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File: 288 KB, 658x800, 1595298266324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23878553 No.23878553 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally easier to become a millionaire than it is to get a girlfriend.

>> No.23878589
File: 9 KB, 250x243, 1600679422219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that rapist rots in jail.

>> No.23878590

Of course, this is Clown World.

>> No.23878599
File: 66 KB, 729x719, 1592545772351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True for my case

>> No.23878619


People are retarded.

>> No.23878629

jesus what a scumbag bitch i bet before this happened she blackmailed his rich parents for money

>> No.23878668

>girl will suck 5 nigger cocks at the same time and let them piss on her and drink their cum
>will throw you in jail if you touch her on her arm and waist

>> No.23878673
File: 110 KB, 1200x1000, Elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was 17, he is gonna enter jail with a sexual assault conviction against a child. The pedo is not gonna "rot" in jail, he is gonna die in jail for being a child molester that hurts innocent kids.

>> No.23878679
File: 3 KB, 115x125, 1604315334571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never thought about it this way but i would have to agree
i can actually visualize a 7 figure net worth within 1000 days, but i cannot imagine close contact with a female

>> No.23878699

fuck this pedo i hope he hates it when loads of niggers dump their loads in their rectum daily

>> No.23878754

yikes, why would he touch her without her consent? And from the pic alone you can tell he doesn’t shower and probably stinks. He made her cry which means he’s guilty 100% ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.23878790

> i hope he hates it when loads of niggers dump their loads in their rectum daily
so much this, imagine the suffering he must endure, watching black inmates have gay sex with each other..

>> No.23878800

where did all this horde of pajeets came from saying that touching a 17 yo's waist is being a pedo? is it just op with alts trying to empower this jew idea or is everybody posting sarcastically because if you idiots are being sarcastic youre just helping the jews do their moves

>> No.23878804
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>2 years apart.

>> No.23878843

I’d have nightmares if I had to see that shit

>> No.23878844

Wow, after this literal holocaust Rotherham pales into insignificant

>> No.23878862
File: 38 KB, 517x476, 1585700604069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel demoralized fren. Always stay positive and hopeful.

>> No.23878869

unless youre a completely lost cause Im fairly confident most average tards could get a girlfriend in six months or less, thats very conservatively speaking (including weight loss). making a million will take years.

>> No.23878895

like litearlyl go out and talk to one girl a day, thats 100 girls in three months. I would be shocked if you dont at least get a date out of it. but most of you faggots will never do it, whining on the internet is easier.

>> No.23878983

also work out and after u get some results they will start convos with you then keep working out and its just a matter of time until you can see them getting wet while talking to you

>> No.23878984
File: 24 KB, 500x500, images (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

society is lucky this horrid rapist piece of shit is off the streets. touching is a necessary part of rape and spreads covid-19 and should not be tolerated ever. i hope niggers with massive, chocolatey, thick, throbbing penises make this man feels what its like to be a woman everyday which is to say having sex with the supeeior black male and their incredible bbc which no white boi can compete with.

>> No.23879002

Where is this? In my state 17 is legal wow

>> No.23879047

>porn movie being filmed by a hook-nosed jew in the street, in front of a school, while the teens in the sidewalk watch
>the most shy of them touches a girls arm
>he is arrested in the spot, accused of rape, while the porn movie continues

Anglos being anglos.

>> No.23879064
File: 76 KB, 622x659, 1601718075891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this accurate?
Will I never feel a gentle female touch?

>> No.23879065

Every time I look, the clown's features appear more twisted and deranged. It's starting to transition from creepy to terrifying

>> No.23879097


>> No.23879107

>Be female. 17 years 11 months old.
>Be male 19 years 1 month old. Touch her arm. 1 year 2 months difference.
>OMG what a pervert, pedo, child rapist, quickly lock him up for life, yikes.
>One month later she can legally gobble 10 cocks in some bukakke porn movie. Nobody can bat an eye or gets called a bigot.
Clown world.

>> No.23879148

This is the shit why I stopped caring about normies being raped financially, politically, emotionally and spiritually and embraced chaos.

>> No.23879151

Feel like OP might be not revealing the whole story. I know in America this shit is exploited what the the fuck is the job of the judge? Surely he's not sitting there like hmm yeah you guys make good point, lock this kid up for the next 5-10 years and label him as a sex offender and child molester.

Surely not??? Surely the story either has more or the judge will let him leave with a 2-3k fine right??

>> No.23879165

Puritanism was a mistake.

>> No.23879169
File: 227 KB, 500x405, 1585497483612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will, I will, we all will.

>> No.23879177

In the future you will see big outdoors playing porn movies in the streets, with white girls sucking black cocks in the screens, while white males are enslaved with anti-fapping collars which electrifies their hands when they try to jerk off, or when they try to touch a women.
They will not have a right to conduct vehicles, so they will be transported in big containers by rail to work camps. The "work" consists in physical activities to farm cryptocurrency for Microsoft, using their new quantum dot technology. The body energy is depleted at the end of the day, and turned into crypto which goes straight to Microsoft and distributed among its stackholders.
The homes of these post-reset slaves are small cubibles, and when they sleep they will have programed dreams where they are constantly brainwashed of how evil they are, with scenes from past wars provoked by the evil white male. Every night ends with a black dude fucking a white girl in a porn movie, and then, they are suddenly awaken with a electrifying burst, then sent to a cold shower by robots. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.23879196
File: 331 KB, 371x671, ElVa8VSUcAI7c6V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Griffiths was convicted of two charges of sexual assault by Manchester Magistrates. He was ordered to do 12-month community order with 200 hours' unpaid work as well as signing the Sex Offenders' Register for the next five years must pay and £250 in compensation to a would-be Oxford student

And people wonder why some people just snap one day. The injustice done to this man fills me with such rage.

>> No.23879233

This is a fate worse than death.

>> No.23879236
File: 26 KB, 120x145, 1600333863631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. WTF.

>> No.23879250

americans projecting their country and never ending nigger obsessions

the article makes it clear the kid is from great cuckistan
so their prisons are filled with muslims to whom a 17 year girl is a milf and women don't have rights to begin with
he is not going to get shit in jail for that, in their culture revenge is reserved for the brother/nephew of the offended girl and getting in the way of that by delivering justice your self is impeding the 'honor' system
also the girl being on the street unaccompanied by a male relative means she asked for it
you see thats the fun thing about multicultural societies the values of third world shitholes are going to rape your utopia in the ass

>> No.23879268

And that's a good thing, I don't want any depreciating asset in my portfolio

>> No.23879280

>2-3k fine
For touching a girl on the arm and waist? Do you have any idea how FUCKING INSANE that sounds.
Now remember what's actually happening. It's so far beyond fucking insane that you can't comprehend it. This is the judicial equivalent of trying to imagine a stack of crash equivalent to the US government debt.

>> No.23879348

>Do you have any idea how FUCKING INSANE that sounds.

>Griffiths was convicted of two charges of sexual assault by Manchester Magistrates. He was ordered to do 12-month community order with 200 hours' unpaid work as well as signing the Sex Offenders' Register for the next five years must pay and £250 in compensation to a would-be Oxford student

Sometimes reality is pure insanity anon.

>> No.23879414

WTF same

>> No.23879425

You can do better.
I can imagine a 9 figures net worth and still staying a wizard.

>> No.23879431

Based and ChaosPilled

>> No.23879447
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>> No.23879460

I hate women so damn much

>> No.23879496

so he literally ogled a stranger while "trying to chat", the fuck did that autist expect

>> No.23879498

badgerDao unironically might solve this for u. or actually not. girls are cryptic species

>> No.23879501

you do *not* touch strangers apart from handshakes, touching arms and especially waists is specifically for gfs, if it's not a gf then you're assaulting
common sense cmon

>> No.23879509

I'm not saying it's just, but it sounds pretty fair. Remember that New Year's party in Cologne where women were groped by immigrants and everyone freaked out like it was the end of our culture?

There has to be some sort of general rule. If the rule is "strange men touching our wimmenz is haram" and drunk men touching women voluntarily attending a party should be punishable by criminal law - then why shouldn't this rule extend to incel boy here grabbing an unwilling stranger on the street? But now suddenly the application of the very same rule is again the end of our culture? Pick a fucking lane.

>> No.23879566
File: 95 KB, 339x611, 1fhf2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to compare the colonge rapes with a man brushing a girl's arm?

Not to mention the fact that the police tried to cover up the incident.

>> No.23879567

I don't think groping and touching are in the same category. That is not a good argument.

>> No.23879598

>be a friendless creep
>touch an underage girl
>get in trouble

Wow how could this possibly happen?

>> No.23879642

The "underage" girl has probably gone through half a dozen cocks already

>> No.23879646

Not to mention the fact that 24 women were raped, as in forceful intercourse during colonge.

>> No.23879667

I know this is bait, but are you seriously implying there's a magical thing that happens between the minute when a girl is 17 years, 11 months, 23 hours and 59 minutes old and 18 years old?

the girl was 17 years 11 months old, the guy was 19 and 1 month.

>> No.23879676

Anglos live in a prison, thats what happen.

>> No.23879748

your comment makes me think of this again:
You can't fucking be serious. I hope it's just bait.

>> No.23879761

he grabbed her arm and waist
that's not just brushed

>> No.23879765

Why can't he be serious?

>> No.23879786

if you want to gobble cocks in bukkake porn, nobody will stop you, gay porn pays more too

>> No.23879787


Gosh, it's a shame they can be used interchangeably

>> No.23879857
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, Elliot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sick fuck, she was a child!!!

>> No.23879891

>Are you trying to compare the colonge rapes with a man brushing a girl's arm?
No, I'm trying to compare the *other* sexual "assaults" that took place in Cologne to what is happening here. Rape was already illegal, but Cologne prompted a political discussion to make sexually suggestive dancing and touching that is not yet sexual assault punishable by criminal law as well. There was a huge debate because people felt criminal laws were lacking and didn't protect women enough. That's the issue that leads to shit like this case.

>Not to mention the fact that 24 women were raped
??? There weren't even 24 *accusations* of rape, let alone actual rapes. I believe 5 women in Cologne alleged actual rape, with a few more alleging attempted rape and most likely "rape" in this case means digital penetration (fingering).

I don't think the age matters for this case. Even if she wasn't a minor it could still be construed as sexual assault. Age of consent is well below 17 in UK anyway.
>there's a magical thing that happens between the minute when a girl is 17 years, 11 months, 23 hours and 59 minutes old and 18 years old?
Congratulations, you've figured out that laws are arbitrary. But that's how general rules have to be. There's never any actual threshold that is being crossed because growing up is a continuous process. 17.9 to 18.0 is essentially the same. But so is 17.8 to 17.9. And 17.7 to 17.8. ... And 11.4 to 11.5, etc. You have to make a hard deliniation *somewhere* and just stick to it even if it makes no sense, else the whole rule is meaningless. Same why we can't upload 3.1MB webms, even though it clearly wouldn't make much of a difference.

>> No.23879962

of course

a million dollars is a million dollars , but a roastie's roastie has infinite value

>> No.23880005

Goddamn do I wana blow your fucking brains out you stupid fucking normie niggers white knighting so hard you are incapable of seeing the obvious fucking miscarriage of justice here. First off, a two year difference is not fucking underage rape you retard, ever heard of romeo-juliet laws? A pedo charge wont stick but a sexual assault can easily fuck up this guys life for just TOUCHING someone's arm. If he touched a mans arm we would not be having this conversation you fucking simps. Not to mention this is literally just what the fucking girl is saying, women exaggerate bullshit all the fucking time and they have a massive hard on for being seen as a victim. Lets see the fucking rationale behind your retarded idea of justice
>autistic guy who is awkward through no fault of his own
>touches some random girl, the girl cries rape because hes ugly and autistic
>everyone thinks its totally fair to give this guy a criminal record, wishes violence upon him, and thinks its ok to fuck up the rest of his life by making him a sex offender even though all he fucking did was touch someone's arm. Again, would never be an issue if we did not live in this hyper gynocentric cucked society where anything that midly inconveniences a fucking roastie is somehow the most evil crime possible.
I for one will thoroughly enjoy chaos and destruction of this cucked society. Every fucking day I browse pol hoping there is a happening to kickstart us into nuclear fucking warfare and ending this fucking nightmare.

>> No.23880047

KEK what a bunch of lonely incels

>every ancestor before you accomplished this and continued their genetic lineage
>every single one
>everyone except anon

>> No.23880066

I bet he tried to play one of those alpha anime scenarios where he do that and girl be like uwu prince-San baka

>> No.23880068

Hi newfag

>> No.23880086

We need way more incels, frustrated angry bitter fighting aged men are good happening fuel. Lets hope every year in the 2020s is even worse than 2020.

>> No.23880105

>yes more cannon fodder
You sound like one of (((them)))

>> No.23880131

Im not glowie posting you newfag. People just need to be burnt harder before they realize they need to fucking make a change. Eitherway I will enjoy the decline. fuck them for being complacent weak minded faggots.

>> No.23880135

t. has to google how to make a friend

>> No.23880153

ok roastie

>> No.23880186

>didn’t google how to make a friend Without being a rapist.

>> No.23880192


>> No.23880257


>> No.23880298

Put a lot of thought into this post
lot of description
Ur spank bank is detestable?
imagine the smell

>> No.23880359

A few things op
>Article mentions he comes from an affluent area
>Girl mentions she wanted to go to Oxford
>Uses the guy as a way to make $$$$$$ possibly free college muh women's rights
>Notice how you can't find the girls name
>Internet articles agrees this was retarded

A budding good digger she will do well post the great reset

>> No.23880374
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, MonkaSSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAIT. How did they know his google search history? Did they really confiscate and gain full access to his computers and phones for touching someone?

>> No.23880395

Are you from Germany/Europe? I'm Dutch and I don't think you actually realise the scale of the Cologne incident. For many it was an eye opener on the immigrant question.

>> No.23880505

ewww like, uh, have sex sweaty?????

>> No.23880528

Im taking the b8, u nigger kikes r really gay

>> No.23880570
File: 1014 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point - I bought /BTC futures at the bottom and as of last week I made over 7 figures. 26 year old, never touched a girl in my life.

>> No.23880590

he probably showed them to prove how much of a lonely incel he is

>> No.23880595

i would but its no nutrerinos heckovember

>> No.23880597
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, 1604689576141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sad.

>> No.23880647

march bottom?

>> No.23880693

yeah then i added more in the Sep rally

>> No.23880706
File: 102 KB, 1080x1349, 1532279308122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to keep your wealth (and freedom), stay away from women

>> No.23881383

why would it be pajeets? it's all Americans saying this

>> No.23881449

Gangrape is commonplace in pajeetland

>> No.23881526

Truth hurts. Whats clownworld about it is that the lies your masters spout become your truth. How sad it is to be living amongst nigger lovers.

>> No.23881631

and then why would they say it's pedo to touch a 17 year old..?

>> No.23881639

Honestly this. Hey faggots remember women are property. I have a gf trust me. I know what I am talking about.

They got us kicked out of the garden and they will kick you out of your paradise that you made for yourself here if you let them. Be wary of biocunts. Touch a girl but be aware. There could be consequences.

>> No.23882272

virtue signalling

>> No.23882313
File: 14 KB, 286x256, 47273A94-61B0-4CE0-AC9C-B4519D285F5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23882344

you guys need to unironically stay away from this garbage on the internet it is posted to demoralize you

>> No.23882656
File: 1.14 MB, 996x753, sissy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna become someone's gf in jail

>> No.23882720

pedo is pedo even two 10 year old kissing each other are both pedophiles and should rot in jail forever

>> No.23882753

only exists among anglo whites. the rest of the world doesn't care at all

>> No.23882791

same lol

>> No.23882860

god you need your face caved in

>> No.23882933

I 100% will have a $1m net worth before I get laid

>> No.23882948

it’s nice for the first few months and then you wish you were single again so you didn’t have to spend every waking moment of your free time replying to texts or listening to her complain about other girls over the phone

>> No.23882980

>implying that your "1st world" countries in which children are exposed to gangbang porn or books telling them how sucking dick is a positive thing, because going against "sexual repression" pseudosciences is trendy, aren't idiotic shitholes
The self-righteous and pretentious ignorance of the Western "first word" astounds me.

>> No.23883068

Never understood why a 14 year old jerking off to developed classmates and adults is normal, but then still doing so as adult is somehow "abnormal." Or jerking it to animuh teens. Guess you're somehow supposed to stop finding them appealing just for being physically younger.

>> No.23883626
File: 324 KB, 1564x1564, godson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you have a million dollar you won't be ugly anymore, pic related a finish nerd won 2 million dollar in e-sport and went full chad

Poor people are ugly
Rich people are atractive
Everything else is cope (unless you hae an actual genetic defect)

>> No.23883728 [DELETED] 

That's not the case at all. Yes having money will help you improving your situation, fix your problems etc but besides that there is no correlation between wealth and facial attractiveness. There are probably more chads living in favelas than there are in upper class socities.

>> No.23883733

jaw implant?

>> No.23883744


That man should rape the whore so that at least he'd be going into the prison for a reason.

>> No.23883789

That's not the case at all. Yes having money can help you improve your situation, fix some of your problems, get surgery if you really need them etc but besides that there is no correlation between wealth and facial attractiveness. There are probably more chads living in favelas than there are in upper class socities.

>> No.23883840
File: 682 KB, 610x607, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, his transformation occurred after he got a hot girlfriend.

Money->GF->Chad transformation.

>> No.23883850

no it isnt. i've had dozens of girlfriends and my peak net worth was £300,000

>> No.23883894

No he was a kid that started lifting, and wasn't fully developed anyways. But he won two dota tournaments in a row and made ~3 million usd

>> No.23883897

I hope he doesnt get divorce raped by that brown gold digger.

>> No.23884138

i hope he does lol

>> No.23884616

i was saying pajeets posting as americucks trying to normalize this slave mentality

>> No.23884862

Vote Democrat!

>> No.23884936


>> No.23884983

electrifying your hand when you touch your penis or a woman might feel pretty good

>> No.23885035

based, im tired of these happooner faggots, some fucker needs to do "the needful"

>> No.23885105

yeah, no

>> No.23885317

that's why in Canada, most US states, and all of europe and more, there are "close-in-age" exemption laws to protect teenagers who are usually within 5 years of age to be prosecuted for having sex. In Canada, for example, the age of consent is 16, but a 14 and 15 year old can consent to somebody less than 5 years older. it's the same in most US states and almost all of Europe.
Of course, it doesn't stop retarded normies from screeching over an 18 year old and 17 year old having sex.

>> No.23885545

When you leave the West, you realize how bad women there are. In other countries, the women actually enjoy talking to you, are eager to communicate, and just generally don't act like hateful schizophrenics. Im convinced its because they aren't on birth control.

>> No.23885717

So who is this girl’s father? Police chief? Judge? Town constable?

>> No.23885923
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>> No.23886094

>making money
>requires cold hard logic nothing else

>getting a gf
>requires body language, pheromones, a social network, reputation, good physique, confidence, nice clothes, a cool haircut, attractive face, trimmed nails, nice teeth, good personality, oh and having money helps too

Makes sense to me.

>> No.23886129

Let's face it, nobody here wants to settle for a 5/10 or less. They're quite easy.

>> No.23886412

You should not be allowed to post on this board unless you've had sex at least once, prostitutes don't count.

>> No.23886578

90% of my males historically did not reproduce

>> No.23886619

Well, that's probably because you already have at least 5 figures, maybe 6. so 10-100x jump isn't all that surprising in crypto. Just remember, never sell.
Close contact with a female? Aayoo, what is dat? Haha, very funny kid.
9 figures... sigh... you already are a millionaire then, why would you need 9 figure?

>> No.23886634


>> No.23886728

Wtf anon, just become a jew, you'll lose your white card, but cmon, you'll also be able to persecute any white girl and black man from bullying you. Thanks ADL.

>> No.23886850

He married a seanig

>> No.23887225

he should have just punched her in the face and stuck it in

>> No.23887366

they have a kid by now but you still may be right

>> No.23888210
File: 697 KB, 523x585, uglykid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will, I will, we all will.
Not you though.

>> No.23888309

Indeed, there is a big chance of me becoming a millionaire next year by hodling bitcoin, but there is absolutely no chance of me getting a gf next year.

>> No.23888488

The only thing rotting is your brain

>> No.23888524

>19 years old is pedo for touching a 17 year old
holy shit imagine being this much of a no-kiss virgin

>> No.23888568

Guy probably sought advice from reddit where only larpers have girlfriends.

>> No.23888874

>top finding them appealing just for being physically younger.
Well it's assumed that when you become an adult, and start to have your own sexual experiences, you mature sexually.
>Although every autist on this board is a kissless virgin.

>> No.23889213

i mean yeah look at that dudes hairline he isnt going anywhere looking like that

>> No.23889563

Lets just hope when the right times come, a mob will come for this bitch, drag her down the high street, shave her head and give her proper beating for what she’s done to this poor lad. Justice will be served.

>> No.23889784

i talk to a korean girl that says
>he doesn't know

>> No.23889827

Why do /r9k/ and /pol/ rape this board daily?

>> No.23889982
File: 139 KB, 700x767, 1603747116020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because the boards are categorized does not mean that people only browse one, now go back. You will never be a woman.

>> No.23889999

>have to watch gay nigger gangbangs on daily basis
poor bloke

>> No.23890029

Agreed. /gif/ should start making their blacked threads on /pol/. We're all on the same site after all.

>> No.23890275

cisco earnings PLEASE be good

>> No.23890480

you haven't been to /pol/ have you?

>> No.23890541

Burgers, explain it to me, when you have couple, both in their 17 and one hits 18. Does their touchy-feely time leads pedo jail until other one hits 18?

>> No.23890652

This is already the reality bro

>> No.23890794

One can just be a sugar daddy, it's kinda funny how anons don't treat real life like shitcoins. Think about it, anons here are willing to put $1000s of dollars into the most sketchy shitcoins imaginable, yet aren't willing to give a girl an "allowance" as a trial to see what she will do for them. If it's not satisfactory, find another girl.