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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 435 KB, 589x1022, TimeTheft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24106113 No.24106113 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24106145

Who gives a fuck at this point, there's a vision for the future already and most people will be home doing a bunch of random tasks for Facebook for libra or some shit. Let these boomers try desperately to claw at their bygone era. I'm never stepping foot in an office again.

>> No.24106176


the kikes have no limits do they?

>> No.24106187

Incoming the great firing of the wagie. The jew is just using this as an excuse to get rid of you at which point they will automate you or replace you with some chinese person who works like a robot

>> No.24106220

Based wagie redemption

>> No.24106260

Did the financial post ever write an article about how wage theft from employees makes up 70% of all theft in the united states??? No? Then they can go fuck themselves, the greedy bastards.

>> No.24106411
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>> No.24106520
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Remember that participating in the weekly remote tiktok company dance is mandatory, goyim.

>> No.24106553

I’ve legit done maybe a month or two of work this entire year.
I’ll get laid off within the next few months for it, but I already have a final interview somewhere else on Monday.
Blessed year.

>> No.24106586

You can’t steal what was stolen from you in the first place

>> No.24106608
File: 7 KB, 482x290, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that (((wage theft))) steals more from americans than literally any other form of crime besides taxes.

>> No.24106623

>besides taxes
Which are god damn trillions.

>> No.24106649

inb4 mandatory Alexa/Google Home/whatever globohomo tech bullshit they want to push you to have in "your" home.

>> No.24106673

The hell u ain’t nigger I scrub toilets and I need people shitting in them and peeing on the floor too.

>> No.24106700

Oy vey our time now

>> No.24106719

You can still do this work in peoples homes.

>> No.24106811
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Nevah fuhget da 6 gorillion hours! It's anudda shoah!

>> No.24106859
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>jerk off whilst working remote
>perform the same results or even better


>> No.24106865

this warms my heart

>> No.24106910


>> No.24107031
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>> No.24107270

makes it easy to outsource your dumb ass to pongjeet in bangladesh for a bowl of rice a day

>> No.24107580


>> No.24107602
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top kek

>> No.24107666
File: 161 KB, 800x800, EZpzwoHXQAUNYX3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir

>> No.24107676

After you suck dick you must stroke the balls
why arent you stroking the balls anon?
jimmy loves the cum and still plays with the balls.

Dont you just hate it when you pay a prostitue for a half hour and you cum in 5 minutes, and she thinks her job is done?

>> No.24107689

btw, found a pic of you

>> No.24107727

>t. software engineer
I legit did 15-20 min of work yesterday. Fuck them

>> No.24107773

>I see you were two minutes over on your break again anon. You see we freely offer you that time to perform necessities in an efficient and timely manner, so you can get back on calls as soon as possible, providing world class sales and customer service. This is your final warning. Do not exceed your break time again or we're gonna have to speak to management about this.

>> No.24107846

Do they pay people more for using their own electricity and space?

They are going to save money not using office space.

>> No.24107897


>> No.24107928

You get reimbursement that kind of covers some of your electrical bill. And the company I work for is the brownest piece of shit. So I'm sure good companies do the same.

>> No.24107961

oh good well thats something

>> No.24108134
File: 126 KB, 800x531, Screen Shot 2020-11-21 at 12.49.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean maybe for now. they always gets their share eventually, wagies.

>> No.24108207

What crooks, its the companies which save most and have more money, tax them1!

>> No.24108245


>> No.24108258

This. all the white collar officefags think this forced work-from-home shit is great because of the short-term benefits of not needing to go to the wage cage, but the long-term downsides will be severe. It'll take a bit of time for it to be implemented, but soon all these "remote" jobs will go to pajeets in mumbai

>> No.24108317

>just $10 daily!
>3000/year in extra tax because jews shut down everything

Lmao I will just work even less

>> No.24108374


>> No.24108388

>literal cagie avoidance tax

>> No.24108399

>I’ll get laid off within the next few months for it
Why? Do they have tracking software on your work computer?

>> No.24108412

the same people responsible for destroying our economy are suggesting this. what a surprise. bankers should be strung up in trees and then burned to a crisp. after that their corpses should be used as urinals

>> No.24108428

And retarded leftists/socdems/"progressives" will happily vote for it since it's in the name of equality

>> No.24108480
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>> No.24108491

The normie to NEET exodus is upon us.

>> No.24108513

The existence taxes will be ramped up heavily in coming years. National sales tax, higher property taxes, a bachelor tax, etc. As more men leave the economy realizing that they don't need to work to survive, governments and corporations will work together to put them back in chains.

>> No.24108515

Yes, and also I’m the only American on my team so there’s zero slack. I could be wrong though.

>> No.24108535

gl fren, I hope you slip by (or get your new job you want)

>> No.24108538
File: 1.19 MB, 669x971, TimeThiefPerpetua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're a BADASS time thief. What a title

>> No.24108601

Reminder to all partners of /biz/ : if you steal time, you steal democracy. All the recalcitrants already identified or in the process of being identified will be questioned by their hierarchical tutor.

>> No.24108713
File: 226 KB, 1908x1146, 148107846610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I just installed these in all of the work bathrooms

>> No.24108743

We had plank Friday.

>> No.24108972

Omg jenny, you dumb cunt

>> No.24109011
File: 341 KB, 2444x1626, m7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about duckdao.io?

Please, watch and share your opinion about their Crypto Incubator and investment system. Want to take part but try to find more info about it

>> No.24109013
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>> No.24109057
File: 1.51 MB, 1229x817, 1596734188211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does it end though?

Why not tax people who live and work in th same town/city that can walk or bike to work for free saving money on commuting?

Is that really all it is? Forcing us to empty our pockets?

Also are we just being paid for our time or productivity? The retarded idea of "time theft" has always existed. People literally just sit chilling at their desk doing nothing all day if they want

>> No.24109139

You wouldn't steal a time.

>> No.24109453

>Is that really all it is? Forcing us to empty our pockets?
Yes, basically.
>Also are we just being paid for our time or productivity?
For neither. The activity required of an individual to achieve biologically verifiable happiness is only a tiny fraction of the production required for this balance never to occur. We are paid not to revolt in a bloody way.

>> No.24109568


>> No.24109876

>what are you in for?
>i stole...
>heh, typical thief

>> No.24109929

i am glad i am a land surveyor. impossible to outsource my ass.

and they pay can get pretty high (for europoor standards.

>> No.24110685


The same place it always does, my friend. Tax based civilizations are cyclical in nature. They always start off with a little bit of tax. You want roads, don't you? But the moment the precedent has been set that "the government is allowed to steal to fulfill the needs of citizens", everything becomes a need and everyone becomes needy.

It does not take long for this behavior to devolve into adult children crying about how some other kid has more toys than them, demanding that Mama Government steps in to "make all children equal". This of course removes all incentive to be productive, resulting in a "need" for cheap labor, free everything and extreme emotional instability.

It always ends up in civil war followed by civilizational collapse. Then the cycle begins anew for the next group of idiots who think they can play God. Hey guys, how are we going to pay for the roads?

>> No.24111345

i always wondered if the Sword of Truth empire was based around this or communism.

>> No.24111459

Do you have any idea how many loopholes there would be around this?

>> No.24111486

They're onto WFH anon

>> No.24111567
File: 123 KB, 715x480, 1581412452912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as sysadmin with ticketing system and keep the sla. What do I do? Open tickets to myself to have all 40h/week covered?

>> No.24111572

>right wing cucks after 9/11
>Some time after patriot act and other tools of surveillance
I'm sure there's a leftard equalence of shooting oneself in the foot

>> No.24111691

Capitalism leads to success, (((they))) worm their way into the system and slowly warp it to socialism. If it doesn't collapse on that alone, then they turn it into communism and it collapses shortly after.

>> No.24111700

work is more than making money. it's being able to socialize with others.
normies in confinment are absolutely miserable, especially those who have kids.
working from home wont become a trend.

>> No.24111761

> working for a company that cares about your hours this much
poor people problems desu

>> No.24111840

basically every major republican talking point shoots them in the foot down the line. look at how fucking retarded the midwest and south are now/still are, thanks to de-prioritization of education in america in the 80s

why do you think everyone in michigan dresses like its 2006 and they raided the thrift store?

>> No.24111858

>for a bowl of rice a day
Dead Kennedys reference?

>> No.24111972

>Right wing.
Pick one and only one. The right wing has it's problems, like the massive amount of infighting, but we know (((who))) is really the problem.

>> No.24111976

Ahhhh no anon - this is utter bs - all major corps spout how wonderful and virtuous they are - I’ve gotten 0 compensation for using all my shit at home - they can fuck em selves - the fact I have to pretend to be a tranny to get a better role tells me how fucked up this world is and it’s only going to get more fucked - from now on I identify as a black female Bigot!

>> No.24112025

Are they going to redefine your amazon wage cage as a home personal space, so they can penalize you further for not performing to 100% efficiency?

>> No.24112209


>> No.24112255

>it's not REAL right wing!

>> No.24112312
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Wagie, you will have to work 2 years for free to pay off this time debt.

>> No.24112338

I´ve never understood this retarded argument that Jenny uses. If she´s so willing to give to others then why doesn´t she just do that? Instead she wants the government to force her, and others, to give to others.

>> No.24112377

Virtue signalling - it’s meant to show how caring and kind she is - we see through the bs though - it happens at every level - even fatfuck H3H3 woth his millions saids the same thing - it’s all so trieesome and fake

>> No.24112380

Time debt is real?

>> No.24112434

Can't take people seriously who put leftist and social democrat in the same sentence. Dunno about burgerland, but if you were exposed to actual politics, you'd be aware of these people hating on and mocking each other constantly.

>> No.24112458

>goyim we are installing mandatory AI cameras above your work station. If your face shows disinterest or your eyes lose focus, that time you just STOLE is deducted from your wages

>> No.24112486

cool, they can start paying me for my 3 hour total commute daily

>> No.24112513

>Remember that participating in the weekly remote tiktok company dance is mandatory, goyim.
i work at a DUDE WEED lab and we have an optional friday night smoke and movie session lmao

>> No.24112881


>> No.24112887
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>Reality is now a mediocre Justin Timberlake movie

>> No.24112936

I stole plenty of time when I was in the office too.

>> No.24113446

This is an onion article right?
That's an injury lawyer wet dream.