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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24321334 No.24321334 [Reply] [Original]

Does it mean making $1 Million dollars or getting laid, finding a life partner or having children?

What exactly does it mean to you?

>> No.24321345

it means dying.

>> No.24321351

Friendly reminder that making 1 million dollars in Amerimuttca means giving 500k to the state lmao

>> No.24321357

$50k cash cuz then I can invest it and basically be free from wage slavery for life

>> No.24321369

You decide anon. Where do you want to be in life?
Fight and scratch til you are there.

>> No.24321374

Not having to wageslave ever again.
Financial freedom.

>> No.24321398

Whatever you want it to mean.

>> No.24321419

>Have 30k to invest
>still a wagecuck
What do you mean?

>> No.24321429

For at least half of this board it means using a toilet for the first time

>> No.24321493

For me it's
> $2MM+ (enough passive income for me to not have to worry about money for the rest of my life)
> good long term relationship
> healthy
> doing something with my life I find fulfulling
> $1MM
> Eating healthy but not really exercising much (hope to fix this soon)
> no gf but not really trying atm
> I hope to start some sort of small business within a few years

>> No.24321521

i am ishtpreet godtheviatane and i approve this post

>> No.24321536

this is the only right answer

>> No.24321619

500k is still enough to get the fuck outta dodge and never have to worry about Burgertaxes ever again if you move to Europe or Australia/NZ, America is completely fucked

>> No.24321685

For me? It means never having to work wagie jobs again, buying a house near a secluded beach, buying a video camera and traveling the world (after corona) and filming animals. My kino life

>> No.24321686 [DELETED] 

You do know that living expenses are th same/ higher in most places in Europe (except for EE), Australia and NZ than the US, right? And taxes are usually higher too.

500k is not enough to retire in a wealthy first world country.

>> No.24321692

Subjective for every person anon.

>> No.24321748

UK and AUS are literally Orwellian police states that ban you from owning guns or free speech. Taxes suck, but you are just paying with your money, not your soul.

>> No.24321765

Generational Wealth
Any other answer is incorrect

>> No.24321774

sir, my bilages not having this,

>> No.24321787

Literally don't give a shit about guns, but yeah I would never willingly go to UK to live.

>> No.24321810

10 million $, at a reasonable 50k link stack this means a 200$ price.
It also means getting married to a virgin loyal young wife.

>> No.24321840

>people miring your physique
>getting conservative biggie milkie gf
>XRP 2K eoy
Making it is whatever you want it to be

>> No.24322068

>Imagine actually paying tax to the jews

>> No.24322427


>> No.24322486

Making it is whatever specifically makes you happy.

I do think financial freedom is an essential component though.

>> No.24322520

being happy is a chemical process. you can achieve this by shooting up heroine or smoking meth, but we both know that is not considered making it.

>> No.24322942

non-obese big tiddy wife with conservative values. child(ren) who share & respect parents' values voluntarily and without coercion. no health issues in the family. the rest is just gravy, fren.

>> No.24322968

Making it to me means no debt while owing a house.

>> No.24322970

For me, making it means a new 18 year old asian girl to sit on my face every day for the rest of my life.

>> No.24323014

Ahhh..... thats gotta feel so good, the people dying usually dont even say a word when they pass because of all the happy chemicals hitting the brain they literally stop functioning because of all the overload of happiness.

>> No.24323061
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It's all personal my fren. To me making it wouls be eough money to set me and my family for life, to invest in my friends' endeavors, and to be able to travel around when I went where I want, without having to worry about money. Basically millions. But to you it might be different. There is no set definition for 'making it'

>> No.24323084

Financial security, being able to focus all my time on finding a great husband and having kids, a decent house with ample garden and my parent's retirement secured

>> No.24323092

This is the only right answer.

>> No.24323109


Have enough money to never worry. Being able to travel. Getting to knock up at least 10 different women and be able to afford child support but not live with them.

>> No.24323127

Best of luck anon

>> No.24323136

Good, you pretty much nailed it

>> No.24323145


>> No.24323151

A mortgage free property, a modest passive income and enough that you can choose to not work for a few years if you want. Im keeping btc for long term, and eth for passive income, i will sell my link and shitcoin stacks at the right time and put it into starting a physical business or real estate to achieve this. Should have it all sorted by age 40 i think

>> No.24323165

When you make it, you don't have to invest

>> No.24323176

the last one, are you 12 years old?

>> No.24323187


>> No.24323211


>50k in crypto
>qt wife
>no kids
>meh job

Making it would be

>2m assets
>qt wife
>2-3 kids
>house + property
>no day job

>> No.24323222
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Got sustainable streams of income like offline and online investments? Spreading your risk? Owning passive incomes like staking for monthly returns using (https://2no.co/2gZxw5)?? Or simply daydreaming?? Pick your struggles

>> No.24323527

Serious question: Are mutual funds A good investment for passive income?

>> No.24323573

depends on the board
/biz/ = financial freedom
/pol/ = family and kids
/fit/ = hot body

>> No.24324257

Best answer but a lot of boomers and neo-boomers migrate from pol to biz and also believe that reproduction is the meaning of life. They’re ignorant and wrong but that’s the case.

>> No.24324472

Having enough in crypto to stake passively so that I can buy land, build a house, work the land, and marry my gf to start a family. From there on out Ill just continue in crypto, and I have a few startup ideas. That's all I really want.

>> No.24324507

healthy body, stable relationship, good income, not betraying your own principles and beliefs.

>> No.24324639

kekd, have an upvote

>> No.24325401

fuck you

>> No.24325526

It means wearing adult diapers and shitting yourself so often that it starts to ooze out of the sides.

>> No.24325583

Enough passive income to live like you have a job without having a job

for me that'd be around 2 mil since I can invest that and withdraw ~3% annually for eternity. Having 60k in my pocket without working would kick ass.

>> No.24325584
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>> No.24325672

It’s amazing how primitive you all sound in this thread.
>muh wife and kids
>muh house and mortgage
>muh endless cycle of birth and death worship
Fucking kys if all you can do is act like a hive-mind sheep follower incapable of creative or independent thinking outside of base biological desires.

>> No.24325694

relax, it's just the /pol/ crossboarder kiddies who think like this

>> No.24325742


>> No.24325809

reproduction is the meaning of life, how do you preserve the meaning you create if there's no one after you?

>> No.24325836

Keep going, you're gonna make it

>> No.24325902

It means safety net of real estate and steady if small income from it. Then I can decide what to do with most of my time and don't have to sell it to anyone.

>> No.24325915

It's the same in Europe, not sure about NZ.

>> No.24325967

there's no point since big crunch of the universe

making it means at least 10 million and not having to work and enjoy a decent quality of life

>> No.24325968

financial security and disposable income
passive income

>> No.24326018
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this is the correct answer, objectively.
fucking normalfags need to get out of here

>> No.24326047

For me making it is a 5 year plan. My crypto stack is enough that the golden bullrun of 21 should get me enough to replace my wageslave for 4 years and everything else goes back into crypto end of 22 after the crash (all this assumes the 4 year cycle). I doubt Ill make enough this run to last a lifetime but all going well I should be comfy comfy in 2025 and on. Im only 27 now so all good. A 5x from here gets me where I can take out the 4 years and coast. Cmon 4 year cycle golden bulkrun. We all waiting

>> No.24326054

loser point of view
if we don't try to survive that of course we won't make it
we have a choice, trying and possibly triumph as a species, or doing nothing and disappearing from existence like fucking losers

>> No.24326128

why do you want species to survive? once you're gone, it's like you were never there, since there's no you to remember about yourself, it literally doesn't matter

>> No.24326203

>They’re ignorant and wrong but that’s the case
sounds to me like they are based and also redpilled

>> No.24326224

Having enough money to retire early.

If you made $1,000,000 in one year, you would owe about $330K in federal income taxes. Not state would have an additional $170K. And few, if any of us, actually plan on making $1M in one year.

>> No.24326227

it's not about the species itself, it's about our creations, many of our creations must be preserved, half of one life is more than enough to experience our creations and realize that it's our duty to preserve those in an effort to keep producing increasingly better creations up to an unfathomable beauty in the distant future, but for that we have to be decent humans beings and not losers

>> No.24326230

If your Dad was as much a loser as you it wouldnt matter but he wasn't so it does.

>> No.24326232

Making enough to live comfortably (and frugally) off passive income alone. Escaping the rat race that is wagecucking.

>> No.24326284

Your "creative and independent thinking outside of base biological desires" serves no purpose and goes extinct without reproduction.

>> No.24326357

>t. atheist
But seriously you’re just doing what animals do, and yet some human minds are wholly unique and unprecedented relative to the rest of nature. You’re not meant to be doing what animals do forever and ever. There is a spiritual aspect of your self that needs to be freed from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Having kids is just another egotistical grasp at immortality at a subconscious level.

>> No.24326363

beauty? for who or what? you do realize that the only one caring about "creations" are living things like you and only those that are currently living? If there's no one to see your "creations", they don't matter a single bit. You can make up any "reason" in your mind, but matter of fact is - have humans never existed, there would be no one to notice or care. It's irrelevant how many generations will see your "creations" if one day they go extinct.

>> No.24326384

$4MM with no tax obligation (getting taxed afterwards on divs and whatnot is fine)

>> No.24326393

Jew atheist point of view. We’re not animals nor are animals losers for succumbing to the natural way of life. Fucking retard.

>> No.24326413

More like boring normies who can’t grasp meaning outside of animal desires, like you.

>> No.24326485

animals don't create beauty like us

for who? everyone
for what? why not? you have a choice: create beauty or not create beauty. why not creating beauty if you have a choice? of course the piece of shit will do nothing. we're worth far more than this.
that's why reproduction is important. to have people experiencing our creations, keep creating, and keep preserving. it's a cycle. but not for losers.
"if" they go extinct. that's the whole point. to NOT go extinct

>> No.24326532

like what? getting stoned? playing video games? uploading your consciousness to the satanic hivemind in search of immortality?

>> No.24326538

Learn to read faggot I said we ARENT animals.

>> No.24326568

again animals don't create beauty and don't have our level of consciousness and abilities.
well if you don't want to reproduce then don't, and I'll be happy to have your genes wiped out of the species gene pool.
if you can't understand the value of our species, then you're not a huge loss anyway.

>> No.24326596

...Or maybe working towards spiritual ascension as many ancient belief systems recommended. The Game of Life is entertaining but eventually you have to turn it off and go back to the beginning. Maybe it’s not your time yet.

>> No.24326641

Kys why are you arguing with me over shit I didn’t say?

>> No.24326667

why not? that's the answer? Why yes? Was you never here, you wouldn't be even able to care?
>to NOT go extinct
so we're doing circle already, you still have no answer to WHY keep species alive. The only reason is nature's reason - because that's how life works. It reproduces because if it didn't it would stop being a thing. This isn't your reason to do it, though, unless you see yourself only as a slave to nature of life. Hardly a good reason that's relevant to human that is experiencing the life itself, since he's gonna die anyway and not even remember that it ever was.

>> No.24326671

anon, you do know that the USA's IRS is the only agency in the world that will tax you wherever you go. You want to cash out and decide to move to Singapore? Still gotta pay the IRS. Look it up, it's insane.

>> No.24326699

our creations are meant to be timeless and preserved by us and our descendant forever (and I'm not even an atheist)

>> No.24326700

living in a modestly sized house that is 100% paid off, far away with niggers and spics. never lifting another finger for shekelstein again. oh, and railing thin blonde polish girls with D cup tits every weekend with no condom.

>> No.24326743


>> No.24326784

Where the fuck did you get that idea? History is cyclical, a repeating pattern, and nothing will survive at the end. This idea is found in nearly every major religion and belief system too, and I don’t recall any of them implying that we should make our creations immortal.

>> No.24326792
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only if you're a mid range IQ midwit

>> No.24326814

why keep the species alive, I told you, to preserve our creations. of course you can reproduce with no purpose. but having the purpose to create and preserve beauty is superior don't you think
it's better to die knowing our creations will be preserved, than dying knowing our creations will disappear

>> No.24326867

I don't care about this. I'm saying this: we were gifted the ability to create beauty, and it's up to us to preserve it and to be as good as we can be. simply doing this has only positives, and it only strengthen the merit of the initial creator.

>> No.24326882

aaaaand we're back
ok, have your creations and hit me up when you're dead so we can enjoy them together and so we can enjoy you knowing that you died with creations preserved
and also do it every 100 years, I'm sure the creations will keep being preserved into infinite future, so you will be able to be dead happy forever and enjoy it

fucking retard

>> No.24326914

>I don’t care what you say just listen to me whine about my egotistical desires of immortality
What an absolute nigger

>> No.24326979

what's more nigger, wanting to create beauty and preserve it, or the contrary? it's a choice we have.

>> No.24327023

i feel so bad for every American i meet here in Switzerland, total Tax Cucks

>> No.24327050

honestly, we don't have a choice. all creations will end at some point, sooner or later. reproducing only manages to extend the duration of preservation of this so-called "beauty".

>> No.24327105

what are you talking about? of course we'll die, and the point is to have someone after us that keeps improving what we did. it's better than having no real purpose. if you have a point to make then make a clear statement

>> No.24327157
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>500k is still enough
Imagine making ONE MILLION and having to cope like this hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.24327160

>all creations will end at some point, sooner or later
we have no idea about that, only certainty is that it will end if we do nothing about it

>> No.24327182

Making it = Purple Tesla Roadster with the SpaceX pack

>> No.24327191

>if you have a point to make then make a clear statement
>completely ignores what I already said

>> No.24327213

anything north of not having to wagecuck a single day of your life

>> No.24327259

I gave you your answers and all you responded in the end was "and we're back, hit me up when you're dead, do it every 100 years (???), creations will keep being preserved (...yes?), fucking retard"

so you'll understand that I'm failing to see your point

>> No.24327264

lol, i envy your positivity, but for life to continue existing even millions of years of now we'd have to be extremely lucky. the chance of that happening is almost 0. and even in that case, the entire thread was about having kids of your own, which doesn't impact the chance of humanity's continued existence even by a fraction.
the true red pill is to just enjoy the one life you have on earth, and live it however you want. if you want to wageslave for a family of 3 kids then go ahead. i'd rather play video games, hang out with the boys, fuck prostitutes, do drugs and eat pizza. having children is the last thing on my mind.
and guess what, it doesn't mean shit for humanity's survival if i do this.

>> No.24327279

so you're a Gnostic, well according to Jesus the only path to salvation is through him

>> No.24327289

Yes, I understand, that's why I called you a retard and responded with

now scram, retard

>> No.24327301

800m networth (made via crazy gambles/trades) so I can fund Islamic terrorism in Asian countries

>> No.24327318


Long term capital gains tax means we only pay 10% to shaniquas cocaine fund

>> No.24327320

But isn’t that if it’s taxed as income? If you invested and held for a year shouldn’t it just be cap gains tax?

>> No.24327321

making it depends on what your goals are in life. if you wanted a van to live in and some spending money making it looks very different than someone who wants a mansion with 3 pools a guest house on 100 acres.

>> No.24327326
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>getting laid

>> No.24327348

You will never be a woman

>> No.24327362

For me making it right now is to make 100k from crypto

>> No.24327379

Congrats on writing the most stupid shit on biz today. You live in quite the fantasy. But I can also tell you’re young so there’s still time.

>many belief systems
>”Oh, so you’re Gnostic.”
How many times were you dropped on your head?

>> No.24327398

the problem is not on me, but rather on you failing to make up a clear statement about what you think, we can't make up your points for you if you don't state them, read me again if you didn't understood

>> No.24327418

>read me again if you didn't understood
oh the irony

I said, SCRAM

>> No.24327473

you're a pessimist, I'm an optimist. that's just it.
I'm also a pessimist but only for short term, not for long term

>> No.24327505

>i'd rather play video games, hang out with the boys, fuck prostitutes, do drugs and eat pizza.

underage b&

>> No.24327518

stay with your miserable opinion of our species then

>> No.24327593

That's also correct.

>> No.24327623
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>Convert to a stable coin/USD
>Cash out $40,000/yr
>Pay a little tax to avoid getting audited
>Tyrone/Jose get none of my tendies
>Wagecucks mad
>Liberals mad
>Jews mad
>Retire in SEA with a harem

>> No.24327660

please tell me which demonic religion you follow

>> No.24327831

>”for the greater good of the hive!”

I’ve studied belief systems I don’t follow one in particular. Following is for sheep like you.

>> No.24327891

>I’ve studied belief systems I don’t follow one in particular. Following is for sheep like you.
kek, can we please bring back the fedora meme

>> No.24328211

Join the new TG Channel:

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Mafia.network, 35%+ pump.
Chess coin, 100%+ pump.
DogeFi, 100%+ pump.
UniCrapToken, 120%+ pump.
BaconSwap, 220%+ pump.
Toast.Finance, (House) 125%+ pump.
Jiaozi, (Jiaozi) 70%+ pump.
YFScience, (YFSI) 70%+ pump.
Fiscus FYI, (FFYI) 60%+ pump.
New Year Bull, (NYB) 50%+ pump.

I will not be participating in any Moonshots in this new channel to create a fair environment for everyone. Instead I will look for other ways to monetize the channel. This way when you participate in a Moonshot you don’t have to worry about admin dumping.

*****Our first Moonshot is on Saturday at 5pm GMT.*****

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