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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24369574 No.24369574 [Reply] [Original]


>Aggregator already works, works with any cex/dex that supports instant settlement
>Proven NATIVE eth-btc swaps, no wrapped bullshit/side chain nonsense need

Fudders can go fuck themselves. They never listen to answers to their fud, instead they just go on and on because they are homosexual gay niggers.

>> No.24369735

>Muh centralized shitcoin

>> No.24369743

It's not centralised cz, we've been through this.

>> No.24370395

>lightning swaps

>> No.24370444

>Aggregator already works, works with any cex/dex that supports instant settlement
What part of this did you not understand?

>> No.24370460

XSN 1 numara. X9 geliştiricileri 1 numara

>> No.24370485

not putting my money in a coin infested with cockroaches

>> No.24370500

Stakenet is best and will rule the cryptöcurency. XSN $100

>> No.24370582

Checked. Fudders btfo.

>> No.24370665

do the cexs use lightning

>> No.24370723

It doesn't matter if they use lightning or not, the aggregators works as long as they support instant SETTLEMENT.

>> No.24370961
File: 343 KB, 700x515, sango mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in

>> No.24370966

so if they don't need lightning its still layer 1

>> No.24371041

Retard, stakenet DEX is a lightning DEX. The aggregator that stakenet uses works on any DEX or CEX that supports instant settlement. Those CEX/DEX that get aggregated don't need to be on lightning.

>> No.24371046

Fudders keep losing. Layer 2. Instant. DEX. See ya in 2021 when younare trying to fud it from 5 dollars to 3.

>> No.24371073

bros help me, the fudders are about equal the shillers on xsn which fucking way to do i go with it and why

>> No.24371081

They aren't equal at all. Learn to read.

>> No.24371238

Kys faggots.

>> No.24371364

oh, i didn't realize cexs allowed trading through external wallets

>> No.24371388

How do you think any aggregator works?

>> No.24371673

they dont

>> No.24371716

They do. What do you think arbitrage is?

>> No.24371739

helo I am agregator I have 100 aple on CEX
someone buy 1 apple for $1.01 on DEX I sell aple for $1 on CEX

woah I ran out of aples on the DEX/CEX I sen one from one to other manual to refil my waterability

>> No.24371768

roach detected

>> No.24371785
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>> No.24371920


>> No.24372001

The issue they're raising is if the aggregators need to increase the amount of BTC on the dex to meet buy demand it cant actually be transfered to their dex wallet from their cex account at the lightning speed, only a normal transfer creating a delay. This would only happen if BTC buy demand outstripped both dex order book supply and any held/pooled btc in arbiters/aggregators actual wallets?

>> No.24372144
File: 54 KB, 474x591, 1590120089246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DEX is somewhat usable, but XSN as a coin is worthless and useless. The developers are putting the usa-case of the coin as last priority.

Well to be fair, BTC is as worthless as XSN when it comes to use-cases.

DYOR as always.

>> No.24372221

>XSN as a coin is worthless and useless
No it's not retard. XSN is required to make a masternode. The masternodes will host the dex fully in the future.

Currently the DEX is ran by a DEX HUB which is made of MASTERNODES.

>> No.24372252

>The masternodes will host the dex fully in the future.
Which means never.

>> No.24372274
File: 51 KB, 600x525, 1605647349720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently the DEX is ran by a DEX HUB which is made of MASTERNODES.
Now this one's full of shit. As always, DYOR guys.

>> No.24372286

The cex having lightning or not doesn't impact the aggregator. The aggregator only goes to the cex when it needs more of a certain coin/token for lightning swaps on the dex.

>> No.24372298

>Currently the DEX is ran by a DEX HUB which is made of MASTERNODES.
This means XSN already is in use for 1 for it's intended usecases.

>> No.24372314
File: 33 KB, 303x298, E13E55F4-FECF-4693-9EBD-398087A0694E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XSN has dedicated fudders now

We’re coming up boys

>> No.24372325

We've had fudders for far over 6+ months.

>> No.24372347

Kys nigger.

>> No.24372365

so there's still a bottleneck

>> No.24372499
File: 167 KB, 1160x1420, xsnFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6+ months
if you're talking '30 posts by this ID' ironic curryposting and seethe, almost 2 years of dedication

>> No.24372516

Imagine spending much of your year promoting literal vaporware where the team dumps on you every spike up cuz it's free money to them.

Mad cringe.

DMG solves this, but you won't listen down here.

>> No.24372519

Checked, that's a lot of time spent seething when he could have been accumulating.

>> No.24372537

Imagine spending much of your year fudding 'literal vaporware' where the 'team' dumps on you every spike up cuz it's free money to them.

Mad cringe.

DMG is a shitcoin btw.

>> No.24372543
File: 94 KB, 1093x695, I wanna eat Ringo's ringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they prove me wrong by calling me fud
I was expecting technical answers but I guess you retards just couldn't stop sucking cocks.

>Currently the DEX is ran by a DEX HUB which is made of MASTERNODES.
This is still a theory, the developers have not shown how this works or has proved that this system is already working. As always, DYOR guys and don't believe in whatever shillers/developers are telling you.

>> No.24372572

No it's not a theory retard. Currently there is 1 dex hub running the dex. Otherwise the dex wouldn't be online at all.

Even kek thinks you're a retard.

>> No.24372587

You haven’t been able to make a single coherent point in any of your arguments thus far, then walk off like a Jew pretending to not remember any counterpoints given to you

Stick around and make us famous faggot

>> No.24372670
File: 37 KB, 610x422, vintage posw trash scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

March 2019
>brainlet wojaks
>Lightning swaps "DOA"
>posw trash scam
It's more or less the same as now.

>> No.24372763
File: 193 KB, 446x489, 1606065955469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently there is 1 dex hub running the dex.
>1 dex hub is made of all masternodes combined
>not 1 dex hub = 1 masternode
The system in theory is still centralized.

>> No.24372791
File: 33 KB, 701x264, lmaofuddersbtfoagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard 33 IQ nigger. A dex hub is made from multiple nodes, I have stated this in my previous comments. Kys jew.

>> No.24372865


lol sandeep good work hope they paid you more than 10c for this thread

>> No.24372905

LOL why do people buy this shit instead of Thorchain? Low IQ?

>> No.24372919

Because thorchain is another shit 'dex'.

>> No.24372925

>I have stated this in my previous comments.
No, you didn't.


>> No.24372963

Yes I did. >>24372221
>Currently the DEX is ran by a DEX HUB which is made of MASTERNODES.
>DEX HUB which is made of MASTERNODES.

>> No.24372974
File: 42 KB, 756x490, vintage IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

November 2018
>fucking paid shill poo in loo pajeet posw scam
More or less the same.

>> No.24373195
File: 80 KB, 758x737, vintage VI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 2018
>vaporware PnD scam
>everything they're integrating (atomic swaps, sw, ln) has no purpose
This was back when they first implemented SegWit and LN, about 3-4 months before the first "hard" LN swaps were demoed.
The goalposts were moved a lot, but the tone is.. more or less the same. Only now, it's with BTC/ETH swaps instead of as LN or LN swaps as a concept.

>> No.24373220

Post more vintage fud.

>> No.24373335
File: 70 KB, 758x562, vintage II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lightning Atomic Swaps are ultimately a pointless feature
>how DARE you use the LTC brand
This was from around the time that X9 helped the LTC devs upgrade to LN. An accomplishment that, just a few weeks back, fudders vehemently denied ever happening

>> No.24373363
File: 69 KB, 790x835, fellow anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference

>> No.24373397

Kek, fud never changes.

>> No.24373667
File: 70 KB, 1114x798, 2018-12-06 $88 ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a funny thing looking through the /biz/ time capsule.
XSN mentioned in a gem shill thread from January 2019. Save for LINK, basically every other coin shilled is long-forgotten...

I found one of my old threads from December 2018 when ETH was sub-$90. Pic related.
Some of the posts are insightful, others just miss the mark i.e. "buy at $80" when the bottom was around $85, some were peak bobo.

>> No.24374014

There's only a few coins i still that are still here, rsr and phantom. Although i don't own either of them

>> No.24374241

rlc is another one that made it out

>> No.24374248

If anyone has funds on cryptopia read this


>> No.24374620

>info leaked to 3rd party
shit. glad i use different passwords on every account

>> No.24374999

>devs have a masterkey
>devs own most of the masternodes
>devs use those masternodes to print 7 million XSN for themselves
Nice DAO you got there.

>> No.24375149

Checked but incorrect.

>> No.24375170
File: 64 KB, 760x614, 19p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 posts by this ID
>same line-for-line misinformation from yesterday and the past several months before it
checked for desperation

>> No.24376277


>> No.24376668


>> No.24377024

The Cryptopia hack perfectly exemplifies the need for an efficient, scalable DEX.

>> No.24377672
File: 16 KB, 259x194, 1497303616516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting serious early link vibes from all the fud. Perhaps I should get myself a masternode after all.

>> No.24377758

Do it. 1mn to make it long term.

>> No.24378258

Alright that's fantastic can't wait for this to roll out but I WILL NOT BUY XSN fuck your scam coin.

>> No.24378432

>line-for-line misinformation
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it misinformation. Stakenet is a scam.

>> No.24378593

It's because it's all fake. All the fud is shit tier cover ears and spam.

>> No.24378777


>> No.24378934

>It's because it's all fake. All the fud is shit tier cover ears and spam.
Please let us know what about it is fake? Only thing fake here is the Stakenet scam roadmap.

>> No.24379309


>> No.24379373

Typical shill answer. Fuck these summer scams.