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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 486x445, cp3rbasedadmin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24020155 No.24020155 [Reply] [Original]


Better get in here anons, 5x by end of the week

>> No.24020237

What is this

>> No.24020332
File: 736 KB, 866x764, cp3rcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24020353

High IQ dev who works relentlessly on development, im in since yesterday, project is 7 days old, under 110 holder, good call.

>> No.24020399
File: 26 KB, 320x320, Compounder-Cp3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ LGE + wBTC pools

>> No.24020486

Im to dumb to grasp the importance of this, help an anon out pls kind sir?

>> No.24020810

They're doing a liquidity generation event, where the liquidity generated LP will be a special kind of lp and be locked away, this LP will earn the dev fund which is 20% of all generated CP3R. CP3R is capped at 1m supply with 91k being released this current cycle.

Read the first 2 images of that linked thread.

>> No.24020874

CP3r is going to legit melt faces. Under 100k mcap. Already been around for more than a week. Legit devs, no funny business. I can see this one doing 50x minimum which will put it around 5 mil mcap. Just see. If you are reading this you are early as fuck anon.

>> No.24020934
File: 21 KB, 512x512, cp3rdidntread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To note aswell, it's bottomed out. It was up at $90 peak (brief flash then dump) and was sitting around 50 or so for a day before starting to dump.
>This is the bottom, it is literally only up from here.
>Is literally YFI/Harvest/Comp combined

>> No.24020973
File: 2 KB, 125x111, 1600596540631s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indian names in the tgram

Haha no thank you

>> No.24020982


>> No.24021000

Lmao its only just clawed its way back to post golden bull dump price levels, this truly is the most brilliant crypto. Never before as a product been designed to dump in price as well as this.

>> No.24021001
File: 235 KB, 617x648, cp3rteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the chat right now...

>> No.24021042

>hey guys there’s a jeet in our channel bet you want to buy now huh?

>> No.24021045

>random poos on the tg
>no obvious faces and names for the team
>has only "stabilised" in USD, satoshi price is still dumping hard
>one address holds 25%

>> No.24021066

this will 10x in a week. sc this

>> No.24021071

Core team is KECK AND SHAM

>> No.24021082

>imagine if you actually read a single fucking bit of any information

>> No.24021091

what are their real names you dense fuck?

>> No.24021105

Wrong person bro

>> No.24021205

Looks like the medium pages for this are down as well?
And what protection is there against getting rugged?

>> No.24021228


>> No.24021277
File: 148 KB, 601x397, cp3rmediumtakedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24021295

ok fair enough
but how can I be confident that this won't be another rugpull?

>> No.24021340

You can't sadly, but if they wanted to do it they would of done it at the start, when it was at like $60.

I'm not going to post image after image here with vital AMA points, here is the thread from yesterday with them all posted, I would highly suggest you just read the images. Will be 5 mins at max: >>23990657
> AMA on the 19th with a 6k+ member group aswell
info on that is at the bottom of the linked thread

>> No.24021368

jeez you think a project trying to leech on the completely unrelated kp3r name might be a rug or pnd?

>> No.24021419
File: 37 KB, 650x376, 1594304711206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leach?... didn't know using numbers as letters was reserved for kp3r only. Who knew. May aswell fucking sav3 off then too, right?
>Judges project by ticker
>Actually a fucking retard

>> No.24021432

Leech*, maybe I'm the retard.

>> No.24021497

funny how everyone started using the 3, not just numbers as letters, after kp3r. i am judging the cheap attempt at association, not a ticker

>> No.24021533
File: 17 KB, 326x326, eehhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo fucking hoo, LITERALLY who gives a fuck.

>> No.24021568

you. get rugged

>> No.24021603


>> No.24021715

Rugpull. Literally copied what SAV3 is doing. Enjoy your cringe coin

>> No.24021787

rug rug rug
rug rug rug
rug the holders, yeah
rug the holders

>> No.24021837

Cringe. Call me when this guy starts mining Safex so I can sell.

>> No.24021886

Stay retarded /biz. Everyone who did dyor knows whats up, devs are known in the space, keeping it real /biz, buy high sell low.

>> No.24021943

>CP3R released 7 days ago.

You guys have to be trolling, right?

>> No.24021989

I literally called this a scam before even reading the replies, just that picture alone reeks from pajeet scam

>> No.24022034

Listen to this Nostradamus anon, he surely isnt a gullible poorfag...
Yea its laughable

>> No.24022055

It's ridiculous how demanding indians can be, I've yelled at a couple on the phone for being stupid in the past.

>> No.24022063

The admin basically saying "I have a feeling you are looking to speak with us about your pajeet scams you street shitter" to a literal pajeet. Which pajeets join every telegram possible and ask to talk to admins about listings/AMAs?

>> No.24022089

please sirs $40 sirs i promote your project to many peoples, i run *list of channels with over 10k+ people in each* and will post to THEM ALL and PIN MESSAGE for $40. yes sir?

>> No.24022489

Yo anyone who bought please sell i'd like to buy more to pool for lp ty

>> No.24022904

love the staking rewards, think this will moon soon, 50 bucks eom.

>> No.24023310


>> No.24023326

This and ego.finance are my targets for moonland

>> No.24023753
File: 1.03 MB, 305x360, 1596201728038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has been warned, carry this thread for 6 more hours then let it die. im going radio silent on posting until serious news comes, given everyone the chance 2 days in a row.

Godspeed anons, keep this on your watch list.

>> No.24024235

Doin gods work anon, bless you, i listened.

>> No.24024514

Why in fuck do you retards continue to buy finance projects from literal whos. You deserve to lose every single penny you legitimate drooling faggots send to these scammers.

>> No.24025525

Because they made me rich drooling retard. Now please, fuck off if you cant filter the pajeetness out from the real deals.