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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23977998 No.23977998 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Staterafags remember me? The whale who posted yesterday sick of your bullshit spam threads informing you that I was exiting with ~950k STA shortly. 200k have been dumped now - I would have dumped it all but as you would already have seen, the impact on the market made it a terrible move. Further proof of how little demand there is for this shitcoin.
>Funny to see Abu Bakr desperately post fake 'dashboard' images to push up price, I really do thank him for letting me continue to dump again so quickly.

Next batch begins being dumped in 2 hours. Get out before it hits 0

>> No.23978137

Can’t wait

>> No.23978277

Thanks for shooing away the scamtera spam, woke up this morning to see them disappeared overnight

>> No.23978290

Bitch that wasn't you.

>> No.23978442
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Bring it on big boi

>> No.23978477

The madman actually wasn’t larping

>> No.23978526


Kill this scam off once and for all.

>> No.23978647

Yes he is, he didn't post any proof now or before. He's just taking credit that isn't his.

>> No.23978760

checked, based, and 42pilled

>> No.23978834

>literally dumps on you

>> No.23978908

Shut the fuck up, dicksucker. That wasn't him until he sends 0 ETH from the address that dumped to another specific address in this thread.

>> No.23979209

fucking do it faggot, i want to buy more

>> No.23979432

dump it to zero pussy, my bags are ready

>> No.23979597

>Telling others to sell before you sell

>> No.23979854

STA = the subhuman's coin of choice

>> No.23979924

Don't care not selling

>> No.23979930

The wallet that dumped today doesn’t match OP’s description at all.

>> No.23980881

Ur a fucking faggot

>> No.23981070
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I guarantee this will not age well and by the end of Nov. we will have started the road to making it. Weak ass fud. Even if OP wasn't a faggot, I bought in at $.009. I'm still waiting for someone to dump and make me feel uneasy, because right now I'm comfy as fuck.

>> No.23981166

Lol sta fud is soo kiked out

>> No.23981170
File: 155 KB, 886x400, sta11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based. STA has been copping a lot of shit from pigerz with its dumpage over the last couple months. but sentiment will very easily swing back once we start trending up again. fudders are going to realize why this project still gets adoration on here despite the relentless abuse it cops.

>> No.23981202

Fud got boring as hell god damn

>> No.23981269
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>> No.23981357

>wallet that dumped
>I dumped from multiple wallets
>600k left to dump from multiple wallets
enjoy the show

>> No.23981408

this is literally what sta needs to get started again, how long til ur done dumping

>> No.23981571
File: 67 KB, 640x640, meg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could this project fail like this brahs? I don't understand

>> No.23981724

Prove those wallets are yours, faggot. Send a 0 eth transaction to this address.

>> No.23981737

what a lovely female

>> No.23981743

yea i dont understand.. we met the diversity quota.. a tranny janny and a nigger what more can we do? there isnt a confirmed white person on the project, we need to get the lgbtqtpbfddjgu+++++ community

>> No.23981756

Ur going to make it
Sell then fucking faggot

>> No.23981825

STA whale here, this is actually good. Either sta going to burn into ground, or it'll get some momentum on the rebound. Anything was better than .05-.06 purgatory. I'm still dumping if this hits .1 again.

>> No.23981854

The Asian and nigger they hired didn't keep everyone entertained in the telegram for even one measly day. They sabotaged us all.

>> No.23981892

kek he’s really doing it, check the chart

>> No.23981898

Just give up bro it’s okay

>> No.23981910


>> No.23981944
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Ok guys change of plan, I received a PM from one of the devs that changed my mind. Sorry about last the dump yesterday, I feel bad for putting people through that now for my own misunderstanding. Glad I got in below 2c and made profit off everything I sold at least

>> No.23982041

aaa why would you blueball us like that

>> No.23982118

Show the fucking PM and prove the 300k LINK address who dumped yesterday was yours.

Also I actually wish Abu and the team had a stake in STA, maybe the price falling so badly would affect them and they'd be less ignorant of ignoring a bunch of angry whales ready to dump it to 0.

Honestly everyone is fucking retarded to say it's a good thing that over 100+ people own 100k tokens each, like putting our trust in 100 bizlets is better than 1 person.

>> No.23982173

dump to one cent so I can finish my suicide stack

>> No.23982202

I’m gonna be buying about 2 million STA in the coming weeks. How do I go about this, are there any special settings on uniswap?

>> No.23982220
File: 6 KB, 214x236, 1605393256439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont be larping

>> No.23982377

I’m going all in baby. I just don’t know how to buy it. I want to buy 100k worth at 4 cents.

>> No.23982390

Set slippage to 1.2

>> No.23982668

I just bought some more, I have ~70K right now. I could buy another 100k, but I think this is enough exposure for me right now.

>> No.23982699
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>> No.23982716

Goddam she cute

>> No.23982722
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>> No.23982738

>I would have dumped it all but as you would already have seen, the impact on the market made it a terrible move.
So basically you couldn't find anyone to hold your bags.

Good luck unloading that shit, faggot.

>> No.23982762

Yea I meant 1.02%

>> No.23982871

Don’t wait around and get burned.
Buy now.

>> No.23982997

You must not understand the power of DECENTRALIZED.

>> No.23983883

lmao imagine bragging about selling the bottom.
The token has great distribution overall and if some of the really heavy wallets can spread out while its already low anyway that's actually fine with me.

>> No.23984287

Ask that guy Zonday Tay, he's been looking to sell his STA for cheap because he's genuinely autistic about not dumping on the market and he hates Uniswap's bullshit "liquidity".

>> No.23984324

He's in the telegram.

>> No.23984504

But if you want some volume action you could each buy and sell 100k tokens right on Uniswap. There's barely activity as it is.

>> No.23984555

>tries to trick OP into opening quantum tunnel
You'll never get his money jew

>> No.23984811

Hey he didn't ask him to send -1 ethereum

>> No.23984861

>Doesn't know about breadcrumbing from the IBM orb-powered oracle Hadron computer to layer 2.0 hack the wallet mainframe system and alter the bit security level to public.

How new are you to crypto?

>> No.23984880


>> No.23984907

You have to install metamask and then transfer to the ledger. IBM has been compromised by a group of hackers. Don't post your fucking key on here.

>> No.23985030

its true bro instead of using etherscan to find the biggest wallets on a public blockchain they just browse biz all day to find addresses its true bro you have to believe me