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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 746x900, 127212861_3626516627407912_8149653476169-1699388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24216579 No.24216579 [Reply] [Original]

>be government
>demand that companies cease operations for two weeks because of the common cold
>tell customers they can't go to businesses in person
>constantly shift the goalposts for restarting economy
>after six months
>tell failing businesses that they can get government help
>but in exchange for that help they have to give government a percentage of the business
yeah the "great reset" is totally fiction guys none of this is a conspiracy that's all just fantasy by nutjobs

bake the cake bigot
eat the bugs bigot
send your kids to transsexual story hour bigot

>> No.24216694

leaf here post link

>> No.24216776

It's a screenshot from television that I saw posted on another forum. But google turns up news reports saying the exact same thing if you just search for that text.


>> No.24216836

>tell failing businesses that they can get government help
>but in exchange for that help they have to give government a percentage of the business
That's how it should work. I'm supposed to save up a year's salary for emergencies, but your shitty business demands a handout after a few months of reduced sales? Fuck off. If only the Great Reset meant your mother post-natally aborting you.

>> No.24216989
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Don't you know how softcore communism works goy?

>> No.24217047

This is going to disproportionally hurt black & brown businesses drive they have less money saved up for rainy days

>> No.24217051

this, all these overleveragged businesses had it coming.

>> No.24217142

Can you read? You have the option to sell equity or pay the loan back. The fact is like 90% of small business go out of business anyway, the government is giving handouts to people who don’t have the skill set to adapt to changing times. It’s literally burning money just to try to help people. Kind of based and kind of retarded at the same time, should just let those businesses fail.

>> No.24217148

That's because not all business owners are rich you absolute fucking retard. Some of them also barely get by but still pay more taxes than your nigger ass anyway. Pretending like them going under does not affect you in any way makes you a fucking retard, but what can be expected from a welfare monkey like you?

>> No.24217153

Capitalist here

I agree that communism is the solution. There's too many people. The population needs shaving.

Enslave half of them.

>> No.24217162

I fail to see the downside here

>> No.24217212

>your shitty business
Which was FORCED TO NOT BE OPERATIONAL you absolute faggot

>> No.24217382

>may 20
Ah fuck you got me

>> No.24217447

No, the solution is to enslave commies like you and work you to death like your idol, Stalin

>> No.24217572

Retard they did this to us. This isn't an emergency fund situation. This is a deliberate attack on free markets and free people.

>> No.24217609

and? you take on that risk when starting a business dumb fuck. oh boo hoo your investment actually has risks instead of just printing money.

>> No.24217630


>> No.24217639

What sort of a dumbass starts a small non-online business in 2020.

>> No.24217679

Also could be called neo-feudalism

>> No.24217712

This is an emergency fund situation. Sure not for (((them))). But for your average business its exactly what it is, an "unexpected" crisis.

>> No.24217726

You can’t force a business to not be operational. My business revolved exclusively around people meeting in groups in person pre-COVID. That part of my business the revenue is now 90% down, but we successfully pivoted and had our best month ever in 10 years this month. If you can’t adapt you will fail as a business whether it’s COVID or your rent going up or anything else. All this did was expedite the inevitable. Stop whining.

>> No.24217751

kek, same

>> No.24217988

>not all business owners are rich you absolute fucking retard
Neither am I, so what's your point, you incredible retard? And unlike businesses, regular people can't write off everything as a business expense to lower their taxes.

Doesn't matter. You took that risk when you started a business. Second, even with no "lockdown" your business still would have suffered, and you would still be crying about something. I bet you'd start saying that businesses are failing because the government is scaring people instead. It's always someone else's fault with you faggots.

>> No.24218352

No. You didn't take a risk to be forced to shutdown by your government especially that you're paying taxes to. Try again libfags.

That's actually exactly what they're doing here. If you're not "essential" you are no longer to be operational. Try again, libfag

>> No.24218603

Suffer well, normies.

I will laugh at you from my citadel and launch garbage bags full of piss at you from my airship.

>> No.24218675

My business wasn’t essential. Get rekt. You are a bad businessman, that’s all there is to it.

>> No.24218706

t. retard

>> No.24218958

all these fucking retards itt. First we have a vastly disproportionate response to a fucking flu by shutting everything down and implementing policies and regulations that will burden business owners even more by having to go through dumb procedures. Small businesses will no longer be able to compete with large corporations and they'll be gobbled up and we'll have monopolies by companies that are intertwined with the government. Small businesses are getting fucked because of this corona shit and the govt. is 'helping' out businesses by having them split the company and most likely don't have the funds to pay them back, very 'helpful' indeed. Obviously they incurred the risk of failing but when they make it so you fail it's no wonder why people are pissed

>> No.24219164
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>adapt to changing times
adapt to government authoritarianism*
How can one man be this retarded. Big Brother is responsible for all of this. Kindly die in a fire you single digit IQ subhuman.

>> No.24219370

Holy fuck, just go back. You don't belong here.

>> No.24219432


>the government should give me money for nothing in return

Do you run your business that way?

>> No.24219490

I'll make sure to remind you of the risk you took by ever leaving your house if you happen to get stabbed in the asshole by a maniac with a machete.

>> No.24219522

the gov forced you to close lol

>> No.24219590

>Do you run your business that way?

atm nobody can run their business because government decided so

>> No.24219668


The government closed every single business in the country?

>> No.24219706

have you looked outside

>> No.24219788


Yeah? There are plenty of businesses open even in places like California and New York. You just think that because the government closed bars during a pandemic that the Bolshevik Revolution must be here.

>> No.24219812


The money is made out of nothing anyway ??

>> No.24219880

So basically extortion.

>> No.24219961


>> No.24219968


>the government should give me money for nothing

So basically welfare for shitty businessmen

>> No.24219986

Great idea, the Sicilian mafia have been doing this for centuries

>> No.24219989

>another thread full of neoliberals cheering on every business except Amazon and Walmart dying

>> No.24219997

I don’t agree with bailing out either but many of these business are in this position because the govt has placed heavy restrictions for months

>> No.24220054


Survival of the fittest kid. It’s what the Free Market (TM) is all about.

>> No.24220084

>reddit spacing
Opinion discarded

>> No.24220107

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.24220156

>local mob boss unexpectedly says to take this loan or he’ll break my legs and shutdown my store
>you should have seen this coming!
Are you a commie tranny coming from pol cause you sound like one. You’ll never be a real woman. Your parents don’t love you.

>> No.24220220



>> No.24220269

Paradoxically this lockdown is the biggest proof of the libertarian belief that regulations are just the tool big businesses use to destroy small ones

>> No.24220319

Show me one big company that has shut down due to the whole shitshow retard

>> No.24220366


It’s called creative destruction. If you’re business couldn’t hack it in the market then it gets spat out. Sorry you’re a shitty businessman. Maybe you could stop getting Starbucks everyday and take in a roommate to help pay the bills. Don’t throw your feet and expect a bailout from taxpayers. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.

>> No.24220493

>small business can't hack it due to regulation
>big business literally writes the regulation through lobbying
>this is somehow ok

you literally deserve to be a forever amazon drone who drives to a forever rental home in a car-as-a-service to watch movies-as-a-service on a rental TV-as-a-service

>> No.24220519

>It’s called creative destruction
I agree. However the government interventionism that allows big companies to not fail by bailing them out or by making regulations favorable to them is makes it selective creative destruction. It is virtually impossible for big companies to fail or lose market share from smaller companies without some sort of government intervention. Your boomer mindset blinds you. The best someone can do in this age is to be bought out by a bigger company.

>> No.24220520


Sounds like GOP trickle down paradise.

>> No.24220582

funny how you're about to get that future with democrat in the white house, a dem house and likely democrat senate

>> No.24220596


Bigger companies are fine because they’re bigger and have more resources. Even before COVID your mom and pop couldn’t go toe to toe with Amazon. It’s just accelerating a process. Besides all this consolidation is good because it just means the market is getting more efficient supposedly.

>> No.24220711


Democrats are literally GOP Lite so I fail to see what you’re getting at here. This is like Milton Friedman’s wet dream- the rich and big corporations running everything because they earned their place at the top.

>> No.24220734

Well hey there, I guess that's me.

Of course, my "business" is currently doing the engineering design for something that is mostly going to be purchased by government-run emergency response agencies, so I'm not sure why that's so stupid considering they're going to be the only ones with money anyway.

Anyway, we'll see in a year whether they'll be buying. Maybe I'll have wasted two years of my life, but even if so, my BTC bags will see me through a comfortable retirement.

>> No.24220846

>The Taco Bell drive-thru is allowed to be open
>fuck your sit-down restaurant that is only allowed three tables of socially-distanced outdoor seating in midwinter in Buffalo, NY
yay for state-run capitalism

>> No.24220925

After years of growth they managed to have access to more resources I agree but younger small businesses are fucked by the current situation. The consolidation would be good if inefficiant businesses were axed. A mom and pop store that has not developed in the past 20 years is ok if it were to be destroyed but the same should go for a large cap company that has not innovated for the past decade (i.e. google). You are correct in some sense but you fail to see the selective protectionism of big companies. Get your head out of your ass and at least try to get some sense into your head

>> No.24221016


Capitalism is literally the rich controlling everything and orienting society around their wants so I fail to see what you’re getting at here. The 1% are just arranging society to be comfortable for them and we slaves are going along with it.

>> No.24221170

You are arguing with a retarded reddit socialist acting in bad faith. Congrats on being baited.

>> No.24221219


Yeah I’m the socialist because I don’t want to give businesses handouts. Maybe they should start bringing their lunch in instead of eating out.

>> No.24221223

that's literally not what capitalism is

you're probably a chapo tranny thinking you're having a checkmate atheists moment but what you're proving is the exact opposite point -

without lockdowns we wouldn't have 1 in 5 businesses going under while amazon stock is pumping

>> No.24221266

Your act is transparent. Just stop and learn to stop reddit spacing. You won't stand out as much.

>> No.24221339

>You can’t force a business to not be operational.

You are the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger ive ever interacted with.

>> No.24221348
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No, that’s exactly what it is. Capitalism is just feudalism with iPhones and CEO’s instead of kings. They use their money and power to benefit themselves, and because they control all the businesses and jobs society exists to serve them. We’re simply late in the game where they’ve managed to knock off all the competition after decades and they can reveal their true colors.

>> No.24221417

>Fag ID
>defends big government while they fuck him in the ass "for his own good"
Like pottery

>> No.24221442

>le capitalism is feudalism meme

stopped reading there

>> No.24221473
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Imagine thinking small businesses run by the working class are the same as major corporations run by thousands of kikes.
Commie are braindead and should be put to death in the off chance they might actually breed

>> No.24221476

Most posts written in here during the workday were written in the washroom, I know yours was written in the street, because that is where street shitting pakis take their morning dump. Die.

>> No.24221549


>small businesses

Oh you mean a bunch of wannabe capitalists? They’ve got no problem getting rich off of other people labor. They’re just not as big as Bezos. But there’s a million Mr. Potter’s out there.

>> No.24221608
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I didn’t realize there were so many socialist tranny niggerfaggots on /biz/
Who don’t know shit about fuck.

>> No.24221638

>le capitalists get rich off of others labour meme

is your education just watching vaush videos
why don't you explain labour theory of value to us while you're at it

>> No.24221657
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Your kind actually thinks someone who flips burgers at McDonald's 8 hours a day should get paid the same as the store owner. You are a fucking retard, there's no denying that. Now do us all a favor and kill yourself, you waste of oxygen

>> No.24221673

sounds like you guys have alot in common with lefties then, you hicks support the GOP the same way even though the majority of you are poorfags

>> No.24221720

control all the business?
are you joking dude
there are plenty of business all competing with each other, and they're all at the mercy of their customers

that's why this year they were all groveling on there knees on social media this year pretending to care about social justice repeating BLM over and over just in hopes it gives them a slight edge, better appearance, and more customers

the vast majority of business have to earn their money

omg I can't believe I wasted my time typing all that out just to see this stupid shit
so nobody should make profit from their labor, or just those who hire other people?
you must be trolling......

>> No.24221767
File: 715 KB, 952x930, D264CA34-5A6D-4E52-82CC-B8F6B6F615ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for myself. A few months of the year I may have 1-2 employees who are paid $25/hr for manual labour in which I engage with in the same work with them.
If they want to invest in the hundreds of thousands of dollars of overhead cost annually, I would only be too happy to share more of the profits (when profits are made).
There are a billion loser fucks like you who don’t have the first clue how things actually work in business. Just bitch about muh capitalists.
Get a job or buy a rope.

>> No.24221775

you'll have to pay niggers and spics welfare benefits or they'll destroy your business

>> No.24221785

wow canada going full commie now. Don't worry burgers, with biden in office you aren't far behind either.

>> No.24221866

Show us how GOP governors are shutting down businesses and forcing everyone to wear the cuck mask the same way faggots like Cuomo, Newson, and the cunt from. Michigan are. Go ahead, tranny

>> No.24222131
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Whoever made pic related needs to do more

>> No.24222205

not gonna address this you bitch >>24218958

>> No.24222260
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Commies are the first ones to suck capitalist cock when they give you empty nothing campaigns that drain your retard wallets.

>> No.24222329

no1 cares about being told to wear a mask aside from you nazi hicks so why the fuck would that matter? On the other hand you guys do support billionaires paying 0 taxes while being a poorfag yourself, struggling to make ends meet because your gop Senate wont pass shit. but keep blaming le communist boogeyman, as long as that helps you cope with your low skilled job lay off and election loss

>> No.24222386

kys my God you commie trannies are insufferable

>> No.24222625

go start a co op with vaush already

>> No.24222714

You’re trying to hard, brotha

>> No.24222766

First of all I don't need the gibs, faggot. You might since you started your transition already. And second, if they haven't passed the bill it's because Pelosi wanted to add retarded shit that have nothing to do with the pandemic like more gibs for planned parenthood, paying off college debt for libshit art majors, and rebuilding Minneapolis, Seattle and other liberal shitholes that got burned down by their pet blm monkeys and antifa. Fuck that shit and fuck you, faggot

>> No.24223072


>> No.24223104

seethe harder hicks, look on the bright side, with your lay offs and the lockdown, you'll have more opportunities to have sex with your sister, so maybe it's not so bad after all

>> No.24223249

Minorities get automatic welfare for any reason, whites need a very good reason.
It's still fucking you over.

>> No.24223292

Faggot go back to your amazon prime pod.

>> No.24223332

All you're doing is flagging yourself as someone who is shit at business. Look at all the retards in this thread. Go vote Trump again you absolute sheep.

>> No.24223722
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>be a restaurant
>government forces you to shut down indoor dining
>government forces you to pivot in order to survive
>government extends loans that allow your business to pivot
>government demands that you pay the loans back or they will seize your business

I don't think I need to keep going with my little hypothetical, but if you have no issues with this sort of thing, then you don't believe in free market capitalism and your business arguments are moot. This type of government action is predatory and no longer rooted in the free market.

>the government is giving handouts to people who don’t have the skill set to adapt to changing times. It’s literally burning money just to try to help people. Kind of based and kind of retarded at the same time, should just let those businesses fail

it's funny because you are purposely choosing to play stupid and ignore the fact that the "problem" here is obviously government created in the first place. If you want to level the playing field, there shouldn't be any governmental enforced shutdowns. If there are governmental enforced shutdowns, it's only just that the government provide for business that it is crippling. You can't artificially cripple business and then say, "It's your fault you couldn't pivot to survive!"

>> No.24223893

I'm starting to see this as one of the only options. The world needs a mass reset, so we can shake off the downward pressure of these fucking neanderthal like pajeets and blacks. They're deadweight for any society.

>> No.24223942

Businesses don't save money because they would be taxed higher if they did.

>> No.24224009
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All is lost.

They can't be defeated

>> No.24224277

Go back you fucking faggot, this isn't pol you are out of your element here with your trannie speak

>> No.24224408

id agree with this autist, but in reality big businesses will play by different rules and only small guys will get btfo. prepare to work in amazon fullfilment center

>> No.24224625

Here's a whitepill for you : look up bio-leninism.

In short: in any given leftist system, qualities other than competence are selected for (soviet russia it was loyalty ie apparatchiks, nowadays it's wokeness). As a result, with every generation the amount of competence in the system decreases until the system cannot support itself and collapses under its own incompetence, leading to either boogaloo, tyranny, or both. Compare how slick they were at stealing the election in 1960 compared to today, or how clinton wrapped the entire republican Congress around his finger while Obama was McConnell's bitch. They're getting sloppy. And they'll continue to get sloppier.

So enjoy the show because we're reaching the critical mass

>> No.24224672

So cuckservatives are for bailing out small businesses now? While wanting to pay no taxes? The world doesnt work that way you ansolute degens.

>> No.24224828

Yeah but it seems they have more weapons at their disposal today than they did back then. Now they have the internet, more specifically social media/smartphones. They have powerful means of control and influence

>> No.24225439

>emotional response
youre wrong, bud

as an aside, is this board being scraped by pro-biden, pro-reset, pro-government intervention scrapers or something? i'm scared.

>> No.24225546

>stop getting Starbucks everyday
>Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
kek nvm my earlier response, this is a troll

>> No.24225597

It only applies to large corporations. Better than bailouts imo.

>> No.24225663

>big businesses pay little to no taxes and get bailouts through stock market cash injections
>small businesses pay taxes and shouldn't get bailouts
>This is the way it should be
You're terribly confused if you think this is a fair system anon.

>> No.24225748

Great phrase, hadn't heard of it before. Thanks anon.
That only means the collapse will be greatly accelerated. Their spread will not change the fact that competence collapses under leftist systems, it will just mean it will be sooner.

>> No.24225772

What kind of work do you do?

>> No.24225906


What are you talking about? The government forcing you to shut down IS NOT an economic downturn, it's a mob boss forcing you to take a loan or he'll cripple you and then fucks you in the ass.

>> No.24225947

Read the fucking article.
This isnt for small business. This is for companies with +300M earnings. The tax payer will be left bagholding toxic assets. I can't imagine a functional company taking this loan. "You can give us cash, of which you don't have, or you can pay us in worthless stock/equity".

>> No.24226026

I would break your knees without hesitation

>> No.24226101

I'm all for saying fuck the big corps and helping out the small guys, but conservatives champion tax cuts for big corps while also having this stance

>> No.24226233

>but conservatives champion tax cuts for big corps
the ones that make it to the media do. try being a conservative who campaigns for small business and small government and see how far your platform gets. modern conservatism is just a slower burning liberalism. it conserves nothing.

>> No.24226247
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>You didn't take a risk to be forced to shutdown
>You didn't take a risk to have what literally happened literally happen
not seeing the danger doesn't mean it's not there

>> No.24226274


>> No.24226369

Watch Fox News religiously.
Fap to Tucker Carlson.
Spend your day watching conspiracy theories in YT 24/7

>> No.24227092

the proposed increased tax rates also go into effect fairly early, which screws over the middle class trying to move upward, while Amazon just shrugs them off

>> No.24227194


>> No.24227348

It says a lot about your worldview if you have to resort to name calling.

>> No.24227427

conservatives champion tax cuts for everyone anon. It quite literally is the party of inclusion.

>> No.24227719

Says a lot of yours for defending socialist talking points.