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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24507158 No.24507158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post something money can't buy
>taking a girls virginity

>> No.24507178

but money can buy that

>> No.24507187

>be arab oil state sheik
>pay for auctioned qt 3.14 prime white cunny
heh nothin personnel wh*teboi

>> No.24507221

Dignity , personality , pride

>> No.24507288

Character, health, strength, intelligence, a big dick, looks, height

>> No.24507427

If you’re in hs or college you can do that for free, but if you are a young professional you have to pay. It seems better to just live fast and die young, than to be a nerd and study in school instead of picking up chicks

>> No.24507438

big dick

>> No.24507505
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>> No.24507534

Besides health and intelligence everything else is buyable.

>> No.24507645

best answer

but money can still buy life coaches to teach this, it was a common thing in antiquity, ie Alexander the Great got Aristotle as tutor

>> No.24508223

Low iq post. For a long time in history this is he only thing money could buy besides food for standard folk. Don’t think anything has changed.

>> No.24508319

Hitlers victory in ww ii

>> No.24508325

Glow in the dark demoralization thread

>> No.24508343

I bought the RBC tokens and I was excited by the first profit! Do you ask why?...

> monthly growth rate over 400%
> Multichain: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Matic
> ROI has reached 150%

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

Hurry and take luck into your hands!

>> No.24508351

You can buy that for less than $10 in any third world shithole.

>> No.24508374

A personality. You'd be amazed at how many rich people are boring and have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.24508500
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>the love my wife gives me.
Sure feels good to be successful, young, and in love all before hitting 25 yo. Life is good.

>> No.24508508

>taking a girls virginity
kek. I know where to pay for that.

>> No.24508520

Heritage and pride

>> No.24508531

you can absolutely pay for that fucktard. you should of said
>teenage love
instead faggot

>> No.24508542

It's really not that great bro

>> No.24508543

>falling for the vaginal jew

>> No.24508552
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Money can't buy 8000 years worth of heritage

>> No.24508560
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Height and being white lul

>> No.24508573

Der Ewige NPC is a universal problem, regardless of how much money you have. Or, well, given that most rich people inherit their wealth and there seems to be no heritability for being NPC or not, you're likely to get a lot of mid-tier rich NPCs. I'm pretty sure people like Gates, Buffet, Bezos, and Musk are all not NPCs because they did something to earn their wealth, but most people? Yeah, NPCs.

Money can buy pretty much any "thing" anon, get your head out of your ass. Your problem isn't philosophical, it's a lack of creativity and clear goals.

>> No.24508650

true but money can't buy motivation

>> No.24508692

Being white

>> No.24508707

You can actually pay for taking some soon-to-be that's vcard, it's gonna cost you quite a bit though

>> No.24508717

you're hardly gonna be young after hitting 25 m8, but good for you

>indigenous land rights
>actual aristocratic bloodline
>big prick
>parental approval
>anything in any imagined afterlife

>> No.24508738

It's easy to be proud but it's hard to be humble.

>> No.24508743


>> No.24508834

yuppers. supposedly taken the virginity of 3 girls, not sure I believe any of them, but none of them were good enough to make it into my top 10 life experiences. never paid for it, just lived like there was no tomorrow because given my lifestyle at the time it was not unlikely. I have alot of dead friends, but fuck all regrets...

>> No.24508895

You could ever make a decent argument for health. Intelligence is where you're fucked: its 85% inherited.

>> No.24508919

The only benefit of having a daughter is that you can gain access to her friends from a young age

>> No.24509069

I've been with a decent amount of women and to my knowledge have never fucked a virgin. My ex in high school claimed to have fucked other guys but she had at least some of her hymen in tact when we still fucked. She was absolutely batshit crazy and might have been lying about having other boyfriends before me. I'm not going to call her up after 10 years and ask her

>> No.24509093

I did it thrice in my younger years, lads.

Used to feel very proud of that. Now I just feel bad.

>> No.24509117

being white master race

>> No.24509188

lol protip: white anglo americans and slavs are gutter trash tier of whites. you're probably not on the same level and may as well be a pajeet or a roach

>> No.24509199

Pay other people to think for you

>> No.24509269

>>actual aristocratic bloodline
You can buy your way into noble bloodlines, but there's no real point anymore. You have kings working as middle management for international corporations and princes marrying American divorcees. Blood doesn't mean shit anymore, it's all about money in the first place.

>> No.24509316

How can you buy your way into having a big dick?

>> No.24509318

I fucking wish I could be filthy rich to have my own harem of virgin cun11 to chose from, specially a white red head lass in her prime. Nowadays, you gotta go back in time and be a chad in 8th or 7th grade to achieve such feats.

>> No.24509334

>gutter trash tier

lmfao gonna be a cope for me dog

>> No.24509351

>michael jackson

>> No.24509352

Dude, that's been a product since we had money

>> No.24509353

Do you want to make your investment go up to the moon? The RBC token is the best and easiest way to get it:
> trade on Rubic without limits
> create, manage and list your token
> double your daily profit from RBC holding

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat
Build your own rocket to the moon

>> No.24509402
File: 22 KB, 299x450, thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very coin sir most informative
Can you certainty I will lose all the village money?

>> No.24509435

Do you know why Rubic sounds like “ruby”? Because this is the gem of the crypto market! And I’m gonna tell you why...

> x4 RBC price rising for November!
> No fees and no limits on Rubic system
> Integration with 3 major blockchains

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

And remember, the RBC token is always getting precious!

>> No.24509981
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>> No.24510304
File: 17 KB, 360x450, russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke? Literally SLAVe humans lmao
>The term slave has its origins in the word slav. The slavs, who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD

>> No.24511280

Hello Mr. Sunjit Patel, was the last thread you shat in not stinky enough for you ?

>> No.24511322

Trading isn’t so easy as it looks. But if you have luck you can get x3 of your investment, as I did from RBC trading! Why did I choose it?

> p2p and instant trades solutions with no fees on Rubic exchange
> Trade unlisted tokens
> Integration with 3 major blockchains like Binance, Ethereum, Matic...

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

Buy RBC now if you want to see a pump in the future!

>> No.24511370

i've bought that twice.

>> No.24511394

>you're hardly gonna be young after hitting 25 m8
That's plenty young. Lay off the junk food and get some exercise

>> No.24511502

>wants to denigrate slavs
>posts based Sminem
I don't understand.
>Muslims took large number of slavs
These were all serbian and croatian mongrels, not true red blooded Slavenskas from north of the Dniepr.
Besides, germans were greek and italian boyslaves for thousands of years.

>Slav in 2020
>Based brutalist culture where strong devour weak, anything can be purchased, and rulers are powerful sociopathic serial killers.
>be Germoid/Anglophile in 2020
>society is run by feminists and minorities
>countries full of arabs and africans
>rules on everything, jews in control of almost every industry
I know which side I'd pick.

>> No.24511538


>> No.24511628

I'm 44 and in better condition than anyone I spar with (admittedly small pond). That don't mean I'm young. My point was that youth is not an achievement, but success and a spouse are.

>> No.24511655

>the pride of growing your own food, meat, children

>> No.24511688

height & dick size

>> No.24511906
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Based Megas Alexandros
I hate the kikes for burning down his libraries filled with the white man's bible (the Iliad)

>> No.24512033

/pol/fags are so embarrassing

>> No.24512227
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money can't make Wacdonald's real…

>> No.24512336

Proud parents

>> No.24512606
File: 593 KB, 775x491, Bill gates family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates got his money from nepotism.
The elite are NPCs trying to hurt those of us who have a soul because they are jealous they don't have one.

>> No.24512610

lmao why are you proud of being dumb savages???

>> No.24512669

seethe, nigger

>> No.24512687


>> No.24513024

A Foreskin

>> No.24513130

extra time

>> No.24513252

>penis size
>your base intelligence

>> No.24513946

There are dick enlargment Ops, they give you 2-4cm.