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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24273885 No.24273885 [Reply] [Original]

Does everyone here just want to make it with the main aim of being a NEET?

I don’t care about materialism, expensive cars clothes etc. I just want freedom. Enough for a decent mortgage free home with a bit of land and enough for 40-50k a year passive income will do my just fine for the rest of my life and ensure I never have to wage slave another day for someone else ever again in my life.

What’s your NEET fantasy??

>> No.24273937

I just want 100k. If I obtain 100k, I'll never be broke again.

>> No.24273972

I want to do exactly what I'm doing now which is live in a suite at the back of my parents property and play vidya/be on the internet nut he able to look at my bank account from time to time and see the number is over $1,000,000.

>> No.24273987

Basically this. I already have a mortgage free home with a decent chunk of land, got through this year on 25K (CAD)
Currently designing my dream home, won’t be anything too extravagant, a three level split with some decent space for entertaining plus a small gym and music Currently designing my dream home, won’t be anything too extravagant, a three level split with some decent space for entertaining plus a small gym and music studio. Then it’s just a matter of finding a nice chunk of land on a lake somewhere, most likely in the middle of the woods

>> No.24273999

I want a purpose, i want to have a career that i enjoy and gives me purpose and meaning. Not a boring deskjob that doesn't mean anything. Sometimes i envy athletes, not because of the money they make but because they're free. They doing what they love to do and also enjoying it while making millions. Finding a job or career worthwhile that you enjoy is the real struggle.

>> No.24274019

>If I obtain 100k, I'll never be broke again
Living off 100K will last you five years at 20K a year

>> No.24274025

discipline is unironically the gateway to freedom. you need to force yourself to do something productive otherwise you'll fester in apathy and unfulfilment. work, but work for you

>> No.24274046

Maybe he just wants a camper on an acre

>> No.24274064

I'm at a point in my life where my primary goals are:
> build a business
> have a family
The two are semi-related, in that whatever I business I build I'd want to leave to my children to set them up for a better future. It's important to me to build a meaningful legacy, so I'm trying to focus less on just making money and more on building an engine that will continue long after I'm gone.

>> No.24274065


>> No.24274073

I think you're seriously underestimating how difficult doing any kind of sport at an elite level is. the injuries, the endurance sessions, the restrictive diet, it's not as freeing as you'd think

>> No.24274184

I have and always will live frugally and minimalistic, so I just want enough for a decent house and car both fully paid off. Payments for these two things cripple the average person here for pretty much their whole lives. To be free of those debts is a big, big advantage.
The rest will go towards starting a business, NEET life is boring after some time I would take a year off working at the most.

>> No.24274260

I'm an architect. In order for me to make good money I have to take shit jobs on boring projects. I want to be able to focus on actually interesting developments without worrying about money. That and owning a mortgage free home

>> No.24274320

roughly this, but with 80-90k passive income

>> No.24274515

If you own the home free and clear, and aren’t a materialist, WTF do you need 50k a year for?

>> No.24274653

I'm not saying it's easy by any measure but it's what i would want to do, not specifically sport but something i enjoy and wake up on a monday morning looking forward to. The issue is finding something like this, i'm already 25 years old and have accomplished nothing, still haven't found anything i enjoy or want to do for the rest of my life.

>> No.24274754
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>> No.24274979

naw, I enjoy building/selling businesses, and selling stuff in general really, way too much. I'll probably be a merchant flipper my entire life no matter how much I make it

>> No.24274991
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>> No.24275392

>Have to constantly be on the alert of bear/wildlife attacks

>> No.24275490

I honestly don't know what people mean when they say freedom, I don't feel any more free as a NEET

>> No.24275533


No internet infrastructure, 50 miles from nearest Tendies store

>> No.24275580

In my job my employer can disrespect me without any repercussions and if I disrespect them back I get fired. That is one fundamental way that you are free.

>> No.24275625

how does one build businesses?

>> No.24275682

I don't want to be a neet, I unironically enjoy my day job. I just want to have money I can fuck around with without worrying

>> No.24275735


Truth, I would love to have a house paid off and then work part time to cover bills and luxuries, this is the way

>> No.24275775 [DELETED] 
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Rate this card

>> No.24275827

>find another company doing a business model you like successfully
>copy their business model but do it cheaper because you have less overhead
>manage and operate the business for a while
>sell its assets (brand, copyrights, site, store, mailing list, ads pixels, inventory, domains, etc) for a multiple of its revenue, usually 15-30x depending on the business

>> No.24276033
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Same here. In both the profession and meme. It would be so much better to pick and cose projects instead of getting whatever comes in

>> No.24276053

So what i just find what they're selling nad look for a cheaper supplier in china? export the product and start selling on my own site? ebay/amazon would get you copyright striked so yh not as easy as you make it seem to be.

>> No.24276204

Im mostly talking about services, but even what you're talking about is possible because a lot of things can't be copyrighted (fashion items, hand tools, kitchen appliances, etc) or are public domain. Its usually the company's brand that's copyrighted, not the product itself. And all those companies have millions/month adspend budgets, huge overhead, and need to charge like 10x multiples to make profit. You can't beat them on COGs, or brand recognition, but you can beat them on end price at the expense of your profit margin with effective marketing. I've sold dropshipping stores for 5 figures, and regularly see them selling for 7+

>> No.24276268

like what? and dropshipping stores are the most saturated things currently, everyone and their mother has a shopify store, it's terrible. Better luck exporting from china and then selling on ebay i guess.

>> No.24276319
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Unless you have enough money/passive income that you never have to work again, living the NEET life is not fun. It's actually really stressful because you're always worried about what happens if you run out of money.

>> No.24276395

> dropshipping stores are the most saturated things currently
shitty dropshipping stores, yes, but its literally impossible for ecommerce, or commerce as a whole to become oversaturated. That just creates more arbitrage opportunities via information overload (ie, it becomes harder to find the best deals)

just look at the asking prices of some of these sold stores

>> No.24276430
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i would be fine with a house i own and a 10k yearly income

my mom doesn't make 15k and she's able to make it because she owns her house

>> No.24276467


doesn't even make 15k and she's*

>> No.24276505

Athletes are notoriously bad with their money also

>> No.24276514

Same 100k and I made it

>> No.24276563

Ngtmi desu. If you can't appreciate nature for entertainment, spirituality and fulfillment, you will be wasting your money on things for happiness

>> No.24276624

>monthly profit 3k
>asking price 5k
why? don't see a reason to sell for othis price when you make more than half per month as profit, unless you have bigger projects. Anyways i have a method to get free googlead accounts each one with $500 ads on it so maybe i'll try that. but setting up a decent store takes so much effort, fuck me. I can find decent products from 1688 or taobao but it's a real hassle.

>> No.24276708

Ya that's honestly kind of suspect. Most of the revenues/profits are probably inflated at least somewhat as well

>> No.24276849

It would last me a century on current expenses.

>> No.24276858

40-50K passive income... lmao

Reduce your expectations to something more realistic and move to the third world.

>> No.24276864


>> No.24276916
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>40-50K passive income... lmao

>Reduce your expectations to something more realistic and move to the third world.

>> No.24277279

good input

>> No.24277325

What's the point of making it if you can't live like a NEET for the rest of your life

>> No.24277348
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>Reduce your expectations to something more realistic and move to the third world.

Shit i was thinking about flying this coop anyway. Where would you recommend

>> No.24277399


>> No.24277465

>I just want freedom
I want security. Safety, order and stability in this chaotic world will give me great peace of mind.

>> No.24277511

no, I was a neet for three years and it was terrible, I just want a good amount of money so that the academia cuck shed isn't so painful

>> No.24277972

I want to develop gravity based technology and space travel, do a new first contact with aliens and reach immortality...
And I want to have fun while doing it. Oh and spend some time in Japan for fun.

>> No.24277995

>40-50K passive income... lmao
Why do you find this humorous? Is 40-50k passive income some kind of astronomical figure?

>> No.24278018
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>Why do you find this humorous? Is 40-50k passive income some kind of astronomical figure?

>> No.24278475

solid argument

>> No.24278569

How do you live on $1000 a year? R U a wizard?

>> No.24278676

I work a shitty minimum wage job. I want to earn enough money to quit and never work there again. If i can find a way to make at least 1k each month i'll be so happy. My mental health will skyrocket.

>> No.24278871

I want to make it and just focus on song writing. Start a rock band a rock out. It could be the shittiest music but idc because I already made it.

>> No.24279021

>live in rural area
>no work that fits my degree
>anything related to my degree is only found in the city
>must move to the city to work
>but also don't want to pay rent/mortgage apartment
I don't want to become a NEET. But in reality, right now I'm a NEET because there aren't opportunities where I live. I just want enough profits to buy a flat or studio apartment in the city then work in a non-stressful job.

>> No.24279049

Im trying to make it to be a cattle rancher.

>> No.24279115

oh, and grow the best tobacco in the world. yeehaw!

>> No.24279187

You can love in a cemetary for free if you are a patron

>> No.24279243

Damage compensation. I have been Psychologically ruined through abuse by my govts institutions & elitarian circles from childhood on. They don't pay me. If I ever make it I'd probably use it to become a something like a supervillain or something.

>> No.24279421
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What's the minimum cost of living in a house that you've paid for in-full? Is it just property tax? Or is there another tax/fee somewhere that I'm blissfully unaware of

Yes, I know that food, electricity, and water are things I "need", but say worst came to worst, what is the minimum that you need to keep up on to ensure that they would take my house away from me?

>> No.24279461

agree, I could start flipping houses with that.

>> No.24279480

depends on in which country you are. If you are a richfag in the cucked european social security countries you can be sure as hell to pay more than just property tax. Owning money itself / owning too much can cause you to pay tax in some countries.

>> No.24279488


>> No.24279549

26, same story
Soon to be 27
Scamdemic doesn't help neither

>> No.24279598

Maintainance money. Money for tools and supplies. Gas for lawnmower and trimmer, paint for the outside, new roof, new water heater, sump pump, drainpipes, garage door springs, animal removal, silcone, carpet etc. Shit wears out.

>> No.24279626

15-30x revenue?


>> No.24279734


I have ~100k. what is the plan here? Alternative lenders?

>> No.24279765

>the main aim of being a NEET?
yes. i made the mistake of becoming a software developer, based on my childhood dream. i thought i'd be making videogames and hacking the matrix but instead i'm making the same CRUD business apps surrounded by an office full of faggot nerd manchildren, women and pajeets
my grandparents own a bunch of farmland so i want enough to build a small flat on one of the lots in the middle of assfuck, nowhere and spend the rest of my days shitposting in the dark with all my curtains drawn

>> No.24279833

>Literally getting paid to play a sport you love while receiving the best training staff, diet, and all other institutions so that they can play at their absolute best
Man just shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.24279863

are you me?

>> No.24279869

I actually quite like what I do for a day job.

My dream though would be taking on a less client facing role at a pay cut and just focus on tech.

>> No.24279935
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nope i want to raise cattle no jokes

>> No.24279965
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cool me too man i want to raise brangus and you ?

>> No.24280281

Assuming you never make a penny again/go into a coma.

>> No.24280332

I want to spoil my son, pay off all debts for myself and my fiancee, and then give myself a salary from my fucking gains. I dont want to be a NEET. I want to keep working toward my MS in CS without worrying about money.

>> No.24280419

i wouldnt recommend necrophilia

>> No.24280486

>For Funzies

>> No.24280622

Well, it is not that they are notoriously bad.
There is a whole industry dedicated to fleecing Athletes from their moo-lah.
The State also hates Wealthy Athletes for some reason and would fuck them over at every opportunity even if they went all-in on Real Estate.

>> No.24280635

>enough for 40-50k a year passive income

Do you realize you need like 4 million dollars for that?

>> No.24280670

>willing to work even after making it
>has literally PiG in his ID

>> No.24280829

I grew up with a place like that. I NEETed it up for many years. The country life was amazingly free and private. Listening to the wildlife, the rain, the fresh air. Unfortunately I moved to the suburbs and life is miserable in comparison.

>> No.24280968

I love in cemeteries all the time and I'm not a patron....

>> No.24281058

Are you the grave robber guy?

>> No.24281173

>I want a purpose, i want to have a career that i enjoy and gives me purpose and meaning.
Something similar to this, whether it’s trimming trees or playing video games, I’d just love to get paid to learn something new everyday and get better at a craft.

>> No.24281453

same anon, even if I can't reach financial independence, I'd like to have enough passive income to watch my savings grow while I work part time or something. 20 hours a week is way less soul crushing than 40