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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 1680x1050, flying whales 03256524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24163049 No.24163049 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, I have an idea that I think could be very profitable even if you are only a poorfag and not yet a big ol' whale. I'm going to throw a lot of information your way, so if you're lazy or can't be bothered to read, please move on to a different thread.

>> No.24163061
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, flying whales 45202905174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIXBY is a project that has been stagnant for a while now. It was a good concept, a project with unique features and lots of potential... but none of that matters. Like 99% of shitcoins, it never gained mass adoption and it bled and eventually stagnated.

>> No.24163084
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Here's where it gets interesting. Unlike most failed shitcoin projects, the dev did the right thing and didn't abandon the loyal holders. He maintained communication and transparency the whole time. He's working on a new project/projects (RUBIX/CONNECT) and he's kept the community in the loop every step of the way, giving regular updates, sneak peeks/previews etc.

>> No.24163108
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This brings me to the important part. All holders of the old token will be given the new token on a $1-to-$1 basis. There will be a snapshot in the next few days, and all holders will be able to do the exchange based on the value at the time of the snapshot.

>> No.24163152
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The thing is, the old coin is so low-volume that even small purchases have a huge impact on price. A $50 purchase caused it to briefly 5x, a $100 purchase caused it to 10x, etc etc. These were relatively short-lived however, after 3-6 hours or so the price returned to where it was previously.

>> No.24163180
File: 37 KB, 760x532, RHADS-illustrations-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's what I'm thinking: if even a small number of anons timed it right, we could use carefully timed small purchases to accumulate, let the price go back down, and accumulate more... and then use more carefully timed purchases to overwhelm the negligible sells and cause a sustained moon, just long enough for the snapshot. Even with small amounts of capital, a 100x-200x would be easily achieved.

>> No.24163219
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After the snapshot, it doesn't matter if the price goes back down, since everyone will be able to exchange for the new token based on the value at the time of the snapshot. So none of us would have to worry about timing it like it was a run-of-the-mill pump and dump, or being left behind holding bags. As long as we can keep the price elevated until the snapshot, then we can all exchange for the new token based on the snapshot value.

>> No.24163247
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Now what's the deal with the new token?
Who knows. It might take off and be successful, or it might fail just like the old project. I was very impressed with the actions/conduct of the dev, and there are features of the old project that I hope will be incorporated into the new project, because I think they could literally disrupt the entire tech industry... but who knows. I'm bullish, but I won't tell you it's a sure thing or the next ______, because I don't know for sure and I'm looking out for my /biz/bros. If you want to play it safe you can sell immediately after exchanging.

>> No.24163278
File: 64 KB, 760x537, RHADS-illustrations-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to hang around to see what the initial price action is like. There's a pattern I've observed with new projects, one that I'm betting you've seen over and over too. A new token is released, it has a build up to a spike. Then it retraces, has a bounce or two, and then does a price discovery to a level that it maintains for a while. Then it either bleeds until it is abandoned, or it might be successful and achieve steady growth. Either way this goes, doesn't matter here, I'm just looking at that initial spike.

>> No.24163319
File: 43 KB, 760x539, RHADS-illustrations-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the old token does a 100x-200x, you can exchange and immediately sell. Or you can see what the new token does. If it even does a 5x-10x, which is common for new projects, we're looking at a 500x-2,000x, maybe even more.

What do my /biz/raelis think? Pessimists, skeptics and fudders, please feel free to poke holes in this idea and tell me why it won't work.

>> No.24163344
File: 54 KB, 760x760, RHADS-illustrations-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only two points of possible failure that I can see:

1) There's not enough buy-in, and there's no sustained pre-snapshot pump.
To this I would say look at the recent price action. Like I said, within the last week or two, a $50 purchase caused it to 5x, and a $100 purchase caused it to 10x. With that being the case, even 10-15 anons with $50-$100 each could easily sustain a huge pump, with negligible risk of loss to each of us individually. More anons and larger buys would obviously make it go even higher.

>> No.24163373
File: 51 KB, 760x760, RHADS-illustrations-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2) The price of the new token could crash immediately.
Yes, it could. If you're worried about that, just sell immediately. With a 100x-200x pre-snapshot pump, you'd still be in moonshot profit levels. Even if it immediately dumps catastrophically, even if it dumps by 90% before you can sell, you'd still be gettng a 10x-20x.
I'm going to see what the price action looks like, though. If it seems to be following the typical new coin spike-drop-bounce-discovery pattern, I'm going to try to turn my 100x-200x into a 500x-2,000x+.

>> No.24163398
File: 39 KB, 760x570, RHADS-illustrations-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to DYOR(and you should):

Check recent PIXBY price action-

Info on the PIXBY/RUBIX swap-

Info on the RUBIX/CONNECT project-

So what are your thoughts, frens?

>> No.24163441
File: 64 KB, 760x950, RHADS-illustrations-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also jannies pls no ban. This is NOT ref/drop/etc bs, this is just me asking anons what they think about 2-3 specific altcoins, whether investment could be timed and leveraged. At worst, it is no worse than every single other thread on /biz/ every day, shilling various shitcoins... so pls no ban, pls join us and prosper. Thank you!

>> No.24163587
File: 176 KB, 610x862, Derek-Chatwood-PopRelics-illustrations-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24163692

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.24163709

Niggers tongue this dudes anus

>> No.24163845

Niggers tongue those dudes anuses

>> No.24164062
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>> No.24164320
File: 39 KB, 610x213, Derek-Chatwood-PopRelics-illustrations-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of anus my dude nigger tongues...
Not a lot of questions comments concerns

>> No.24164389

how heavy are your bags?

>> No.24164508

as heavy as the nigger that tongues your and his anus

>> No.24164517
File: 146 KB, 610x788, Derek-Chatwood-PopRelics-illustrations-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light as a feather, fren.
Check out the price, 50k cost about $24. If I throw another $50 in on top of that, and everything goes wrong, no big deal. I spend more than that on impulse buys every time I go to Costco.
If my $74 turns into $148,000... my bags would in fact be dirigibles, anon.

>> No.24164596

I have no problem throwing a few tens of dollars at this idea anon. Just curious about how you think it will be coordinated and not be subject to the chaotic whims of 4chan users

>> No.24164630

Best would be to do a Discord, I could also threw a little money into it

>> No.24164710
File: 176 KB, 610x960, Derek-Chatwood-PopRelics-illustrations-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah game theory, might be tough to coordinate. It could moon too early, and anons would get left behind. I guess we could accumulate early before shilling harder, but then it's just basically a pnd.
I'm thinking of a scenario where it benefits everyone involved.

>> No.24164763
File: 39 KB, 610x398, Derek-Chatwood-PopRelics-illustrations-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the official tg
I don't know how receptive they'd be towards coordinating, though. I don't want them thinking it's a pnd.

>> No.24164776

This is trading. You cant cash out unless someone has put the money in for you.
I'm in on this plan if theres a discord link or something.

>> No.24164801

Well it is isnt it?

>> No.24164901

It would work in theory but never in practice. First, there is the problem of actually coordinating such precise price manipulation.

Second, there is the inevitable preemptive dumping that will occur. Everyone will be anticipating a dump, which you've accounted for. However, the gains that you forecast wouldn't happen, because since everyone is anticipating the dump, everyone will be racing to dump first, and basically the plan gets fucked.

Cool idea tho

>> No.24164919
File: 54 KB, 760x547, Logan-Zillmer-surreal-photography-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not exactly wrong afa cashing out, but this isn't exactly a pnd either.
If we time it right, it benefits everyone involved. Investors all make huge gains, project valuation goes up, it might even be a force multiplier that generates buzz and causes this project to become even more robust.
That's with optimal circumstances though. It might just be a quick 20x.

>> No.24164973
File: 72 KB, 760x689, Logan-Zillmer-surreal-photography-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's the thing, it would be difficult to dump pre-swap. It's only available on one exchange.
They could dump the new token post-swap, but by then the profit would already be made.

>> No.24165061
File: 74 KB, 760x595, Logan-Zillmer-surreal-photography-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as the coordination, it might actually not be that hard. Buy some, wait for the price to go back down, buy some more. Maybe 3-6 hours before the snapshot, throw the rest in. After the snapshot it's a done deal, either swap and sell, or swap and speculate.
I guess it would be easier with a discord or something. I've never done discord, is it a pain to set one up? Maybe just coordinate here on /biz/?

>> No.24165150

It would absolutely have to be coordinated on discord. It's not that hard to set up, just download it. If the price fluctuation is really as volatile as you say, then it would probably be better to have a small group rather than large one.

I am still extremely skeptical that this would work, but I am willing to stick around because I'm curious.

>> No.24165277
File: 36 KB, 771x598, Screenshot_2020-11-22 PIXBY (PIXBY) price, marketcap, chart, and info CoinGecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the price movement, and the small amounts that caused it--

>> No.24165366

The problem in my opinion is that the volume is so insanely low that literally no one is buying it. This is evidenced by the price increase from such small purchases.

This means that when we try to coordinate a buy together to pump up the price before the swap, the only actual holders of the coin would be us (the people in the discord or whatever).

Basically, we would only be profiting off each other when we decide to sell after the swap, and someone gets screwed. The only way for all of us to profit off this would be if we organized a shill and got other people outside our group to buy in before we sold.

I'm open to any points that poke holes in my logic, but this seems to be the case. When you look at the graph, notice how the increases and decreases in price have similar volumes. This indicates that the changes in price is literally just one person buying and subsequently selling what he bought.

>> No.24165514
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, jakub-rozalski-1920-harvest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things-
First, there are a whole bunch of people holding from before, from the original PIXBY excitement. There are lots of people staking PIXBY still as well. This was brought up in the tg, people that are still staking were concerned that they would miss the swap (they won't, devs assured that the swap would remain until all staking had expired and everyone was able to swap). So it definitely wouldn't just be us holding. I guess someone could try to mess up the gameplan by continuously selling pre-swap in such a way that the price doesn't rise substantially... but that would be self-defeating for them, they wouldn't mke much and there would be muchmore money to be made by waiting until after the swap.
Second, the devs are planning on using imfluencers etc to shill, everyone holding and staking from before plans on shilling. I think that there will be plenty of capital other than ours flowing after the swap, in the early days of RUBIX/CONNECT.
I could be wrong on this though, and I welcome any and all concerns. Thank you anons for helping to trouble-shoot and make sure that the idea is feasible.

>> No.24165552

>pre-snapshot pump

wtf is presnaptshot?

>> No.24165673


I'm assuming the devs would be shilling the new coin after the swap, correct?

Anyways, I'm in, at the least it sounds like a fun experiment even if it doesn't work

>> No.24165692
File: 663 KB, 1890x1619, jakub-rozalski-1920-secret-facility-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pump that happens before, and lasting until, the snapshot.
If you read the thread, fren, there will be a snapshot that captures the price of PIXBY, as well as all holders, 24 hrs before the swap starts.
1) Pump
2) Snapshot
3) Swap
4) ???
5) Profit

>> No.24165746
File: 479 KB, 1920x935, jakub-rozalski-MGS - green fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Before and after. On the tg, they're even considering delaying the presale specifically so they can do concentrated marketing.

>> No.24165821

Negros orally pleasure my rectum.

>> No.24166594
File: 716 KB, 1920x2752, jakub-rozalski-MGS - Gray monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I have to go make some food. If anons keep this thread alive I'll check back and continue this when I'm done. If not, I'll make another thread tomorrow, maybe a little bit earlier than I did tonight.
If anons want to start the thing and begin accumulating, go ahead. Just try not to make the price moon. Small amounts etc.
Obviously don't throw everything you plan to put in to this all at once, save some for a few hours before the snapshot.
I'll be checking the tg and the medium and the twatters to see if they delay the presale/swap to do more intense marketing, and I'll post on the thread to keep anons coordinated.
If it's not delayed the plan is to do the snapshot on the 24th, I believe. If it is delayed, we can adjust accordingly.

>> No.24166906
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x2720, jakub-rozalski-Shepherd and his faithful dog - Jakub Rozalski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll also look into the discord thing if I have time. I've never messed with discord though and I will be pretty busy in the AM tomorrow, so if another anon wants to set one up that would be vunderbar.
GL frens!

>> No.24166920

I'm down for sure... we definitely need a discord though.

>> No.24166953
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lmao, even if this worked, what you're proposing is mega illegal

>> No.24167005

When’s the snapshot?

>> No.24167129

Yeah so... how gray is this gray area of price fixing?

>> No.24167204

According to the telegram group, in like 4 days

>> No.24167784
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I dunno, is it?
I don't think it is... as far as I know, crypto is still gray-area, and has not yet been designated a currency, security or commodity. So it would not be regulated by the SEC or whoever. Yet.
If we were talking stocks or something that would be different. As I see it, this is no different than anyone else on /biz/ talking about any other shitcoin. Everyone always talks about fudding to keep the price low so everyone can accumulate, and then shilling the heck out of it so we can all ride to the moon.
If anything, I think that this is more defensible, both legally as well as morally. If we time it right, no one is victimized or left holding bags, and everybody benefits- the new investors, the old investors, the devs and if the project is successful everyone who uses it in the future.
Maybe a good analogy would be a group of enthusiasts keeping track of the release of a special limited-edition collectible, with the plan of buying and then re-selling?

>> No.24167834

You son of a bitch. Im in. Going to drop $10k on this right now. Brb

>> No.24167944
File: 2.13 MB, 1070x1489, wally wood lunar tunes42c23501509b1f6c5cfcc3bc078b8922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the medium, the snapshot will be on the 23rd, so tomorrow/today depending on where you are.
>We will take a snapshot of the PIXBY price on November 23rd at 23:30 UTC
>Swap to RBX will occur on November 24th
On the tg they mentioned the possibility of delaying it to do more marketing, but I don't know for sure if it will be delayed or not.

>> No.24167978
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If it isn't delayed, we would need to start pumping somewhere around 8-10 hours from now.
If it IS delayed, then we have more time to accumulate.

>> No.24168539
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One final bump from me, I have to go to bed now and get a few hours of sleep.
If this thread is still going tomorrow I will update with what I know, if it isn't I will make a new one.
If any anons want to accumulate, better start now. Pumping will have to commence sometime around 17:00 or 18:00 UTC at the latest, UNLESS the snapshot is delayed.
GL frens!

>> No.24168921

Sounds like a cool experiment. If I wasn't on the way to work right now, I might even make the discord for you, OP.

>> No.24169781
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>> No.24169983

Is this on uniswap or what? I won't buy if I need to use some weird exchanges.
Besides that just make the discord so we can talk about it in there.

>> No.24170613

well it's a bump from me

>> No.24171098

The rubix token will be available everywhere, but it looks like the pixby token is only on catex.


Pixby/catt is a much better price, almost 10 times cheaper than pixby/eth
I don't like using non-uniswap exchanges either
On the other hand, rubix will be on uni and buying pixby now is guaranteed gains
Are gains worth using catex though?

>> No.24171120

>devs project failed
>so dev make new project
I wonder what happens next...

>> No.24172297


>> No.24172655

>With a 100x-200x pre-snapshot pump, you'd still be in moonshot profit levels.
>try to turn my 100x-200x into a 500x-2,000x
coin is currently at 100k mkcap
the average shitcoin caps at 10mil
you cant buy 1000$ of this coin on your nan's grave right now let alone expect it to 100x, my view is that the BEST case scenario for you is 20x, tops, and even then you're gonna accumulate this shit like a rat jew
either way godspeed anons, there's easier ways to gamble desu, there's literally a new shitcoin that does 10x every week, just now i'm looking at a shitcoin called streamix, no im not shilling it, no i didnt buy it, im just saying shitcoins are created like pancakes these days

>> No.24173574

Where can i buy?

>> No.24173717

>100k mkcap
>average shitcoin caps at 10mil
>can't...expect it to100x
>implying cash inflow of less than $xxxxxx limits short-term price increase
Market cap myth:
^^^This should be required reading for every market cap fudder.
Either you are in good faith but mistaken, in which case please read the link and learn about market cap, or you are being disingenuous, in which case fuck off.
We're not buying your coin jeet, get outta here with that horseshit

>> No.24174147
File: 3.68 MB, 1206x1590, bravenewworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks that it is only on Catex, I know. RUBIX will be on uniswap though.
As anon pointed out it's worth it to do the PIXBY/CATT, because the price is much cheaper. Pain in the ass but almost 8x more PIXBY for your eth.

>> No.24174451

OP send me your eth address I just put $ 100 in this idea if I do it I send you $ 200

>> No.24174516

thanks for the art if nothing else.

>> No.24174596

i couldnt care less for that shitcoin, i couldnt care less for any shitcoin, why are YOU acting so defensive all of a sudden
>(If you're curious about attempt 1, it's here, and admittedly painful to read)
seems the 2nd version wasnt any better
i sense bad vibes from you anon, mostly selfish intentions, maybe a bit of despair, either way get your shit together
market cap is not a meme, its the top indicator of sell / buy pressure. meaning your shitcoin will never break the 9 digit barrier, assuming it even reaches it

>> No.24175268
File: 2.99 MB, 2560x1600, Imperial Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad vibes? I think you are projecting, anon.
>you cant buy 1000$ of this coin on your nan's grave right now let alone expect it to 100x, my view is that the BEST case scenario for you is 20x, tops, and even then you're gonna accumulate this shit like a rat jew
You came in here with mcap myth fud, and attacked me while crying out. Then,
>i'm looking at a shitcoin called streamix
It would appear to any observer that you were following the standard jeet playbook by barging into a thread, throwing out baseless fud, then shilling your shitcoin. You see that shit in every thread where anons are trying to have a genuine discussion, every single time.
If I misjudged you and came off too harsh, then I apologize. No reason we can't have a civilized discussion.
I disagree with your mcap fud for several reasons but mainly because this is a unique situation. We're not talking long-term holding, we're talking about getting the price up for just a few hours, just long enough for the snapshot. Short-term price movement. It is proven that as little as $100 can cause a 10x, so why wouldn't $1000 cause a 100x?
If I didn't misjudge you and you ARE following the jeet playbook, then I repeat: fuck off with your unrelated coin.

YW fren

>> No.24176627
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1218, teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-iv-turtles-in-time-superhero-game-wallpaper-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the dev, the snapshot is going ahead as scheduled, so 23:30 UTC, or about 8 hours from now.
If we're going to try to do this, I guess now would be the last chance to accumulate cheaply, and then try to pump and shill in earnest starting a few hours from now.
I don't know if this is going to work anons, but I hope it does.
Kinda excited.

>> No.24176662 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 2776x1556, dy 1 (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defi is expanding fast and I want to know do you use DYMMAX platform (dymmax.com)? Global blockchain project with modern staking system and top referral program

What do you think about it?

>> No.24177964
File: 1.37 MB, 1296x1238, AlexGross_OriginalSin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta go do some work, so I'll be m.i.a. for a bit. I'll check back in in a few hours though (before the snapshot). If this thread dies I'll make another one then.
Feel free to make other threads though, if you have accumulated enough and you want to start the pump...
Are you guys in?

>> No.24178944
File: 172 KB, 1242x1204, 1598140048721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of ppl said they were down, but no-one wants to jump first
I want to, but I'm a poorfag and I'm scared
C'mon one of you richfags, pull the trigger and chuck $100 in to start the moonshot so I can fomo in after you

>> No.24180132


>> No.24180779


>> No.24181096

I'm in.

>> No.24181247

Could we start a discord or something? I'll bet $60 on this. I've spent more on dumber shit.

>> No.24181809

only a genius can see the opportunity or everyone can see the failure. Anon don't be a retarded fomo jump now!

>> No.24182226
File: 119 KB, 1400x933, 1499586600746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it!
As soon as I see price movement I'm moving $200 in

>> No.24182318

>that engine
>that 0 ventilation
only the Italians could design such a deathtrap

>> No.24182496

So sexy though~

>> No.24182806

Where/how to buy?

>> No.24182889

The rubix token will be available everywhere, but it looks like the pixby token is only on catex.


Pixby/catt is a much better price, almost 10 times cheaper than pixby/eth
I don't like using non-uniswap exchanges either
On the other hand, rubix will be on uni and buying pixby now is guaranteed gains
Are gains worth using catex though?