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File: 60 KB, 859x573, Tim Dillon Candace Owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24378289 No.24378289 [Reply] [Original]

what altcoins does she hold bros?

>> No.24378294


>> No.24378302


>> No.24378320


>> No.24378378
File: 284 KB, 1080x1036, curio111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curio of course.

Curio (CUR) will be the first crypto project to make staking/passive income possible with real-world assets as collateral (Ferrari, Real-estate etc).
They are building something similar like MakerDAO, and their own CapitalDEX based on a uniswap fork, as a regulated security-token DEX.

It will be the ultimate form of DeFi

>> No.24378382

gtfo pajeet

be nice to Candace
she will save the western society one day

>> No.24378503

if the future is brown there will be no western society

>> No.24378644

Candace owns gives off big sociopath vibes. Also i dont like tim dillon anymore. Having that grifter nigress on his show tells you what hes all about. Also you cant trust a faggot.

>> No.24378943

>black conservative
>heckin based


>> No.24378973


>> No.24378983

>>24378302 (stay mad nigger)

>> No.24379032

it appears as you're in the wrong side of the internet, my sweet summer child

go back to your mentally ill comrades

>> No.24379048

she's not even that conservative
she is just a common sense person in a world that's full of mentall illness

>> No.24379083
File: 87 KB, 800x371, 1589830897913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the cuckservative boomer

>> No.24379089

Fivehead and shoe polish tokens

>> No.24379110

She's holding quite the bit of plastic in her face.

>> No.24379134

You misunderstand, I hate communists and neo libs. Which is why I hate grifters like owens and dillon. They are gatekeeping losers. He literally sucks cock and owens is literally famous for being a basednigger for RINOs

>> No.24379135

she's my waifu and there's nothing you can do about it, Ranjesh

>> No.24379157
File: 916 KB, 250x230, 1592688078787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TR4l7R ID
checks out

>> No.24379165

who are they gatekeeping?

>> No.24379207
File: 96 KB, 851x605, 1578451462108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true opposition to jewish power, dumb monkey

>> No.24379234

Dillon is just a dirtbag left comedian who latched onto the Epstein shit and conspiracies to grift bucks and be relevant. He's a literal homosexual who can't make any claim to fighting the spiritual battle while hes sucking cocks and being morbidly obese. He gate keeps important subjects by trying to make it cool to be a nihilistic broken man who is into dark and very real shit as a hobby and also make jokes about it
Owens is just pretty obvious. Shes a nationalist grifter whos only famous for being black and a woman

>> No.24379260

kys retard

>> No.24379267

is the argument that they're distracting people from that?

that's not gatekeeping

>> No.24379277

shes a civnat you retard. with an emphasis on ma strugglin peepo. the nationalist label isnt inherently good, dont be sperg

>> No.24379294

the concept of gatekeeping implies that he has some information or construct that is exclusively under their control

if you want to find information about these important topics, you literally have million sources to get there

Dillin isn't in the way of anything you want access to

>> No.24379302

conservatism is what it is, they're often labelled as civnats but they're in no way nationalist in any way shape or form

>> No.24379354

yes, precisely, hes a gatekeeper in the sense that there is no way he has explored the topics he does without confronting the true nature of what this is - pure metaphysical evil. So instead of honestly confronting it, starting with his homosexual, obese, broken self, he uses it as a grift to make it a hobby for midwits to peruse. A lot of these types have popped up. its cool to talk about this stuff and do nothing about it. Someone like him who constantly talks about it is being totally disingenuous by only covering the superficial shit
ok ill take your word for it, i barely know about owens

>> No.24379364
File: 1.42 MB, 3150x1488, 1601287549776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that dumb sheboon called Hitler a liberal and a globalist

>> No.24379365

>Shes a nationalist grifter whos only famous for being black and a woman
these are god cards agains the left since they can't just pull sexist/race cards against her (which seems dumb, but we've seen how effective it is to low iq emotional crowds) and since they can't win rationality based arguments, she will win every time

>> No.24379387
File: 295 KB, 781x564, 1590830910713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats are duh real racists!

>> No.24379397

litecoin, bitcoin was too expensive

>> No.24379404

so she's in a unique position to save us in a way that noone else can

>> No.24379424

yeah seriously this >>24379387
you guys have to stop playing within the boundaries drawn by people who explicitly set out to destroy you. fuck appeasing their delusions and fuck candace owens. this thinking has had the right on the defensive for like 70 years+

>> No.24379458
File: 420 KB, 1290x619, 1600797168354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24379477

i mean your exact point here is kind of why i think nationalism, conservatism, liberalism, communism, all useless junk terms. I want normal people with normal beliefs. People who are good and proud of it. All of these labels are gay. Hitler was based because he was literally direct opposition to communism and liberalism. Not that he muh principled tpusa conservative. He literally jsut loved Germans

>> No.24379490

i agree

>> No.24379518

her chin is like the revival chart of SNX

>> No.24379539
File: 48 KB, 645x363, um excuse me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
