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24326148 No.24326148 [Reply] [Original]

[randomly devalues 60%]
>I'm telling you serious people are seeing bitcoin as a store of value!!

>> No.24326217
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>> No.24326229
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>> No.24326245

You fucking reddit fags will never understand store of value and basic understanding of economics and money. Kys..

>> No.24326256
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>> No.24326277

It's not a short term store of value. It's a long term one. Cash has short term stability but you lose in the end due to inflation. Bitcoin is the opposite

>> No.24326308

>long term store of value that gets banned the minute CBDCs come out i.e. in a year or two

>> No.24326328


>> No.24326360 [DELETED] 

Do you want to make your investment go up to the moon? The RBC token is the best and easiest way to get it:
> trade on Rubic without limits
> create, manage and list your token
> triple your daily profit from RBC holding

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat
Build your own rocket to the moon

>> No.24326440

Bitcoin for the year went +280%, dropped -5%, gold for the year went +30% then dropped 15%, hurrrr durrr golds a store of value too, it’s almost like all assets are held by the same funds that dump at the same time as we saw during the coronavirus fud when gold n silver dumped as much as stocks

>> No.24327352


I think crypto is not for you. Why are you on this board?

>> No.24327401

Zoom out
If somebody has bought btc during the past few years, except by buying in an ATH, they are in profit

>> No.24327995

99.99% of institutions and fund managers do not care about the autism of trading, they simply see the value of investments retracting 50% every few months. How are they supposed to explain that. Why are you all so fucking unrealistic holy fuck

>> No.24328027

You had 3 years

>> No.24328159
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>> No.24328218

They're not trading, that's the point. The person you replied to is implying that the buyer simply held. If they would have traded - they most likely would have been destroyed.

During the March crash, Bitcoin fell less than many blue chip stocks. That's what institutions are looking at now. Think Bitcoin is any more volatile than Apple right now? Or the stock market in general? Traditional methods of valuations based on earnings have now completely detached from reality, we are in uncharted territory.

Bonds are gone, that means that the 60/40 portfolio is dead. You have an investment vehicle that was just wiped off the face of the earth and will probably see negative yield next year.

Bitcoin is all about asymmetric upside. You can lose everything in some sort of black swan event (just like with any investment), however there doesn't appear to be a limit in terms of how high Bitcoin can go. Bitcoin is a new asset class, but let's just compare it with gold, if it matches gold it would have 35x'd from here. Why would it compete with gold? It does everything gold does, only better, and it does more than gold. Solving trustlessness is like inventing fire, if you don't understand this, then you don't understand Bitcion.

More and more institutions trickle in and especially as the Millenial's gradually take over, Bitcoin will see a meteoric rise that has been unprecedented and will be unprecedented still.

>> No.24328575


>> No.24328653
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>private keys
>atomic swaps

>> No.24328876

Anyone with half a brain who has been paying attention to Bitcoin for even the past 2 years or so can see how volatile and unpredictable its value can be.

If "volatility" isn't part of your definition for "store of value", then you won't want to touch Bitcoin. Some people/investment firms have higher tolerance for risk than others. Simple as. Doesn't mean Bitcoin should never be seen as a store of value by anyone.

>> No.24328902

just buy the moving average and you get your store of value

>> No.24328937

>Solving trustlessness is like inventing fire

This too, good post. Bitcoin is beyond anything we've seen before. Simply trying to shove it into a "store of value" box and then making fun of it when it doesn't fit is stupid and low IQ as fuck.

>> No.24328967


>> No.24329024

You are making fun of someone who has a lot more money than you, and doesnt spend it on apple products, avocado toast and onions latees.

you will never be a woman
you will always be a poor loser.

Because the minute you manage to get 10,000$ you would spend them on a BMW and be back to poortown.

>> No.24329181
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People need to realize just how early we are. Bitcoin is only 11 years old, gold has been around for thousands of years. However Bitcoin has been eating up the world ever since its birth. It was valued at zero at a certain point. It takes time for education and adoption to happen. Many Boomers have trouble understanding digital assets, Millenial's don't have the same problem, as the parabola of digitization continues, future generations will understand it even better. Millenial's only hold 5% (5 percent!) of the wealth and the wealth transfer from Millenial's to Boomers will be the greatest in history. The future rise of Bitcoin is essentially basic arithmetic at this point. It's mispriced.

Those who understand this have bought and continue to buy. Buying after it already 100x's from here and the entire market and their dog finally accepts it is easy. Great wealth isn't accrued in this way. Great wealth is accrued when you understand or can do something better than others.

>> No.24329282


other distributed ledger technologies offer trustlessness without high fees and slow transactions.

if you're really infatuated with proof of work, litecoin seems strictly better than bitcoin since it supports L2, has a faster block time with roughly the same block size, and fewer notable forks. somewhat better asic resistance too although asics exist. xmr is asic-proof but i don't know to what extent it can support layer 2 stuff.

>> No.24329330


but bitcoin proponents always ignore the fact that there are other POW blockchains that are pretty far along and have various technical advantages, because it undermines their conception of bitcoin as a "scarce resource" and their fallacious application of the stock-to-flow model.

>> No.24329473

I recommend listening to Michael Saylor if you really want to deep dive. He covers this in depth and is pretty convincing. Also, I know that network effect and first mover advantage are boring arguments, but they should be meditated on seriously. The probability that Litecoin (btw what's to stop another faster cheaper chain to overthrow Litecoin? You're saying Litecoin can't be beaten ever? That cycle can happen forever), is very improbable.

>> No.24329529

>their fallacious application of the stock-to-flow model.

which, by the way, doesn't make much sense because, forgotten private keys notwithstanding, little bitcoin is ever permanently lost or destroyed.

>> No.24329615

>he "knows" its a long term store of value
>sample size of 11 years

>> No.24329697


not at all. i think people will eventually start to favor proof-of-stake/consensus-based ledgers. proof of work based coins will continue to exist but the cost and inconvenience of transacting on those chains, along with their more-or-less constant block throughput will limit growth and adoption. bitcoin is hugely overvalued right now and i think a clogged mempool and expensive transactions will tend to make people look elsewhere. bitcoin's "store of value" argument is very weak.

>> No.24329830
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>> No.24330366

Personally I can't wait to see proof of stake play out. I hope it succeeds as it would be another opt-out option from the monetary systems we have now, but is purely speculative at this point. I couldn't disagree more on your viewpoints but we shouldn't be arguing with each other but rather people that have no clue what we're talking about.

>> No.24330634

2000 iq post

>> No.24330683

Thanks nigga, I needed to hear that

>> No.24330885

if were unrealistic. explain why we are in a plandemic, and stocks break ATHs, Real Estate is pumping, meanwhile the government is printing 20 more trillion in the next 4 years, along with record levels of unemployment, and the shittiest economy since the great depression.

you call crypto people autistic, meanwhile you are another normie fag that still has not woken from the spell that is in front of you. Every market is rigged and a ponzi scheme, and you act like your shit dont stink because you avoid crypto,

youre a fucking joke

>> No.24330926
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This. Homosexuals are gay

>> No.24330927 [DELETED] 
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Imo I have found a new Gem!

Put a glance at DDIM on Uniswap, it seems like the DuckDAO platform made a revolution among investment systems. Take a look at duckdao.io, share your opinion about it

>> No.24330961
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Kike. I own more bitcoin than you. Do nazis becoming rich bother you? Scare you perhaps?

>> No.24330996

I made 150k trading this year. you faggot boomer, get gud.

>> No.24331016

>lite coin shill
Jeez you CCP fucks are freaking out huh?

>> No.24331078

>opt-out option from the monetary systems we have now

i think precious metals are really the only solid "zero maintenance" store of value, particularly silver and platinum-group metals, which have significant industrial demand.

>> No.24331147


>> No.24331636

how come that nigger isn't glowing?

>> No.24332094



>> No.24332116



>> No.24332140


>just do this autistic thing that fund managers and institutions know nothing about and aren't going to do

you're the type of person that tells everyone they know to install linux. I wont EVER install linux, fuck off

>> No.24332159


pure cope

>> No.24332185
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>calls ME a joke


cope and dilate over your soon to be banned retracement vehicle

>> No.24332211


absolutely dilating

>> No.24332225

Best biz post I’ve seen in awhile, makes these dips the last few days laughable

>> No.24332537

>but we shouldn't be arguing with each other but rather people that have no clue what we're talking about.

and i disagree with that. i'd much prefer to hear some alternative viewpoints and see if my own viewpoint holds up.

"bitcoin is scarce, therefore it is valuable" is not only a non-sequitur, but its scarcity premise is arguably untrue to begin with.

>> No.24333034



>> No.24333263
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>Solving trustlessness is like inventing fire, if you don't understand this, then you don't understand Bitcion.

>> No.24333303

this is a weird psyop.