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File: 585 KB, 1159x963, gaydalio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23949760 No.23949760 [Reply] [Original]

What's his fucking problem? Why does he hate Bitcoin?

>> No.23949770

Old faggot who’s time is running out

>> No.23949796

is it hate or just a strong possibility?

>> No.23949803

Doesn't matter.
Can't kill a protocol.
And: dalios all weather portfolio is down 20%.

>> No.23949828

everything that has a beginning...

>> No.23949842

Not wrong.
(((They))) have been trying to murder bitcoin and all crypto alts since 2017 alarmed them to what crypto could actually do if left ""untamed""

>> No.23949843

dalio does great if there is data to analyze. what he says there is just the usual boomer bullshit, no data or history about crypto to fall back to

>> No.23949851
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This faggot is going to conferences with laggarde who is working to abolish cash and the whole build back better crew.
Their problem is that they are terrified of bitcoin , since may halving bitcoin has a lower inflation than fiat and is acting as a thermometer for inflation.

All this gurus since 1971 are nothing more than faggots that surfed this ponzi scheme the central bankers did , they don't know shit at all.

If you put them today with 0 usd to start again they could not do anything since the conditions in which they started don't exist anymore.

>> No.23949862

Muh principles
Didn't he say 2013 was like 1929? And then 2014 was like 1929? And then 2019 was like 1929? And then 2020 was like 1929? Also he said it in 2006 that 2006 was like 1929

This faggot has the largest hedgefund, that's it. It isn't even the best performing or anything, it's just the largest hedgefund.

He isn't even better at anything than say the CEO of BlackRock and we have no idea what that guy even thinks
I hate this memester Ray Dalio so much. Literally wrote an entire book for more PR muh fucking principles

>> No.23949867

the fbi could seize all the miners domains and infrastructure, and delete bitcoin.org and ddos billions of transactions into the blockchain thereby clogging the network and increasing confirmation time to years. This is why they keep the bitcoin from silkroad and darkweb drug raids.

>> No.23949892
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They can't do shit, the whole great reset shit is to digitalize everything so they can abolish cash , they will only be able to pull that in dying european nations anyway.
The rest of the world won't comply with that crap resulting in massive capital flight out of their panopticon.

All they are doing is delaying the end.

Yes but not how you think, 2009 is the anser to 1971.


>> No.23949907

Dalio thinks and wants it to be gold (all weather portfolio....), that's his problem with BTC.

>> No.23949912

FBI couldn't do shit
They'd have to chase domains all around the world. GL with that
If they DDOS billions of transactions that'd just spawn more miners and bring execution times back down to normality again

They can try but can't do shit

>> No.23949926

The DOJ actually loves the blockchain:

>> No.23949961
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>the fbi could seize all the miners domains

Wrong , the fbi does not even know where the miners are since mining pools act as a vpn.

>and infrastructure

oh wow difficulty goes down and the network becomes more descentralized how terrible.

>delete bitcoin.org


>ddos billions of transactions into the blockchain thereby clogging the network

Transactions have a minimum fee.
So they are going to be paying fees to support the miners?

>This is why they keep the bitcoin from silkroad and darkweb drug raids.

No they keep it because the glowniggers framed the silkroad retard by lying about the assasinations market and then stole the coins.

Afterwards the fbi agent was arrested for that, not like it matters since Ross Ulbricht was accused by the media as pablo escobar 2.0 and ordering hits even on the judge (even tough he was jailed already).

>> No.23949962

Adding, the FBI does not like gold and cash hidden in the floorboards of criminal houses.
Ya know, the original unhosted wallet.

>> No.23949968

He is right. Do you think the demons in the NWO cabal will let a bunch of neo nazis and Jewish supremecists and CIAniggers become the new global financial elite and fuck up their plans of enslaving the world and deleting all previous culture etc?

Crypto is being allowed to exist, for now, because it serves the purpose of coalescing toward one global digital currency. Once the kinds have been ironed out by cryptoasset developers and us the adopters they will all go to 0 as will all fiat, as a new digital currency protocol is introduced which replaces everything previously. All your coins will be worth nothing, and you will be plugged into an automated global credit score system you cannot escape. We are the trial run, doing their work for them.

You may enjoy your gains for now, but it doesn't matter in the long term.

Vishnu on the blockchain is not as much of a meme as you think it is, the vishnu is the development of the technology itself and how it will be weaponized against the population.

>> No.23949990

Because he is right and you bitconners are too stupid to realize it. Crapto is a scam and all government are going to put a stop too it eventually.

>> No.23949991

The us leadership minus trump & mnuchin is actually suprising pro crypto.
They seem to get that integrating it is a good thing specially since they are already the reserve currency so they would only increase the demand for usd for settlements of crypto.

The whole lockdowns would have never happened if eurocucks had fear of capital flight to crypto in the lockdowns.
Ironic that trump ended up losing due to not supporting crypto integration which allowed the whole social democrat cucks around the world to close their economies to crash the usa economy.
And the worse thing is that this social democrats got away with it.

>> No.23950044
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Their CBDCs will fail , this boomer retards are like the catholic church demanding printing presses only to be used inside monasteries to keep the right of printing bibles in latin.

The pandoras box was opened they can't close it now , just look at their cbdc debate in the imf.
They don't want to create central bank digital currencies, they want to create a new UI and letting everything the same in the back end to the point that wallets would be nothing more than bank accounts.

Stupid generation the boomers , i guess being mentally retarded due to lead poisoning causes this type of mentality.

>> No.23950046

he's grandpa for real. give him a break let him do what he does. he will survive even if he misses out on Kleros

>> No.23950049
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>the credits on the left of the screenshot are real

>> No.23950102

>Vishnu on the blockchain is not as much of a meme as you think
I lost

>> No.23950178
File: 56 KB, 960x409, yeahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can do this in a minute too...all it takes is Klaus Schwab saying 'Domp ett' and the ECB, Fed and BOE will authorize that in seconds. Will it happen? who knows, but its def a legit concern.

>> No.23950216

1. his hedge fund is like 138bn, bitcoin is worth like 300bn, its too small for him still
2. his 138bn comes from a lot of places that may not want him to publicly express support of bitcoin

>> No.23950224

Nothing will happen bitcoin has lower inflation than fiat currency now.

Has real estate which has lower inflation than fiat ever gone down?Nope

This is the endgame of the boomer ponzi they are exposed every time bitcoin rises is in reality fiat falling.
Sure ban it , even if capital flow from first world nations fall bitcoin will keep rising as we are using it as a bank in the third world since we don't trust our banks.

>> No.23950255

Thats why Trump needs to win.
Trump will bring atrition against China, hence the globohomo will have less space to maneuver.
If its Biden, then the US team up with China and both ban crypto. The money will flow to where? The third world dont have structure for it, as governments are very corrupt and the taxation is heavy.

>> No.23950281

Trump lost fair and square, deal with it. Now he is proving what we have known all along, he is a fascist who is refusing to give up power and steal the election. We won't let the nazis win.

>> No.23950362

Here’s the redpill on Dalio.
Bailed out by pops early on, literally married to a Vanderbilt, became rich from fat fees managing money for massive financial institutions with insider info.
Gimmicks (namely ‘meditation’ and ‘radical transparency’) distract from insider info.
Similar mystique as Buffett.
The only legit one is supreme autist Jim Simons.

>> No.23950369

You are very bad at your job. Please get shot and die.

That is extremely optimistic bordering delusion. These people existed before "boomers" were even born and they will exist once "boomers" are all dead.

>> No.23950385

just like governments killed torrents and TOR
especially now when Paypal and normies accepted BTC

>> No.23950414
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Everybody who is not profiting in bitcoin always say "government will kill bitcoin". Has not happened and unlikely to happen, there are lot of politicans invested in crypto. Goes without saying dalio has not invested in bitcoin like many hedge funds are by now, instead he is invested in gold that rivals bitcoin, and everytime bitcoin price goes up these same people go nuts about bitcoin taking over gold

>> No.23950426

You will never be a women

>> No.23950445

The "government" is a bunch of pussies and are not gonna do anything. Every boomer in existence knows two thing about crypto 1) the tech is amazing and revolutionary 2) Bitcoin is bad, only purpose is speculation and crime.
They are afraid that they will exclude their country from silicon valley 2.0, they know enough to know it could be huge and they are not gonna risk it.
They need everyone, all countries to ban crypto, and that won't happen because such agreement can never be reached, the "international community" is trash and non-functional, the only thing a major group of countries can agree to is non-binding-intentions agreements.

>> No.23950472


Dalio’s $148 billion Bridgewater Associates has run up hefty losses this year, even as rivals have minted money in the topsy-turvy markets. The damage as of August: an 18.6% drop in the flagship Pure Alpha II fund.

Those losses, the worst in a decade, top a sprawling list of troubles that has plunged Bridgewater into a round of crisis management, according to more than 25 people with knowledge of the firm’s inner workings.

First, Bridgewater’s computer models initially misread the markets for a second year in a row. Then, big clients began to head for the exits. Investors pulled a net $3.5 billion during the first seven months of the year. Industry consultants expect more to follow.

>> No.23950520

His fund just had its worst year. Let me man cope

>> No.23950626

>Trump lost
> fair and square
out to fucking lunch

>> No.23950685

>That is extremely optimistic bordering delusion. These people existed before "boomers" were even born and they will exist once "boomers" are all dead.

No, fiat system and it's bullshiting class was born in 1971.
Before that the elites were industrialists not bullshiters.

>> No.23950755

>bitcoin rises is in reality fiat falling
pure truth