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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23873837 No.23873837 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about buying some crypto as I'm seeing signs that there's about to be some kind of monumental, world-wide economic shift. No clue what that is exactly, maybe a gold-backed digital currency... I'm mostly on /pol/ and believe in the Q thing that there's going to be some huge purge of the old monetary system and cabal running it.

I missed out on BTC about 3 years ago, but I'm looking at XRP (open to other suggestions) and have about $500-1,000 to invest, maybe a little more. I'm also considering about .5 oz or 1 oz of gold just as backup. Can I purchase safely on Binance? Any other recommendations?

What are some of the "must knows" about this or any resources you fags would recommend? Does this tie into blockchain? Again, complete newb here.

I'm trying to make it bros.

>> No.23873883
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>I'm mostly on /pol/ and believe in the Q thing
Why should I give you any advise other than to kys after you and your filthy kind brought the collective IQ of my board down by 20 points?

>> No.23873912

Buy some XRP and be with your boomer brethren

>> No.23873914

I don't know the history of your board well enough to understand. I'm just here to learn senpai

>> No.23873922
File: 66 KB, 723x483, blockchain hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy some bitcoin you stupid faggot... You're not clever looking to buy one of the biggest shitcoins XRP.

>> No.23873961
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Does this seem like a good place to learn to you? If you unironically believe the Q larping then I guess I could see how it might... But consider reading a few books first, then maybe two dozen articles.

>> No.23874009

I recommend The Shitcoin Standard

>> No.23874014
File: 787 KB, 1396x1954, 2F3456AE-38F9-464C-8ACC-44686FA08779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you just said screams XRP. We’ve been talking about it for years and for some reason the link niggers think it’s about them because one of the people behind the WEF mentioned them in a book.
However, XRP is found in various government and financial institution documentation. Here’s a sweet one from the WEF.

>> No.23874030
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>believe in the Q thing
XRP would be right up your alley

>> No.23874034
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>> No.23874054
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>> No.23874060
File: 166 KB, 404x717, C81E9D84-1D83-44BC-8549-D0D8D11AFD02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid these faggots. I don’t believe in Q much either but they’re actually seething because you mentioned XRP.

>> No.23874069

26 cents

>> No.23874072
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Hey pol-fren :D
Go look up chainlink breadcrumbs. Thank you for your service. XRP is a hedge - the schizos are right about its positioning but it's not the best tech. The RSR threads you read here are legit. BSV is the Trump of crypto (same ambush-strat.) Binance will chink you, but give you the chance to chink others. If you trade on margin bots will wreck you. Use Coinbase Pro if you're an American for at least some crypto you don't want stolen in the case of international conflict. Download Metamask and learn to use Uniswap. Recognize that you're an early adopter asking supernerds about bitcoin. Your initial assumptions right now are what MOST boomers are going to knee-jerk all-in within a few months. Pay me back for this information by writing and posting your kneejerks for me, to add to my understanding of the incoming boomer-bullrun. WWG1WGA

>> No.23874079

Why is XRP hated/loved? It doesn't seem entirely obvious to me.

>> No.23874082

/biz/ was originally /pol./ We spun off this containment board during an especially annoying bull-run so shills would stop destroying /pol/ with shitcoin posts.

>> No.23874108

>not the best tech
Flare hasn’t even launched yet. DeFi for XRP is going to be bigger than anyone here can predict.

>> No.23874117
File: 64 KB, 618x597, omfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a centralized solution. It's super effective for what it is, but people treat it like it's blockchain in the cypherpunk sense rather than just the literal maintenance of a chain of cryptographic proofs. The centralization controls allow for more granular top-down governance, so it's positioned well in our Orwellian world. However, it hard-fails most checks on the mathematical fairness implicit in more mature blockchain systems and that makes most cypherpunks (digital libertarians) super butthurt.

>> No.23874137

I am looking forward to Flare. Nobody realizes that L2 can sit on top of a centralized L1 and be just as decentralized where it matters most of the time. Flare will shit all over 90% of Etherium apps.

Still useless for decentralizing essential features of governance if it follows many policies we've seen in the past. If they nail it on governance though... HOOOOBOI. Green dildos for days.

>> No.23874254

>The RSR threads you read here are legit. BSV is the Trump of crypto (same ambush-strat.)
Tell me ore about RSR and BSV.

>Binance will chink you, but give you the chance to chink others.
I'm looking for security and am American so I'll check out Coinbase Pro

>Download Metamask and learn to use Uniswap.
I'll check into them, bookmarked

Yes, sensed that


Makes sense.. it's not "free form" enough essentially.

>> No.23874270

Flare network is decentralized and non custodial. It’s the only crypto that will be the first Federated Byzantine Agreement protocol. There are no verification needed everything is open sourced.
Here’s a small video giving a quick rundown on the 6 coming products within flare finance https://youtu.be/OA7UN3RboLM it’s going to be huge. They’re also going to burn all the unclaimed tokens in certain products, and no developers will get any

>> No.23874916

RSR is a huge technological solve for hyperinflation. It pegs the value of one crypto at a basket of goods, and offers investors a sister crypto that's options for that basket. So investors have a platform to gain from arbitrage in exchange for stabilizing value exchange in emerging markets. Peter Theil backed project literally saving lives in South America rn.

BSV is a rabbit hole. Follow the white rabbit, anon. Do you think Bitcoin wouldn't be immediately subverted by the cabal? Where is the entire bitcoin chain available, from genesis to now, uninterrupted?

t. 72

The true value behind the blockchain technology, that makes it the most meaningful social science advancement since the invention of currency, or writing, is solving the Byzantine General's Problem. That is, the mathematical expression of our inability to trust information from self-interested agents, and the conditions under which that innate lack of trust may be mitigated. XRP eschews many of these qualities by keeping central (exploitable) mechanisms in place. So will it skyrocket with adoption? Yes. Is it "digital gold?" No. Will it be, for a time, the most efficient "digital contract for the guaranteed delivery of gold?" Yes.

Oh hell yea xD FBA isn't something I've had a chance to read into. Thanks for the link :D