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File: 397 KB, 756x416, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 2.28.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24420084 No.24420084 [Reply] [Original]

I have found that I have extremely accurate readings, I have been doing tarot for a few years now and I have been trading based on my readings and it has gone really well so far.

I need help with asking questions that maybe I just didn't think to ask yet.
Ask your questions about crypto and I will tell you what I cards I pull.
>No Yes or no questions, tarot has no way of answering yes or no
>I have had success with framing the question as "What is the outcome of X"
>I don't have a way of pulling exact dates but you can ask the outcome of certain dates
>Open ended questions work best
>I use a deck based on rider waite

>> No.24420125

will link be above $25 on january 1st 2021

>> No.24420160

I can't do yes or no questions.

>> No.24420167

wait shit i am a brainlet i'm sorry. let me rephrase. what will the outcome of the new year be for link price lol

>> No.24420189

so to clarify before I ask, do you mean 2020 or 2021?

>> No.24420206

I'll hijack this guys question. do 2021 since we all know nothing is happening next month

>> No.24420226

What will be the outcome of the implementation of the Flare network for XRP?

>> No.24420322

what he said. sorry for being such a brainlet

>> No.24420354

> t. Have just discover hindsight bias but doesnt know what it is

>> No.24420511

What will be the outcome of Sergey's ambitions?

>> No.24420550

When does the LINK marketcap exceed $30B
Timeframe on adoption of smart contracts
When does the singularity begin?

>> No.24420587
File: 1.06 MB, 864x864, 1604277147722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm a schizo astrologyfag and the log scale line converted to a linear curve seems to confirm it:
>Will LINK hit $20 ATH on the Dec. 20th Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn?

>> No.24420783

retarded thread. check them.

>> No.24420800

what a long-winded way to tell someone you're retarded

>> No.24420811

Short term (Meaning in December) for the flare implementation I got the hierophant
>Deck Creator’s Keywords: mentor, working within the system
Carrie’s Keywords: societal structures,
belief systems, instructor

Then for long term (Meaning 2021) I got the high priestess
Deck Creator’s Keywords: mystery, non-action, going within
Carrie’s Keywords: being, yin energy, intuition

>> No.24420860

I can't give dates anon the cards don't have dates written on them that's not how they work.
Again I can't do yes or no, the cards don't have yes or no's written on them but I will ask the outcome.

>> No.24420938

So it's unironically gonna become the standard for cbdcs and then crab after the initial hype?

>> No.24421011

I asked for how chainlink's price will be affected by the great conjunction and I got 4 of pentacles
Four of Pentacles :: Wild Unknown Tarot
>Creator’s keywords: possession, control
>Carrie’s keywords: comfort zone, rigid

>> No.24421048

I don't understand the question.

>> No.24421071

>even the fucking cards tell me to hold
i'll take that as "don't worry about the retrace, you won't swing it"
jupiter and saturn are opposing bodies re: harvest & bounty as is, but the fact that they're in saturn's domicile leads me to believe patience is more important than greed

>> No.24421111

I agree. Long term reward for patience and struggle is a big theme for Saturn.

>> No.24421166

What is the result of holding chainlink on our souls?

>> No.24421275
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checked for big daddy
thanks for your time and efforts, anon
bitch of a card to pull but we'll see where it goes

>> No.24421355
File: 333 KB, 750x1334, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads confirm check it

Also I see this image going around so I am drawing for it
I asked
>What are Sergeys intentions (For Chainlink)?
I drew
Ace of swords
5 of swords
and the chariot

>Ace of swords
>Creator’s keywords: truth, mental clarity
>Carrie’s keywords: mental energy, clear thinking

5 of swords
>Five of Swords :: Wild Unknown Tarot
Creator’s keywords: self destruction
Carrie’s keywords: criticism, betrayal

>and the Chariot
Deck Creator’s Keywords: strong will, achievement, triumph
Carrie’s Keywords: autonomy, control, willpower

>> No.24421410

>sergey betray
for FUCK'S sake

>> No.24421501

Yeah I wonder if there's a followup question I can do for this so we can know when to sell, it's all about asking tarot the correct questions.

>> No.24421578
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ace of swords, five of swords, and the chariot are the link bag holder cycle, in that order.
>truth (2017-18 era breadcrumbs)
>criticism (bear market, three years of bag holding, no staking)
>triumph ($1000 EOY)

>> No.24421623

ask who will sergey betray, interpret the card that shows up as the public, the team, or Schwab-Zero

>> No.24421654

Op, what will the out come of holding sta be?

>> No.24421776
File: 23 KB, 340x270, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self destruction
>criticism, betrayal

>> No.24421824

Oh smart question! I'll ask. But we're going to have to determine who fits these cards best.

>6 of pentacles
Deck Creator’s keywords: prosperity, growth
Carrie’s keywords: reciprocity, giving and receiving

>Daughter of swords
Creator’s keywords: honesty, insightful
Carrie’s keywords: simplify, directness

>> No.24421863

What timeline am I asking for? 1 month, a year?

>> No.24421959

6 of pentacles is /biz/ because it represents the spirit of wagmi
daughter of swords is odd because it's almost mocking how deceitful we view the WEF et al. to be, but it could be acknowledging the "masonic consent" meme -- that these nutters are honestly telling us the plan

>> No.24422074

Can you be more specific in your explanation? I need clarification on what you mean for instance what is wagmi?
I asked with the intention of trying to paint a picture in WHO he is betraying. I'm not sure if this is ONE person or a ONE community in particular or perhaps more than one.

If there's another question you want me to ask to clarify let me know. These questions have been helpful to figure out the answers.

>> No.24422131

Checked. Thank you anon. Sounds reasonable.

>> No.24422133

in regard to this anon, I was not doing past present and future in my drawing, I would have specified as such if that were what I was doing.

>> No.24422207

1 year, end of 2021

>> No.24422279
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How long do Link holders need to wait to retire indefinitely with their gains?

>> No.24422350

Okay I'll ask just give me a few minutes this is very energy consuming
Well anon the cards don't have dates printed on them, they have meanings so I have no way of asking about dates or timelines other than asking about the outcome for specified times in the question, so you'll have to rephrase your question.

>> No.24422409

We Are [all] gonna make it

I assume.

>> No.24422412

Thanks there's no rush anon

>> No.24422466

Will our patience be rewarded? In 2021 or 2022?

>> No.24422529

We’re All Gonna Make It

>> No.24422570
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>> No.24422649
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forgot picrel

>> No.24422733
File: 971 KB, 1470x974, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 3.50.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you guys know I did a pull for what is the outcome of having the expectation that chainlink will hit $100 at least, by the end of 2021 and I got the hierophant and the lovers. This reading absolutely drained me and it was really hard to draw a card for some reason and I felt dizzy.
>The hierophant
>Deck Creator’s Keywords: mentor, working within the system
Carrie’s Keywords: societal structures,
belief systems, instructor

>The lovers
Deck Creator’s Keywords: union, desire, values, joy
Carrie’s Keywords: relationships, harmony, passion

Let me know what you guys think of these readings and your interpretations as well.
Okay anon I'll do one too in a bit

>> No.24422841


>> No.24422912

Past present future for chainlink, I'm comparing my results to this anon >>24422570

Father of wands
Creator’s Keywords: creative, charasmatic
Carrie’s Keywords: exuberant, assertive

father of pentacles
Creator’s keywords: steady, entrepreneurial
Carrie’s keywords: competent, director

6 of swords
Creator’s keywords: hope at last, travel
Carrie’s keywords: reeling, recovering

Let me know what you guys think.

>> No.24422929
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Schwab token price go up = good for Schwabmarines

>> No.24422951

What will be the outcome for XLM in 2021? Is it still paired with XRP?

>> No.24422973
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Not so much for the rest

>> No.24423016
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>> No.24423050
File: 852 KB, 1834x846, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 4.01.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad news
>8 of cups
>Creator’s Keywords: moving on
Carrie’s keywords: seeking meaning, moving on

>> No.24423197

Just sold everything, thanks.

>> No.24423199
File: 1.01 MB, 1722x926, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 4.06.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in regard to XLM this one fell out when I was shuffling so i went ahead and drew the second one too

>The sun
Deck Creator’s Keywords: new vitality, assurance, enlightenment
Carrie’s Keywords: joy, enlightenment, radiance

>2 of pentacles
Creator’s keywords: balance and change
Carrie’s keywords: flexibility, dynamic factors

>> No.24423262

guess this means to wait for this "enlightenment", to hodl in other words. TY

>> No.24423264
File: 431 KB, 1329x1429, 4BC8BC59-7F0D-494D-8E96-67D15DDB447C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Libra boost RSR price in 2021?

>> No.24423289

so to be clear, I think it IS affected by XRP and XLM is looking good long term.
Yes I think so.

>> No.24423321

No yes or no questions anon.

>> No.24423360

How will Chainlink affect the implementation of the Mark of the Beast?

>> No.24423382

What are the expectations for ETH in December/January? How will ETH 2.0 impact the prices?

>> No.24423430

Neat thread. Can you do a reading for XRP schizos. The one's who bag hold and believe it is the standard. You can use me as an example if it helps but remember it's in regards to me as an XRP holder specifically (there are many more obviously)

>> No.24423476
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Sorry, can you ask about my seat reservation.

>> No.24423480

that's assuming that "The mark of the beast" is accurate, are you sure you want me to ask considering that if that information is inaccurate that it might affect the reading?

>> No.24423519

I'm going to continue to do readings but taking a short break because I'm starting to feel dizzy.

Do me a favor anons and refer back to this to see if these readings were infact correct.

>> No.24423571

Sure, go for it. I wanna see what you'll get.

>> No.24423605
File: 445 KB, 828x1399, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this, might draw for it but not sure what to ask.

>> No.24423899

Sure, no problem bud. If you get mine >>24423382
right, I will make a thread for you.

>> No.24423921

Idk but have a bump

>> No.24424214

Okay anon i'll draw it

>> No.24424247

nice thread op. Can you do a reading about the chances of war in the next few months?
I'm also interested in UBI and changing societal structures through crypto in kinda a meta sense.
What will the impact of crypto be for UBI (Universal Basic Income)?

>> No.24424293

How about my mark of the beast question?

>> No.24424297

what happens if i do not cash out all of my LINK today?

>> No.24424323

Shit wtf should I do?

>> No.24424364
File: 959 KB, 1862x994, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 4.47.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>december 2020
>2 of pentacles
Creator’s keywords: balance and change
Carrie’s keywords: flexibility, dynamic factors

>January 2021
>The hierophant
>Deck Creator’s Keywords: mentor, working within the system
Carrie’s Keywords: societal structures,
belief systems, instructor

>How will ETH 2.0 affect the price (in this time range of 1 month)
>Daughter of swords
Creator’s keywords: honesty, insightful
Carrie’s keywords: simplify, directness

>> No.24424448

You really think UBI is an answer... lol...
It will work for short term, but long term inflation will eat up your spending power aka inflation.
If ubi actually happens I’m fucking retiring and YOU can foot the bill. You plan on supporting your fellow degenerate neet because “life is too hard” right?
Typical democrat all about his own well being, selfish as fuck as usual.
Yeah what about people life me who’ve had the discipline to save a decent net worth instead of spending every penny on luxuries like coffee and fast food (THIS IS YOU)
We should just reset and take all of my work and discipline away so sorry ass people like you get to realize they’re poor all over again. With the internet, you literally have no excuse to be poor other than sitting on your entitled ass waiting for someone to pay you $5k per month just because you get a piece of paper from a college.

Success takes WORK you sorry Shitstain.

>> No.24424486

Okay, I hold xrp too so let's see.
>What will be the outcome of people who hold XRP that believe it will be the standard?

>Daughter of swords
And yes I promise I shuffled a LOT my head hurts at this point from doing it so long

>Daughter of swords
Creator’s keywords: honesty, insightful
Carrie’s keywords: simplify, directness

>> No.24424638

>7 of pentacles
Deck Creator’s keywords: contemplation, reward
Carrie’s keywords: evaluating, planning

>Father of pentacles
father of pentacles
Creator’s keywords: steady, entrepreneurial
Carrie’s keywords: competent, director

>The high priestess
Deck Creator’s Keywords: mystery, non-action, going within
Carrie’s Keywords: being, yin energy, intuition

NOTE that this is the second time the father of pentacles popped up for chainlink

>> No.24424717

answer mine please anon.

>> No.24424793
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if you sell it today:
>Daughter of wands
Creator’s Keywords: free spirit, visionary
Carrie’s Keywords: optimistic, self-assured

If you do NOT sell it today:
>9 of pentacles
Creator’s keywords: happy, healthy home
Carrie’s keywords: luxury. sovereignty

I would hold anon

>> No.24424863
File: 318 KB, 748x347, unknown (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free spirit, visionary
>inb4 homeless


>> No.24424866

Thank you.
I would interpret this to mean that Chainlink won't affect the Mark of the Beast, since future is non-action. Then again the mystery is, well, a mystery.
The past suggests Chainlink was considered to be used for implementing it, present as well. The future will be different. Perhaps Chainlink can even work against the Mark.

>> No.24424873

>bizarre rambling schizo post
I'm not American and I don't believe UBI is an answer. I never mentioned the great reset either... okay boomer.

>> No.24424886

godbless u anon

>> No.24424915

>I would interpret this to mean that Chainlink won't affect the Mark of the Beast, since future is non-action. Then again the mystery is, well, a mystery.

I wasn't doing a layout for paste present future I just drew 3 cards with no layout in particular.

>> No.24424921

tarot cards? seriously? just how low is your IQ?

>> No.24424963

I'm a woman.

>> No.24424965

Ah, ok. Then the order doesn't matter?

>> No.24424974

Will I be safe with my current plan or should I exit the game sooner than my current road map?

>> No.24425015

correct. If I' do past present future I will indicate it in the post or any layout for that matter, or if the person I'm drawing for asked for a layout.

>> No.24425019

I don't think that anon was either for or against UBI. It's just something that a lot of leaders are starting to whisper about now. UBI will probably be a way for governments and corporations to keep people in line.
>Accept the dogma or starve.

>> No.24425068

>>december 2020
>>2 of pentacles
>Creator’s keywords: balance and change
>Carrie’s keywords: flexibility, dynamic factors

I'm assuming that means that ETH 2.0 is not the only thing in play, which could result in high volatily in prices as new information is revealed?

>>January 2021
>>The hierophant
>>Deck Creator’s Keywords: mentor, working within the system
>Carrie’s Keywords: societal structures,
belief systems, instructor

That I guess, is basically following whatever happens in crypto as a whole, which means following Bitcoin's price action.

>>How will ETH 2.0 affect the price (in this time range of 1 month)
>>Daughter of swords
>Creator’s keywords: honesty, insightful
>Carrie’s keywords: simplify, directness

this one is kinda difficult to understand ngl but I'm assuming some positive effect overall.
How did I do?

>> No.24425186

Feel free to archive the thread to refer back to it later guys