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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23881431 No.23881431 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.23881454

Literally nothing

>> No.23881464

Oh wow, just sOILed my pants

>> No.23881478

soil is a perfect name for this bullshit no one needs

>> No.23881489

Sweaty, Synthetix (#40) is a platform for trading various off chain assets through defi...

>> No.23881589

bloomberg on suicide watch, it's happening

>> No.23881617

>wearing pants

>> No.23881648

Why does the team keep on dumping the price

>> No.23881870

@ me again when staking is announced you faggot.

>> No.23881920


>> No.23881984
File: 2.51 MB, 500x500, BA15C5F9-DC42-4DCD-B44B-21884493DB33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we’ve upgraded from gravel to oil


>> No.23882022

Wonder are they running the node on LINKPOOL or using their NaaS. There was a thing where LP were doing an ice api and in the smartcontract repo it had CMC futures for other commodities. Might be all the one thing.

>> No.23882039

these threads are getting surreal

chainlink will partner with Jesus himself and the posts will still be "yeah water into wine big deal" lmao

>> No.23882054

just another price feed
That's all chainlink can do, a literal jason parser
Sell now deluded stinkies

>> No.23882175

this fucking dump is BRUUUUUUUUUUUTAL its over 2x now from our link/btc peak ffs, we need to pick up steam right now or I don't believe there are any market makers are behind us

>> No.23882223
File: 1.07 MB, 1334x750, 30812849-FF5C-422E-9C5F-91B87DB0F61C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your NWO satanic cube worship.

buy Freedom Reserve and fly the banner of the eternal green man

>> No.23882309

do you know what a market maker is retard

>> No.23882310

>worlds most important commodity
*laughs in biden*

>> No.23882327

>do you know what a market maker is
yes people who make the market

>> No.23882328

There are definitely no marker makers in crypto lol

>> No.23882361

>jason parser

>> No.23882384

I was gonna comment the exact same thing. bravo, anon.

>> No.23882400

New linkpool sub domains for adapters.linkpool.io and adapters-mns.linkpool.io as well in the certificate transparency logs. They are extended certs as well so they must be getting used for customers or something as part of their platform.

>> No.23882417

I thought we had some people who were painting the eth chart on our linkies but I'm starting to doubt it since our link/btc chart is starting to crumble

>> No.23882588

link numbers are bad the house of cards......I just sold 100k listen anons.........

>> No.23882605

that’s not what market making is idiot. market makers provide liquidity so trading can happen. they’re price neutral, they make money from the spread not from muh “painting the chart”

>> No.23882681

>chainlink announces partnership with God
>price proceeds to dump 5%

>> No.23882806
File: 194 KB, 1500x1043, Owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23882914


>> No.23883025
File: 351 KB, 830x738, 1581048031793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they STILL dont know
And suddenly I am bullish again.

>> No.23883101


>> No.23883673

Another partnerSHIT

>> No.23883830

this literally has zero usecase

>> No.23884038


What the fuck... I always assumed on-chain real-world assets would just be tokens like USDC; the actual asset is held in reserve and a token is created. Why would a link-based token be preferable? Fucking insane if this takes off though.

>> No.23884205

Dumb and naive.

>> No.23884863

This is pretty cool! I always get excited at these kind developments that allow for something new to happen in the real world

>> No.23884928

how many linkpool to make it ser?