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23985605 No.23985605 [Reply] [Original]

Who are these people that get jobs at the EU, UN, World Economic Forums, or any other globalist org? like where do they come from

>> No.23985686

Private schools, hardish humanties degrees at top 50 universities and upper middle management positions in 1st world govts and corps

>> No.23985757

>built for bbc

>> No.23985788

Most of them are part of the community, if you get what I mean.

>> No.23986074

Left wing politicans from small countries who have shown obedience to the agenda and passed bills/laws in their countries regarding forced importation of immigrants, pushing left wing social justice ideologies around race, hate speech, population disarmament, abortion, homosexuality, etc. Rarely are they "big names" in politics internationally because that would draw too much attention.

>> No.23986138
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They come from eggs.

Because they are lizards.

>> No.23986178


>> No.23986190

you mean the (((comunity))) ?

>> No.23986236


>> No.23986410
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Col Added to the yearn deployer https://etherscan.io/tx/0xaaff37e3394011cb7c669783ff0e27834a3eae9840608a1e5133445f5be2c35a

>> No.23986412

>where do they come from
from smart school

>> No.23986422
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>> No.23986439
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those who know, know

>> No.23986656


>> No.23986880

read confessions of an economic hitman. they are sourced from little ivories and private schools in new england and its global equivalents.

>> No.23986922

Assuming this is true how many years would you set back the globohomos in a small country like I don't know, let's say, Norway if you shot up one of those schools?

>> No.23987130

> global equivalents
exactly zero.
buy bitcoin, its the only way.

>> No.23987171
File: 134 KB, 665x1024, 0C067C49-52E8-4AE6-BBE9-9E4E02DFCC0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically yes.

>> No.23987438

You know how Norway has been a lot more based than Sweden in the last couple of years? Can you think of an event with the last 10 years in Norway that might have gutted their cadre of 'leftist up-and-comers'?

These people are guided into these jobs from birth.

>> No.23987504

Breivik said that any response to what he did other than having him executed or giving him a medal were ludicrous. He has since then filed a complaint that the videogames he has access to in prison aren't violent enough.

>> No.23987559
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can't people just say they're a jew and apply for these jobs? Delete all social media, all traces so they can't find you before applying. Say some BS like ''oh I support immigration'' bam you're in. Then you proceed to fuck their shit up.

>> No.23988168

Now you're thinking like Breivik

>> No.23988178
File: 320 KB, 1280x1884, 79480617_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u can get a job if you give good head. true story.

>> No.23988214

they're just like you only MUCH smarter and better looking