and shitting on people thinking they are newfags, it’s not Chainlink you posers, it’s offchain

>> No.24553813

>what happens to sushiswap and uniswap when arbiswap goes live on mainnet?
Uniswap is integrating Optimism (Arbitrum's direct competitor); this is why Arbitrum had to launch its own ghost fork.
No one is integrating Arbitrum, doing a fork instead of an integration is a massive signal that they've already lost.
SNX is also 100% on Optimism, AAVE might be 50-50, they really need to hurry the fuck up and deliver on their promises.
t. all in LINK and wish the Arbitrum hopium had turned out differently, but being realistic here

>> No.24553908


>> No.24553974

Hahahahahhah heard that about December last month. Aunt shit.

>> No.24553999


>> No.24554197

is it possible that arbiswap could go live on mainnet before uniswap+optimism? if that's the case then what happens when gas costs on uniswap are 115 gwei and gas costs on arbiswap are 2.5 gwei?

>> No.24554324

once mainnet comes either end of this month or by next month, we'll see.

>> No.24554551
File: 345 KB, 1222x1560, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uniswap will cease to exist

>> No.24554786

only if there are good incentives for liquidity providers, a seamless deposit/withdrawal ux, and easy composability with other contracts.

>> No.24555185

>I just bought it on uniswap
you got scammed

>> No.24555193
File: 39 KB, 600x557, 1596024996133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id find it pretty funny since i had gotten free 800 UNI from the airdrop, later into LINK, and now it lookin like it'll do a backflip later on.
there will be keks

>> No.24555240

ahhh sweet memories, i first got linkpilled and saw through the fud when the autists were buying all of sergey's lucky brand shirts

>> No.24555504
File: 78 KB, 570x574, titanium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the ghost scam during April and May, so when it was about 4 duckets, i gave up with crypto and threw the rest i had into link. And here i am

>> No.24555615

feels good. arbitum should be soon and we also know tsigs are coming near EOY. 2021 will be more growth.

>> No.24556020

Arbitrum is irrelevant, everyone is using optimism rollups. Chainlink failed to deliver. Uniswap and sushi swap both don’t use it, and as another anon in this thread pointed out - neither will snx. So who’s going to use it? Chainlink is late to the game again.

>> No.24556030

it was supposed to be Q4 2020

>> No.24556107

Failed launch and failed product

>> No.24556132

For me, it’s the roast beef with cheddar

>> No.24556613

what's the consensus of arbitrum vs optimistic

>> No.24557058
File: 564 KB, 521x454, he doesnt know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24557066

My body is ready. I’m done being called a loser, papa sergey take me.

>> No.24557592

Graph is so incredibly bullish it's insane. Optimism also use it.

>> No.24558135

How so?

>> No.24558363

Google on-chain. Already the standard and approaching/At Chainlink adoption scale, so it's not typical shitcoin shills.

>> No.24558738

Wait until you hear the Quorum news. It’s even better.

>> No.24558754
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1595163934101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the listing be and what's the base price gonna be?

>> No.24558761

>can't buy it

>> No.24558855

Aren't there already a few on chain data transfer projects? Like.. Parasiq or whatever that one's called?

>> No.24558922

Literally no one is planning on using arbitrum, including projects that have already integrated with chainlink.

Its just a dumb fucking meme l2 solution that is way too late to the party

>> No.24558929

Also remember Nebulas being shilled as "google for blockain" back in the day. Never really looked into it though

>> No.24558939

Dubs confirm, Link will be overtaken by API3, sell why you still have time

>> No.24558981

Release candidate this month, followed by audits. Then launch.
All depends on how long the audits take and if anything is uncovered. Im not expecting any major issues given the teams quality.

>> No.24559142

Whats the current gas fee to provide liquidity on uni? what about sushi? and finally what is the current price on arbiswap?

>> No.24559449

>what is the current price on arbiswap?
$0 because arbiswap doesn't exist outside of test environments
Also not relevant because uniswap is integrating directly with optimism which does the same thing, and so is SNX.

>> No.24559618

What do you guys think of Connext (eth layer 2)? I have 4k link and 0.48 LP btw.

>> No.24559744
File: 429 KB, 603x392, 5b16e5671678b3299ea03c66cb7e7d16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited bros

>> No.24560144

Reading this post I feel like I finally understand what it feels like to be a Jew

>> No.24560202

Are you fucking retarded? OGs know exactly what this is.

>> No.24561348

Holy shiiiiit whaaaaaat
Why are they hyping themselves up like a normie tier scam?

>> No.24561366

Is this why Vitalik is now rushing out Eth2.0 in some limited, under-delivering capacity?

>> No.24562382

This among other l2 pressure.

>> No.24562410

Kek. Cannot believe they actually posted this.
So god damn comfy.

>> No.24562545

Vitalik said rollups will make Eth 2 more like Eth 1.5, he can't be that salty if he's willing to admit it.

>> No.24562690

>that is way too late to the party
We don’t even have a legit first mover yet though?