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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 141 KB, 880x1799, cbw_rsr_ersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24498136 No.24498136 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me 3 months ago
>Cousin starts talking about Grayscale crypto shit
>I trust him and am intrigued
>I buy some and we are both doing well

>Be me 1-2 weeks ago
>Now I want some REAL crypto
>Used to only read fit and pol
>Start going on biz too
>You fuckers are talking about crypto like crazy
>Now I'm really into it
>Buy some BTC, LINK, XRP and ETH on Coinbase
>Start getting interested in shitcoins and tokens
>Buy $2K worth of ETH on Coinbase, transfer to Coinbase Wallet
>Use uniswap to buy $1K each of RSR and eRSDL using the ETH
>Just gonna HODL long term and see what happens
>Might buy more later

>Be me today 1 hour ago
>At the gym and irrationally checking my portfolio balance for stocks, crypto and shitcoins constantly
>Notice Coinbase Wallet shows $0.00 balance
>"Fuck, that's annoying. Guess it's down or something"
>Keep checking
>Still $0.00
>I finally tap on each token
>I see pic related
>Immediately fucking pissed
>"Payment to???" WHAT THE FUCK. I didn't send a payment. What the fuck happened?!?!

I contacted their shitty fucking support right away using the online form. What can I do anons? What even happened? Give it to me straight. I'm fucked and the money and tokens are gone right? I definitely thought I secured this shit properly. Thank God it's ONLY $2K but FUCK. I'm still fucking furious. Help frens.

>> No.24498208

You sent the money to another wallet, coinbase is its own wallet.

You used uniswap to get your other coins which you ‘swapped’ to another wallet.

You just have the info for this other wallet no?

>> No.24498263

Yes, your tokens are gone.
You probably didn't have 2FA enabled so someone got your username/pass that you likely reuse on other unsecure websites and they logged in and sent your tokens to their wallet
Gg no re learn better opsec

>> No.24498287

No. I don't have other wallets. Just Coinbase for BTC, XRP, LINK and ETH. And Coinbase Wallet for RSR and eRSDL.

>> No.24498307
File: 43 KB, 480x317, facemelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you're larping and sent the coins to yourself or you got hacked. Coinbase didn't fuck you, you fucked yourself by reusing passwords, not using a hardware wallet and not having google 2FA enabled. Welcome to crypto.

>> No.24498321

Op is retarded and sent coins to wrong wallets

>> No.24498340

Oh well then maybe what the other anon said? I’m not sure cause when I have used uniswap I needed to open another wallet somewhere else for the coin I wanted. Wasn’t sure if you did the same

I would be surprised if you got your shit broken into just 1 day later though..
You sure your cousin didn’t fuck you?

>> No.24498350

I did set up 2FA though. And how the fuck is it even possible that someone got my username and pass?! That's absurd.

>> No.24498398

Are you sure the coinbase wallet you installed on your phone is the REAL coinbase wallet and not a fake one?

>> No.24498400

funds aren't saifu

>> No.24498421

Definitely didn't send to a different wallet. What resource do you recommend specifically for looking into a hardware wallet?

>> No.24498422

Probably this. People use the same username and password for everything and shit gets hacked all the time. There are like 4 billion people living in poverty across the planet that have access to internet now, they got nothing better to do than try to steal our shit. Usernames and passwords get dumped on tor sites and people just see what they can do with them.

>> No.24498431

This should have never happened. Someone definitely has your info or used your phone when you weren’t looking.

>> No.24498439

go back to rddit faggot

>> No.24498448


>> No.24498475

90% of "hacks" are due to user error...

The younger and less diligent one are more likely to create these errors.

If you get high or use drugs or drink the number sky rocket... I know cause I've done it.

>> No.24498476

What the fuck is the fake one?

>> No.24498505

Definitely shouldn't have. And believe me. No one could have my info or have looked at my phone.

>> No.24498547

where did you download the wallet from

>> No.24498556

Thanks anon. Is that what you use?

>> No.24498576

From the Google play store

>> No.24498603

I don't know what the fake one is, but that is a possible way your account was compromised, check your login history on coinbase website via a clean PC, see if any questionable IPs from locations arent you logged in today.. if coinbase says you logged in from xingscam china your password is compromised

>> No.24498609
File: 3.87 MB, 640x359, 1602795046458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou for doing the needful sir

>> No.24498759

Just checked. I don't see any weird shit like that.

>> No.24498764

why not from the official website? you probably downloaded a fake version

>> No.24498782

Why would downloading from the Play Store be an issue?

>> No.24498787

Good thing I got a cold wallet before due to paranoia. But i've found Coinbase wallet to be pretty safe so far. It might have been something you've done. Is there a pin set to your wallet?

>> No.24498799

Don’t freak out, this happened to me once. I put $1400 usdc into a dydx contract for interest and it disappeared like that.
Just gone $0.
Contacted goybase support, not really helpful.
Eventually I gave up hope and deleted the app. One day I redownloaded and my money was there again, it took a few weeks though. It’s a glitch that just doesn’t show it or something.

>> No.24498836

WTF is all this bullshit? Are people supposed to read it, and follow your retarded fucking numbered collage?


>> No.24498843

Checked. And wow that's crazy. I'm definitely not expecting anything like this. I did contact goybase support though.

>> No.24498869

Although mine didn’t show payment to, it just disappeared entirely

>> No.24498896

What's the Coinbase Wallet ETH address? We can see what transactions it made on Etherscan

>> No.24498911

Yea that's why I'm not hopeful lol. What do you do now for wallet security?

>> No.24498934

you can try going to etherscan and typing in your wallet id to see if the token are actually in there. If they are then the app is just fucked.

>> No.24498960

Checked but I’m out of crypto lol stocks only. I only messed with it for a bit when I didn’t have a job during summer

>> No.24498991

What's the easiest way to see my wallet id? Yes, I'm a retard.

>> No.24499035

It should be right in the Coinbase Wallet app right? It should display it somewhere, it's 32 characters and starts with "0x"

>> No.24499083
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1452045796784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-Don't spook me, OP. I'm new to this too (about a week and a half in) and I have about a grand invested using coinbase. Shit, am I going to get fucked too? My password is pretty strong.

>> No.24499117

It's gone. I'm fucked. This is fucking great.

>> No.24499163

I don't know anon. I thought I was safe. Just do all of the security measures.

Maybe other anons can suggest safer wallets and ways to buy tokens?

>> No.24499182

Because people put fake apps on the store

>> No.24499209

just buy a trezor/ledger wallet and use metamask like the rest of us retards here

>> No.24499217

You see the send transactions on etherscan?

>> No.24499248

What's the address OP?

>> No.24499274

I do unfortunately...

>> No.24499303

OP I don't think a lot of people here realize that coinbase exchange != coinbase wallet. coinbase wallet is a mobile software wallet that is completely separate (but integrated with) the coinbase exchange.

if the app is showing that your wallet sent coins, that's because your wallet did in fact send coins. that leaves you with three options:

1) you were retarded in how you handled your seed phrase. someone gained access to it, and thus your wallet.
2) your phone is compromised, and some kind of malware was able to hijack the app or gain access to your seed phrase.
3) someone with physical access to your phone moved the coins when you weren't watching.
4) you are just fucking with us, and you moved the funds yourself to another wallet you control.

>> No.24499338

Post the wallet, OP. There's a chance it might've been sent to a contract or exchange wallet. We can see if it was an accident on your part or actual theft.

>> No.24499339

Not him but this is a big plus for Apple...

>> No.24499343

It has to be 1 or 2 but I'm not even fucking sure. I'm worried about how I'm going to buy and safeguard tokens in the future now.

>> No.24499374


>> No.24499380

By searching ersdl transactions you can find OPs wallet and where his funds went
Funds sent to what looks like some type of laundering contract:

>> No.24499456

Is there anything I can do?

(Yes this is OP. This ID is my cell phone.)

>> No.24499523

buy a hardware wallet. ledger or trezor. when you setup a new wallet, write down the seed phrase on paper, put it in a envelope, and put that envelope in a safe or somewhere else where you can be sure nobody else has access. but make sure you still have access, or else you will be totally fucked if your hardware wallet gets run over by a car.

never store the seed phrase on any computer or phone, or any other networked device. all it takes is a dumb tap/click and your filesystem could be compromised.

>> No.24499536

If you made a transfer recently the fee may not have been enough and it's still floating around unconfirmed.>>24498136

>> No.24499617

no. your coins are lost forever. crypto transactions are not reversible. there is nobody to complain to to fix it because nobody has the power to fix it.

best you can hope for is to demonstrate that the funds were lost due to negligent security measures or a backdoor in the app, at which point you can sue coinbase. or maybe if you threaten to sue they will settle to make you go away.

>> No.24499655

>Is there anything I can do?
Sadly no, you're pretty much shit out of luck at this point, sorry fren... lesson learned: buy a hardware wallet

>> No.24499774

>transfer to Coinbase Wallet
Is this the part where OP went wrong? I want to know what not to do.

>> No.24499845

>he doesn't use TOMOCHAIN


>> No.24500006

Yea OP here. Where EXACTLY did I go wrong. I absolutely NEED to buy RSR and eRSDL again. If they moon I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.24500195

i would be be hesitant to store any significant amount on any software wallet. networked devices can always be hacked. new exploits are discovered in every operating system constantly.

but as far as i can tell coinbase wallet is relatively secure, at least as far as software wallets go, or else we'd be hearing a lot more stories like OP's. my guess would be that coinbase wallet, unless the devs were retarded (which is still very possible), stores the wallet private keys on the filesystem in an encrypted format that can only be unlocked by a PIN or biometric key, which are not themselves stored on the filesystem. in theory this should be safe.

so the wallet choice is most likely not what happened here. if i had to rank order likely reasons why this happened to OP's wallet, it would be:

1) some kind of phish or scam. someone via email/website/etc. tricked him into disclosing the wallet's seed phrase without him fully understanding what the seed phrase does.
2) he stored his seed phrase on a file on a public cloud. his cloud storage account was not protected by 2FA, and someone was able to phish his password or crack the hash on a previously compromised website where he reused the same password.
3) he stored his seed phrase on a file on his computer, which was compromised by some kind of malware.

>> No.24500257

Hard to say exactly, if coinbase doesn't have any questionable IP logins logged and everything in coinbase account is still there the most likely scenario is you downloaded a fake coinbase wallet app from the google app store... if you typed your credentials into said app I would change your password immediately... its also possible your phone has some sort of virus/keylogger ... there are a ton of different attack vectors the hacker could have taken I'm only giving you my best guess as to what actually happened

>> No.24500277

I am part of a team in asia that steals crypto regularly from fucking fags like you by getting your passwords and protections easily.
>recently a ""friend"" messaged you asking for your number? Check again that was one of us.

We have made close to half a mil just from fags who use Gmail passwords in everything.

Ask me anything

>> No.24500369
File: 1.43 MB, 530x360, E4526539-1342-4B34-BD3B-AA286540C4A0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op what kind of phone, and what version of operating system. Also app downloaded from a link from vendor website or you searched yourself?

>> No.24500408

Why are you so angry?

>> No.24500418

Note 8. Version 8. App searched for on App Store.

>> No.24500426

Sure. I have my shit only written on paper and only access funds on Linux. I'm curious how exploitable KeePassXC is for people who don't write down stuff on paper.

>> No.24500512

Interesting comments here reguarding the app and coinbase in general https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coinbase.android&hl=en&gl=US&showAllReviews=true

>> No.24500648

that's the coinbase app, not the coinbase wallet app. OP lost his funds in the coinbase wallet app.

>> No.24501450

Would you guys even bother going hard after coinbase and placing the blame on them as much as possible? Also, do you ALL use hardware wallets???

>> No.24502336

Both Apple and Android are shit.

>> No.24502363

>invests $2000+ into crypto
>doesnt invest $100 into crypto security
what a retard

>> No.24502368

>do you all use hardware wallets
would you like to guarantee your shit can't get stolen for only $100?

>> No.24502512

Anytime you are storing cryptocurrency more valuable than a trezor, buy a trezor or a ledger. Hardware wallets are designed to stop you from compromising yourself and give you an isolated secure platform that you can't get without a dedicated device. They are integrated with browsers and phones so you aren't even losing any convenience.
I'm not Rakesh but a two word google search says you need read access to the password file and an internet connection (for exfiltration) to crack.
There are more secure solutions to password management however, such as algorithmic generators that generate the password on demand without any permanent storage of the password, only the details used to create it. Also there are physical password generating trinkets which use the same idea.
You could get away without a hardware wallet if you can trust all devices you use for cryptocurrency, never make any mistakes, don't make yourself a target (reminder that save for a handfull of exceptions, blockchains are transparent), update your device frequently, and your device is not able to be compromised by someone with physical access (no biometrics, secure password with time lockout, and anti shoulder surfing precautions or complete and total PHYSICAL control at all times). All of those must be met or else I recommend a hardware wallet as a security inbetween of a software hot wallet and a written or cryptographically secured cold wallet.
That or you are a normal user and only carry as much in hot wallet as you would in your physical wallet, and everything else can go in a cold wallet. I wouldn't recommend keeping $2,000 in your back pocket unless you were about to spend within the next five minutes $2,000.

>> No.24503338


This is somewhat fud. Hashcat uses a password list / tables in order to execute a bruteforce attack on a Keepass file or other password protected file. If you use a secure enough password on your KeePass Database, that will make it nearly impossible to crack.